February 17th, 2010
My Ex-Girlfriend in a Nutshell

Posted by BadLuckTuck | Feb 17, 2010 3:35 PM | 0 comments
Private Entry
September 2nd, 2008
Starting High School tomorrow...
Well, my summer was fun: I completed Death Note, Naruto, Junjou Romantica, Elfen Lied, Lucky*Star, Haruhi Suzumiya, Cosplay Complex, Vampire Knight, Maburaho, Magikano, CLAMP in Wonderland 1 & 2, Azumanga Diaoh Really short movie and Azumanga Web Diaoh, and I'm almost done with Red Garden, and I might finish it either today or tomorrow, and tomorrow is only orientation. So if I include that, that's 15 anime I completed over the summer. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I'm not going to be on MAL as much coz of school work, so updates won't be as fast. Because my sisters have dance 2 days out of the week, I can watch Anime Network on Demand^3^ I'm almost done with Loki Ragnarok, and I can finish Gravitation, Boogiepop Phantom and Nanaka 6/17 before the 1st marking period is over ^__^
In another note, I'm kinda peeved that people keep calling me a Weeaboo. Just because I love anime and yaoi DOESN'T MEAN that you can call me a derogatory name like that. I've been called it by at least 3 people in the past 2 weeks. It's annoying the hell out of me. Someone said that I was a retard for looking up yaoi on Photobucket, and that "How would you like it if someone paired you up with some slut?" UM, that's YURI, Einstein, and I hate yuri, Second of all, I like yaoi, you hate yaoi, MOVE ON. I don't care, why are you yelling at ME for liking it? Then the person said that I can't 'claim L for myself because even if he ate 8 lbs of candy and smoked crack he'd never want to be with me.' um...I don't go around saying "LYKEZOMFGLISSOHAWTOMGHEZMYNEANDWE'REGUNNAGETMARRIED!!1one11". Maybe I used to do that sometimes to be funny, but never as an initial response. I have a feeling that I know who that person is, and her friend is obsessed with L too! ALSO, she said I was jumping the bandwagon with Anime and that I need to come up with original anime. UMMM...LOOK AT MY LIST. 1/2 the anime some people HAVEN'T seen? Have you seen Magikano? Red Garden? NO. The anime that person watched she saw after HALF THE PEOPLE ON THE DAMN SITE STARTED TO WATCH IT. Truth be told, I was one of the first people on that site to watch Death Note. Did she? NOOO...only after her friends convinced her to, like, at the beginning of summer!
Pfssht, you wanna bash me, get your damn facts straight!
Sorry, I'm just in a pissy mood. Go on with your lives.
I'm not going to be on MAL as much coz of school work, so updates won't be as fast. Because my sisters have dance 2 days out of the week, I can watch Anime Network on Demand^3^ I'm almost done with Loki Ragnarok, and I can finish Gravitation, Boogiepop Phantom and Nanaka 6/17 before the 1st marking period is over ^__^
In another note, I'm kinda peeved that people keep calling me a Weeaboo. Just because I love anime and yaoi DOESN'T MEAN that you can call me a derogatory name like that. I've been called it by at least 3 people in the past 2 weeks. It's annoying the hell out of me. Someone said that I was a retard for looking up yaoi on Photobucket, and that "How would you like it if someone paired you up with some slut?" UM, that's YURI, Einstein, and I hate yuri, Second of all, I like yaoi, you hate yaoi, MOVE ON. I don't care, why are you yelling at ME for liking it? Then the person said that I can't 'claim L for myself because even if he ate 8 lbs of candy and smoked crack he'd never want to be with me.' um...I don't go around saying "LYKEZOMFGLISSOHAWTOMGHEZMYNEANDWE'REGUNNAGETMARRIED!!1one11". Maybe I used to do that sometimes to be funny, but never as an initial response. I have a feeling that I know who that person is, and her friend is obsessed with L too! ALSO, she said I was jumping the bandwagon with Anime and that I need to come up with original anime. UMMM...LOOK AT MY LIST. 1/2 the anime some people HAVEN'T seen? Have you seen Magikano? Red Garden? NO. The anime that person watched she saw after HALF THE PEOPLE ON THE DAMN SITE STARTED TO WATCH IT. Truth be told, I was one of the first people on that site to watch Death Note. Did she? NOOO...only after her friends convinced her to, like, at the beginning of summer!
Pfssht, you wanna bash me, get your damn facts straight!
Sorry, I'm just in a pissy mood. Go on with your lives.
Posted by BadLuckTuck | Sep 2, 2008 10:39 AM | 2 comments