Often I find myself trying to remember all the Christmas anime episodes, specials, and movies I've come across in recent years, as I have started a tradition of watching a bunch of them around Christmas time. There aren't a lot of holiday specials in anime to begin with, but when I find them, I try to make a point to remember them.
Christmas has some cultural differences in Japan, as it is more similar to Valentine's Day than anything else - most of these special holiday episodes have overlying themes of romance in them. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but by comparison, most Christmas movies and specials I have seen in the west have more of a "togetherness" or "family" vibe to them. Just something to note.
Also, I am trying to create a list that has each special actually deal with Christmas as a theme or is at least touching on it in some way. I don't really see the point of adding something that has Christmas briefly mentioned or shown. When I wanna watch Christmas specials, I want to watch them because they are actually Christmas-y and give me feels. Not because "There was a Christmas tree in the background for 30 seconds" because for me, all that is doing is just acknowledging Christmas exists. I just want something with some actual substance. Hey, just personal preference.
So here now, in alphabetical order, are all the Christmas specials I remember, and I will add more as I recall them:
- Azumanga Daioh ep 17: "Osaka's Scary Story / Feeling Different / December / Incredible Santa / Christmas Meeting"
- Cardcaptor Sakura ep. 35: "Sakura's Wonderful Christmas"
- Gintama ep. 37: "People Who Say that Santa Doesn’t Really Exist Actually Want to Believe in Him / Prayer Won't Make Your Worldly Desires Go Away! Control Yourself"
- Himouto! Umaru-chan ep. 8: "Umaru and Christmas and New Year's"
- Itsudatte My Santa!
- K-ON! ep. 7: "Christmas!"
- Kodocha ep. 38: "The Special Christmas Kiss"
- Love Hina Christmas Special: Silent Eve
- Lucky Star ep. 11: "Various Ways to Spend Christmas Eve"
- Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid ep. 10: "Troupe Dragon, On Stage! (They Had A Troupe Name, Huh)"
- My Hero Academia 5th Season ep. 13 [ep. 101 overall]: "Have a Merry Christmas!"
- Ninja Nonsense ep. 10: "Ninja Christmas"
- Pokemon: "Holiday Hi-Jynx," "Christmas Night" (Pikachu's Winter Vacation no. 1), "Stantler's Little Helpers" (Pikachu's Winter Vacation no. 4), "Delibird's Dilemma" (Pichu and Pikachu's Winter Vacation 2001 no. 1)
- Ranma 1/2 OVA 2: "Tendo Family Christmas Scramble"
- Sailor Moon S: The Movie
- Saint Tail ep. 12: "Surprise! The Large Lizard Santa Claus?!"
- Super GALS! ep. 39: "Christmas Eve ♥ Ring-Ring → Emergency Bell of Love"
- Tokyo Godfathers
- Toradora ep. 17: "Mercury Retrogrades at Christmas," ep. 18: ""Under the Fir Tree," and ep. 19: "Christmas Eve Festival"
So I've seen a lot of anime, a lot of previews, and a lot of endings. So here are a few handfuls of my favorites, or ones that stuck out to me. I haven't seen all of the series listed, mind you, but I certainly want to if I haven't already because of these openings!
Legend: Series Opening # (if more than one opening in series) "Song Title" by Artist
Youtube Video
These are alphabetized.
Series Starting A-G
Angelic Layer Ending #1 "The Starry Sky" by HAL
The second ending theme is nice too, but all the characters just look pretty when they're asleep. Here we have Misaki doing daily life things, which are slightly more entertaining, or at least the angles of them are. But I like the shooting stars on the edges (also it brings back memories of the dub cast with commentaries on the DVDs and I swear almost every commentary someone pointed out how cute the stars were). I also liked how this ending theme originally started while the show was going on - it's just when you heard the start of this song, you KNEW the episode was ending, and that made you go, "WHAT?! WHAT?! NO DON'T END NOW!" which I highly enjoyed. I want more endings to make me freak out like that.
