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TV: 306, OVA: 41, Movies: 28, Spcl.: 40, Eps: 3152, Days: 49.88, Mean Score: 6.1, Score Dev.: -1.09 More stats
#Image Anime Title Score Type Genres (reset filter)Studios Air Start Air End
1 Ao no Hako
- TV Romance, Sports Telecom Animation Film 10-03-24 03-20-25
2 Honey Lemon Soda
- TV Romance J.C.Staff 01-09-25 03-27-25
3 Romantic Killer
- ONA Comedy, Romance, Supernatural domerica 10-27-22 10-27-22
4 Aquarion Evol
I liked the original more
6 TV Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Satelight, 8bit 01-09-12 06-25-12
5 Aquarion Logos
Not as bad as people say it is.
6 TV Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Satelight 07-03-15 12-25-15
6 Area 88
Amazing anime except for the cliffhanger
8 OVA Action, Adventure, Drama, Romance Pierrot 02-05-85 06-15-86
7 Area 88 (TV)
OVA better.
6 TV Action, Drama, Romance Group TAC 01-09-04 03-26-04
8 Canvas 2: Nijiiro no Sketch
7 TV Comedy, Drama, Romance Zexcs 10-02-05 03-26-06
9 Canvas: Sepia-iro no Motif
This show's one of the worst I've ever seen, like wtf?
2 OVA Comedy, Romance Studio Kyuuma 12-25-01 03-25-02
10 Cardcaptor Sakura
9 TV Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance Madhouse 04-07-98 03-21-00
11 Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: Fuuin Sareta Card
8 Movie Award Winning, Comedy, Drama, Romance Madhouse 07-15-00 07-15-00
12 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
8 TV Adventure, Comedy, Romance Madhouse 01-07-18 06-10-18
13 Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen Prologue - Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma
6 OVA Romance Madhouse 09-13-17 09-13-17
14 Clannad
8 TV Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-05-07 03-28-08
15 Clannad Movie
7 Movie Drama, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 09-15-07 09-15-07
16 Clannad: After Story
10 TV Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-03-08 03-27-09
17 Clannad: After Story - Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Kyou-hen
7 Special Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 07-01-09 07-01-09
18 Clannad: Mou Hitotsu no Sekai, Tomoyo-hen
7 Special Drama, Romance Kyoto Animation 07-16-08 07-16-08
19 Denshin Mamotte Shugogetten
It's good
6 OVA Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Toei Animation 06-23-00 11-30-01
20 ef: A Tale of Melodies.
7 TV Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Shaft 10-07-08 12-23-08
21 ef: A Tale of Memories.
7 TV Drama, Mystery, Romance Shaft 10-07-07 12-23-07
22 Erementar Gerad
7 TV Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Xebec 04-05-05 09-27-05
23 Gosick
7 TV Drama, Mystery, Romance Bones 01-08-11 07-02-11
24 Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora
8 TV Drama, Romance Group TAC 01-13-06 02-24-06
25 Hidan no Aria
It was bad and generic but it did do a good job at entertaining me.
6 TV Action, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi J.C.Staff 04-15-11 07-01-11
26 Hidan no Aria: Butei ga Kitarite Onsen Kenshuu
Hidan no Aria with more stupid funny stuff.
4 Special Action, Comedy, Mystery, Romance J.C.Staff 12-21-11 12-21-11
27 Inu x Boku SS
Forgot what most of this anime was about.
5 TV Comedy, Romance, Supernatural David Production 01-13-12 03-30-12
28 InuYasha
9 TV Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 10-16-00 09-13-04
29 InuYasha Movie 1: Toki wo Koeru Omoi
6 Movie Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 12-22-01 12-22-01
30 InuYasha Movie 2: Kagami no Naka no Mugenjou
7 Movie Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 12-21-02 12-21-02
31 InuYasha Movie 3: Tenka Hadou no Ken
7 Movie Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 12-20-03 12-20-03
32 InuYasha Movie 4: Guren no Houraijima
6 Movie Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 12-23-04 12-23-04
33 InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen
8 TV Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Sunrise 10-04-09 03-30-10
34 Kage kara Mamoru!
It was a fun watch.
