Sep 9, 2016 11:27 PM
Newsletter Deliveries
Anime Relations:
Toradora!, Nijiiro Days
All pictures belong to their rightful owners
Posted by
| Sep 9, 2016 11:27 PM |
Amulet_Heart | Dec 6, 2018 3:03 AM
You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, because we are about to tell you why. Holiday Ho-Down is coming to CK. We are making a list, gonna be checking it twice. Going to find out who's been naughty or nice. Will it be Team Daddy Darth, notorious for being naughty or will it be Team Mommy Maze known for being nice. Both teams will battle it out mano a mano, dueling each other through epic events of epic festive proportions. Sign up ASAP. See you there \( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ Time for your all fave card editions, look out for surprise ones ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) December 2nd - CK Ugly Sweaters Edition December 7th - CK Yuki Edition December 12th - CK Nosebleed NSFW Edition December 17th - CK Staff Fav Anime: Nanatsu no Taizai December 22nd - CK Pull that Ribbon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Edition December 25th - CK Under the Mistletoe Edition December 30th - CK 2K18 KPOP Mega Edition Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Notice Me, Senpai! Return of Jigsaw Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ Sign up now in our Holiday Ho-Down! Will the naughty children win or will it be the nice kids of the year? Find out and be part of it yourself & get presents from Santa! Your all time favorite GFX Invitational is back at it again! The theme this December is Santa!! Go show your gfx skills! HoHoHoBby so enter the contest now! Candy Kingdom's very own Project Recognize is back!! ♥ Join us and let us set our tents to admire the hard-work GFX and BBCode artists put forth in bringing excellence on MAL. All aboard the Polar Express, the magical train that appears only during December at the front steps of your house. Watch these animated shorts to reach the front cart to witness the Northern Lights! Welcome, dear lumplings, to where your story begins! What story you ask? Well listen, dear friends! CK has launched a Mistletoe Massacre Anime Challenge! ;) We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥ Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth Delivered by: Amulet_Heart |
Amulet_Heart | Nov 8, 2018 6:14 PM
Hello my sexy candies \( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)/ How was Halloween for you all? Enjoyed dressing up and getting high on sugar rush? Thankfully, November is here & we reached 2222 members ;w; As always we are now hiring exclusively Card Makers/Claim Makers & new position, Chefs. Continue being awesome and remember to have fun. We have some great card editions for you this month + more. Tune in for a special surprise. *sips coffee* See you at the club + discord, Lovelies ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) oh btw as you've noticed we're not having Illustration Invitationals & Project Recognize this month but fear not! We're bringing it back next month so stay tune!! See ya <3 Congratulations to these amazing people who were nominated in our Project: Recognize BBCODE & GFX Profile Contest ♥ 🥇 1st Place goes to: pure 🥈 2nd Place goes to: Sweet 🥉 3rd Place goes to: arderine 🥇 1st Place goes to: Maze 🥈 2nd Place goes to: Nate 🥉 3rd Place goes to: Airenee Time for your all fave card editions, look out for surprise ones ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) November 1st - CK Let it Rain Edition November 3rd - League of Legends K/DA Skins November 6th - CK Staff Fav: Summer Anime 2018 November 11th - CK Goblin Slayer Edition November 16th - CK Suppressed Love Edition November 21st - CK's Sexy Maid Edition November 26th - CK Fairy Tail Finale Edition November 30th - CK Staff Fav Anime: Chihayafuru Edition Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Notice Me, Senpai! Return of Jigsaw Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ Welcome, dear lumplings, to where your story begins! What story you ask? Well listen, dear friends! CK has launched a Mistletoe Massacre Anime Challenge! ;) Join us to find out more! Hey! time for you favorite waifu to shine! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) This challenge is only for the month of October and and will be ending on November 15th, 2018. What are u waiting for? Okay now since October is CK's Waifu month ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) we will be having another mini tournament like last month but this time it will be all about our precious waifufus ;3; We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥ Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth Delivered by: Amulet_Heart |
Juni | Oct 13, 2018 12:04 PM
Hey candies! Are you having a good start for October 'cause we are! CK just reached our 2k members! Thank you for joining and staying with us ♥ Our club is still hiring card/claim makers & bakers! Come and join us now! ;w; Halloween is approaching, what are your plans this month? Just remember to have fun on whatever you're up to! See you in the club ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Congratulations to these amazing people who were nominated in our Project: Recognize BBCODE & GFX Profile Contest ♥ staresque - 1st Place (51.1% votes) sunako199 - 2nd Place (40.0% votes) Shinah - 3rd Place (37.8% votes) _Ayase - 1st Place (44.4% votes) Sereshay - 2nd Place (28.9% votes) AngelHana - 3rd Place (24.3% votes) qeesa - 3rd Place (24.3% votes) Waifu + Halloween theme Editions you say? We have it here ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) October 1st - CK Jailbait Edition October 7th - Which Witch or Wiz Edition October 13th - Scare Me Shitless Edition October 15th - Super Junior Solo Edition October 18th - CK 2k+ Edition - Cakes October 19th - CK Staff Fav Waifu Edition October 25th - CK AOTM Edition: To LOVE-Ru October 31st - CK Sluts of Halloween Edition Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ Hey fellas! Since it's Halloween month, our GFX Invitationals' theme will be "Blood"! Come and join if you're into gfx or just into bloods idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Hey! time for you favorite waifu to shine! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) This challenge is only for the month of October and and will be ending on November 15th, 2018. What are u waiting for? Okay now since October is CK's Waifu month ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) we will be having another mini tournament like last month but this time it will be all about our precious waifufus ;3; We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Members of Candy Kingdom on MAL are always welcome in our official discord server! Join us now and hang out ♥ Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze Delivered by: Juni |
