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July 1st, 2010
Currently Working on-

1. Slam Dunk Fan Club

2. MM!

4. Mitsudomoe
Posted by Alby | Jul 1, 2010 5:06 PM | 0 comments
June 29th, 2010
I was very excited of the new anime, and I decided to start off with some that just released-

Sekirei Pure Engagement (2010)-
This anime seemed to me as quite exciting after the intro. Instead of the ecchi style, the story mixes with supernatural action that makes the plot interesting, about pairing up with others. This was surely great, and all of us will wonder who that group of people are in the beginning. Many of the ecchiness were shown as well, and seemed to have some comedy in it? I didn't laugh though. The last part about the "love story", confuses me quite alot. Maybe this will become another confusing anime like the failure of Mayoi Neko Overunn. I hope this anime will get better in the future.


Ookami-san to Shichinin no Nakamatachi (2010)-
I really enjoyed some of the previous anime that were directed in this studio, and that certain style of illustration we see a lot recently. So far into the anime, there is the main protagonist, and another green haired boy who is afraid of getting stared at. It looks like as if all these characters that we have seen in here all have unique abilities. But unfortunately the funny bits were too common. This may be classified as a romantic comedy, but the true romance had not come to hand yet, and the comedy is again, too general. How is it general? We have seen similar things happening with all those old anime and manga we watch, so it is not funny AND is quite frustrating watching it again. Maybe if this was your first anime, you may laugh a little, but if you actually have experience in these things, most likely not. Unless your a Hentai-San. Instead of the use of ecchi-wise romance elements, this anime includes the next gag element, the (conversation with narrator). Not exactly talking, but eye gesturing still includes to this element. If you have noticed, I am pretty sure that narrator sounded like the teleportation girl of the RAILGUN in to aru series hehe xD. In all the anime I have seen, I only remember two that used this same element, one in Hayate no Gotoku, and another in KERORO GUNSO. These two anime are amazing to watch because of the extreme use of gags that has to do with the present day, and to do with the popular things that are happening today. There was only one or maybe two episodes in these two anime that have the (conversation with narrator) element, which is a wiser choice. Starting the first episode with the protagonist doing eye contact to the narrator is just very awkward. AND, the narrator is talking back with expression... I hope the series will not get worse but better, so I will be looking forward to it.


Amagami SS (2010)-
Ever since I watched School Days, I never dared to watch any more eroge or "relationship-wised" games adapted as anime. When I watched School Days, I had that steady kimochi and I was eager to know what will happen in the next episode, which makes it a very strong story. But after you watch all those happy moments.. BOOM! Just like those O Henry books, the most twisted ending assaulted your peaceful mind. This one was not just twisted, but very disturbing and violent. Well since Amagami SS is an adaption of the game, I am quite scared of watching, with my heart is filled with the awareness of the twisted part. Good thing when I looked into the homepage, I didn't see anything fishy, and I actually played the game before.. and it wasn't THAT bad.. So far inside the anime, quite a lot had happened, having one crush and immediately confessing.. Which MAY be a warning for all of us to see how many times this poor dude is going to get dumped on, and eventually giving us the worst ending in the game. Lets just hope that wouldn't happen to us otaku.


Mitsudomoe (2010)-
Wow this is one amazing anime to watch, about three children with specific but opposite personalities with each other. I'm a big fan of loli, but this anime didn't use it as one of its elements, but I wouldn't mind watching this. This is just the first episode and I am already laughing quite alot by the end of the first half, which makes this anime a must watch for the season. (I don't laugh frequently, and the comedy is something I have never seen before ) Many of you are not interested to these shows little kids watch at home, but I can sense this one is used to letting those children into the world of loli, ecchi or some pervertness, other than pokemon or some kid show like that. This has a similarity with the Yamaru Youchien (forgot how to spell that), it has a pint of ecchi-comedy element inside, which introduces new things to these children watching. Mitsudomoe has a little more ecchi element compared to the Youchien, so viewers who watch ecchi comedy frequently should take a try at this. If you are kind of person who likes more serious ecchiness, this is not a very good choice, because you're still watching little kids talking and playing with each other. After all, I find this one a must watch for this season if you are a fan of loli.


Seitokai Yakuindono (2010)
Haha. I already have a feeling that this will probably be the best anime this season, well compared to the other ones, I find this one probably the best anime so far. Right after watching, I am 100% sure that the anime this season will definitely be better than all those failures the past season. The professional use of shonen art, chibi and some 3D effects, makes me feel like I am watching Hayate no Gotoku once again. This is certainly a very straightforward story, without any confusing moments so far. The idea this author used is just amazing, how the indirect ecchi, loli, real comedy, and all those famous elements we see before are put inside. The great thing is that the person used it so well and clear that we can all feel what is going on, and we can all laugh at the comedy parts, and enjoy the chibi. I am definitely excited for the next remaining episodes, with more storyline, and maybe something twisted towards the end. Seitokai Yakuindono is a great mix of all those anime we watch before, and I can name a ton more elements that are part of this anime so far through the first episode. Moreover, this anime had just released, and having that good reputation really makes me excited to the future episodes. I am looking forward to Seitokai Yakuindono, and I hope it will only get better, not worse.


