Oct 30, 2022 4:15 PM
My Japanese learning journal
Anime Relations:
Hello to whoever is reading this, I'm going to write about my Japanese learning journey in this blog post (Just going to keep editing this one so its all compact). Anything in [Square Brackets] is just something i've added on a later date. Feel free to comment any tips or if you want any advice.
DD/MM/YY btw
31/10/22 - I currently know all N5 kanji and a fraction of N4, Current manga volumes read in Japanese - 6 (mainly Yotsubato)
5/11/22 - Here's a picture of all the Japanese manga I've read so far, ordered left to right from least difficult to most. I've also been doing some Anki flashcards for the past month and a bit. An N4 kanji deck and an overall kanji deck, I've probably learnt the same number of kanji I would of in 6 months in about 1 from revising flashcards everyday (I revise around 100 a day which take ~10 min.
22/11/22 - I had my Japanese exam yesterday (year 10), it was pretty easy. It was mainly reading comprehension and an essay to write at the end. I hope to get a high mark (I got 98% on the last exam).
3/12/22 - Hello everyone, I just got my exam result back yesterday with 97%, I got 21/20 on the essay writing sections because I guess mine was really a high standard lol.
6/12/22 - I've been making some powerpoints on content we learn in class which I show to my classmates, they are fun to make
19/12/22 - Summer holidays have started here in Australia about a week ago, I plan to study a lot more Japanese :)
22/12/22 - Hello everyone, it nearly Christmas yay :D. The year seems to go by so quickly. I've recently started using the notion notetaking app and made a page to keep track on Japanese novels I'm going to start reading. Here's the link for it - https://www.notion.so/9a7e0cd44ae942e88e4abb8f926fc3da?v=bfacc12219db4772b109830f2bf1bd16
1/1/23 - Happy new year everyone, 2022 was a year that I learnt how to start studying Japanese properly. I hope to achieve more this year and decided to start reading more with my goal of reading 1,000,000 Japanese characters in a year. (I'm currently at 6k characters in 2 weeks) :D
1/2/23 - It's already been a month, time goes by fast. Anyway, I'm currently at 38k characters read in my Japanese reading so far :D.
2/4/23 - Wow its been like 2 months since I last updated this post lmao. Busy with school and such. I'm currently at 101k characters read so I'm like 10% towards my goal. Quite happy, and I've nearly finished my first light novel. :) - I also had a Japanese speaking assessment at my school which I got 95% on so I'm happy overall.
5/7/23 - Been a while since I updated this because I was busy with school and kinda forgot to update it, anyways I finished reading my first light novel which was kuma kuma kuma bear and now I'm a bit over halfway through reading Bunny Girl sennpai which is a considerably harder book but it gets easier the more I read. I can read ~500 kanji now which is pretty good considering I've only been using flashcards since last year.
18/7/23 - Its been a month and a bit, I can read around 600 kanji now and I've finished reading Bunny Girl Senpai vol 1, I've read bits of other light novels too, I mainly want to focus on learning more kanji but reading books is important too.
17/12/23 - bruh its been so long since I made a new entry to this, I did the N3 Japanese test a few weeks ago- hopefully I pass, results come out late Jan. I recently finished my 4th light novel in Japanaese - Kawahara Reki’s Demon Crest, overall pretty good. Its school holidays right now do I’m planning to read a lot more
22/1/24 - bit late but happy new years to everyone reading this, I just passed N3!!! super happy. I'm currently reading my 5th light novel volume which is bunny girl senpai volume 3 which is the logical witch arc, enjoying it so far, and nearly finished it. (I have like 50 out of 350 pages left). I might attempt N2 at the end of this year but I have year 12 to do so we'll see how it goes.
Here are my current stats for Japanese since it's a new year: 580k Japanese characters read, 4 Light novel volumes read, 7 manga volumes read (I don't read much manga in Japanese lol), known kanji characters: 650 ish - a modest estimate
1/3/24 - got my N3 certificate in the post yay!- Currently reading volume 4 of Seishun Buta yarou / bunny girl senpai - it's been a fun read
1/8/24 - it's been a while but i still haven't forgot this exists lol (I still use MAL like everyday), I'm on volume 6 of seishun buta yarou, I'm in my last year of HS rn so it's hard to study extra Japanese in my own time but I'm doing my best :D
26/02/25 - Wow it's been half a year since I updated this, I've graduated high school and now in university studying Japanese and International business, I was also studying abroad in Japan during December and January at a Japanese HS which was fun. It really was like anime lol.