5 TV Comedy, Romance Group TAC 01-08-06 03-26-06
35 Kanon
It has some of the ugliest character designs i've ever seen but the story is really good.
7 TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 01-31-02 03-28-02
36 Kanon (2006)
REALLY GOOD and the character designs are wayyy better and super cute in this version
8 TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural Kyoto Animation 10-06-06 03-16-07
37 Kanon Kazahana
5 Special Drama, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 05-03-03 05-03-03
38 Kaze no Stigma
7 TV Action, Romance, Supernatural Gonzo 04-13-07 09-21-07
39 Kishin Houkou Demonbane (TV)
It's Cool
6 TV Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Viewworks 05-19-06 08-18-06
40 Mahoraba: Heartful Days
7 TV Comedy, Romance J.C.Staff 01-10-05 06-27-05
41 Mamotte Shugogetten!
Got this in a DVD lot
7 TV Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Toei Animation 10-17-98 04-03-99
42 Ouran Koukou Host Club
Thanks to my cousin for recommending this! :D ALSO THIS IS SO PEAK
10 TV Comedy, Romance Bones 04-05-06 09-27-06
43 Shakugan no Shana
7 TV Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance J.C.Staff 10-06-05 03-23-06
44 Shakugan no Shana II (Second)
7 TV Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance J.C.Staff 10-05-07 03-28-08
45 Shakugan no Shana III (Final)
5 TV Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance J.C.Staff 10-08-11 03-24-12
46 Shakugan no Shana Movie
Just the first few episodes of Shakugan no Shana in a movie.
6 Movie Action, Fantasy, Romance J.C.Staff 04-21-07 04-21-07
47 Shakugan no Shana S
Nice special.
7 OVA Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance J.C.Staff 10-23-09 09-29-10
48 Shakugan no Shana: Koi to Onsen no Kougai Gakushuu!
5 OVA Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Ecchi J.C.Staff 12-08-06 12-08-06
49 Sola
7 TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural Nomad 04-07-07 06-30-07
50 Sola Specials
5 Special Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Nomad 09-25-07 10-26-07
51 Sousei no Aquarion
Really boring start but got really interesting later on.
7 TV Action, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Satelight 04-05-05 09-27-05
52 Sousei no Aquarion OVA
5 OVA Action, Romance, Sci-Fi, Supernatural Satelight 05-25-07 11-22-07
53 Uchuu no Stellvia
Great anime but it kind of dragged on halfway.
7 TV Action, Romance, Sci-Fi Xebec 04-03-03 09-25-03
54 Vampire Knight
8 TV Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 04-08-08 07-01-08
55 Vampire Knight Guilty
8 TV Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 10-07-08 12-30-08
56 Winter Garden
5 TV Special Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 12-22-06 12-23-06
57 3x3 Eyes
- OVA Action, Fantasy, Horror, Romance Toei Animation 07-25-91 03-19-92
58 Air
- TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural Kyoto Animation 01-07-05 03-25-05
59 Akatsuki no Yona
- TV Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Pierrot 10-07-14 03-24-15
60 Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
- TV Romance Toei Animation 03-07-92 02-27-93
61 Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru
- OVA Romance Vega Entertainment 05-18-05 05-18-05
62 Bokura ga Ita
- TV Drama, Romance Artland 07-04-06 12-26-06
63 Chobits
- TV Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Ecchi Madhouse 04-03-02 09-25-02
64 Chrno Crusade
- TV Action, Romance, Supernatural Gonzo 11-25-03 06-10-04
65 Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
- TV Comedy, Romance Kyoto Animation 10-04-12 12-20-12
66 D.C.: Da Capo
- TV Drama, Romance feel., Zexcs 07-05-03 12-27-03
67 D.N.Angel
- TV Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Xebec 04-03-03 09-25-03
68 Dragonaut: The Resonance
- TV Action, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi Gonzo 10-04-07 03-27-08
69 Elfen Lied
- TV Action, Drama, Horror, Romance, Suspense Arms 07-25-04 10-17-04
70 Fate/stay night
Probably gonna watch this again after I finish reading everything.
