Zoki-chan's Blog

Mar 17, 2008 9:18 AM
Previously known as HiroxKisa
[Under Construction]

Please feed me!

I have three commonly used nicknames, Kisa, Zoey and Zoki.
I'm the same age as lots of the friends I have, 15
I'm living the cool life as a Female xD
I own a horse named Misty, a dog named Callie, and a cat named Moon
I don't like Spiders, Hotdogs with no Chili, Bullies, and Cleaning My Room
I stay at home most of the day because I'm home-schooled
The last manga I bought was... .Hack//G.U.+
I hope to someday go to Japan and meet some of my best online buddies
I'm short for my age, but it has it's advantages
If Anime and Manga weren't here on earth, well, there would be no earth
If I made any more friends my head might explode O.o
I don't like the mail man because they never deliver packages on time.
I'm a multi-tasking champion, just try to beat me ;)
Uh-oh...I'm running out of characters to use for my friends

I am borrowing a dragon named Kiwi from Ki-Ki XD Kiwi ate my shoes o.o
I have a stick...BEWARE

The Members I've claimed::

My Goals:
[ ] Finish my profile
[ ] Make a cool style for my anime and manga lists
[ ] Go to Japan
[ ] Buy all the .Hack// books, novels, and video games
[ ] Buy a Playstation 2 and get .Hack// games
[ ] Buy .Hack//GU
[ ] Finish Reading Twilight before the end of March
[ ] Get more animes and mangas on my list then Yume-chan
[ ] Make 2000 comments
[ ] Make 200 posts in the Forums
[ ] Get a haircut and dye my hair (Always wanted to do this)
[ ] Get 100 mangas on my list
[ ] Finish banners for all my friends
[ ] Get 200 animes on my list

Completed Goals
[2/8/08] Finish watching OHSHC
[2/13/08] Make 100 Posts in the Forums
[2/17/08] Make 1000 comments
[2/8/08] Buy the D.N Angel DVD set
[2/22/08] Receive D.N Angel DVD
[2/24/08] Have a fanclub made for me
[2/28/08] Figure out a theme for my profile [Yay for .Hack//]
[2/29/08] Watch the new Pokemon movie
[3/11/08] Get 100 animes on my list
[3/12/08] Buy .Hack//G.U. volume 1
[3/14/08] Beat .Hack//G.U. Volume 1
[3/14/08] Buy .Hack//G.U. volume 2


First manga bought: Yu Yu Hakusho volume 1
First anime bought: ???????
First manga on list: Fruits Basket
First anime on list: I think it was also Fruits Basket
First anime RPG site created: Twilight Legend
First friend who loved anime and manga almost as much as me[in rl]: Bre

Pictures Over Time



Birthday Cards

Birthday Cards I've gotten from friends.

^From Yume^

smile...ur 15!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^From Mari^

Happy Birthday, Kisa-chama!
^From Kari^

awsome....= D
and Kiwi says happy birthday 2
*Kiwi comes up with a huge box for Zoey*
^From Ki-Ki^

^From Mi-Chan^

An imaginary $100 gift card for BN and squishy Daisuke plushie
Happy Birthday Zoki-san! ^_^ (I think that's the first time I called you that) *throws rainbow colored confettii in the air*
Anyways, what do you want for your birthday?
^From Mali-chan XD^

^From Pikachu^

^From Mio^

Yume-chan is probably the first friend I ever met online who liked manga. She and Kari were probably the ones who got me into loving the mangas by Arina Tanemura.
*cheers* Yume-chan is one of my best buddy =]

Kari is an awesome friend, and a more than awesome drawer. Her pictures are sooo pwnsome, I haven't seen anyone draw as good as her in a looong time. I met her on Kimiko-chans RPG site
I started to get to know her after she told me about her cookie disasters, which still make me laugh when I remember the egg in the oven.
Kari is also a Twilight book fan.

Mali-chan is a very awesome friend. She shares my love for .Hack//. She claims to be a newbie to RPGing, but I don't believe her. She joined my .Hack// website and we post together. Mali-chan is also making a story for our two characters Haruto and Monomi! I'm so excited to see how it turns out.