Ascheherz | Sep 19, 2018 10:27 PM
Hello lovely candies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Yay we're back and ready to sweeten your life! So how was everyone's summer? Kind of uneventful bc of mal being dedo wouldn't you say? Oh well, we'll just make autumn more amazing and festive! We hope you enjoyed the "a little tiny bit late" Summer event though. Hopefully MAL won't get attacced anytime soon so we can present more exciting surprises for CK ;) AlsooOO... Our Discord Server is now fresher and hotter than ever! Come and join now to experience it ohoho... Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our Illustration Invitationals! 1st Bunnyama, 2nd Maze, and 3rd to Qeesa ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) The theme this month is hawt bois (´┓`*) September 6th - Bishounen Edition September 11th - Anime of Month: Kuroko no Basket September 16th - Bromance Edition September 21st - Staff Favorite Husbando These claims won't help quench ur thirst but they still hot ( ̄ε ̄〃)b September 1st - Husbando Tinder Date Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Celebrate birthday with Candy Kingdom this 2018! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Important etcetera you never thought you'd need (*ゝω・)ノ Profile nominations in Candy Kingdom? Sounds familiar. WELL IT AIN'T SIMILAR TO OTHER PROFILE CONTESTS IN MAL! Because bbcodes and gfx profiles are held separately so now both have a chance at winning! Cmon and join the fun & friendly competition! We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Juni & Taiyaki Delivered by: Ascheherz |
AkatsukiNoTeaaa | May 15, 2018 9:45 AM
Hello lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Omyderlord we are 14 days behind schedule! Don't worry though, we'll make up for it ;) Summer is finally around the corner after 1000 years and you candies know what that means! AnOthER EvENt to stress you out to finish YaY! Another opportunity to earn kewkies huhuhuhu... Okay anyways, keep reading to be informed on what's going on this month @ CK! Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our GFX Invitationals! 1st Visperia & Maze, 2nd Shuuka, and 3rd to Dechromarlo ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Owahh some fluffy cards (⁎˃ᆺ˂) May 14th - Moune's Star Card May 15th - Big Hero 6 Solo Edition May 18th - Tokyo Ghoul Duo Edition May 19th - Anime of the Month: Fate Stay Night Edition May 20th - The Devil is a Handsome Man Solo Edition May 24th - Cartoons Collection May 25th - CK Staff Fav: Disney Childhood Feels Edition May 26th - Shall We Date Collection May 31st - CK Staff Fav: Fly to Neverland Edition And some claims to top it off <3 May 14th - Claim a GFX'er May 15th - Claim a Marvel Character May 20th - Claim a Twin May 21st - Claim A Bishie May 24th - Claim a Green-haired Character Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Celebrate birthday with Candy Kingdom this 2018! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Some naisu events to keep you busy (∩❛ڡ❛∩) The super duper ultimate Summer event! This will be open all season long for you candies to enjoy! There are many many mini events inside this, so make sure to check them out! Cookies can be achieved We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Juni & Maze Delivered by: Teaaa |
Lokester | Apr 6, 2018 2:55 PM
Hello lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Oya Oya. Are we behind schedule? Nope not one bit because the newsletter is finally here! March just passed by just like that & boom now it's May, jk, it's April or is it? CK has more fun troll stuff in store for you candies <3 We just hit 1.8K Folks & threw lots of pies at people! Did you get pranked? Now that era of collection is here, get ready to start hunting! Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our Illustration Contest! 1st Bunnyama, and 2nd Skyfer ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Ohh some eggs-cellent editions this month (⁎˃ᆺ˂) April 1st - Shitty MS Paint Edition April 2nd - Stalking Yuyu Edition April 3rd - BT21 Collection April 4th - iM@S Cinderella Girls Collection April 6th - OM NOM NOM Food Edition April 8th - Otome (Game) Collection April 11th - Anime of the Month: Boku No Hero Academia April 12th - League of Legends' Star Guardian Solo Edition April 14th - Mystic Messenger Collection April 16th - Hanami: Cherry Blossom Edition April 17th - Love Live Collection April 21st - Winter: Staff Faves of 2018 Edition April 26th - Zettai Ryouiki Maxima Edition April 30th - Staff Laughter Edition And some egg-squisite claims for our dear candies <3 Claim a Dandere Claim a Kemonomimi Claim a Seiyuu/Voice Actor (for challenge participants only) Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Celebrate birthday with Candy Kingdom this 2018! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Fun and egg-static events that are only found at the Candy Kingdom (∩❛ڡ❛∩) Hey bruh, since it's CK's official Paint Month, we're gonna have a gfx ms paint contest! Go and join our memetastic like no other friendly contest, everyone pleaseee join TT This is a Parody Anime Themed with Tic Tac Toe infused Challenge. Our featured anime might be your next favorite anime, who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This challenge is only for the month of April and will be ending on April 30th, 2018. We are glad to bring a new tournament to Candy Kingdom. This tournament will focus on openings that were released in 2017. Vote for your best OP/ED! Let the best one survive! Hey there candies! Our card maker Karen has made an IDOLiSH7 Card Collection! Don't miss this idolistic thread! If you like these idols featured then this is def for you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hello lovelies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Maze has made another collection here in CK! It's non other than our very cute Molang! This collection is only limited to first 30 people only so better be updated in our club comments & look for announcement! We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Darth Delivered by: Lokester |