Cardcaptor Sakura Ending #2 "Honey" by Chihiro
This ending theme is so soft and pretty and I love how it changes as Sakura shuffles around in her room from the view of the window. The rain water looks so soft and comfy. This view also reminds me of a certain part from the opening of Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica...
Cowboy Bebop Ending #1 "The Real Folk Blues" by Seatbelts featuring Mai Yamane
Sure, I mean, Tank! is a great opening and all, but I've always liked the ending more for some reason. I like some blues music, I guess. And saxophones! I've always liked the saxophone. Also, I like monochrome, still images sometimes, and this ending certainly delivers. Um, yeah, I should probably watch Cowboy Bebop, huh?
Death Note Ending #2 "Zetsubou Billy" by Maximum the Hormone
I liked the second part of everything in Death Note, apparently. I like the first ending theme okay enough - it was scary and Light's glowing red eyes were very scary, but this ending theme was surreal and that kind of made it even more scary. All these people marching with their back turned and only Light facing us - AND YOU KNOW WHY, THAT CRAZY MASTERMIND. And then with him walking through lights that look like car traffic like he's a ghost and falling off a building - but he's GOD, he can't die, right?! So yeah, I think there's a lot to love in this ending. Oh, and the music is AWESOME and addicting to me~ ♥
Detective Conan Ending #9 "Secret of my heart" by Mai Kuraki
Conan, of course, with it's great and vast amount of openings has an equal amount of great and numerous ending themes. This is one of my absolute favorites. It's a pretty song, and Ran singing - I want a gif of it made. BAD.
Ending #12 "always" by Mai Kuraki
THIS SONG IS CRACK IT IS AMAZING AND IT IS PROBABLY MY FAVORITE ENDING THEME OF ALL TIME. Lovelovelovelovelove and not really any other words can describe my love for this song.
Ending #13 "Aoi Aoi Kono Chikyuu ni (青い青いこの地球に)" by Azumi Uehara
I just like this song. There's not much to remark on for visuals - a couple of Conan's items, then Conan and Ran smiling at each other with ghostly Shinichi looming in the background is nothing new, while it is still nice to see, and the rest is clips from an episode. Um, whoo?
FLCL "Ride on Shooting Star" by The Pillows
FLCL is... weird. But I always loved this ending theme for its catchyness and stop frame animation.
"But Sarah, how can you like all of this Fullmetal Alchemist stuff when you haven't seen it?" BECAUSE IT'S THAT POPULAR. Also, one of my brothers has seen FMA and has shown me things and told me things... I've watched random episodes and read part of the manga. So I'm not completely clueless and I do like FMA's music. Guess I should watch FMA sooner than later... but
OKAY I FINALLY SAW FMA. Yes! AND IT IS AMAZING, so if you were like me and hadn't seen it before now, go watch it now. It is a great series.
I like this song and I LOVE the pictures in this. I like still images and these are STYLIZED and COLORED like illustrations you'd see in American comic books, or maybe like in Watchmen. Just that bold outline of the characters and the simple color placed over them. Awesome stuff.
Fullmetal Alchemist Ending #2 "Tobira no Mukou e (To the Other Side of the Door)" by YeLLOW Generation
Another great ending from FMA. Great song. Winry looks so cute curled up with her dog, the rainbow drawings on black backgrounds are cool, and the snow falling on Ed's hands makes me think - he can definitely feel the cold on his one fleshy hand, but the other...
Also, one of the youtube comments made me LOL, "When Ed flips his hair back I could hear all of the fangirls screaming at once."
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Ending #1 "嘘 - Uso (Lie)" by SID
"But Sarah, are you sure you haven't seen-" YES I REALLY HAVE NOT SEEN FMA, I SWEAR. But my brother pulled me aside and made me watch this ending theme.
Yeah. I've watched FMA since this. YAY.