Kuroshitsuji 2 (2010)-
This was moreover a sequel to the first series, but something interesting about this was the two new protagonists, a white haired and his butler. Most people do not like newer characters, but want to see the old characters in action, so the old protagonists continue in this story, making this anime storyline a good choice. In the first episode, I was deeply leered to watching, and we can all see the more psychology and life-like elements during this, which may be a good opening to all you watchers out there. After all, if the series go along well, we might find ourselves watching a psychology and twisting anime, which will then be a change to the following series. I think the first Kuroshitsuji is quite good, but doesn't need to go far to have a sequel that has new characters and a change in the storyline. So far the episode is quite nice, so I believe this will become another great new anime this season.


Occult Academy (2010)-
Now this is something interesting this season, having that one genre none of us can name. There is a pint of horror, some creepiness, a little action, but not that violent, and not psychological in any way. This is nothing more than a horror-action based anime that 13 year olds can watch, nothing too horror and creepy, but very supernatural. This world that the protagonist is in, something about occult or spiritual creatures, is a very common kind of topic, so this anime's storyline may not be too stable. Overall, this is not so bad, and it will become a great anime to watch. Hopefully in the future of Occult Academy, more genres will get mixed into this anime.


Strike Witches 2 (2010)-
Many people had been able to enjoy loli with all that pantsu inside the anime. I unfortunately have no idea how to enjoy this kind of stuff, especially when it is not as tempting... Although this was only the first episode, I wasn't so eager to keep watching because of the little amount of ecchiness, but more of the action. To those who can understand this kind of anime, this will definitely be a good choice to them. I hope this anime will get better along the way, and will be better than the prequel.


Asobi ni Ikuyo (2010)-
I just wonder if this anime had copied someone else... the hooking battle scene in the first few minutes, following an alien who came from nowhere, and the next morning she is sleeping with the "future-harem" protagonist!?~ We have seen too many same plots so far, especially to the former hit anime To Love Ru. It is very hard to tell what kind of genre this anime has, other than maybe some action, harem and ecchi. There is not really a romantic plot of any sort YET, and I hope it will come out soon. Watching this feels like To Love Ru, but yet not THAT great.


Black Rock Shooter (2010)-
Heh heh..all that promotion for a single OVA? Simply amazing. Well, the whole hour of this anime is basically revolving on friendship and the relations between one another. The hatred towards friendship, and of course the hardships throughout it. Unfortunately it felt exactly like watching a kids show in my opinion.. this and that of friendship and love. Black Rock Shooter feels like it is for kiddos to watch, and is very childish in the storyline. One thing I find annoying too is the random fighting every couple minutes. I just couldn't stand it at all... such confusing and frustration while watching Black Rock Shooter. Yet what a shame.. I actually was looking forward to it.

Posted by Alby | Jun 29, 2010 11:12 PM | 0 comments
Recently I was looking back at the anime/manga I read when I was younger, and I decided to make some short reviews on each of them. I don't really like the way when I write a review, and receive bad marks on them. Everyone has a different taste in anime.

Sugar Sugar Rune (2006)-
I still remember watching this on television when I was younger, so it was quite memorable to look back at it. One thing I really liked about this was the basic idea of the whole story. The most part was about two girls competing with each other for the title as a queen. In order to become the queen, they have to compete by collecting hearts from humans, which then takes away a big part of I am looking forward to. The romance. There is a romance behind all this, but personally it feels awkward to see the humans loose their feelings, which I find very unfortunate. :/ Or else, this is definitely a very good anime to watch especially for elementary to pre teens. The whole idea of taking hearts away was unique in a way, but it can be a disadvantage for the readers who wanted more of the fight between love. I took a great point off because of the times I sigh when the humans have their hearts taken away. I would've gave this story a greater mark only if the author had maybe put a human character inside the story that the protagonist will fall in love to, therefore forming love triangles. Or else, this whole story revolves more on the "friendship" between two people, not on the "romance" side when they have to fight for one person. After all this is a kids show, so I wouldn't be surprised if those elements were taken away.