DD/MM/YY btw
31/10/22 - I currently know all N5 kanji and a fraction of N4, Current manga volumes read in Japanese - 6 (mainly Yotsubato)
5/11/22 - Here's a picture of all the Japanese manga I've read so far, ordered left to right from least difficult to most. I've also been doing some Anki flashcards for the past month and a bit. An N4 kanji deck and an overall kanji deck, I've probably learnt the same number of kanji I would of in 6 months in about 1 from revising flashcards everyday (I revise around 100 a day which take ~10 min.
[img doesnt work anymore 😢]
22/11/22 - I had my Japanese exam yesterday (year 10), it was pretty easy. It was mainly reading comprehension and an essay to write at the end. I hope to get a high mark (I got 98% on the last exam).
3/12/22 - Hello everyone, I just got my exam result back yesterday with 97%, I got 21/20 on the essay writing sections because I guess mine was really a high standard lol.
6/12/22 - I've been making some powerpoints on content we learn in class which I show to my classmates, they are fun to make
19/12/22 - Summer holidays have started here in Australia about a week ago, I plan to study a lot more Japanese :)
22/12/22 - Hello everyone, it nearly Christmas yay :D. The year seems to go by so quickly. I've recently started using the notion notetaking app and made a page to keep track on Japanese novels I'm going to start reading. Here's the link for it - https://www.notion.so/9a7e0cd44ae942e88e4abb8f926fc3da?v=bfacc12219db4772b109830f2bf1bd16
1/1/23 - Happy new year everyone, 2022 was a year that I learnt how to start studying Japanese properly. I hope to achieve more this year and decided to start reading more with my goal of reading 1,000,000 Japanese characters in a year. (I'm currently at 6k characters in 2 weeks) :D
1/2/23 - It's already been a month, time goes by fast. Anyway, I'm currently at 38k characters read in my Japanese reading so far :D.
2/4/23 - Wow its been like 2 months since I last updated this post lmao. Busy with school and such. I'm currently at 101k characters read so I'm like 10% towards my goal. Quite happy, and I've nearly finished my first light novel. :) - I also had a Japanese speaking assessment at my school which I got 95% on so I'm happy overall.
5/7/23 - Been a while since I updated this because I was busy with school and kinda forgot to update it, anyways I finished reading my first light novel which was kuma kuma kuma bear and now I'm a bit over halfway through reading Bunny Girl sennpai which is a considerably harder book but it gets easier the more I read. I can read ~500 kanji now which is pretty good considering I've only been using flashcards since last year.
18/7/23 - Its been a month and a bit, I can read around 600 kanji now and I've finished reading Bunny Girl Senpai vol 1, I've read bits of other light novels too, I mainly want to focus on learning more kanji but reading books is important too.
17/12/23 - bruh its been so long since I made a new entry to this, I did the N3 Japanese test a few weeks ago- hopefully I pass, results come out late Jan. I recently finished my 4th light novel in Japanaese - Kawahara Reki’s Demon Crest, overall pretty good. Its school holidays right now do I’m planning to read a lot more
22/1/24 - bit late but happy new years to everyone reading this, I just passed N3!!! super happy. I'm currently reading my 5th light novel volume which is bunny girl senpai volume 3 which is the logical witch arc, enjoying it so far, and nearly finished it. (I have like 50 out of 350 pages left). I might attempt N2 at the end of this year but I have year 12 to do so we'll see how it goes.
Here are my current stats for Japanese since it's a new year: 580k Japanese characters read, 4 Light novel volumes read, 7 manga volumes read (I don't read much manga in Japanese lol), known kanji characters: 650 ish - a modest estimate
1/3/24 - got my N3 certificate in the post yay!- Currently reading volume 4 of Seishun Buta yarou / bunny girl senpai - it's been a fun read
1/8/24 - it's been a while but i still haven't forgot this exists lol (I still use MAL like everyday), I'm on volume 6 of seishun buta yarou, I'm in my last year of HS rn so it's hard to study extra Japanese in my own time but I'm doing my best :D
26/02/25 - Wow it's been half a year since I updated this, I've graduated high school and now in university studying Japanese and International business, I was also studying abroad in Japan during December and January at a Japanese HS which was fun. It really was like anime lol.
Posted by
| Oct 30, 2022 4:15 PM |
H-5121 | Nov 1, 2022 5:43 PM
Congrats on your progress! I've tried to self-teach Japanese a couple times, but still have yet to get past the Kana unfortunately. I really need to take a proper class or meet / create a group of people to practice it with regularly.