Yes, the ending was the biggest Deus Ex Machina I've ever seen, but so what??? Some people deserve their happy endings, even if the universe has to bend over itself and create a black hole level plot hole!
...... my sides...
Ahem! Great series, great characters and great animation. Doesn't take itself seriously at all but neither does it debase itself through mindless fan service. The only thing it lacks is more...
I am ignoring some of the stretched out battles in this season too (which admittedly were only about a couple), in favor of the catharsis we reach at the end.
Low 8
It surpasses LoM in many ways but that's because LoM was there to lay the base on which it stands. And the war kinda disappointed me. Another complaint (though it's more of a personal one) is that it left the budding romantic subplot shown in the first couple of episodes without any further development for the rest of the season.