Religion exists where I live.
Nope! I know first-hand you can succeed on your own capabilities. I know many not-white folks who've done just that. Who came from poverty. Got an education. Went to work. Worked hard. And gasp, made it. Not a myth in my REAL world.
Like the perpetuated myth that black men are bigger. Not in MY experience.
I don't believe in legends, myths, gods or religions...
What does this have to do with the thread topic?
So let's get back to the thread topic: Are black men really bigger?
And let me say that I don't think I've seen enough black men naked to know if that statement is true or not. It may well be. But my size sample of several hundred IMO is not a big enough sample for one to make such a declarative statement.
What I do know is that of the many men of all ethnicities I have seen naked, and were flaccid, most were nothing like you might see here at LARGE Penis Support Group. Perhaps they were growers, not showers?
I also know that I did see several men who were quite large flaccid. And a few were black. But just as many were white and just as many were of other ethnicities.
So how about we get back to discussing the topic of the thread and not continue this off topic tangent. If religion and myths are something you'd like to discuss, I suggest starting a new thread for those who wish to participate in such a discussion. This thread is NOT appropriate for any more of that.