20. Beck - Slip Out (LITTLE More than Before)

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • I don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy
    I have to warm this frozen, icy, lonely heart to thaw
    I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure
    I'm gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy
    I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be
    I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of lonesome hole
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown by sensations
    Regrets tought me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special 'till the end
    Recalling my torn, broken, aching heart of these long days
    And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps
    Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me
    And I take all and grin at my future on the way
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown by sensations
    Regrets tought me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special 'till the end...
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of lonesome hole

Комментарии • 492

  • @ZagreooX
    @ZagreooX 4 месяца назад +79

    Im 35 now, but my 17 years old me is proud of coming back to this song yearly, Beck forever

  • @lameimpala2500
    @lameimpala2500 3 года назад +627

    Just finished watching beck and burst out crying lmao idk what came over me so suddenly. It took me over a month to watch it because life’s kinda hectic these days and during that time I finally got an electric guitar! Beck is going to live on in my soul forever it’s inspired me so much

    • @vhinmetalhead
      @vhinmetalhead 3 года назад +23

      Read the manga there so much more

    • @user-rz3tz6tl8n
      @user-rz3tz6tl8n 3 года назад +15

      same, i also got inspired by beck. (i play bass now because of taira)

    • @ACey96
      @ACey96 3 года назад +9

      Its my favourite anime and manga and when i first finished the manga i was crying hard as well
      Because it was over you spend 5 years of the characters lives with them
      And the band exists
      I mean we are listening to their discography right now
      So everything about them is sp tangible even though they don't actually exist and that made me sad
      We know everything about this band more possible than amy other artist you follow including their thought process
      So when it ends, its over so it males sense to be sad
      Btw the manga is officially translated digitally on comixology so since 2019 its finally legal to reas and own (digitally only sadly)
      So give it a go, its pretty amazing

    • @user-tb3lj3lg9s
      @user-tb3lj3lg9s 3 года назад +1

      @Domenick Ladz reading it rn

    • @raynisa6245
      @raynisa6245 3 года назад +1

      This is sooo amazinggg

  • @신종호-v6k
    @신종호-v6k Год назад +25

    10년도 전에 이 노래를 처음 애니에서 들었을 때의 감동은 언제가 되어도 잊혀지지가 않네.
    beck이 뒤늦게나마 유명해졌으면 좋겠다. 더 많은 사람이 이 명곡을 알 수 있게

    • @YeonHeeeee
      @YeonHeeeee 4 месяца назад +3

      하루는 진짜 모든 게 무기력하고 혼란스러웠는데
      그날 새벽에 이 노래 듣고 침대에서 펑펑 울었던 기억이 있네요
      그 이후로 새벽만 되면 이 노래 들어요 하루하루 나아지길 바라면서...

  • @micolg
    @micolg 2 года назад +177

    And after 15 years since the first time I ever heard this song, I am still singing it with my whole heart out. What an amazing song to grow up with

    • @leo-h3y
      @leo-h3y 7 месяцев назад +1

      It is beatiful song

  • @jayfrancisxavierporca9416
    @jayfrancisxavierporca9416 4 года назад +421

    2020, we just finish restoring our old guitar, and my first song that i am gonna learn is this amazing song, i know it will not be easy but wish me luck guys

    • @hbomb6421
      @hbomb6421 4 года назад +17

      Reminds me of Koyuki and his SG dude. Anyways good luck for ya

    • @Frangandia95
      @Frangandia95 4 года назад +4

      Use this post if you need any trick! (sorry for my bad English)

    • @ulfarwalker3777
      @ulfarwalker3777 4 года назад +5

      good decision, iven if sometime it's difficult , you will become good if you use your heart when you practicing !

    • @Shadicthefanaticgame
      @Shadicthefanaticgame 4 года назад +4

      Good luck man !

    • @aizatasri9429
      @aizatasri9429 4 года назад +3

      Lol i thought the same ,im on my way restoring my first guitar,(being neglected, i kept it on my room with no cover , some curious and excited brat got the guitar somehow,broken a few strings :/ when the string broken i doesnt have the need to fix it cos i got other thing to do.and second incident happened, sound board got separated from the side of body this was caused by the guitar got placed at the top of a wardrobe obviously to keep some children from it,something or someone caused it to fall from the top the wardrobe it either me cleaning my room or the cat is the culprit idont really remembers ,well wish me luck everyone ;)this guitar got a sentimental value and kinda a momento to me,
      Ps ,i gonna try moon on da wootaa and maybe Face:)

  • @alexanderhowl8762
    @alexanderhowl8762 11 месяцев назад +175

    2024 and this song still makes me cry, it hits harder on adulthood.