Holy hell it is cute. This ending has a style of kiddie drawings but Ed and Al are actually drawing AND I ADORE THAT. It also kind of reminds me of Chalkzone... RUDY'S GOT THE CHALK! >>;
Series Starting H-P
Inuyasha Ending #1 "My Will" by Dream
I like a lot of the Inuyasha ending themes, but this one is probably my favorite. Maybe from pure nostalgia. But I don't like Kagome that much, and the way she looks all lost in thought in some of the coolest shots - OMG THAT FERRIS WHEEL HOMG - makes me like her. I'm more of a Kikyo fan, actually.
K-ON!l Ending #2 "Don't say ''lazy''" by Yoko Hikasa with Aki Toyosaki, Satomi Satou and Minako Kotobuki
ADDICTING SONG IS ADDICTING. And pretty visuals are pretty. I love the animation in this. The way Mio's eyes dart back and forth, the girls' costumes, the way they mouth the words to the song, and especially the rainbow star background they walk down as a group together.
Kaitou Saint Tail Ending #2 "UpSide Down-永遠の環- (- Eien no Wa -)" by Shoko Inoue
Everything's better with chibis. Saint Tail could have used more chibis. Or at least I think so after watching SO MUCH CUTENESS. But yeah, this is one of my favorite series, and this ending is just too cute, homg.
Kiki's Delivery Service "I'm Gonna Fly" by Sydney Forest
OH NOSTALGIA. The things it does to you. I used to hum or sing this song to myself all the time when I was in elementary school and middle school. I got a lot of weird looks. BUT I DIDN'T CARE. It's an uplifting song! I loved the song. Still do. ♥
Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt "Fallen Angel" by Aimee B
Panty and Stocking... awesome soundtrack and this is just another part of it. I like the style used, the bobblehead angels seemingly put in random places... but I especially like the last bit, where Panty and Stocking float up into the sky, only to come back and tip their halos. :D
Paradise Kiss "Do You Want To" by FRANZ FERDINAND
I always looked forward to the ending theme for Paradise Kiss. So catchy, the visuals are awesome - magazine covers, loose drawings of the characters, just fun stuff! Also, I think I remember reading somewhere that the director tried to make the main male character, George (in the blue suit), somewhat Lupin like, or he wanted to give him that impression. For some reason, I feel like I can see that in this ending theme. He just looks so sly and badass.
Series Starting Q-Z
Sailor Moon SuperS Ending #2 "Rashiku Ikimasho" by Meu
Okay, okay. You knew this was coming. Sailor Moon. Grew up with it, still love it. SuperS is my favorite season. Chibiusa is one of my favorite characters. *dodges stones* I think she's cute and I love Pegasus and the villains and I could just tell you a million reasons why I love SuperS while only a select amount of people do. But that's beside the point. This ending is perky and I like Chibiusa among all of her friends in this ending. AND PEGASUS. ♥
Shakugan no Shana Ending #1 "Yowake Umare Kuru Shoujo" by Yoko Takahashi
Yeah, like I mentioned in my favorite openings, Shana wasn't THAT great of a series to me, but it wasn't bad, and the music was awesome. The first ending theme is just another staple of that. Starts off slow and pretty, then picks up speed and gets exciting. I don't care much for the panning over manga images, to me I always think that they should go separate, hence why I enjoy both mediums. But eh, I still like the song.
Shin-Chan Ending #5 "Party Join Us" (English Dubbed Version - Couldn't Find Singer, Sorry) [Original Song: "Party Join Us Daisakusen" by Maron Koushaku & Akiko Yajima]
Yes, another dubbed song. So what? Dubbed songs can be good too! Otherwise, I really liked what I saw of Shin-chan's English dub on [adult swim] and I got bummed when it was over but I was left feeling perky and amused by this ending theme. The Japanese version has the same music and all, it's just in Japanese, derp. THE COLORED FISH IN THE FIRST PART OMG LOVE THOSE. Argh, I wanna watch Shin-chan now. Such a funny show.