Juni | Mar 2, 2018 1:18 PM
Hi lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Owahh we're a bit behind schedule but don't fret because the newsletter is here! January lasted like an eternity and it's already march, crazy right? Welp, CK has many fun stuff in store for you sweet candies <3 We are having an easter egg hunt, more information down below if you're interested! Come on, let's have some egg-citing fun! Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our GFX Contest! 1st _Nagisa, 2nd Dechromarlo, and 3rd Aokiare ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Ohh some eggs-cellent editions this month (⁎˃ᆺ˂) March 2nd - Sexy Short Hair Edition March 3rd - Granblue Fantasy (Kimono Ver.) Solo Edition March 7th - Sexy Bunny Girls Edition March 11th - Emotes of CK Edition - Discord Anniversary March 14th - White Day Edition March 17th - St. Patrick's "Lewd Leprechaun" Day Edition March 19th - BanG Dream! Collection March 23rd - Staff Nostalgia Edition March 27th - Anime of the Month: Haikyuu Edition March 31st - Crunchyroll Award Edition And some egg-squisite claims for our dear candies <3 Claim a Japanese Actress Claim a Seiyuu/Voice Actor Claim a Japanese Actor Claim Da Booteh Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Fun and egg-static events that are only found at the Candy Kingdom (∩❛ڡ❛∩) CK is hosting an egg hunt and of course you can get cookies for finding them! So are you ready to get your Sherlock Holmes on, dear candies? Maze is back with another collection, and this time it involves eggs and hammers ;3 Wouldn't wanna miss it! March's gfx theme will be Haikyuu, a sports anime filled with yummy and delicious bishies! Do you think you have what it takes to reflect the sports-y theme? Wanna watch animes AND get rewarded cookies for it? Look no further as CK hosts monthly anime watch challenges. This month's theme is Crunchyroll Anime Award! We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Juni Delivered by: Juni |
Lokester | Feb 6, 2018 11:01 AM
Hey lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wee my candies its that time of the month! Valentine's Day WHOOP WHOOP GET THE CHAMPAGNE that ill be drinking by myself... Deep breaths. Do not cry rn no. Anyways chocolates, roses, diabetes what else do we need? Oh that is right! Some amazing cards and an event hosted by the one and only Candy Kingdom! Single or not, you will def enjoy the special Valentine's Event! Oh and we also opened a new & different anime watch challenge so if you are interested in this just click here! Is that all... :thonk: :thonk: Okie enjoy candies! Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our Illustrations Contest! 1st Bunnyama, 2nd Gi1998, and 3rd KawazoeKumiko. Amazing entries indeed all! <3 ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Home made fresh and delicious cards (っ˘ڡ˘ς) Feb 1st - RWBY Solo Edition Feb 2nd - CK 1.5K Edition Feb 9th - Staff Favourite: Romantic Anime/Manga Edition Feb 14th - Expression of Love Edition Feb 16th - Chinese New Year: Year of Dog Edition Feb 21st - What is Love? Edition Feb 28th - Tournament Winner: Best Ship Edition Have some sweet and sugary claims to satisfy your eyes (っ˘൧͑˘ς) Claim a Ship Claim a Kiss Date someone on Valentine's Day Claim Play a Pocky Game with a Character Claim Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Taken or single or even ready to mingle, try out these amazing events only open for this month ;3 Our Sexy Anime Challenges will always be open ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) If you like joining anime challenges, this is perf for you! *whispers* Sign up to win amazing prizes people!! ;) Want to advertise your favorite anime couple and see them win against other couples? Well, head on over to CK's Sweetest Ship Mini Tournament! There will be a limited amount of couple nomina tions so hurry hurry! Craving for more challenging stuff? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Are you bored of this lonely lifu ;-; better be busy while answering these amazing mazes ♥ More word searches in your area peeps!! ;) Another search and find operation puzzles! Find out the hidden message in each categories ♥ Want to give your special someone/friend a rose on Valentines? This thread is the perfect one for you! Go ahead and make those ppl special on VDAY! ♥ Ready, get, set, go and unscramble these anime ships and titles!! Let's see how good are you in determining these romantic couples ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) A Week Long Love Story Collection will also be there! Will it be a sad or happy ending? Find out more soon! We are talking UNFILTERED, UNEDITED, MEMETASTIC & Gordon Ramsay level FUCKEN RAW conversation that will leave you all MINDBLOWN or not. IDGAF ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Juni Delivered by: Lokester |
Juni | Jan 1, 2018 11:03 AM
Hey lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It's been another year at the Kingdom! like wao. 365 days. welp we know that we're gonna die sooner- I MEAN HAVE EVEN MORE FUN IN THE NEXT 365 DAYS! So how did your christmas/new year go? Was it fun? Welp fret not if it wasn't because Candy Kingdom will make 2018 so lit you'll need glasses! Congratulations to these amazing people who entered in our GFX Contest! 1st Maze, 2nd Youkami, and 3rd KawazoeKumiko ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Mmmmm delicious new years cards! (っ˘ڡ˘ς) Jan 1st - Katekyo Hitman REBORN! Solo Edition Jan 4th - Sleeping Edition Jan 7th - Gintama Solo Edition Jan 9th - Bishies Edition Jan 14th - Anime of the Month: Noragami Edition Jan 19th - Webtoons Edition Jan 24th - Fall Staff Faves of 2017 Edition Jan 30th - Sports Edition Owahh and on top of that, some yummy claims! (っ˘൧͑˘ς) Share a Meal with.. Claim Claim a MAL Card Maker Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo New year? New events! Come on in and join us on fun quests and adventures hosted by CK of course! Woahhh you didn't think that Maze here would leave us off on a cliff hanger did you? No way jose! So come back and collect the 12 zodiac signs! Love candies? Love your birthday? Welp, we staffus thought about making a birthday thread so you candies could get presents from your favorite kingdom! Time to draw candies! The theme is... Click to find out for yourself huhu ;3 Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Juni Delivered by: Junizzle |