    • @M_Variant
      @M_Variant 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Avioakjust listened to that this morning

    • @lenojean0502
      @lenojean0502 8 месяцев назад +2

      저도 같아요 ㅎㅎ

    • @TheGeekyHusband
      @TheGeekyHusband 5 месяцев назад +2

      "Regret taught me how to make any hard decisions"

    • @1SweetPete
      @1SweetPete 5 месяцев назад


    • @tlk9186
      @tlk9186 4 месяца назад

      im glad that im not the only one still listening to this in 2024

  • @crimsoncoconut2421
    @crimsoncoconut2421 2 года назад +62

    "peace is always by my side, but i've never felt it once." man, everytime i hear this song this line sticks up to me the most and hits very, very, very hard.

    • @machintosh3008
      @machintosh3008 2 года назад +5

      For me, "Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions." Is what sticks out to me the most

    • @WojtekMazwaa
      @WojtekMazwaa Год назад +1

      When I heared that line in anime i was cring for the rest of day

    • @notfamous221
      @notfamous221 11 дней назад

      @@WojtekMazwaa me too man

  • @cillianreilly2128
    @cillianreilly2128 5 лет назад +164

    What a brilliant story. Beck was a coming af age story, a story of an everyday kid persuing his dreams and inspiring many others in the real world. The charm is that Koyuki was both relatable and unique. Not to mention this is a killer track!

  • @achowdhury47
    @achowdhury47 6 лет назад +330

    IMO the message of this song really appeals to those who are just entering full adulthood (23 - 26 years) like me.

  • @cpeezy3119
    @cpeezy3119 4 года назад +43

    "It was the first time we were all together since we came to America..." "Hay lets play slip out!" hell yeah the bands back together

    • @crazydiamond3403
      @crazydiamond3403 4 года назад

      It’s when they tour right

    • @cpeezy3119
      @cpeezy3119 4 года назад

      @@crazydiamond3403 The ending credits

    • @crazydiamond3403
      @crazydiamond3403 4 года назад

      @@cpeezy3119 oh yeah I remembered it

    • @OdaKa
      @OdaKa 3 года назад +2

      Ugh man, this anime needs a part 2 so bad 😩

  • @guillouljne2566
    @guillouljne2566 6 лет назад +407

    Well...I'm gonna watch this anime once more 😬 2019 still rock

    • @DarkSwordsman
      @DarkSwordsman 5 лет назад +7

      Seriously though I watched this originally like 4-5 years ago. Still has such an awesome feel to it. Might go watch it like the fifth time. 😂

    • @jerryjrbautista9737
      @jerryjrbautista9737 5 лет назад

      Just finished watching

    • @j.j.r98
      @j.j.r98 5 лет назад

      Just finished if too. really wish it had a second season

    • @TheDust1990
      @TheDust1990 5 лет назад

      I've just finished it. Again.

    • @muhdshahmi9051
      @muhdshahmi9051 5 лет назад +1

      Read the manga man...

  • @user-cz6yu1rz5v
    @user-cz6yu1rz5v 2 года назад +19

    그냥 뭔지 모르겠는데 오랜만에 들으니까 가사가 너무 와닿아서 눈물이 나오네

  • @machintosh3008
    @machintosh3008 2 года назад +55

    When I first watched this series as a middle schooler, I connected to this series. I was already learning guitar at the time and wasn't all that passionate about it. But this series made me want to become one of the greatest guitarists of all time. My best friend at the time told me he believed I could achieve it only, further amplified it. I even got a yellow Telecaster just like Koyuki for Christmas that year. The first ever song I learned to play and sing at the same time was this. This became not just one of my favorite anime's of all time. It became my FAVORITE show in general of all time.
    Now that it's been years since then and I've grown up, I still play guitar every now and then. But, even though I have long since given up on and left that dream behind. This series will always stick with me forever.

    • @Cotekn
      @Cotekn 2 года назад +1

      i need that yellow telecaster too

  • @ravi87910
    @ravi87910 5 лет назад +37

    I fell like this is the melancoly and subtle sadness japanese people translate so well in anime and manga but in the form of ocidental rock. Witch makes it super relatable to people outside Japan.

