Jan 23, 2021 7:54 PM
Rating System
Anime Relations:
Runway de Waratte
Enjoyment is first priority
1 - Transcends merely disliking it; Surprisingly horrendous;
2 - bottom of the barrel; Distasteful experience as a whole; I DO NOT recommend these to anyone
Wasted Potential
3 - Amateur writing/characterization or lousy visuals; There may have been a few worthwhile moments, but significant problems have overweighed them; Still has one or two aspects that save it from being total garbage;
4 – Bad; Below Average; Unpleasing or unimaginative but enjoyable to a degree; Decent experience; Something I can admit to being lenient on despite amateur writing;
5 - Mediocre; Forgettable; Nothing Special and considerably fun at best; mid execution
6 - Fine; ok; Liked it well enough, but not something I would be hard-pressed to recommend; Bad aspects can be overlooked but still could have been a bit better;
7 – Good with minimal flaws; Liked it quite a bit and felt that my time wasn't wasted; Not incredibly impressive but something I enjoyed;
8 - Fantastic, extremely enjoyable; Personal cathartic experience; Considered a favorite; This score is usually subjective and does not always depend on the craft since only one or two aspects move me; I recommend these to EVERYONE
9 - Masterpiece; Excels in all areas (direction, story, character writing, theme exploration, enjoyment); Something I will remember for years to come;
10 - Highest class of masterpiece; Transcends personal enjoyment and legitimate critique; Pinnacle of true glory that most anime can only dream of achieving;
1 - Transcends merely disliking it; Surprisingly horrendous;
2 - bottom of the barrel; Distasteful experience as a whole; I DO NOT recommend these to anyone
Wasted Potential
3 - Amateur writing/characterization or lousy visuals; There may have been a few worthwhile moments, but significant problems have overweighed them; Still has one or two aspects that save it from being total garbage;
4 – Bad; Below Average; Unpleasing or unimaginative but enjoyable to a degree; Decent experience; Something I can admit to being lenient on despite amateur writing;
5 - Mediocre; Forgettable; Nothing Special and considerably fun at best; mid execution
6 - Fine; ok; Liked it well enough, but not something I would be hard-pressed to recommend; Bad aspects can be overlooked but still could have been a bit better;
7 – Good with minimal flaws; Liked it quite a bit and felt that my time wasn't wasted; Not incredibly impressive but something I enjoyed;
8 - Fantastic, extremely enjoyable; Personal cathartic experience; Considered a favorite; This score is usually subjective and does not always depend on the craft since only one or two aspects move me; I recommend these to EVERYONE
9 - Masterpiece; Excels in all areas (direction, story, character writing, theme exploration, enjoyment); Something I will remember for years to come;
10 - Highest class of masterpiece; Transcends personal enjoyment and legitimate critique; Pinnacle of true glory that most anime can only dream of achieving;
Posted by
| Jan 23, 2021 7:54 PM |
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