Vegetto1997 | Dec 2, 2017 8:23 AM
Lights are being put up, people are decorating their houses, and trees are getting chopped sounds cruel but its true! You know what time it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Christmasu! Wear your mittens and hats because Candy Kingdom will be taking you guys on an adventure this month! We'll have events, collects, claims, and so many more things to knock your stockings off! Oh and thank you to the participants & voters in our last Illustration Invitationals ♥ Congrats to our winners: 1st One_Butcher, 2nd Nasti25, and 3rd DarthInvader! Ok it's Christmas Time! Stay tuned for our card editions! (≧∇≦)♥ December 2nd - Cozy Edition December 7th - 1.2k Edition December 12th - Christmas Time: LoL Edition December 17th - Kpop Edition December 21st - Naughty n' Nice Girls Edition December 25th - Santa Edition December 31st - New Year's Eve Edition Watch out for cool claims that ironically warms your heart <3 Celebrate Christmas With... Winter Season Claim a fight scene Watch a Music Video - Dec 2017 Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Naughty or Nice We have many many MANY things for you candies, so make sure to check them out! Candy Kingdom is hosting a Christmas event for you candies, so make sure to check it out! The event will include the following: We're having an anime watch challenge only for the month of December, make sure to join! ♥ There will be a christmas collection out in CK so make sure to collect them all! Pokemon song plays Ofccc we will have a 12 days of Christmas anime watch challenge so mark your calendars for the day it starts! We will be having a Winter Word search for the month of December! Let's the word searching begin! Want something challenging to spice up your day? CK's Christmas Tree Mazes is the perfect solution for you! Fill in the blanks and be the funniest person in Candy Kingdom! Be as wacky as you can and make others jolly! Let's spread the Christmasy vibes in CK and be one of us! Let us all Santafy our DPs & FS in Santa's Shop <3 Lastly, our GFX contest is back folks! Are you ready for it? ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) CK will be expecting amazing works from you! ♥ Also feel free to join CK's Discord Channel! Chat, game days/nights and simultaneous watches awaits! See ya! Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Juni Delivered by: your name |
AkatsukiNoTeaaa | Nov 1, 2017 11:44 PM
Hey lovely candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Candy Kingdom has finally reached 1000 members! Can you believe that? Thanks to each and every one of you for joining our kingdom and being with us <3 So how did you enjoy Halloween in CK? Wasn't it... Spoopy??? Well, now we have many fun stuff in store for you candies for November! CK will host an art contest very soon so make sure to practice! Stay tuned for our card editions! (≧∇≦)♥ Nov. 2nd - Pout Edition Nov. 9th - Book Edition Nov. 14th - CK 1.1k Edition Nov. 16th - Shokugeki no Souma Edition Nov. 23rd - Family Edition Nov. 30th - Birthday Bash: November Edition Watch out for more claims this November! Seasonal Anime Claim - Autumn Claim a Genderbend Watch a Music Video 📺 - November 2017 Claim an Athlete Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ Count until we reach Candy Utopia 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Some fun events to keep you candies entertained! Make sure to check out the illustration invitationals and join if you want to show off your skills! We're also having a Fall-themed Anime Challenge! Will be opened for the month of November only!♥ Wait there's more! We're having a Seiyuu Collection too! Time to collect your favorite seiyuus before it's too late ♥ Also feel free to join CK's Discord Channel! Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze & Juni Delivered by: AkatsukiNoTeaaa |
Vegetto1997 | Oct 1, 2017 7:00 PM
Ayeee candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Candy Kingdom thank you for staying with us until now we have reached 900 members! Also thank you to the participants & voters in our last GFX Invitationals ♥ Congratulations to our winners: 1st Alistan, 2nd xyenne, and 3rd kawazoekumiko! Stay tuned for more! The club is hosting another Halloween Event! This includes Scary Maze, Mystery Word Search, Haunted Claims, Creatures Collection & more Halloween related Editions! ♥ Stay tuned for our card editions! (≧∇≦)♥ Oct. 1st - Oktoberfest Edition Oct. 6th - Yandere Edition 🎃 Oct. 7th - 900+ Edition Oct. 11th - Lewd Edition, Vol. 2 Oct. 13th - Horror Anime Edition Oct. 18th - Blood Edition Oct. 23rd - Witches Edition 🎃 Oct. 28th - Birthday Bash Edition Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Want to see an edition you like? Feel free to suggest! Collect points and buy delicious prizes! Sign up now! Aside from card editions, we also have different games! Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground ♥ 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Different challenges awaits you this Halloween! Candy Kingdom presents another Halloween Event! Yeah Scary huh? Also feel free to join CK's Discord Channel! Stay tuned for more happenings on CK! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Newsletter by: Maze Delivered by: Vegetto |
Maze | Sep 1, 2017 9:34 AM
Hello Candies❣ Welcome to September's Newsletter! It's finally school season and that means it's time for this kingdom to host more fun and exciting things for you guys so you can start having fun and procrastinate at schoo huhu to participate in our fun shtuff Stay in school kids, I was kidding. But I'm not kidding about CK hosting cool things! More information below, so keep reading! There will also be 3 new claims, Claim a Music Video, Add a Character on Snapchat, and a back to school claim! Make sure to claim before anyone else takes your idea! Special Sweets Gotta Catch 'Em All! Pokemon Collectors Edition: Fourth Generation School Uniforms Edition Chocolate Edition Korean Drama Edition Autumn Equinox Edition Birthday Bash: September Edition *Editions may vary, lel Always Open Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! // Member Cards + Badges // We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! // Staff Recruitment // New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! // Introductions + Member Chat // Playground Games to keep distracted from homework and school <3 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo Events One of our managers, Darth, thought of a great idea! Making a gfx competition! Everyone is invited to participate, even those who aren't in the club, so lurkers who are interested can come on in! That's it for now! Tune in next time for the latest info about the kingdom! Thanks for reading! Made By: Juni Delivered By: Maze |
