Are black men really bigger?

Oh wow! So porn studios don’t select White men with above average dicks, only Black men???

So all this talk about porn giving a flawed perception of penis size only refers to the size of Black men…?

++ anyone can go to PornHub or any other amateur porn site and type "BBC" and come up with slews of amateur non-studio porn. So much for that theory. For a minority there sure seems to be a lot. Yes unscientific but science isn't free from racism to say the least. In fact historically "science" has been used to justify all kinds of horrific acts against people of color. I am 101% sure it still exists.
If I see “It’s a myth created by porn” one more time…. This is the laziest and most ostensible conclusion and it keeps getting repeated.

And which studies show that Africans have larger flaccid penises? I’m not denying it (I know it to be true), but I’m wondering where those studies are.
It's true though. Basically all cuckold scenes are a black man with a white woman and how often do you hear a woman in porn scream "I love your big WHITE cock". When its a black cock it doesn't even have to be big to be called a BBC.
It's true though. Basically all cuckold scenes are a black man with a white woman and how often do you hear a woman in porn scream "I love your big WHITE cock". When its a black cock it doesn't even have to be big to be called a BBC.
That’s INTERRACIAL porn! That’s a different niche.

Porn featuring Black only actors do not use those terms! You don’t hear two Black men in a gay porn scene referring to their dicks as BBC. Black men don’t even use the word “cock”. We overwhelming use the word “dick”. Interracial porn is made for White consumers. In Black porn, a dick is a dick. There is no BBC.
++ anyone can go to PornHub or any other amateur porn site and type "BBC" and come up with slews of amateur non-studio porn. So much for that theory. For a minority there sure seems to be a lot. Yes unscientific but science isn't free from racism to say the least. In fact historically "science" has been used to justify all kinds of horrific acts against people of color. I am 101% sure it still exists.
Right. There is a shit ton of amateur porn out there (including cam models and onlyfans). People on this thread speak about studio porn like we’re in the 90s. People of all sizes are making porn, so porn studios aren’t “selecting” anyone. There is SO MUCH porn in the internet, and hardly do I see a Black man with a dick under 5in. I think it’s rare for us.
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That’s INTERRACIAL porn! That’s a different niche.

Porn featuring Black only actors do not use those terms! You don’t hear two Black men in a gay porn scene referring to their dicks as BBC. Black men don’t even use the word “cock”. We overwhelming use the word “dick”. Interracial porn is made for White consumers. In Black porn, a dick is a dick. There is no BBC.
Okay but it's there the myth was created.
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So you agree it's a myth? ;)

What exactly is the myth?

ALL Black men have 9 inch dicks?
No one has ever made that claim.

ALL Black men have big dicks?
Big relative to who? And what is “big”? Big is relative.

Black men, on average, have larger flaccid/erect penises then other groups of men?
This is not a “myth”, this is biology.

I’m not entirely sure you know what a “myth” or “on average” means.
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You're very angry at something. And the penis size of black men is a fascinating subject to lose it over.

Time for the ignore feature for you.
You may read it or not, but the only thing I could be mildly amused about is that in a discussion when people can’t come up with good reasons or even better, facts that support their point of view, they will start insulting, distracting, or simply start ignoring because they don’t want to argue. They just want other people come by and tell them that they are right. That apparently feels so good.

And of course in this case play once again the racism card. It’s all just because you are black or might think black penises are bigger on average. But if you would have checked (not needed, but for playing that card it would have helped your case) you would have found that I might discuss any claim that might be false. And surprise surprise, on this site that is mostly penis size.
The average size of black men are the same as white men, in the same area.

I suspect the people saying 'yes' are subject to confirmation bias; BBC is a popular fetish, so the porn industry especially favours black guys with big cocks. You have to dig more to find average black men like this beauty:View attachment 80533751

View attachment 80534801Skin colour is irrelevant but country seems to have an impact. So black Nigerian men have an erect average of 5.2 inches, below several European countries and Japan (5.3), but on the flipside, there's black predominant countries like Zambia whose average is at the top end (6.2). But even amongst the top ten, it's still a mix of races.