Super GALS "Dakishimetai [I want to hug you]" by Jungle Smile
LOVELOVELOVE this ending theme. Seriously. I don't know what it is. Just an awesome song. And the random shots of Shibuya. But I think a big part of it is how alone the characters look and in the rain, but they get together and the sun starts shining again. That kind of hits home, you know? That your friends always bring brighter days. :D
So I've seen a lot of anime, a lot of previews, and a lot of openings. So here are a few handfuls of my favorites, or ones that stuck out to me. I haven't seen all of the series listed, mind you, but I certainly want to if I haven't already because of these openings!
Legend: Series Opening # (if more than one opening in series) "Song Title" by Artist
Youtube Video
These are alphabetized because I couldn't make a top ten list or anything. Plus it just makes organization easier.
Series Starting A-G
.hack//SIGN "Obsession" by See-Saw
Maybe it's the nostalgia glasses talking, but this opening is awesome. Entirely in English so I can sing along to it properly, the graphics are beautiful but strange and remarkable, making you think about the show and what you're watching, and random dancing woman. Yes. I have certainly obsessed over "Obsession." O I SEE WHUT U DID THAR *wink*
Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai "Treat or Goblins" by Megumi Hayashibara
I watched this repeatedly as an ADV preview on one of my DVDs many, many, many times. Such an awesome song got me interested in the series. Other than the random clips of gaming references and stuff that were in the preview originally. No voiceovers or anything describing the series, just this song. And that's why it's here. The clips aren't anything special, really; I've found the clips are just mainly from the episodes. Eh. I'm not fond of that, I like a little fun style in my openings, but it's the song that wins it. And Megumi Hayashibara?! YES! ♥
Angelic Layer "Be My Angel" by Atsuko Enomoto
One of the first openings I've ever heard in Japanese, so this is partly because of nostalgia. I didn't like the anime as much as the manga because of the ending. But it's still a fun watch to see the angels battle each other, and the way this opening shows all of the characters and the angels gets you really pumped up for the show. Plus the song is good too.
Bakuretsu Tenshi (Burst Angel) "Loosey" by THE STRiPES
I'm not really a big mech/robot person at all. BUT THIS OPENING. Holy crap. I especially love the full opening for just an extension of this awesome song. Near the end of the full version there's all this rattling and banging and it's so fast and so cool that I want to play it to drums or something really fast as it's so hard to keep up with but DAMN it is cool. Besides some of the slash I've seen about this series, the opening definitely keeps me interested, and if it pops up on the FUNimation Channel, I'm always one to turn up the volume for the few minutes it's playing.
Black Cat "ダイアの花 (Daia no Hana)" by Yoriko
Many people didn't like this series because of how it built up the beginning and turned into a rather traditional shounen series. But I liked it. And I especially liked the opening. It was action packed, exciting - I have a thing for characters running in fast paced openings, since it gets me energized for the show and makes me think ALL KINDS OF AWESOMENESS IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. Also, in the second version of the opening - which keeps the same awesome song - Train with goggles on a motorcycle. GOGGLES. He looks so hot in them. I think he inspired a goggle fetish for me.
Death Note Opening #2 "What's Up People?!" by Maximum the Hormone
Ever seen "That Dude in the Suede"? He has made a top 11 list of anime openings and I pretty much agree with him about the Death Note openings. The first opening is so dreary and dramatic and emo and meh (and I'm not typically someone to use "emo" or "meh" as bashing words for absolutely anything) that I found myself skipping it and I found the ending much more enjoyable. I liked the graphics in the first one okay enough, but this second opening ROCKS MY WORLD. Seriously awesome song, and somewhat scary, great imagery. Totally love it.