tretij | Aug 3, 2017 7:39 PM
Hello Candies❣ Welcome to August's Newsletter! Schools and Unis are opening up one by one, that means summer time is almost gone! But boy are you wrong, because CK recently released a new event that will make you feel like summer just started! The event is... Drum roll please...! Candy Kingdom's Summer Mini (but not really that mini) Event! There are many activities for participants to do, like solving mazes, doing word searches, claims, and many more fun activities to come! Not activities but card edition but y'know... There are many new things that have been out for you candies! Make sure to keep an eye out for them <3 Upcoming Editions Stressed about school? These a e s t h e t i c card editions might help you take it down a notch ~ Summer Activities Event Edition Beach Event Edition 800+ Edition Wind Chime Edition Fireflies Edition Birthday Bash: August Edition *Editions may vary, lel Always Open Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! // Member Cards + Badges // We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! // Staff Recruitment // New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! // Introductions + Member Chat // Playground Games to keep you busy procrastinating for the summer <3 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Out Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Candygram Matchmaker Bon Cop, Bad Cop Special Sweets CK recently opened a new challenge and a brand new game, both fresh out of the oven! This event was made by DarthInvader and SerenityMae. This challenge is meant for those who love live-action shows So if you're one of those people, come and give it a shot! Sketch-A-Doodle-Doo This is a game for everyone, not just artists! So if you have some time on your hands, come over and play with us! That's it for now! Tune in next time for the latest info about the kingdom! Thanks for reading! Made By: Juni Delivered By:Joseph's Pancake Ass Your user |
Juni | Jul 3, 2017 11:05 AM
Hello Candies❣ Welcome to July's Newsletter! School's finally over... Never thought that shizzle wizzle would end, honestly! Alright no more school talks, time for fun! CK recently created a new point system, The Cookie Jar! So if you haven't created a Cookie Jar yet, what are you doing? You're gonna need the cookie jar for new the even- I mean, uh... The super secret that Candy Kingdom has in store for you guys! So watch out, candies! Upcoming Editions I swear these editions be hotter than the weather ~ Gotta Catch 'Em All! Pokemon Collectors Edition: Third Generation Staff Favourite Edition: Best of Spring Season Zettai Ryouiki Edition Celebration of Festivals Game of Thrones Exclusive Edition League of Legends: The Warring Kingdoms CK 700 Members Edition *Editions may vary, lel Always Open Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! // Member Cards + Badges // We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! // Staff Recruitment // New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! // Introductions + Member Chat // Want to know the latest happening in CK? // Newsletter Sign-Up // Playground Games to keep you busy procrastinating for the summer <3 2 Gumballs and a Sourball Banish This Tyrant Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Our Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Eat, Savour or Spit out Magic 8-Ball Events That's it for now! Tune in next time for the latest info about the kingdom! Thanks for reading! Made By: Juni |
Juni | Jun 2, 2017 1:19 PM
Hello Candies❣ Welcome to June's Newsletter! It's almost summer (well for some of us) and it's getting hot, so Candy Kingdom has some things in store for you, to cool down to! Raise you sun glasses, and keep your eyes peeled for new events, card editions, and games! So if you have nothing to do like me, come on and join in the fun, only at Candy Kindom! Upcoming Editions Wew, so many kewl editions 🕶 ~ CK 600 Members Edition League of Legends: Star Guardians Edition Anime Genre Collection: Forbidden Love Celebration of Seasons Mid-Summer Night's Adventure Staff Favourite Edition: Koe no Katachi Gotta Catch 'Em All! Pokemon Collectors Edition: Second Generation *Editions may vary, lel Always Open Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! // Member Cards + Badges // We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! // Staff Recruitment // New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! // Introductions + Member Chat // Want to know the latest happening in CK? // Newsletter Sign-Up // Playground Fun stuffz to hype you up, not like you're not already sweating and sweltering from the heat lolz Banish The Tyrant The Prediction Game Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Our Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Eat, Savour or Spit out Magic 8-Ball Other Fun Things Eventsuu (○口○ ) So. Many. Events! Who needs a life when you can participate in so many events, amirite folks ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) That's it for now! Tune in next time for the latest info about the kingdom! Thanks for reading! Made By: Juni
tretij | May 5, 2017 6:44 PM
GREETINGS To all candy lovers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Hey hey, it's May! Candy Kingdom has finally reached 500 members and we'll be having a special card edition in celebration of reaching our goal; though it's a constant sugar-fueled, bright-colored party every day in the club ♡ CARD EDITIONS Treats by our talented designers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ May 5 Vocaloids Edition May 7 SNSD Edition May 12 Zelda Edition May 14 Mother's Day Edition May 18 500 Members Edition May 21 Post-Apocalyptic Edition May 28 Celebration of Flowers Edition JOIN THE CANDY CREW We're seeking active card makers! ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Click Here to Apply 👑 MEMBER THREADS Be a part of the kingdom ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Official Member Cards Official Member Badges Candy People Chat 💬 SWEET FUN Come play with us in our forum games ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Banish The Tyrant The Prediction Game Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time SPECIAL EVENTS Extra special sweets ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ THANKS FOR READING Come visit us soon ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Newsletter by Sereshay Delivered by A Faggot |
