It has been a week now and I haven't been able to stop thinking about Black Lagoon. I thought it was a well made series. I love the action scenes the most, but i also enjoyed the interaction between Revy and Rock. I thought they had a good chemistry together. I hope the make more of them.
The storyline is not as involved as Samurai X or Elfen Lied but the series allows the viewer to see some issues of the underground crime world. The segment with the twins from Romania at the beginning of Second Barrage brings up the issues of modern day slavery. In our world today, we think of slavery as a thing of the past. in truth, it is still there but hidden in the underworld of our society.
I will continue later.
Today I wanted to talk about "Elfen Lied". I saw this anime over a year ago and I have seen the entire series 3 times now: twice in Japanese and once in English. I saw this series on both youtube and veoh and now my brother bought it on DVD. I enjoyed this series so much that I feel I need to share it with others. A lot of my friends are not into anime because they cannot see passed the animation but I feel that the series brings out so much emotion that if they did see passed it, they would have enjoy it.
When I think of "Elfen Lied", I always think of Lucy and if she could have been a good person. If Kouta didn't lie to her about Yuka, would she have killed Kouta on the spot or not? Maybe, if Kouta explained how Yuka was to Lucy, would she have understood? Because when I watch the entire series the first time, I feel that Kouta loved Lucy more then he did for Yuka. Yuka in my opinion, played emtional games with Kouta all the time and was getting on his case when he spent time with Nyu/Lucy. Throughout the series, I feel that Kouta was cold towards Yuka and Yuka would force herself on him. Not physically but emotionally and during the flashback to Lucy's and Kouta's childhood, you see how clingy Yuka was towords Kouta.
Yes, Lucy was a cold blooded killer before meeting Kouta but during the time she spent with him during their childhood, her personality was changing as well. She know what she was doing was wrong and even ask Kouta to kill her if she did kill anyone else.
Anyway, I love this series and love talking about it.
One of my favorite scenes in the series is just before Lucy's flashback when she first meets Kouta. After she got sick from fighting Nana at the house, Yuka was about to go out to get medicine and asked Lucy not to do anything perverted while see was gone. She meant to say towards Nyu but Lucy's personality was dominate at the time and she just gave her a look of pure hatred in my opinion which after watching it 3 times seems to be very funny.
Hello, This is my first blog entry on MAL and I wanted to start with the last anime I watched called Banner of the Stars III. This was the first time I saw the last segment of this series and I was very satisfied with the ending. (DON'T READ THE REST OF THE PAPAGRAPH IF YOU ARE STILL WATCHING THE SERIES!) I was happy that Jinto stayed with Lafiel and rejoined the Star Force. It was sad at the end with Till and Lina because it was the only family he had left on Martine and he could not return; although, it was obvious that Jinto wanted to stay with Lafiel. If this is the true ending of the series I am happy with it but I do wish they could continue the series involving the war with United Mankind and also with Jinto and Lafiel (Maybe having a child from "Love").
I started watching this series just before the end of the school semster in May and I just got around to watching Banner of the Stars II earlier this week and III today. I enjoyed Crest of Stars and Banner of the Stars so much I didn t want to rush watching the entire series all at once. This series has become one of my favorites.