Detective Conan Opening #5 "Truth" by Two-Mix
Okay, Conan's just one of those series that's been going on forever so it has a ton of opening themes. And I have several favorites. Truth is just awesome. Two-Mix is awesome. Conan is voiced by Minami Takayama, who is in Two-Mix. And Conan is supposed to be tone deaf. Just, damn this opening and it's made of win, okay?
Opening #8 "Koi wa thrill, shock, suspense" by Rina Aiuchi
As mentioned before, Conan cannot sing. So he must dance. Makes a hilarious, awesome opening.
Opening#11 "I can't stop my love for you" by Rina Aiuchi
I like Conan on the skateboard. And I love this song. I CAN'T STOP MY LOVE FOR CONAN. omg i did it again lol *wink*
Opening #13 "Kimi to Yakusoku Shita Yasashii Ano Basho Made" by U-ka Saegusa
Another awesome song and character appearances. Whee, Conan!
Opening #14 "Start" by Rina Aiuchi
"Hey, you must really like Rina Aiuchi." OMG U THINK SO? :D
Dirty Pair "Ru-Ru-Ru-Russian Roulette" by Nakahara Meiko
This song is crack. Just, argh, it is awesome. The lyrics are interesting too, but argh the beat is just too catchy and awesome. RU-SHEE-UN! RU-SHEE-UN RUU-LETTE!
Fullmetal Alchemist Opening #1 "Melissa" by Porno Graffitti
I haven't watched FMA but
I do know FMA has great music. And I love this opening for some reason. It's just really stuck to me for some reason. I also like that Ed jumps down at the screen. WHEE!
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Opening #1 "again" by YUI
And I like the Brotherhood opening even better. Especially the imagery. ZAP goes Ed's arm and leg, ZAP goes all of Al, and Winry just is blown in the wind. It's kind of troubling, all the looks on their faces, and the music picks up and gets kind of dramatically awesome - so I think it was timed well at that part.
Gravitation "Super Drive" by Yousuke Sakanoue
I like the sunlight through the trees bit of the opening. And while the images are just okay - they're different, anyway - I do like the lyrics. It is a nice, uplifting, romantic song.
Series Starting H-P
Hayate no Gotoku!! Opening #1 "Wonder Wind" by ELISA
It's catchy. ...I don't have anything else to say about it besides that I wish I could find the TV opening of this. I just love it. And Hayate is probably one of the most hilarious series I've ever come across.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (ひぐらしのなく頃に)" by Eiko Shimamiya
This opening, as creepy as it is, had me smiling like a madman in the first few episodes. It got me pumped, it got me wondering if there was some kind of hidden message in the images placed in this song, and it definitely connects to all of the characters and it is clear by the end that it does. It is a creepy, wonderful song and the opening is beautiful.
Jigoku Shoujo "Sakasama no Chou" by SNoW
I like the imagery in this song a lot. It's pretty, between the rain and the outdoors and then displaying all of the characters as they are. It's a good series, but it's extremely repetitive, and I think it got significantly better in season two.
Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori "NightmaRe" by SNoW
And, of course, in season two, I loved the opening as well. Again, fun imagery in this one, pretty song.
Kaleido Star Opening #2 "Yakusoku no basho e" by Chihiro Yonekura
I liked the second opening way better than the first opening. It does share a lot of the same pictures (lame) but it is really pretty and nice... and it felt like it was short lived, especially for how long the third opening goes on for...
Opening#3 "Tattoo Kiss" by r.o.r/s
...But it grew on me. It's uplifting. I especially love Sora on the swing. SO HIGH AND HAPPY AND EXCITING. I listen to these songs whenever I feel down on myself and I want to feel high and excited about life again.
Karin "scarlet" by BRACE;d
The use of puppets? Hysterical. Love that part about this opening sequence. While not an actual part of the song, which holds loads of even more embarrassment for poor Karin - seriously, you put her NAKED with the guy she likes, BACK TO BACK?! - it is a catchy, awesome song that I have had to put on repeat many, many times before.