Sereshay | Mar 31, 2017 8:48 AM
GREETINGS To all candy lovers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Happy April! Candy Kingdom will be having an cooking card edition on the first of the month and many others over the course of the month ♡ CARD EDITIONS Treats by our talented designers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ April 1 Cooking Edition 🍲 April 4 Taiyakies Staff Birthday Edition April 7 G0T7 Edition 🎤 April 8 Shuuka Staff Birthday Edition April 12 Overwatch Edition 🎮 April 13 Hysa Staff Birthday Edition April 18 Festival of Chocolate Edition 🍫 April 23 Comedy Edition April 28 Emotion Edition 😩 JOIN THE CANDY CREW We're seeking active card makers! ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Click Here to Apply 👑 MEMBER THREADS Be a part of the kingdom ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Official Member Cards Official Member Badges Candy People Chat 💬 SWEET FUN Come play with us in our forum games ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Banish The Tyrant The Prediction Game Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time SPECIAL EVENTS Extra special sweets ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ THANKS FOR READING Come visit us soon ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Newsletter by Sereshay |
Sereshay | Feb 28, 2017 5:50 PM
GREETINGS To all candy lovers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ March is upon us and the club is livelier than ever. We still have lots more fun goodies on the way so don't forget to stop by and join in on the fun ♡ CARD EDITIONS Treats by our talented designers ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ March 3 League of Legends Edition 🎮 March 7 Red Velvet Edition March 9 Action Edition 🎬 March 17 St. Patrick's Day Edition March 20 Spring Festival Edition 🌸 March 22 Exo Edition March 24 Romance Edition 💖 March 27 Rei Birthday Edition JOIN THE CANDY CREW We're seeking active card makers! ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Click Here to Apply 👑 MEMBER THREADS Be a part of the kingdom ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Official Member Cards Official Member Badges Candy People Chat 💬 SWEET FUN Come play with us in our forum games ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Banish The Tyrant The Prediction Game Royal Shipping Game Rename the User Above You Change the Word One Letter at a Time SPECIAL EVENTS Extra special sweets ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ THANKS FOR READING Come visit us soon ❁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ❁ Newsletter by Sereshay |
PinkieBarto | Dec 11, 2016 3:24 PM
Opening Text With the holidays coming up soon and the Nook finally getting on its feet with what it wants to be [A Social Club, surprised? me neither~] It's about time we finally got our first newsletter out yeah? Well this first newsletter oughta start us off with a bang then, We are excited to announce that we will be holding the Nooks first large event, the December Festival! If you haven't already you should check the thread which which is linked here! Also, we have decided to ppen the Discord doors to any and everyone who wishes to join Regardless of whether they're a member of the club itself, a Discord banner will be posted on the club page inviting any who wish to join Other Links |
Ashdoll | Dec 5, 2016 5:49 AM
It's December everybody!! We're still looking for new staff! As always, Card Makers :3 If you're an active member of MAL and want to get involved with the Coffee Shop Family, you can apply Here! We accept anyone no matter how little experience! so don't be afraid to apply :) Official Cards ★ Official Member Cards || Official Member Badges! Be sure to thank our lovely card makers! Current Card Edition ★ ★ Snow ME ★ || Ends Dec 31st We have tons of editions coming out this month! December 5 - Female Badasses RE (Shoutout to Pure-Sky) December 9 - Happy Birthday Mayumi SE December 14 - Watches RE (Shoutout to EvianBubble) December 17 - Happy Birthday Zevu SE December 19 - Kuroshitsuji WE {Shoutout to yernmytangs) December 22 - Shy Characters LE (Shoutout to Ayyrin) December 25 - Christmas SE December 27 - Yukata SE (Shoutout to Shou_21) December 31 - Fireworks SE Keep an eye out for them! If you have any ideas for a card edition, then let us know in the Card Suggestion! We want to here your opinions too and if we use your suggestion, the cards will be dedicated to you! Well, that's it... For now ;) so don't forget to drop by and say hi <3 We look forward to seeing you around the club :) Oh and if you know anyone who loves coffee or just likes making new friends, let them know about us! See you soon ★ |
Ascheherz | Dec 4, 2016 4:23 AM
Hello everyone, it's finally December. And you know what that means :'D it's time for the holidays! ^^ Final exams should be going on for a lot of people around now, so we hope you best with your studies and in whatever situation everyone is in!~ Remember, you guys are always free to comment in our member's chat whenever you have questions or concerns. Our staff will surely get to you ASAP ^^. We also now have a discord server, so if you wish to keep in touch, feel free to join! But lastly, you surely should check the club regularly for news and updates ;D ~~~~~ These are the editions planned for the month of December ♪ Survival ME ♪ December 1st ♪ Alternate Dimensions SE ♪ December 6th ♪ Staff Favorites Series: Meyneth ♪ December 11th ♪ Happy Birthday Zevu RE ♪ December 17th ♪ Earmuffs SE ♪ December 21st ♪ Christmas RE ♪ December 25th ♪ Staff Favorites Series: olivisyl ♪ December 28th ♪ New Years RE ♪ December 31st These are our current games ♪ Count to 10,000! ♪ ♪ Count to 10 Before a Staff Member Posts ♪ ♪ The User Above Me ♪ ♪ Guess the Anime Song ♪ ♪ Talk in Song Titles ♪ ~~~~~ Feel free to visit our edition request thread to request editions you wish to see in Lyrical Harmony. At some point we will get to your favorite edition if we get the time! We have now opened new Official Member Cards along with Official Member Badges, so feel free to request a card and badge if you have not done so yet~! We are always looking for staff! Open positions include Card Makers, Claim Makers, Graphics Makers, and Event Coordinators. If you are interested, please feel free to apply in our Staff Recruitment thread. ^^; Don't forget that we have a music sharing thread! Feel free to check it out and share your favorite songs there ^-^ You may even find new song recommendations that you will fall in love with~! Our Opening/Ending theme song tournament will be reaching its close sometime soon! The finals are currently running, so be sure to vote if it hasn't closed yet!