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TV: 50, OVA: 10, Movies: 6, Spcl.: 2, Eps: 964, Days: 16.41, Mean Score: 6.7, Score Dev.: -0.67 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Progress Tags
1 Candy Boy: Nonchalant Talk of the Certain Twin Sisters in Daily Life
Second episode wasn't as good but the first couple were really sweet and touching.

I love the flow of the conversations, it's very natural and funny too... it makes me miss Japan so much, I can remember listening to and having similar (well, maybe less ecchi) conversations too.
5 / 7
2 Lucky☆Star
- TV
1 / 24
3 Mahou Sensei Negima!: Shiroki Tsubasa Ala Alba
Well... first episode was ok, but lacked a bit of creativity - it's pretty much scene-for-scene identical to the manga, gags and all.
1 / 3
4 Afro Samurai
Fantastic artwork and Samuel L Jackson makes it one of the few dubs I'll actually watch. The plot is standard fare and predictable but overall fairly enjoyable.
7 TV
5 Blood: The Last Vampire
Good animation, shame about the (lack of) plot really. And it just ends. Meh.
5 Movie
6 Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Random slapstick with ecchi and violence. Meh, I didn't really like it. Too random and not enough character development or storyline. The animation was decent enough (some funny facial expressions and Python-esque animation) but the whole thing's just one (too) long running gag that quickly gets tired.
7 Candy Boy Episode: EX01 - Mirai Yohouzu
8 Candy☆Boy: Side Story For Archive
Second episode wasn't as good but the first couple were really sweet and touching.

I love the flow of the conversations, it's very natural and funny too... it makes me miss Japan so much, I can remember listening to and having similar (well, maybe less ecchi) conversations too.
9 Death Note
The first half was better than the second half, where things got a little contrived and messy but still very good overall.
8 TV
10 El Cazador de la Bruja
This series kind of grew on me as it went on, but sadly it never really fully realised its potential. Things built up to a climax but it was a climax you could see coming a long way away and there were no real surprises. Also, the last episode was really pointless.
Having said that, the musical score was second to none - definitely one of my favourite anime soundtracks.
6 TV
11 Elfen Lied
Some of the violence was a bit excessive but all in all this was a really good series.
9 TV
12 Elfen Lied: Tooriame nite Arui wa, Shoujo wa Ikani Shite Sono Shinjou ni Itatta ka? - Regenschauer
Well... it was very much fan service, wasn't it? Not that I object too strongly to that kind of thing, but yeah... it was fluff :p
6 Special
A bit too crazy for me, but I liked the music and the protagonist. I should probably re-rate this after a second watch-through, but if you like crazy, random, funny and original anime then this is for you.
14 Fullmetal Alchemist
Takes a while to get going, and I did start getting bored in places, but overall well worth watching. It does build to a good finish.
7 TV
15 Gake no Ue no Ponyo
Well the artwork was beautiful, everything is hand drawn and coloured and there's absolutely no CG at all. That's the good part. The bad part is that the story is mediocre at best, like a poor man's Little Mermaid.
5 Movie
16 Howl no Ugoku Shiro
I didn't enjoy this one as much as the other Miyzaki Hayao movies I've seen. I'm not sure why, it just seemed a bit "by the numbers".

That's not to say it was a bad movie, it was extremely watchable, but I just didn't have that "zomg that was awesome!!!!!1111one" feeling afterwards.
7 Movie
17 Itsudatte My Santa!
It wasn't bad, I guess I should have watched it nearer to Christmas.

Kinda formulaic and saccharine, nothing wrong with that I suppose, but didn't really have anything to make it stand out from any other anime.
18 Joshikousei: Girl's High
Not sure what to make of this one. It started out full of fan service and ecchi, and then actually started hitting some serious topics that most people wouldn't touch with a barge pole. So -1 for not really knowing what it wanted to be, but +1 for being willing to take on risque subject matter.

Might have got another +1 if I was a girl, but I'm not :p
6 TV
19 Juubee Ninpuuchou
Honestly? I can't remember too much about this movie, other than it seemed quite fun when I watched it (oh so long ago).
7 Movie
20 Kannazuki no Miko
My favourite yuri anime ever? I'm not sure, it's either this or Strawberry Panic!

Okay, it's not perfect, not by a long way. The mecha fights were occasionally awkward or repetitive (has Souma's mecha only got one move?), the pacing was off at times and I lost a fair amount of the plot during my first watch-through, but the strength and intensity of the relationship between Chikane and Himeko, plus the absolutely awesome and emotion-laden final episodes more than make up for it.