You wanna know who's #1? Ecuador.
Your arguments crash and burn fast when you use the numbers from the Andromedical map. It's totally made-up - and yet the most used map in the sensation press
So you agree it's a myth? ;)
The world runs on myths. the most cherished desires of present-day Westerners are shaped
by romantic, nationalist, capitalist and humanist myths that have been around for
centuries. Shared myths drive humanity.
The world runs on myths.
Not MY small part of this world. I run on facts. Truth. Evidence. Proof. Honesty. I think you get the picture. :)

the most cherished desires of present-day Westerners are shaped
by romantic, nationalist, capitalist and humanist myths that have been around for
centuries. Shared myths drive humanity.
I don't perpetuate myths. Or conspiracy theories. Or any such nonsense.

Neither should you. Or anyone else.

Especially when one knows it's a myth they are perpetuating. But I know better as do most people. Including those who spread myths and conspiracy theories.

I see a lot of it at LPSG.

Funny how you don't have to look far to find it; read this thread and so many others like it...;)
Not MY small part of this world. I run on facts. Truth. Evidence. Proof. Honesty. I think you get the picture. :)

I don't perpetuate myths. Or conspiracy theories. Or any such nonsense.

Neither should you. Or anyone else.

Especially when one knows it's a myth they are perpetuating. But I know better as do most people. Including those who spread myths and conspiracy theories.

I see a lot of it at LPSG.

Funny how you don't have to look far to find it; read this thread and so many others like it...;)
Really? Must be a special part of the world were religion doesn't exist. Where the idea you can succeed based on your own capabilities. Where being rich doesn't equal happiness. Where being white, male, straight doesn't represent the highest form of life on the planet. Where is there proof of any of it but the world believes it. Myths all of them. And riding just beneath the surface of this thread ostensibly about black male penis size is white male supremacy and the maintenance of that idea or myth.

Legends, myths, gods and religions appeared for the first time with the Cognitive Revolution.
Any large-scale human cooperation – whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe – is rooted in common myths that exist only in peoples collective imagination.

The single most pervaise myth that drives the entire world economy is consumerism which tells us that in order to be happy we must consume as many products and services as possible. If we feel that something is missing or not quite right, then we probably need to buy a product (a car, new clothes, organic food) or a service (housekeeping, relationship therapy, yoga classes). Every television commercial is another little legend about how consuming some product or service will make life better. You live in some magical world absent consumerism or religion?
Really? Must be a special part of the world were religion doesn't exist.
Religion exists where I live.

Where the idea you can succeed based on your own capabilities. Where being rich doesn't equal happiness. Where being white, male, straight doesn't represent the highest form of life on the planet. Where is there proof of any of it but the world believes it. Myths all of them. And riding just beneath the surface of this thread ostensibly about black male penis size is white male supremacy and the maintenance of that idea or myth.
Nope! I know first-hand you can succeed on your own capabilities. I know many not-white folks who've done just that. Who came from poverty. Got an education. Went to work. Worked hard. And gasp, made it. Not a myth in my REAL world.

Like the perpetuated myth that black men are bigger. Not in MY experience.

Legends, myths, gods and religions appeared for the first time with the Cognitive Revolution.
Any large-scale human cooperation – whether a modern state, a medieval church, an ancient city or an archaic tribe – is rooted in common myths that exist only in peoples collective imagination.
I don't believe in legends, myths, gods or religions...

The single most pervaise myth that drives the entire world economy is consumerism which tells us that in order to be happy we must consume as many products and services as possible. If we feel that something is missing or not quite right, then we probably need to buy a product (a car, new clothes, organic food) or a service (housekeeping, relationship therapy, yoga classes). Every television commercial is another little legend about how consuming some product or service will make life better. You live in some magical world absent consumerism or religion?
What does this have to do with the thread topic?

So let's get back to the thread topic: Are black men really bigger?

And let me say that I don't think I've seen enough black men naked to know if that statement is true or not. It may well be. But my size sample of several hundred IMO is not a big enough sample for one to make such a declarative statement.

What I do know is that of the many men of all ethnicities I have seen naked, and were flaccid, most were nothing like you might see here at LARGE Penis Support Group. Perhaps they were growers, not showers?

I also know that I did see several men who were quite large flaccid. And a few were black. But just as many were white and just as many were of other ethnicities.

So how about we get back to discussing the topic of the thread and not continue this off topic tangent. If religion and myths are something you'd like to discuss, I suggest starting a new thread for those who wish to participate in such a discussion. This thread is NOT appropriate for any more of that.