~ We currently have our first Christmas event ongoing! We staff at Lyrical Harmony wish to thank you for all of your participation, and have a little surprise planned. If you are interested, please feel free to check out our Tree of Surprise event thread, and we wish that you all have a happy holiday! ~~~~~ Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon <3 You are always welcome to ask us anything in our club comments if you have any concerns~ This newsletter was sent out by our following deliverers: ♪ Ascheherz ♪ |
Ashdoll | Nov 1, 2016 3:53 PM
Ayy lmao! It's November! To start off the month and the colder season, you can now Claim A Warm Drink! :D You can claim any drink you want but only one drink can be claimed at a time so get your favourite drink first! :)) We are still in need of some new staff members! We're in need of a new Layout maker and a Game moderator Oh and as always, Card Makers too :3 If you're a an active member of MAL and want to get involved with the Coffee Shop Family, you can apply Here! We accept anyone no matter how little experience! so don't be afraid to apply :) Official cards ★ Official Member Cards || Official Member Badges! Be sure to thank our lovely card makers! Current Card Edition ★ Families ME opens Nov 1st!! Some super cool new card editions this month! 400+ Edition - Nov. 4 Scarves Rare Edition - Nov. 5 (shoutout to sky97 <3) Swords Limited Edition - Nov. 9 (shoutout to Aur0ra <3) Otome Games Rare Edition - Nov. 14 Happy Birthday Phraze - Nov. 19 Kokoro Connect Weekly Edition - Nov. 21 Parks Special Edition - Nov. 27 Keep an eye out for them. If you have any ideas for a card edition, then let us know in the Card suggestion! We want to here your opinions too and if we use your suggestion, the cards will be dedicated to you! Games ★ ★ GAME ★ Mission Espressoblel ★ GAME ★ Fuck, Marry or Kill ★ GAME ★ Yummy or Yucky ★ GAME ★ Black or Cream? ★ GAME ★ Guess This Lewd Character! ★ GAME ★ Watched or Not Watched ★ GAME ★ Counting up ★ GAME ★ Fuck, Marry or Kill ★ GAME ★ Click & Drag Your Own Anime Story ★ GAME ★ Guess the Anime Character ~~ Have fun ~~ Well, that's it... For now ;) so don't forget to drop by and say hi <3 We look forward to seeing you around the club :) Oh and if you know anyone who loves coffee or just likes making new friends, let them know about us! See you soon ★ |
Jean_ | Nov 1, 2016 9:42 AM
Hello everyone, after about a 3 month break, we are finally bringing back our newsletters! ^^ I know lots of us have started school again, because I have to. I hope it all goes well in whatever situation everyone is in currently~ Remember, you guys are always free to comment in our member's chat whenever you have questions or concerns. Our staff will surely get to you ASAP ^^. We also now have a discord server, so if you wish to keep in touch, feel free to join! But lastly, you surely should check the club regularly for news and updates ;D ~~~~~ These are the editions planned for the month of November ♪ Time Travel ME ♪ November 1st ♪ Hibike! Euphonium LE ♪ Novemeber 4th ♪ Happy Birthday SeraTsubaki RE ♪ November 6th ♪ Summer 2016 SE ♪ November 10th ♪ Staff Favorites Series: Rei ♪ November 14th ♪ Happy Birthday Phraze RE ♪ November 19th ♪ Pink CE ♪ November 22nd ♪ Musical Instruments SE ♪ November 26th ♪ Happy Birthday oliviasyl RE ♪ November 29th ♪ Staff Favorites Series: cookies05 ♪ November 30th These are our current games ♪ Count to 10,000! ♪ ♪ Count to 10 Before a Staff Member Posts ♪ ♪ The User Above Me ♪ ♪ Guess the Anime Song ♪ ♪ Talk in Song Titles ♪ ~~~~~ Feel free to visit our edition request thread to request editions you wish to see in Lyrical Harmony. At some point we will get to your favorite edition if we get the time! We have now opened new Official Member Cards along with Official Member Badges, so feel free to request a card and badge if you have not done so yet~! We are always looking for staff! Open positions include Card Makers, Claim Makers, and Graphics Makers. If you are interested, please feel free to apply in our Staff Recruitment thread. ^^; Don't forget that we have a music sharing thread! Feel free to check it out and share your favorite songs there ^-^ You may even find new song recommendations that you will fall in love with~! Our Opening/Ending theme song tournament will be starting ASAP, as soon as the nominations fill up! Feel free to drop in your nomination too if it isn't full yet!~ ~~~~~ Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon <3 You are always welcome to ask us anything in our club comments if you have any concerns~ This newsletter was sent out by our following deliverers: ♪ Jean ♪ Phraze ♪ Rei ♪ Stormrider ♪ |
MysticalPhoenix | Oct 23, 2016 12:00 PM
Hello there! This is the second newsletter of the Mystery Shack, so here are the things in store for you. CARDS AND CLAIMS Request on these threads while it still lasts! Claim a Murderer Blood Edition (You can update your post on Karen's cards, if you have met the limits.) Here are the upcoming editions for next month! Nov 4th - Witches Edition Nov 11th - Vampires Edition Nov 18th - Demons Edition Nov 19th - Phraze's Birthday Edition Nov 25th - Cookies Edition Nov 27th - Candle Edition You can suggest here if you want an edition to be seen here in the club! CONSISTENTLY OPEN THREADS We are still looking for people who have the potential to help the club grow! Apply now! Staff Recruitment Introduce yourself for old and new! Introduce Yourself Request a video to be featured on our club home page! Request a Video Share your good and bad ideas with us! Suggestions GAMES Come and join in the fun! The more, the merrier! Count to 100! Anime/Manga Shiritori Characters A-Z Crack the Code MORE GOOD NEWS OR MORE BAD NEWS??? Listen up, 'cause I think some of you guys will be interested in this... The Mystery Shack's currently working on their Discord chat. It is yet under construction by Karen so we'll be notifying you all about this update. THANK YOU FOR READING! Written by: Remmi02 Delivered by: MysticalPhoenix |