Kodomo no Omocha "Ultra Relax" by Tomoe Shinohara
But really, while that is a huge plus for me since it is one of my favorite songs and dances (not to mention pretty much the only one I know), it is a great opening. It is catchy and bouncy and Kodocha. Seriously, it is just Kodocha. Hyper and fun, the series has become it's own adjective for this song. I love it.
K-ON! "Cagayake! GIRLS" by Aki Toyosaki with Yoko Hikasa, Satomi Satou and Minako Kotobuki
K-ON! is a great series when I wasn't expecting much from it, and it's songs are surprisingly catchy. Cute girls having fun in a club? Hell to the yes. It reminds me of the old days, when I had more times for clubs... *dreamy sigh*
Lupin III: Part II "THEME FROM LUPIN III (Non-vocal)" by Yuji Ohno
I really think I have a thing for theme songs that have the character's name in them like they're seriously badass. And Lupin and his crew totally are. Plus, Jigen shoots a helicopter to make it explode and Goemon slices a plane out of the sky. What's not to love about this opening?
Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu "ARS~Main Theme~" by Rentrak Entertainment
I like classical, soft music, so this series is wonderful. I originally watched it before Otakon thinking about a panel that discusses revealing the entire story in the opening, or at least sums it up? This opening clearly does that. It does so in such an artistic, pretty way that you get caught up in observing its beauty. This series is darker than I thought, too, although somewhat predictable, and while the animation is kind of funky with weird camera angles, it is still something different and enjoyable. But the second part of the opening is made up of nothing but clips from the show (yawn) and while the music is still nice, it just doesn't hold the same strength as the first part before making the episode summary up until now and launching into another opening sequence.
Neko Rahmen (Sorry, I actually can't find this one.)
Okay, the lyrics are fun and catchy in this. I can't tell you how many times that I've suddenly burst out with KIMI WA TAISHO! TAISHO! A cat makes ramen noodles... freaking awesome stuff. Good series. Go read it. Then come back and watch these anime shorts. You'll appreciate them more then. Plus, the opening sequence changes every time because of different animation styles and different people that worked on each episode. I love that kind of thing.
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt "Theme for Panty & Stocking" by Hoshina Anniversary
I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED TO FIND OUT THIS WAS THE FULL VERSION. It's so awesome! Yeah, sure, it just repeats "Panty Stocking" over and over but I still love it. And the sequence, as short as it is, is definitely amusing. Panty's got sex on the brain and Stocking has sweets on the brain.. Garterbelt... lol... and Chuck's got nothin'. Awesome style, awesome stuff. But then you knew Panty and Stocking had an amazing soundtrack anyway.
Paradise Kiss "♥Lonely in Gorgeous♥" by Tommy february6
Paradise Kiss has a great opening sequence and a great song. The lyrics are powerful too, or at least I felt so when I was watching Yukari grow up and dare to be different. I like experimental animation - or at least, what I consider to be experimental with real life images combined with animated/drawn ones. Really pretty, intriguing stuff. We're all animated, people. ALL ANIMATED.
Series Starting Q-Z
Ranma ½ Opening#1 "Jaja Uma ni Sasenai de" by Etsuko Nishio
Again, another series with a good handful of openings. The first is a classic. All of them running together is just silly and amusing. Akane with long hair whut oh yeah she was like that at one point, right? Weird.
Opening #2 "Little Date" by ribbon
I liked the second opening much better. Cool music, cool scenes, random shots of the manga.
Opening #7 "CAN'T STOP IT (Love Seeker CAN'T STOP IT)" by VisioN
The seventh opening was awesome. I loved all the lines everywhere and the changes of perspective, plus the song itself. It was like what I wanted the 4th opening to be, but instead got kind of bored with it.
Ranma OVA "Koi da! Panic! (Love Panic!)" by Yawmin
I realize this is the only song on the VIZ OVA DVDs for Ranma, but I still love it and I'm glad I get to listen to it a million times despite each OVA getting their unique opening theme and ending theme. Oh, well. It's still one of my faves, plus Akane and Ranma in pretty clothes by the water? And all of the characters getting pissed and attacking Ranma? Awesome stuff.