After I started talking to Ki-Ki I think we just clicked as friends.
At first we didn't talk much, but then, for whatever reason. We started to talk a lot more, and now we talk a lot. We're very good friends now =D
Ki-Ki ish also lending me a dragon named Kiwi =D
She has an obsession with Mion from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. xD

I'm pretty sure I met Mari through Yume...or maybe Kari.
Mari is very fun to talk to and loves Vampire Knight, but not as much as Kari.
So there, I'm going to read it, be happy xD

Mirror [aka Mio] is my pwnsome, crazy, Aussie buddy. I'm not exactly sure how I met her, but she's sooo cool.
I think that Mio would probably be ranked as the 'most wanted to stalk' person. Since lots of my friends, including me, want to stalk her xD
Except for the fact that she lives across the ocean x.x

Now, I still remember the day when I commented on Pika's page saying, "POKEMON ROCKS!!" or something along the lines.
Okay, maybe I don't REALLY remember the DAY but I do remember me commenting
After that comment we became quick friends.
We both love Pokemon so we have a lot to talk about.
I haven't talked to her in a while...where'd she go >.<

Kiru was the nickname I made up for Kisuru, because I love to make up nicknames. She's one of my Pokebuddies and she has a pwnsome avatar. We mostly talk about Pokemon, but she doesn't seem to get on much, but that's still okay, she's still muh buddeh =D ....I want to call her Kiro for some odd reason, but I've already got a buddy with that as a nickname =/ Oh well...Kiru will have to do for now.

>Coming Soon< [Haseo]
Niko is a fairly new friend of mine. I met him after he had apologized for having claimed Haseo before me. But it all worked out since I get Subaru.
He's a fan of .Hack// just like I am. We're both anxiously awaiting for the new .Hack//G.U. Trilogy to come out <33

Medli is a fairly new friend and I haven't talked to her much.
She loves Pokemon just like I do, at least...yeah, nevermind XD
I talk with her as much as I can and I absolutely LOVE her profile picture.
She's a good friend, and she's funny too XD

Mi-chan [I just thought of that nickname on the spot XD] is a fairly new friend but she loads of fun. When I think of Mi-chan I, for some reason, I think of her as a younger sister.
We are both fans of characters from D.N Angel =]

Ange-chan is an awesome friend, and I'm pretty sure she's younger than me, but she can act a lot more mature XD
She loves onigiri's, I think onigiri's are cute, but Ange says that thinking food is cute is weird XD

>KingdomHearts still needs to be added [???????]
>Link4all still needs to be added

1. Tsukasa [.Hack//SIGN]
2. Subaru [.Hack//SIGN]
3. Shino [.Hack//Roots]
4. Tabby [.Hack//Roots]
5. Rukia [Bleach]
6. Haine [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
7. Mireille [.Hack//DUSK]
8. Orihime [Bleach]
9. Maora [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
10. Reki [.Hack//DUSK]
11. Ayu [Kanon (2006)]
12. Ichigo [Bleach]
13. Maora [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
14. Ushio [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
15. Maguri [Shinshi Doumei Cross]
16. Haseo [.Hack//Roots]
17. Zero [Vampire Knight]
18. Haruhi [Ouran High School Host Club]
19. Tsukasa [Lucky Star]
20. Shizumasa [Shinshi Doumei Cross] [Yes, I like Shizumasa better]

1. .Hack//SIGN
2. .Hack//Roots
3. Kanon (2006)
4. .Hack//DUSK
5. D.N Angel
6. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
7. Gakuen Alice
8. Ouran High School Host Club
9. Ginga Densetsu Weed
10. Strawberry Panic

1. .Hack//G.U.+
2. .Hack//DUSK
3. Inubaka
4. Bleach
5. Shinshi Doumei Cross
6. Kitchen no Ohime-sama
7. D.N Angel
8. Shinigami Lovers
9. Bitter Virgin
10. Gakuen Alice

>>>Pairing Luffles

.Hack//--ShugoxRena && HaseoxShino && RekixMagi && TsukasaxSubaru
D.N Angel--DaisukexSatoshi && DaisukexRiku
Full Moon wo Sagashite--TakutoxMeroko && TakutoxMitsuki
Vampire Knight--ZeroxYuuki

Posted by Zoki-chan | Mar 17, 2008 9:18 AM | 3 comments
Zoki-chan | Mar 18, 2008 8:27 AM
New Profile...I'll work on you later XD
Zoki-chan | Mar 17, 2008 11:21 AM
Yep, I've decided to rewrite it all =D
nikolai_131 | Mar 17, 2008 10:00 AM
U are going to make new one????????????
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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