Op/ed theme music by KOTOKO is sublime and also gets a point :)

If I was being rational about this, I'd give it a 6 or a 7. But the final two episodes and the fact ChikanexHimeko could be my favourite anime pairing of all time raises my score to a 9.
9 TV
21 Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora
More ChikanexHimeko goodness (even if wrapped up in a slightly different looking KaonxHimiko package)! Yay!

But what about the anime itself? Hmm... the plot was all in all rather predictable and the mecha fights weren't a whole lot better than KnM (in fact there were less of them that I can remember). I also didn't care as much for the KuuxKyoshiro pairing (yuri ftw!) so that didn't help.

The dramatic music within the anime was excellent, but the op/ed themes just didn't seem to fit, and I didn't like them much at all.

Oh, and last but not least, I loved the awesomeness that was Setsuna :)
7 TV
22 Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora Specials
Well, it's pure unadulterated fan service, but there's plenty of KaonxHimiko fan service, and I'm a complete sucker for that, so that's why it ends up with a better score than the actual series (I know, I'm shameless, what can I say?)
8 Special
23 Kyuuketsuhime Miyu
Another anime that I watched very early on, so hard for me to judge.

I should re-watch it and then re-evaluate it really, but then there's that huge backlog to clear...
24 Mahou Sensei Negima!
Meh. It was ok I guess, but pales in comparison to the manga. Read the manga! The characters have so much more depth, and the plot actually goes somewhere instead of just suddenly ending!
5 TV
25 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
I loved the bright, bold use of colour, and the battle scenes were also enjoyable. What I didn't like was how Nanoha seemed to just acquire new moves and more power without seeming to train or learn anything about the magic she was using. Even a short montage showing her training would have helped. So overall decent, but could have been better. Let's see where they go with the second season.
6 TV
26 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's
I really enjoyed this. It included all the things I liked about the first series, and improved on it. A better (i.e. less predictible) plot than the first series and some nice new characters (I love Vita-chan!) as well as new moves for the girls.

And Nanoha even gets to do some training! (even if it's only about 2 minutes in the entire series :p)

8 TV
27 Maria-sama ga Miteru
Maybe I just have a short attention span, but some episodes were so boring. Overall I enjoyed it, but at the end of the day it was just watching girls being girls.

As another review also mentioned, I think the lack of an antagonist in the series made it hard to come up with a driving plot to keep me interested from episode to episode.
6 TV
28 Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd
It just got a bit too samey for me. Good if you like that sort of thing, I suppose. A little bland if you don't...
29 Maria-sama ga Miteru: Haru
I enjoyed this one a lot more than the first season. I think maybe because the characters had already been introduced to me so they were more free to develop further rather than re-hash basic introductions.

There's still the problem of a lack of a driving plot though.
7 TV
30 Mononoke Hime
One of my favourite Miyazaki Hayao movies, and the English screenplay was written by my favourite author Neil Gaiman! Two for the price of one!
8 Movie
31 Naruto
This would have got about an 8 if they had just stopped it after the Chuunin competition and cut the crap. Approximately 100 episodes of filler? Give me a break. Do you know how many hours of my life that is that I'll never get back?

Such a waste. I should have read the manga instead *pun pun*
5 TV
32 Negima!?
6 TV
33 Rec
It was fun while it lasted (short episodes) - light hearted romance, but hardly substantial. Still, I enjoyed it.
7 TV
34 Rozen Maiden
I generally liked it. It would have been a solid 7 if Jun wasn't such an unlikeable character. Sure, he has his reasons, and yes, he eventually gets better, but I still had to put up with 11 episodes of his whining.

Shinku on the other hand, is epic win. I love her loli tsundere prim and proper cuteness!

The story is ok, if a little predictable.

I'm looking forward to watching the second season, where hopefully Jun's personality has turned the corner.
6 TV
35 Rozen Maiden: Träumend
I was a little disappointed at the final episode. Without giving too much away, everything just seemed a little rushed, which was strange as nothing much happened in the first six episodes. Episodes 8-11 really picked up the pace and were very good, it's a shame the rest of the series wasn't set at the same intensity. At least Jun was more likeable this time round. There was also a lot more slapstick than in the first season.
So overall good, but a missed opportunity to be really good.
7 TV
36 Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Maybe I'm a little biased towards Rurouni Kenshin, but it was my first anime and as such I find it hard to judge. I had a lot of fun with it and I have some very fond memories of it, but I haven't re-watched it all so I can't really say if it still merits such a high score now that I'm more of a seasoned anime viewer.
9 TV
37 Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
One of my favourite Miyazaki Hayao movies. Adventure, magic, fantasy, this has it all. It gets a little bizarre at times, but it's still well worth watching.
9 Movie
38 Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard
Wasn't sure what to expect but pleasantly surprised. Sure it was cheesy, but there was some good moments and it made me laugh.
39 Shinseiki Evangelion
Hmm... overall good, with a wtf ending (and no, I haven't seen Death and Rebirth or The End of Evangelion yet, so maybe I should reserve judgement for now...)