Slam Dunk (1993)-
Slam Dunk is obviously the greatest manga of all time, as said inside a poll asked by 1000 japanese people. I truly believe that this is the greatest sports manga, but not necessarily the greatest manga. This is truly a masterpiece, with the amazing chibi drawings this artist has to fuse inside the great storyline that touches all of our hearts. How the comedy fuses with the sport is what made me shock the most. Mixing two genres are very hard, but the way the author organizes the storyline, it feels like if a new genre is born.
The rating for this manga and anime is very easy-
10/10 masterpiece.

Great Teacher Onizuka (2000)-
One reason why we watch anime. Sometimes you should ask yourself why you watch anime or read manga. Every time I read something, I always ask myself this same question. What is the use of watching this? Time wasted or not? This is also a reason why I dropped out so many anime, because there is literally no use watching them. But one genre that takes us to the real world is the genre of psychology. GTO and the Shounan Junai Gumi all rely as a mixture of what we humans do, what we see on the news, what we think of everyday. The addiction that you get from watching this anime continues with the unexpected plots of each episode, but deep inside, you will always know that whatever crap happens, Onizuka always have some crazy idea to nullify it. This proves how much the personality is shown so well inside the protagonist, especially in the prequel Shounan Junai Gumi. These days, all of us know what kind of crap is happening in the world, how more of these gangs have formed. But inside this story, the author uses this as an element, a big plus to gather along with the protagonist of the series. There are so many reasons why we should all watch this anime, from the great emotional art, the feelings and personalities of each character, the epic storyline, the touching music and the belief between the reader and Onizuka. Sometimes you just feel that you actually know Onizuka in person. Great teacher Onizuka and Shounan Junai Gumi is easily one of the few great manga I have ever read in my life. I do not give 10s that often. To sum it up, indeed this anime is very short, and deserves a lot more episodes than all those other useless anime that has 500+ chapters. But watching this is useful in a way because you actually know about the issues and japanese subcultures inside each of these students, which gives it a good reason to be watched. The ending was kinda sad because he didn't get to teach his old students anymore, but that is what made it such a great story.

Posted by Alby | Jun 29, 2010 4:22 PM | 0 comments
June 28th, 2010
New Anime Reviews (I did not do all of them either I did not watch them, or I just simply dont feel like it, I am just writing the ones that I think deserves to be commented)

Arakawa Under the Bridge (2010)-
This anime was very interesting, simply having its own genre.. which makes it worthwhile to watch. Unfortunately this anime is not very catchy to whoever is watching, which disappoints me. The whole setting of the supernatural anime is very awkward, and you get quite bored looking at each chapter end so quickly. There were definitely some very unique characters, but its not enough to catch the hearts for us otakus to continue watching. This is in my perspective, but maybe it will be a little better to the kind of people who gets interested to this. Overall I feel this as a good anime, nothing too bad... but makes you feel like your wasting time while watching it.
I gave this a plus because of the good opening song.

Angel Beats (2010)-
Here comes another supernatural anime for all you otakus who find yourself inside a different world while watching this. Unfortunately, everybody has different tastes, and in this case.. I find this actually quite confusing. Sometimes you have to think to yourself.. is it worthwhile to watch this anime? That is what I always thought to myself, so when it comes to this anime.. I find it quite annoying. I quit this manga after I found out that it was really useless to watch such thing that just wastes 30 min of my life. After the first episode I got quite hooked, but you actually get to know the ending will be like quite quickly, just like all those other supernatural animes you watch years ago. Since Angel Beats had quite a success, I didn't dare to give such low score, or else everybody would've just send junk email to me.

Giant Killing (2010)-
The only sports anime this season!? Amazing. I read the manga and I found it quite interesting inside the anime, but it still is not comparable with the manga for some reason. Giant Killing is a nice anime, and deserves a good score for all those sport lovers out there. So far so good I guess.. I hope it will not end so quickly, and I hope it will have more episodes.

Kiss x Sis (2010)-
Awkward don't you think? I had been watching this ever since the OVA, and I was actually quite into it. =3= But actually.. you could almost guess what will happen next in every single episode you watch. This and that and then something perverted will happen. Isn't this very familiar in anime these days? Only different is that these guys go even farther then normal, revolving on sisters and incest!!? Incest is quite famous in anime and manga these days so I won't blame on that, but after seeing a couple of Kiss x Sis, I was barely able to finish it... After all I found out that watching the OVA was a lot better than the television version. Even the manga feels like it is better. Or at least it isn't getting worse. =^=

Mayoi Neko Overunn! (2010)-
This whole anime is an epic failure. I was actually quite interested after reading the manga and the idea of changing directors in every episode, but after I watched 3 or 4 of these, I gave up. It is such a shame because I actually liked the artist. The confusing storyline mixing with random events doesn't go with the flow at all. There was also a terrible ending too, but it was easy to see that the directors might have had a fun time doing this. Why? They make their episode so crazy the next director has no idea how to continue it. Then the next one does it to the next. And so on. End of story.