Re: Cutie Honey "(Cutie Honey)" by Kumi Koda
OMG THIS OPENING IS SUCH LOVE. Best version of the Cutie Honey song, that's for sure. And you guessed it - the character's name is dropped in the song! Freaking love that stuff. Like a superhero made of win, which is exactly what Honey is.
Shakugan no Shana Opening #1 "Hishoku no Sora" by Mami Kawada
Shana didn't make too much of an impression on me, I just thought she was a cool character. But one thing I definitely loved about the series was the music, especially the two opening themes. They were pretty and exciting.
Opening #2 "Being" by KOTOKO
Shigofumi "Kotodama (コトダマ)" by ALI PROJECT
I didn't care much for Shigofumi and apparently many people like the ending over the opening, passing the opening for generic j-pop crap, but I like the opening of Shigofumi. Maybe not exactly for the imagery, which has it's own kind of dark, interesting charm, but the music was kind of catchy for me. I like j-pop. Shut up.
Slayers "Get Along" by Masami Okui and Megumi Hayashibara
A classic anime series I didn't see until recently. SHAME ON MEEEE. But I do my best never to skip this song on my iPod. I love it too much. The images get you excited for the show and make it seem very serious, which is just part of the fun. Granted, the series has its serious moments but for the most part it's just a lovable, fun, hilarious show.
Spice and Wolf "Tabi no Tochū (旅の途中)" by Natsumi Kiyoura
Calm, sweet opening. It's addicting and the images are beautiful. Holo's smirk at Lawrence is to die for. Who knew a series about trading and stuff would be so entertaining?
Steel Angel Kurumi "Kiss Kara Hajimaru Miracle (A Miracle That Starts With a Kiss)" by Steel Angels
Perky happy song. Like Abenobashi, I found this song through an ADV preview and listened to it over and over. It inspired interest for me to seek out this series.
Super GALS "A-I-TSU" by Dicot
Usually a series wins me over if the opening and ending themes appeal to me. This series definitely did. The opening is a bit whiny and meh but I do like the perky images and DAMN IT I LIKE THIS SONG. It amuses me and it is a fun opening to a fun series. No one else may agree with me, but I definitely love Super GALS!
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World "metamorphose" by Youko Takahashi
Y'know, I didn't like this series all too much. It felt overcrowded with fanservice and... meh. But it wasn't horribly bad or anything. I mean, I watched all of it. But I liked the song and the imagery in it. I thought it was very pretty and somewhat touching, with all the hand holding and all.
Ultra Maniac "Kagami no Naka (Within the Mirror)" by can/goo
Why do I like this song? Is it the magical girl love I carry? Is it because it looks so cute? Is it because it's j-pop? Or is it because the way the two main characters hold hands and have hearts flying around them make me start slashing them? Eh, probably all of that.
Umineko no Naku Koro ni "Katayoku no Tori" (片翼の鳥) by Akiko Shikata
AWESOME OPENING. A MIX OF LANGUAGES AND AWESOME. The imagery is great and the song is epic. There's just something amazing about turning a song of this epic, dramatic quality up to full blast in my car while going down the streets of my neighborhood or down the highway. It makes driving look and feel that much more epic.
xxxHOLiC "19sai" by Shikao Suga
Addicting opening! Another one of those I'll turn up the volume for a few minutes if it's on the FUNimation Channel. The smoky clouds and spooky imagery is awesome. Go xxxHolic!
xxxHOLiC Kei "Nobody Knows" by Shikao Suga
And the same kind of imagery gets thrown into the second opening, too! But it holds some of my favorite parts of the manga too, which also kept me excited. This is also one of the songs on my iPod that I try to avoid skipping over as much as possible because I like it so much.