B :)
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I’ve heard some women say that the blacks are bigger on average than other groups of men however have poorer erection qualities and tend to be averse when it comes down to oral sex (don’t shoot the messenger, just going off what I heard).
Religion exists where I live.

Nope! I know first-hand you can succeed on your own capabilities. I know many not-white folks who've done just that. Who came from poverty. Got an education. Went to work. Worked hard. And gasp, made it. Not a myth in my REAL world.

Like the perpetuated myth that black men are bigger. Not in MY experience.

I don't believe in legends, myths, gods or religions...

What does this have to do with the thread topic?

So let's get back to the thread topic: Are black men really bigger?

And let me say that I don't think I've seen enough black men naked to know if that statement is true or not. It may well be. But my size sample of several hundred IMO is not a big enough sample for one to make such a declarative statement.

What I do know is that of the many men of all ethnicities I have seen naked, and were flaccid, most were nothing like you might see here at LARGE Penis Support Group. Perhaps they were growers, not showers?

I also know that I did see several men who were quite large flaccid. And a few were black. But just as many were white and just as many were of other ethnicities.

So how about we get back to discussing the topic of the thread and not continue this off topic tangent. If religion and myths are something you'd like to discuss, I suggest starting a new thread for those who wish to participate in such a discussion. This thread is NOT appropriate for any more of that.

B :)
Interesting post as it appears you’re wearing two hats. One is Mr B as a commentator and one as Mr B as moderator. Or am I wrong in that reading?
Interesting post as it appears you’re wearing two hats. One is Mr B as a commentator and one as Mr B as moderator. Or am I wrong in that reading?
I am a Member of LPSG first.

And my comments in this thread are in that capacity; a Member of LPSG. For more than 10 years now. ;)

And when I see threads/content that I am interested in participating in and commenting about, as in this case, I do.

Thread discussions often meander. And most often they course correct back to the topic of the thread.

Oftentimes because of comments from Members who've been around LPSG for a while who will mention that a thread is drifting from the topic at hand and suggest that Members start a new thread about that particular specific discussion and/or take it to PM. Which is what I did.

That said, our discussion was taking the thread Off Topic. Please feel free to start a new thread or send me a PM if you'd like to continue our discussion.

We need to let the thread get back to the subject at hand: Are black men really bigger.

Thanks! :)
! That’s because the shape of my nose, the shape of my lips, and the texture of my hair will reveal that I am not of European decent. Skin color, on top of a variety of other phenotypes, is what makes one look like he is of African decent. Do White people who wear Black face actually appear Black? No! Because their lips are thin, hair is thin, and nose is thin! So your statement correlating skin color to penis size is flawed because you’re not taking into account other phenotypes that makes on group of people distinct from another.
But you cannot change your penis size if you take melanin blockers. Or if a white person takes melanin, this will not change his penis. So I think melanin is the least important factor.

In my last post in this thread, I listed some factors that are important. You can also look at wikipedia, which I have linked there.

That’s INTERRACIAL porn! That’s a different niche.

Porn featuring Black only actors do not use those terms! You don’t hear two Black men in a gay porn scene referring to their dicks as BBC. Black men don’t even use the word “cock”. We overwhelming use the word “dick”. Interracial porn is made for White consumers. In Black porn, a dick is a dick. There is no BBC.
What is the difference? Why is it important if you use cock or dick or penis?

I see that BBC is a racialized term and I agree that you should leave identity politics out of the porn scene.
I also think you should avoid to mention the race or skin color because you create separation in this way

What exactly is the myth?

ALL Black men have 9 inch dicks?
No one has ever made that claim.

ALL Black men have big dicks?
Big relative to who? And what is “big”? Big is relative.

Black men, on average, have larger flaccid/erect penises then other groups of men?
This is not a “myth”, this is biology.

I’m not entirely sure you know what a “myth” or “on average” means.

I think one of the main problems is also the big dick fetish which is also a societal bias. If there was no big dick fetish, nobody would care if Black men are bigger or not.
What is the difference? Why is it important if you use cock or dick or penis?
See this is the problem. You have to acknowledge the fact that ethnic groups use different language. Have you heard of African American Vernacular English (AAVE)? The fact that you ask this question shows that you don’t acknowledge that we don’t all use the same language/slang terms. I know it’s hard to believe, but our language and our phenotypes ARE different from White/Europeans. This idea that we’re all the “same” is quite literally racist, because you’re seeing White culture/language/phenotypes as the default.