Jun 7, 2009 11:22 AM
Cure the anime cancer
How to cleanse the cancer called Narutardation?
The patient is ill and is heavily intoxicated. It’s probably the fault of this disease called “Naruto”.
Other comparable disease is called “Bleach”, same treatment is allowed.
Thousands of people have been searching for a remedy. Today, I’ll unveil this ultimate cure, in order to prevent and abolish these pests.
First: NEVER approach the patient when he’s in his lucid dream. Do not try to argue with him: in their dreams, they’re always right, and no logic will ever cross their minds.
That’s one of the symptoms when a patient is infected.
So what you need to do is spill this medicine right in his mouth. Start with some casual vaccination like Death Note.
I know Death Note is not that healthy at all, but it’s like nicotine: replace the urge for something really bad with the urge for something that’s slightly better.
It’s not healthy, but it works. The patient might have a bit of an aftertaste: Near doesn’t leave a good taste in your mouth when you swallowed this bitter ending.
The patient will probably look a bit healthier: without his retarded headband, you can clearly see that the pimples will disappear in a moderate speed.
It is time for our next step, we definitely need some heavier medication.
Now, we don’t want our patient to suffer from an overdose. We need to check out what his allergies are. Does he dislike shoujo? Will an atom of mecha be able to kill him? How does the patient react to a slice of life? Examine your subject before starting the cure.
If he’s diagnosed with a certain interest, give him a little taste of the genre that’s now available for him. Safe bets are easy to provide in each genre.
Eg. : Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (mecha), Fullmetal Alchemist (Shounen), Clannad (romance), Minami-ke (slice of life), …
This should be it. The patient is probably healthier than ever right now. It is important now to give him the same kind of medical treatment, in order not to confuse him.
Sequels would do the thing. If there are no sequels, or movies, or in fact not anything that’s related to the franchise at all, you could try some light series in the same genre you provided to your patient.
This is a very crucial step. Try to introduce other anime, but make sure it is quality medication.
And don’t experiment too much. With this, I mean don’t count too much on luck.
You can’t expect the patient to react in a healthy manner when he’s just adapted to romance, when you suddenly give him some hardcore shounen. It just isn’t accessible for some people.
Trust me, take things really slowly, and everything’s probably going to be alright.
The patient is ill and is heavily intoxicated. It’s probably the fault of this disease called “Naruto”.
Other comparable disease is called “Bleach”, same treatment is allowed.
Thousands of people have been searching for a remedy. Today, I’ll unveil this ultimate cure, in order to prevent and abolish these pests.
First: NEVER approach the patient when he’s in his lucid dream. Do not try to argue with him: in their dreams, they’re always right, and no logic will ever cross their minds.
That’s one of the symptoms when a patient is infected.
So what you need to do is spill this medicine right in his mouth. Start with some casual vaccination like Death Note.
I know Death Note is not that healthy at all, but it’s like nicotine: replace the urge for something really bad with the urge for something that’s slightly better.
It’s not healthy, but it works. The patient might have a bit of an aftertaste: Near doesn’t leave a good taste in your mouth when you swallowed this bitter ending.
The patient will probably look a bit healthier: without his retarded headband, you can clearly see that the pimples will disappear in a moderate speed.
It is time for our next step, we definitely need some heavier medication.
Now, we don’t want our patient to suffer from an overdose. We need to check out what his allergies are. Does he dislike shoujo? Will an atom of mecha be able to kill him? How does the patient react to a slice of life? Examine your subject before starting the cure.
If he’s diagnosed with a certain interest, give him a little taste of the genre that’s now available for him. Safe bets are easy to provide in each genre.
Eg. : Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (mecha), Fullmetal Alchemist (Shounen), Clannad (romance), Minami-ke (slice of life), …
This should be it. The patient is probably healthier than ever right now. It is important now to give him the same kind of medical treatment, in order not to confuse him.
Sequels would do the thing. If there are no sequels, or movies, or in fact not anything that’s related to the franchise at all, you could try some light series in the same genre you provided to your patient.
This is a very crucial step. Try to introduce other anime, but make sure it is quality medication.
And don’t experiment too much. With this, I mean don’t count too much on luck.
You can’t expect the patient to react in a healthy manner when he’s just adapted to romance, when you suddenly give him some hardcore shounen. It just isn’t accessible for some people.
Trust me, take things really slowly, and everything’s probably going to be alright.
Posted by
| Jun 7, 2009 11:22 AM |
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