but yeah, the ending was a bit rubbish, but made me think, so maybe it wasn't so rubbish after all...
7 TV
40 Shoujo Sect
Well... the plot is fairly thin. Nicely drawn characters though (I love Shinobu's school uniform ^^). Meh, I suppose it has a better than average plot for a hentai anime. You can't read Danielle Steel and expect Shakespeare...
41 Strawberry Panic
Someone else summed this up very nicely in two succinct words - guilty pleasure.

And it really is. Technically it's not that good at all - cheese, some cringe-worthy cliche moments and oodles of fan service. Yet, somehow it all works. The characters are sweet and lovable, and the end, no matter how predictable and filled with jaw-dropping cheesiness, still makes me feel all warm and tingly.

Aww, how can you mark down something so saccharine? I certainly can't.

Having said all that, it did have its touching and tragic moments too, which all helped bring up the score.

Oh, and (most of) the op/ed music is really good too.
9 TV
42 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
Um... I didn't really like this much to start with, and I almost gave up after watching the first two episodes. Once things got explained and I started understanding more of what was going on, I started having a lot more fun with it.

I still question the decision to start with that first episode, it really put me off.

And then they introduced Nagato Yuki to us. She's so awesome, I remember watching some episodes just for her. Heh. Sad but true.
8 TV
43 Trigun
Um yeah, couldn't really see what all the fuss was about to be honest. And the ending didn't go down well with me at all. Sorry.

There were some amusing moments in it though.
5 TV
44 Trinity Blood
This kinda sat in the "quite good" category from start to finish really, without overwhelming or underwhelming in either way. It wasn't bad, but I can't really think of anything to say that I could really recommend it with.
6 TV
45 Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito
Uh... what was all that about? The middle episodes all seemed rather pointless to me, although the bittersweet ending was well done.

Might have worked better as a 2 or 3 episode OVA focusing on the relationship between Hatsuki and Hatsumi.

And for all her insistence of returning Hatsuki's feelings for her, Eve seems rather shallow in the end by planning to go off and have fun with Lilith in more different worlds after all.

sigh... it had potential and some redeeming features but overall a letdown *pun pun*

Theme songs, voice acting (especially Lilith-chan) and animation was good though.

Gah, some of that ending really annoys me, while some of it is so good! Oh well...
4 TV
46 Zipang
I really liked the idea of this one and the moral choices they had to face. It also makes a nice change of pace to the mush that I usually watch ;)

8 TV
47 Bleach
Another one that runs very similar to what I said about Naruto - the first arc was so so good and had me pressing play on the next episode before I even knew what was going on - even if it was going past 5am!

And then came the filler episodes :( At least they weren't as bad as the Naruto fillers...
- TV
132 / 366
48 Azumanga Daiou The Animation
- TV
- / 26
49 Blue Drop: Tenshi-tachi no Gikyoku
- TV
- / 13
50 Chobits
- TV
- / 26
51 Fate/stay night
- TV
- / 24
52 Hayate no Gotoku!
- TV
- / 52
53 Hellsing
- TV
- / 13
54 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
- TV
- / 26
55 Ice
- / 3
56 Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
- TV
- / 12
57 Kodomo no Jikan (TV)
- TV
- / 12
58 Koi Kaze
- TV
- / 13
59 Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS
- TV
- / 26
60 Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi
- TV
- / 6
61 Naruto: Shippuuden
- TV
- / 500
62 School Days
- TV
- / 12
63 Serial Experiments Lain
- TV
- / 13
64 Shakugan no Shana
- TV
- / 24
65 Shoujo Kakumei Utena
- TV
- / 39
66 Simoun
- TV
- / 26
67 Strike Witches
- TV
- / 12
68 Vampire Knight
- TV
- / 13
69 Venus Versus Virus
- TV
- / 12
70 xxxHOLiC
- TV
- / 24