  • @UtaNoMichi
    @UtaNoMichi Год назад +5

    Years ago, i found the 2 album extracted from the anime, 'beck' and 'keith', at japan expo at Paris, i spent my last coins on them and they 're still in my musitech on this day. Then i rade the manga one more time while listening. The Immersion was there ❤

  • @arthurdias5385
    @arthurdias5385 2 года назад +25

    I think it's been more than 10 years I first heard this song, but it still hits HARD!

  • @kkav4586
    @kkav4586 4 года назад +32

    Honestly; I feel this song so much more the older I get. I am so happy they made this

  • @읭읭-j5r
    @읭읭-j5r 6 лет назад +60

    I don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy.
    언제부터 이렇게 차가운 녀석이 되버렸을까
    I have to warm this frozen icy lonely heart to thaw.
    이 차갑게 얼어버린 외로운 마음을 녹이기 위해선 따스해져야하지
    I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure.
    그 무엇보다 「따뜻함」으로 날 감쌀 수 있으면 해
    I'm gonna make my comming days to be filled with laughter and joy.
    이제 나의 앞날을 웃음과 기쁨으로 가득 채워나갈 거야
    I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be.
    나 스스로 나 자신을 생각보다 훨씬 형편없는 녀석이라 여겨왔지
    I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul.
    나는 나의 영혼을 돌보는 것조차 그만둬버린 패배자야
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time.
    나는 시간을 낭비하고 싶지 않아서 (마음의 벽을 쌓고) 그 누구에게도 마음을 주지 않는 녀석이지

    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.
    이 지독한 외로움을 사랑하려 (익숙해지려)노력해 왔어
    이 쓸쓸한 나락을 빠져나오기 위해서


    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
    「슬픔」은 싫지만 내 감성을 키워주었고
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
    「후회」는 어떤 어려운 결단이든 해낼 수 있게 나를 단련시켰어
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once.
    「고요」는 항상 내 곁에 있었지만 여태껏 느껴보진 못했지
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.
    「사랑」은 달콤한 연애 그 이상의 무엇일 거야
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
    그래 난 항상 끝을 두려워하고 있어
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
    내가 선택한 이 길을 계속 걸어가야 하는 건지 두려워
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
    그래 난 항상 끝을 두려워하고 있어
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.
    하지만 마침내 그 끝에서 「나는 특별한 녀석」이라고 스스로에게
    말할 수 있길 (스스로에게 말해 줄 거야)
    Recalling my torn broken, aching heart of these long days.
    And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps.
    다시 한 번 높이 뛰어오르기 위해 나는 이제 잊어버릴 거야......
    오랜시간 찢기고, 부서지고, 상처받은 내 마음과 기억 모두를
    Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me.
    회상하고, 부서지고, 상처받고, 울다가 마침내는 이겨내어
    And I take all and grin at my future on the way.
    그 모든 걸 안고 내 앞에 펼쳐질 길 위에서 싱긋 미소짓겠지

    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations.
    「슬픔」은 싫지만 내 감성을 키워주었고
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions.
    「후회」는 어떤 어려운 결단이든 해낼 수 있게 나를 단련시켰어
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once.
    「고요」는 항상 내 곁에 있었지만 여태껏 느껴보진 못했지
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance.
    「사랑」은 달콤한 연애 그 이상의 무엇일 거야
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
    그래 난 항상 끝을 두려워하고 있어
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way.
    내가 선택한 이 길을 계속 걸어가야 하는 건지 두려워
    Well I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death.
    그래 난 항상 끝을 두려워하고 있어
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end.
    하지만 마침내 그 끝에서 「나는 특별한 녀석」이라고 스스로에게
    말할 수 있길 (스스로에게 말해 줄 거야)

    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time.
    나는 시간을 낭비하고 싶지 않아서 (마음의 벽을 쌓고) 그 누구에게도 마음을 주지 않는 녀석이지

    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole.
    이 지독한 외로움을 사랑하려 (익숙해지려)노력해 왔어
    이 쓸쓸한 나락을 빠져나오기 위해서

  • @TABRIS333
    @TABRIS333 2 года назад +15

    I saw the anime several years ago...I was barely a teen...Now I'm 33, I just put this on play and I almost started crying...Not sad, neither joy, some kind of nostalgic but really powerful sensation...I just want quit the office for today, take my strato and play the whole day

  • @magsbuizon3628
    @magsbuizon3628 3 года назад +38

    This song taught me to be honest with what I'm feeling when I'm writing a song. Coz yea, I thought being enigmatic (metaphors) makes my song more interesting but no, I found out that soul is what I am lacking. I can recall all the feelings I had when I heard this for the first time everytime I'm listening to this song. This is a very special song that ever written.