- TV Action, Fantasy, Romance Studio Deen 01-07-06 06-17-06
71 Final Approach
Also got this in a DVD lot
- TV Comedy, Drama, Romance Trinet Entertainment, Zexcs 10-03-04 12-26-04
72 Fortune Arterial: Akai Yakusoku
- TV Comedy, Romance, Supernatural feel., Zexcs 10-09-10 12-25-10
73 Fruits Basket
- TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 07-05-01 12-27-01
74 Full Moon wo Sagashite
- TV Comedy, Drama, Romance, Supernatural Studio Deen 04-06-02 03-29-03
75 Fushigi Yuugi
- TV Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Pierrot 04-06-95 03-28-96
76 Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
- TV Comedy, Romance Doga Kobo 07-07-14 09-22-14
77 Hayate no Gotoku!
- TV Action, Comedy, Romance SynergySP 04-01-07 03-30-08
78 Higashi no Eden
- TV Award Winning, Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi, Suspense Production I.G 04-10-09 06-19-09
79 Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi
Also got this in a DVD lot
- TV Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Doga Kobo 04-11-11 06-27-11
80 Itazura na Kiss
- TV Comedy, Romance TMS Entertainment 04-05-08 09-25-08
81 Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
- TV Action, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Toei Animation 02-13-99 01-29-00
82 Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou
- TV Comedy, Drama, Romance Gainax, J.C.Staff 10-02-98 03-26-99
83 Kimi ga Nozomu Eien
- TV Drama, Romance Studio Fantasia 10-05-03 01-04-04
84 Kobato.
- TV Adventure, Fantasy, Romance Madhouse 10-06-09 03-23-10
85 Kokoro Connect
- TV Drama, Romance, Supernatural SILVER LINK. 07-08-12 09-30-12
86 Lamune
- TV Drama, Romance Trinet Entertainment, Picture Magic 10-11-05 12-27-05
87 Munto
- OVA Fantasy, Romance Kyoto Animation 03-18-03 03-18-03
88 Myself; Yourself
- TV Drama, Romance Doga Kobo 10-03-07 12-26-07
89 Natsu-iro no Sunadokei
- OVA Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi Picture Magic, Rikuentai 05-21-04 07-23-04
90 NHK ni Youkoso!
- TV Comedy, Drama, Romance, Suspense Gonzo 07-10-06 12-18-06
91 Prism Ark
- TV Action, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance Front Line 10-08-07 12-24-07
92 Ranma ½
- TV Action, Comedy, Romance, Ecchi Studio Deen 04-15-89 09-25-92
93 Rewrite
- TV Action, Comedy, Romance, Supernatural 8bit 07-02-16 09-24-16
94 Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
- TV Action, Comedy, Romance Gallop, Studio Deen 01-10-96 09-08-98
95 School Rumble
- TV Comedy, Romance Studio Comet 10-05-04 03-29-05
96 Shamanic Princess
- OVA Action, Fantasy, Romance Triangle Staff 06-25-96 06-25-98
97 Shin Chou Kyou Ryo: Condor Hero
- TV Adventure, Drama, Romance Nippon Animation 04-11-01 10-28-02
98 Tenkuu no Escaflowne
- TV Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense Sunrise 04-02-96 09-24-96
99 To Heart
- TV Drama, Romance OLM 04-02-99 06-25-99
100 Tokyo Underground
- TV Action, Adventure, Romance, Sci-Fi Pierrot 04-02-02 09-24-02
101 Toradora!
- TV Drama, Romance J.C.Staff 10-02-08 03-26-09
102 True Tears
- TV Drama, Romance P.A. Works 01-06-08 03-30-08
103 Tsubasa Chronicle
- TV Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Romance Bee Train 04-09-05 10-15-05
104 Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase
- TV Comedy, Romance, Supernatural Shaft 10-05-04 03-29-05
105 Tsuyokiss
- TV Comedy, Romance Trinet Entertainment, Studio Hibari 07-02-06 09-17-06
106 Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na: Crescent Love
- TV Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi Daume 10-05-06 12-21-06