B Gata H Kei (2010)-
B Gata H Kei is very interesting, and it had a plot that many of us have not encounter before. But even though its special, the whole story is very boring and useless to watch. There are some parts that you find funny, and there are parts that us Otakus will enjoy. If you think this way, every time you watch an ecchi based kind of comedy anime, you always get to a point when that most perverted thing is going to happen, when suddenly something funny ruins it. Some shit about that girl that comes over saying that she wants to have sex with 100 people, starting off with a boyfriend, and then learns that sex was not as important than that boy. Even the most simple hypothesis can lead you to thinking that way, and as expected, it was what had happened. What a shame.
Awesome song gives the anime a big plus.

Working!! (2010)-
This is very straightforward, another anime that we find normal, and sometimes you will say- "did I watch this before?" After all, this was not bad of an anime, and I actually enjoyed the manga quite a lot. That manga had been released for awhile, and it deserves a good anime. The square enix-like and comedy mixture wasn't so bad after all.. It is actually quite nice compared to the other failures this season, so I will be looking forward to a new anime from this writer.

Kaichou wa Maid-Sama (2010)-
After reading this manga for a long time, I always thought to myself how much it deserves to have an anime. I certainly loved the manga, and now with the anime, I loved it even more. This is certainly the best anime this season compared to all those failures. This story has many good points, from the extinct personalities of each character to the relationship and romantic comedy. This anime sure deserves a lot more episodes, and I hope it will go with the flow with the manga without fillers. Good thing is, the fillers aren't that bad at all.. and I definitely will still watch it with the fillers on. Unfortunately, my favorite character who made this manga so interesting did not come out yet. (shintani) I am looking forward of the anime episodes when he will appear, since the story will get more interesting from there.

Ichiban Ushiro (2010)-
This was another supernatural ecchi like anime, and is actually a good thing that it wasn't as bad as the ones before. To say the truth I actually enjoyed watching this, but because it was very awkward at some point, the comedy just blew it away. Even though it was a good anime, I still feel like there was something lost inside it that made me stop watching after a couple episodes. Was it because of Megavideo? Most likely not. Maybe it is because of myself, not watching the anime that does not fit my taste.

Hetalia World Series (2010)-
This wasnt so bad of an anime after the two animes before, and looks like it was actually quite funny in the start of the few episodes, but it got me quite off very soon. This series is good, and I think comedy lovers should watch it. Dont blame me if you suddenly dont feel like watching anymore..

Other Anime

Haiyore Nyaruko San! (2010)-
These short episodes are actually quite funny, and I hope you translators will make it more popular, like adding subtitles or fandubbing them. It is true that they are short.. but more of these short clips are getting popular, and it certainly is a good way to show gag.

Black Rock Shooter (June 30)
I was so upset that it got delayed! but since this will release in just two days, I am feeling very excited. I hope this will be another good anime along with the summer anime!

Da capo 3 (???)
Where did it go??? T_T I watched the first 3 sets of the anime, and I also had played the game a couple times. I wonder when it will get released..

Bakuman (Summer? Fall?)
I read the manga ever since it first released, and I am totally addicted to it. I am certainly sure that this anime will be a success if it follows the flow of the manga. Good luck you two!

MM! (October)
Ever since I walked into SOGO's Manga section, that picture on a COMIC ALIVE magazine just shocked me. That was when I got interested to the manga, and starting to buy some chinese versions of it. Since the manga had just released, many episodes are in japanese, not chinese..T_T I hope there will be more volumes of the manga in my neighborhood bookstore during my summer break.

That is about it now... and I am very excited to see whats new for next season! Lets have some of my expectations-

My Summer 2010 anime that I will watch will already include these-
(I find them interesting)
Sengoku Basara 2 - watched the first one, wasnt so bad.
Occult Academy- Looks like its a good comedy
Kuroshitsuji 2- I definitely need to watch this one after the first
Nuraihyon no Mago- Half Demon!! Interesting.
Mitsudomoe- kawaii desu
Ookamisan to Shichinin no Nakamatachi- Did the person who made toradora draw this?
Strike Witches 2- I didnt watch the first one, but it looks like it is going to be a good anime
Asobi no Iku yo!- Yay aliens! hope it will be like to-love ru but most likely not.
Seitokai Yakuindomo- Transfer student!? This will be interesting..
Pure Engagement- this is going to be another perverted one. ZETTAI!

There are alot more, but I will choose these to watch first due to the interesting cover designs =3=

Posted by Alby | Jun 28, 2010 1:06 AM | 0 comments
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