    • @xzant430
      @xzant430 3 года назад +2

      best comment 😎 😎 😎 😎

  • @maydlinx
    @maydlinx Год назад +6

    Слушать этот трек, только закончив смотреть аниме, это 💔💔💔

  • @andreavillaju314
    @andreavillaju314 5 лет назад +145

    Les dejo la letra...
    I don't know since when I changed to such a cold-hearted guy
    I have to warm this frozen, icy, lonely heart to thaw
    I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure
    I'm gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy
    I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be
    I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end
    Recalling my torn, broken, aching heart of these long days
    And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps
    Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me
    And I take all and grin at my future on the way
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out of this lonesome hole

  • @AnaRebecaOliveira-d9h
    @AnaRebecaOliveira-d9h Год назад +3

    fantastic anime, I would've liked to see more of ryusuke, such an authentic and interesting character

  • @SeaSerpentLevi
    @SeaSerpentLevi 3 года назад +31

    This song will always hit hard like a brick to the head
    Its just perfect, timeless

  • @deo944
    @deo944 2 месяца назад +2

    딱 만화 주인공만한 나이 때 들었던 이 곡... 10년도 더 된 지금 다시 들어도 밀려오는 감동.. 역시 명곡

  • @caldoecaezah.h2419
    @caldoecaezah.h2419 2 года назад +60

    Esta es la mejor canción de beck por una simple razón, resume por completo las sensaciones de koyuki y las de una generación de personas, estar en ese punto donde no sabes que rumbo tomar, pero de lo que estas seguro es que no quieres estar solo a pesar de que la vida te ha hecho llevar un camino solitario. Es una canción que puede resonar en muchas personas, curiosamente el tema de la juventud a la madurez es sumamente recurrente en esta epoca del anime/manga, es una temática muy fuerte de la decada de los 2000.

    • @XinGeneral
      @XinGeneral 2 года назад +3

      tu si que sabes .

    • @nandareboucas20
      @nandareboucas20 2 года назад +1


    • @user-ud5od1jo7d
      @user-ud5od1jo7d 2 года назад +2

      Pero que la letra no fue escrita por el señor Saitou?

    • @kitsk_99
      @kitsk_99 Год назад +1

      Jajajaja sip xD y la terminal ryu con koyuki

  • @ilovemyself562
    @ilovemyself562 Год назад +9

    June 18, 2023 I still tear to this song & anime. Plz Remaster this anime. Must needed in 2023 going on 2024.

  • @Frangandia95
    @Frangandia95 6 лет назад +49

    Since I got my guitar, I felt like koyuki, but when I grow, I started to feel like the old máster. I feel very identified with this

  • @thiefsain6029
    @thiefsain6029 3 года назад +93


    • @zombiefrmda801
      @zombiefrmda801 3 года назад

      whos kobayashi?

    • @alviand8397
      @alviand8397 3 года назад +19

      @@zombiefrmda801 Osamu Kobayashi.. the director of Beck Anime

  • @BTCCryptoLive
    @BTCCryptoLive 7 месяцев назад +3

    将近20年了 第一次看beck还是在小学,这是一个成长的故事,对于成年人尤为重要❤

  • @cypherpunk0100
    @cypherpunk0100 4 года назад +40

    Hello from 2020, still one of my fav soundtracks ever!

  • @miro6470
    @miro6470 Год назад +5

    The world where this masterpiece was created don't exist anymore and there's nothing we can do about it.

  • @keepheadbangin5057
    @keepheadbangin5057 3 года назад +14

    This is my favorite Beck song. It's really growing on me

  • @fragmiint7845
    @fragmiint7845 7 месяцев назад +1

    Every few years I revisit the songs from this series and holy shit, it still hits.