ChiLynn | Oct 5, 2016 2:54 AM
welcome to the second installment of our club newsletter! sorry for being silent for 2 months.. even the staff newsletter gets the same treatment lol due to RL keeping us staff busy, especially the creator, ViP will go on semi-hiatus. editions and activities will continue as usual, a new layout will be coming up, etc etc but the club shall be set on secret. feel free to invite your friends if they're interested of course~ during this time we will adjust things to work for our busy schedule. this club was made to be a staff-centered club, so its in the best interest of the staff that we go on semi-hiatus. thanks for staying with us so far ♫ Member Application apply for a member card(it'll come in handy later on) Staff Recruitment join the team?? Birthday Edition Application be part of our monthly birthday edition Suggestion Corner at least 1 will happen in the month - claim, edtion, thread, etc not until we organize things but go ahead and post Newsletter Signup obviously signed up already~ Be a Playmate this is still in the works but...sign up? ouo EDITIONS Vintage Project Member Card ft. Phraze Vintage Project Member Cards + Badges ft. Yui Vintage Project Member Card ft. ShadowSpirit GAMES Ctrl+V Count Up! Would You Rather? What Do You Think of the Person Above You Give Something to User Above You UPCOMING a new layout probably a mini-event of some sort, of collectible cards or claims newsletter written by Phraze and delivered by our beloved couriers: Mawaru, Lokester, ChiLynn, Deathmemo, D4rknessEt3rnal |
bigbootymummaci | Oct 4, 2016 6:54 AM
It's October everybody!! That means a new Newsletter :)) We're still looking for new staff! We're in need of a new Layout maker, and 2 Game Moderators Oh and as always, Card Makers too :3 If you're an active member of MAL and want to get involved with the Coffee Shop Family, you can apply Here! We accept anyone no matter how little experience! so don't be afraid to apply :) Official Cards ★ Official Member Cards || Official Member Badges! Be sure to thank our lovely card makers! Current Card Edition ★ ★ Witches ME ★ || Ends Oct 31st We have tons of editions coming out this month! October 5 - Long Haired Males Rare Edition (shout out to kleenex4u) October 9 - Cake Limited Edition (shout out to MisterBy) October 14 - Middle Finger Rare Edition October 19 - Mawaru Penguindrum Weekly Edition October 27 - Pumpkin Special Edition Keep an eye out for them! If you have any ideas for a card edition, then let us know in the Card Suggestion! We want to here your opinions too and if we use your suggestion, the cards will be dedicated to you! Games ★ ★ GAME ★ Mission Espressoblel ★ GAME ★ Fuck, Marry or Kill ★ GAME ★ Yummy or Yucky ★ GAME ★ Black or Cream? ★ GAME ★ Guess This Lewd Character! ★ GAME ★ Watched or Not Watched ★ GAME ★ Counting up ★ GAME ★ Fuck, Marry or Kill ★ GAME ★ Click & Drag Your Own Anime Story ~~ Have fun ~~ Well, that's it... For now ;) so don't forget to drop by and say hi <3 We look forward to seeing you around the club :) Oh and if you know anyone who loves coffee or just likes making new friends, let them know about us! See you soon ★ |
MysticalPhoenix | Oct 1, 2016 10:55 AM
Hello there! This is the first newsletter of the Mystery Shack, and we would like to thank you for joining! We are also grateful that you signed-up for this to keep up with the latest mysteries that are currently happening in the club. UPCOMING CARD EDITIONS We currently don't have any open editions yet this month due to some business I'm having. Feel free to request whenever they're open, but keep in mind that they're open for a limited time only! Oct 7 - Mystery Shack Opening Edition Oct 14 - Candy Edition Oct 21 - Blood Edition Oct 28 - Jack o Lantern Edition Oct 31 - Halloween Edition CONSISTENTLY OPEN THREADS The Mystery Shack is still looking for people who have the potential to help the club grow! Interested? Apply now! Staff Recruitment Are you new in the club? Then, why don't you introduce yourself? We would like to know you better! Don't be shy! Introduce Yourself Request a video to be featured on our club home page! Request a Video Share your good and bad ideas with us! Suggestions GAMES Come and join in the fun! The more, the merrier! Count to 100! Anime/Manga Shiritori Characters A-Z Crack the Code THANK YOU FOR READING! Written by: KarenShirotroi Delivered by: MysticalPhoenix |
tretij | Sep 11, 2016 7:04 PM
INTRODUCTION Ayeee candies! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Candy Kingdom welcomes you our UPCOMING EDITIONSnewsletter for the month of September :D Want your fave song or artist to be featured in the club? Then join our ROC thread! The club is still hosting an Anime Watching Challenge by one of our staff, Elephantom! Come and join the fun! Thank you for being with us through the month ♥ Feel free to request on our card editions! (≧∇≦)♥ ALWAYS OPEN THREADSClaim a Bishoujo - August 2016 Claim a Dessert 🍰 Claim a Fast Food Meal 🍟 Osomatsu-san Edition September 12 - Weekly Horoscope #07 September 16 - Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt Edition September 23 - K-On! Edition September 28 - Reirany Birthday Edition September 30 - Chihayafuru Edition Be an official candy by requesting OMC & OMB! CANDY PLAYGROUNDMember Badges We're hiring staffs to help the club. Be one of us! New to the club? Feel free to introduce yourself! Want to know the latest happening in CK? Aside from card editions, we also have different games! WHAT'S UP? WHAT'S DOWN?Feel free to have fun in our kingdom's playground <3 Bring Me! Count to 100 before the Banana Guard appear! Say "Hi!" in your Language Vanilla Queen vs Chocolate King Powerpuff yourself! Click and Drag your Story! ♫ Rock Our Concert ♫ Word Association Story worthy of the Royal Candies! Eat, Savour or Spit out Magic 8-Ball We also have our own Discord Channel! THANK YOU FOR READING! We're hosting an Anime Watching Challenge! Collectible zodiac signs are still up! Newsletter by: Maze Delivered by: Ass Destroyer |