  • @turbineofhell
    @turbineofhell 3 года назад +3

    Spettacolo.. Ho finito di guardare da poco l anime

  • @kevinluis007
    @kevinluis007 8 месяцев назад +4

    Eu assisti beck a primeira vez quando tinha 14 anos e estava começando a tocar guitarra, mostrei ele pra minha namorada esse ano, 15 anos depois... E é incrivel o quanto esse anime ainda me toca e principalmente essa música, faz eu lembrar de todos os shows que já fiz, é como se um filme da minha vida nesses 15 anos passasse toda vez que eu escuto essa música...

  • @ThiefAtmospheres
    @ThiefAtmospheres 2 года назад +3

    Last time I listened to this was sometime in 2010. Wow... better times and sweet memories just came rushing back. Gonna listen to the whole Beck soundtrack now. Phew. Still packs a punch.

  • @yoakeroro6645
    @yoakeroro6645 3 года назад +9

    Haven't listened to this song in like 10 years for no good reasons, and it hit me so hard... I still remember the lyrics

  • @역설-y5n
    @역설-y5n 6 лет назад +19

    솔직히 이 애니메이션에 대해 물으면 아는 사람이 없는데.. 한국인 댓글 있는거 보니 좀 울컥.. BECK이야말로 내 인생애니인듯 싶다. 풋풋한 중고딩시절에 난 왜 유키오처럼 뭔가에 열중하지 않았을까 라는 생각도 들고.. 언제봐도 재미있는 작품.

  • @Dankradz
    @Dankradz 7 месяцев назад +2

    It's kinda funny to see how people in their mid~late 20's feel the same. I just remembered this song and came here to listen. It really hits different compared to the first time I heard it. "Beck" really helped me to shape my perspective on music and life and it's crazy to see how many others felt in a similar way. That's powerful y'all...

  • @stoicnotsad
    @stoicnotsad 2 года назад +2

    Someone in the comment said that this sounds like Oasis and I couldn't agree more I came back here just say this. Thank you random guy I love you for analysing it so well

  • @jpjindani
    @jpjindani 4 года назад +20

    I remember highschool days watching BECK, this is where I started to like music :)

  • @rhenzarevalo1623
    @rhenzarevalo1623 3 года назад +6

    One of my favorite anime since i was a kid, of the best anime!!! Never gets old i still rewatch over and over again.

  • @whosjohndonut1056
    @whosjohndonut1056 2 года назад +2

    Just rewatched and ya the song made me teary eyed as the series ended. Commentating seeing other ppl connect to the music/series like myself. Learning guitar now

  • @waste3128
    @waste3128 Год назад +4

    Such a beautiful song, brings me to tear sometimes when i listen to it.

  • @morokasolar
    @morokasolar 3 года назад +21

    When i watched that anime i was 16-18 yo girl, with bass guitar, small band and a lot friends who played music. We did a lot trip around far east of russia to play on our own festivals. We sold tickets for less than 1 bucks. We slept in nigh train and a lot shit happen. And I WAS SO HAPPY. I wanna nothing more, than i already had. But now, i am 30 yo, sold all my guitar for pay for my study to do corporate office work crying like a liitle girl listening this song. shit

    • @asthavishwas5406
      @asthavishwas5406 3 года назад +2

      I'm scared of this.

    • @blasttrash
      @blasttrash 3 года назад

      well life moves on. even udai tenma(little giant) couldn't play volleyball in haikyuu(of course he wanted to do other things)

    • @juckshukc2594
      @juckshukc2594 3 года назад

      please change my fate

    • @bladex264
      @bladex264 Год назад

      I hope you still just play guitar for fun and joy

    • @morokasolar
      @morokasolar Год назад

      @@bladex264 i'm learning drums right now. If everything goes well, and I find in music what I lost before, I plan to take a couple of bass lessons to remember everything, and buy a guitar that is 10 times more expensive than the one I once sold.

  • @hudan1404
    @hudan1404 2 месяца назад +3

    back listening this song after more than 12 years

  • @l.p7659
    @l.p7659 5 лет назад +8

    I don't know how many people have had feelings for Beck, well I am because it is one of a kind I hope that part 2 will be released.

    • @l.p7659
      @l.p7659 5 лет назад +2

      it's so sad that few people are active on this masterpiece

    • @mecaloxa
      @mecaloxa 3 года назад

      True, it is a masterpiece

  • @akiraasakura2117
    @akiraasakura2117 3 года назад +1

    I was 17 when I got LSS from this song.. now I'm 30 and still feeling it XD. did that all in the past had a band singing this song.. I miss those days but seems havent aged a bit. :)

  • @wayne_paulo
    @wayne_paulo 8 месяцев назад +2

    When i was young and happy, i just could feel Koyuki feeling on this, now, i can see myself on it.

  • @sk8board90
    @sk8board90 Год назад

    Oggi 20 aprile con questa canzone si chiude un capitolo della mia vita grazie Lea.

  • @XinGeneral
    @XinGeneral 3 года назад +19

    Me encantó el anime de principio a fin , es algo tan real que probablemente muchos se sintieron identificados ,el aprender a tocar un instrumento y lo frustrante y satisfactorio que se vuelve .
    Épico Beck .

    • @Denphil
      @Denphil 2 года назад +1

      te recomiendo que termines de leer la historia con el manga.

    • @XinGeneral
      @XinGeneral 2 года назад

      @@Denphil sii ,leí el manga hace tiempo ,me encantó.

  • @pedrostrauss4848
    @pedrostrauss4848 2 года назад +2

    I kinda of lived something similar to Beck break up after Gratefull Sound with my own band. This anime ressonate with me in so many ways and I aways get emotional after hearing Slip Out. Such a beautifull piece of art and it deserves more recognition.

  • @Blueboi1108
    @Blueboi1108 3 года назад +6

    This anime has latched onto my soul, probably cause I want to be a musician too

  • @ammarsyrie1355
    @ammarsyrie1355 4 года назад +15

    Ammar Syrie
    This anime bring back the energy to my soul
    And the best thing is that I'm listening to all their albums right now and i can feel that realistic affection they make when i hear their songs and watching comments it feels like they're real people and a real band, i love to think about'em that way

  • @kidsamsa
    @kidsamsa 4 года назад +4

    such an insanely underrated anime. watched it years and years ago and still holds a special place in my heart

  • @muhdadli__
    @muhdadli__ 4 года назад +20

    I just finished this anime yesterday, this anime is absolutely fantastic. This anime is not like the anime in modern-day, but I'm disappointed with the ending. The ending was a bit rushed when this anime is a slow-paced anime. I decide to read the manga and continues the Beck (Mongolian Chop Squad) journey.

  • @akomutotamaro5444
    @akomutotamaro5444 3 месяца назад +1

    You fall even more in love with this song and all of Koyuki's songs when you know that the seiyuu is Namikawa Daisuke (Hisoka, Oikawa, Ulquiorra, Kid)

  • @dollparts466
    @dollparts466 Год назад +1

    i remember getting excited when i discovered Beck because i'm a rock fan and there weren't many anime focused on rock music lol. listening to this again brings back memories...

  • @juliencamier1278
    @juliencamier1278 Год назад +2

    Tonight i finished a manga and i cry like a baby, best song of the anime

  • @lost360p
    @lost360p 6 месяцев назад +1

    Nothing describes the beauty of juvenescence better than Beck.

  • @rubylover66
    @rubylover66 Год назад +1

    가사가 큰 교훈을 주는곡 초등학생 때 들었는데 30이 되도록 잊을수없는노래

  • @cocobasile666
    @cocobasile666 6 лет назад +41

    This masterpiece hits fucking hard, specially if you're involved with music.

  • @EzioAuditore1500
    @EzioAuditore1500 2 года назад +2

    ive been looking for this since i finished the series bout a month ago, such a great song jesus christ

  • @baker099
    @baker099 5 лет назад +11

    Rereading the Manga again. Just an incredible series, the anime is one of top 5's of all time.

    • @deusalgo2150
      @deusalgo2150 4 года назад

      i cant find the manga but i need it so hard

  • @yvesishira3875
    @yvesishira3875 2 года назад +30

    Foi graças a este anime que comecei a tocar violão e hj toco 3 instrumentos, amo de paixão esse anime pra sempre.

  • @hendrixbanzon6594
    @hendrixbanzon6594 5 лет назад +12

    Nostalgia has completely taken away my body

  • @djalmaferreiradasilvajunio5852
    @djalmaferreiradasilvajunio5852 Год назад +2

    Cara, essa música é incrível. Confesso que eu estava na merda antes de escutá-la, agora estou bem melhor. Meu que estou igual a essa letra atualmente.
    "And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end" 🥰

  • @jopetsenpai3131
    @jopetsenpai3131 3 года назад +1

    Shout out sa mga Filipino na napanood tong anime na to...ilang beses ko ng ni recommend to sa mga bata na mahilig sa anime para mainspired sila mag guitara

    • @allendelacruz1873
      @allendelacruz1873 Год назад +1

      first time ko mapanood to year 2006-2007 sa hero tv nung araw

    • @jopetsenpai3131
      @jopetsenpai3131 Год назад

      @@allendelacruz1873 Ganda pa din lods kahit ulitin pa after 2 years may nag comment din dito

  • @kimi98765
    @kimi98765 5 лет назад +29

    Still one of the best songs in Anime~

  • @michelleg1777
    @michelleg1777 3 года назад +1

    will forever be my favorite anime in the world. been my fav ever since I saw it 2 years ago.

  • @AdrienMalemprez
    @AdrienMalemprez 2 года назад +1

    I remember, 15 years ago, putting my old MP3 player right next to the speakers of my TV to record this song. The quality was awful but I used to listen to it every night on the sly before bed...

  • @珍道中-s4m
    @珍道中-s4m Год назад +1


  • @elemanuel182
    @elemanuel182 4 года назад +86

    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well, I'm scared, scared, scared, scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end

    • @ss.b3705
      @ss.b3705 4 года назад +2

      best part!

  • @n.q395
    @n.q395 2 года назад +1

    내 mp3에 아직도 있다 내 10대 가장많이 들었던 음악중 한곡이다 최고의 음악이고 애니입니다, 내 음악의 시야를 더욱 넓혀주었고, 비틀즈를 더욱 사랑하게 되었던 계기가 되었던 만화입니다

  • @天領イッパツ
    @天領イッパツ 4 года назад +9

    10FEET いい曲をありがとう

  • @masimerow
    @masimerow 5 лет назад +1

    인생곡.. 삶이 힘들 때마다 가사의 의미를 음미하면서 들으면 조금이나마 힘이 납니다
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown by sensations
    Regrets thought me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    특히 이부분이 사람의 인생을 함축해 놓은 부분인 것 같아요 언제나 잊지말고 마음속에 간직하며 살아가야 하는 문장이라 생각합니다

  • @blitzgaming5827
    @blitzgaming5827 5 месяцев назад +2

    I dont know since when i changed into such a cold hearted guy
    I have to warm this frozen icy lonely heart to thaw
    I like being wrapped with warmness more than anything else for sure
    Im gonna make my coming days to be filled with laughter and joy
    I let myself down that I'm more cruel than I thought I would be
    I'm just a loser who ends up by caring for my soul
    I don't give my heart to no one cause I don't wanna waste my time
    I tried to love this loneliness to slip out from lonesome hole
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end
    Recalling my torn broken, aching heart of these long days
    And all the memories I wanted to forget for making leaps
    Recalling, breaking, aching, crying, making sure to me
    And I take it all and grin at my future on the way
    Sorrow is what I hate but it's grown my sensations
    Regrets taught me how to make any hard decisions
    Peace is always by my side but I've never felt it once
    Love is not the word only for the sweet romance
    Well I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared to death
    And I'm scared to keep on going on my way
    Well I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared to death
    And I'll tell myself I'm special till the end

  • @Element202
    @Element202 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @primarizky3452
    @primarizky3452 3 года назад +6

    everytime i hear this song always give me a goosebumps

  • @RomnysGonzalez
    @RomnysGonzalez 6 лет назад +227

    I dont want another season of Beck. This anime is special in every single way and dont want to ruin my memories of this amazing piece of art with a bad Season 2. Just let it be

    • @cocobasile666
      @cocobasile666 6 лет назад +19

      season 1's ending sucks tho

    • @hiddenleafgod
      @hiddenleafgod 6 лет назад +44

      I just hope y'all read the manga at least

    • @alejandrorey359
      @alejandrorey359 6 лет назад +30

      @@hiddenleafgod for real. The manga has a more spiritual ending. It really was a journey.

    • @SpirytusMM
      @SpirytusMM 6 лет назад +4

      if there was a 2nd season you dont have to watch it *guy poking his head* xD

    • @Jack_Ss
      @Jack_Ss 6 лет назад +24

      If they followed the manga there’s no way the 2nd season would be disappointing

  • @kissdeath7128
    @kissdeath7128 5 лет назад +174

    This anime change me

  • @vanpiisu88
    @vanpiisu88 4 года назад +1

    Oh maaan... Feeling so nostalgic when listening to this ❤😭... I gotta watch this amazing anime again! It's been years. I love this song so much.

  • @edwinvelazco6800
    @edwinvelazco6800 3 месяца назад +1

    master piece

  • @xofyerg9832
    @xofyerg9832 4 года назад +6

    This anime always made me think I was supposed to accomplish much more then I should have as a teenager..

  • @intuneknight9681
    @intuneknight9681 3 года назад +3

    This Anime save my life that's for sure.

  • @amjadball6465
    @amjadball6465 10 месяцев назад +1

    Best thing ive watched maybe ever

  • @Do_do_bird2
    @Do_do_bird2 Год назад +5

    지금 들어도 명곡이다 ㅠ 음원이 없는게
    아쉽네 ㅠㅠ

    • @금수김-i3h
      @금수김-i3h 6 месяцев назад

      10-feet little more than before

    • @Do_do_bird2
      @Do_do_bird2 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@금수김-i3h 우와 음원이 있었군요! 감사합니다. Beck 에 나온 노래들 다 찾아보면 음원이 있는거에요?

    • @pongpong1
      @pongpong1 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Do_do_bird2 텐핏은 일본에서 엄청 유명한 밴드입니다....
      브레인스톰 , 스파이스오브라이프 >> 원곡 있습니다
      야시장에서 부르는 follow me 도 원곡이 있습니다
      시엘블루로 라이브하는 요괴인간 벰은 원래 애니노래입니다
      Ive got the feeling 이것도 원곡이 있죠
      슬립아웃이 바로 이곡이고 텐핏이 원곡입니다 (little than more before)
      문온더워터랑 brightest가 원곡없는걸로 알고있습니다
      그리고 유키오의 보컬역을 하신분은 실제로 허스킹비라는 밴드 보컬이세용

    • @Do_do_bird2
      @Do_do_bird2 5 месяцев назад

      @@pongpong1그렇군요. 애니는 봤으나 일본 밴드에 대해선 배경지식이 무뇌 수준이라 아는게 없었어요 ㅎㅎㅎ… 과거에 음원 사이트에 beck 이라 검색해보니 나오는게 없었어서 그냥 애니ost구나 하고 넘겼었죠… 정보 감사합니다!

  • @JorgWell
    @JorgWell 8 месяцев назад +1

    Только что посмотрел данное аниме, у меня сейчас очень тяжелое время и только оно помогает мне жить, я плачу 😭😭 Спасибо Беку за жизнь…

  • @atiliolopez2874
    @atiliolopez2874 3 года назад +13

    Cuantos sentimientos en una sola canción, un anime con una historia y una musicalización por demás excelente, quienes la han visto saben de que hablo...

  • @mmmadmat1004
    @mmmadmat1004 6 лет назад +14

    Hell yeah ! Too good 🔥
    So much year i watch Beck ! The best musical and Shonen anime
    Big Love From France 😍 et un grand respect pour le Japon 💙

  • @345ssanagi
    @345ssanagi Год назад +1

    esta canción de alguna manera siempre me regresa las ganas de tocar la guitarra y escribir 🖤

  • @mansky-op3sx
    @mansky-op3sx 2 года назад +1

    This is great...eventhough the lyric was different from comic/manga i read...but this song still great...and the lyric was beautiful

  • @luizd.2326
    @luizd.2326 9 месяцев назад +1

    Animes sensacional. Um dos melhores animes de música que já assisti

  • @lan77997
    @lan77997 3 года назад +1

    It's amazing.

  • @KitariItsSomethingRottenHere
    @KitariItsSomethingRottenHere 5 лет назад

    *Best Musical Anime ever, have seen it 3 times and it never gets old or boring.*

  • @samkrip9751
    @samkrip9751 4 года назад +2

    As some who never watch anime that much and only finishing a few along with this one. This will hold a place in my heart. I mean yeah the ending was rushed but still Really underrated.

  • @Testsubjex
    @Testsubjex 2 года назад +4

    Beck needs to be remade or season 2

  • @Attal__
    @Attal__ 2 года назад +1

    j'adore ce groupe

  • @rhuanmoreira1019
    @rhuanmoreira1019 3 месяца назад +1