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October 6th, 2024
A bit of a meh ending, the foreshadowed "hero" turned out to just be a really angry off knight tweaking off his roids which everyone seemed to have gotten wrong which is also pretty wild too me. Lugh throwing a magic Tungsten spear he was training for in the Bahamas was kinda cool as well.
End of the day, Lugh kills an honorary knight, save's the princess, gets the princess as his legal little sister and probably gets to confess his love and marry her getting a happy ending. Until the Goddess or someone tells him he killed the wrong guy lol.

Overall the show was OK, i thought the concept and idea was really interesting just maybe the execution wasn't the most appealing or hooking. The show had it's moments, but i felt like i personally didn't feel as hooked on the plot or characters later down since not much seemed to be 'moving' right until the last few episodes.
Honestly i thought we were getting like "Isekai Hitman 47 anime" and see some of the most diabolical and insane assassinations stunts with the added depth to story and character, at the end it wasn't entirely what i envisioned but i didn't completely hate it i guess, like the prologue was such a cool introduction to what felt like we didn't get to see a lot of later on.

Story was pretty straight forward in it's plot. The early episode's i think were fine, watching the MC train, applying his knowledge and skills from his previous life to gain advantages in his new life was cool, and the possibilities and ideas they hinted at with the Hitman being an MC was my main excitement.

I think some of my issues was how much time was spent on the merchant arc and i guess maybe some of the pacing and the ending. I understand the value of the merchant arc and what it brings to the story and characters, but man, for a show focused on a "hitman" theme MC the last thing i'd actually expect him to be doing is business management, on top of that, a good 80% of it i want to say was taken up with Maha's character story but that isn't to say the 20% of Lugh actually doing merchant role play wasn't interesting.
Speaking of Maha i still really struggle to see a lot of her value towards the show, her backstory was kinda there for the merchant arc and wasn't even the main aim of the arc and more of a side quest, and her character after it i just thought wasn't the most interesting i eventually chalked her down as just another member of MC harem at later stages.

They also i felt like left a lot of unanswered questions, namely the Goddess, no real goals besides the "kill hero", no "who, what, why, how's" towards her and almost completely shrouded in mystery for future seasons.

And to end it all off again, i thought we'd get a bit more action all i all, probably my mistake, but yeah again when i read hitman isekai i think of the merge of Hitman 47 / John Wick style idea's now with magic thrown in the mix with fuck tons of thriller action.

Characters were also ok. I'll give points for them presenting the idea of the MC facing a change of heart from his previous life and wanting to act on it, and honestly i'm surprised they managed to include that plot point as many points as they did in the show. The MC also was somewhat likeable so i'm also thankful for that at least.
Side characters were a bit rough, Maha as i already mentioned before, but Tarte and Dia were at most interesting with Dia a bit more then Tarte personally cus i liked her more. They had their basic plot points and structure but idk they didn't really feel unique or very rememberable to me.

The animation was meh, i didn't really vibe with it. I thought it was kinda consistent but the overall style or quality i didn't really enjoy.

OST wasn't the most exhilarating and the opening and ending were ok as well i guess.

Honestly the biggest shocker for me was realising that this show was written by the same author as "Redo of Healer", i've honestly yet to fully digest this information nor know what to do with besides pass it down to others in hopes i can find an answer later.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 6/10
Characters / development: 6/10
Visuals / Animation: 5/10
SFX / OST: 6/10
Overall: 6/10

Posted by Code0018 | Oct 6, 2024 9:14 PM | 0 comments
September 21st, 2024
Stellar finale, ending ceremony finally around and shit was tense but great to watch. Masachika and Yuki's showdown before the ceremony was great, both sides showing their fangs and some of Masachika words to Yuki were fucking crazy. Likewise it was also really nice to see Yuki's inner monologue when she's properly locked in and running through all possibilities.

Eh personally from a surface level, i still thought Yuki had a tad bit more of stronger speech with her aim's and goals for me, and probably would've gotten my vote, but that's me. I guess the value of Taniyama and Miyamae joining as officer's to Alya if she won holds a lot more importance then i've given credit for.
I did also really like Masachika's idea for Alya to start her speech in Russian to recapture the crowd, an his speech in general. Bro really is just wired differently when it comes to social techniques and unmatched charisma i swear, i can't help but respect him.

Student ceremony arc in general i thought was ok, the premise was meh but the character building and development's it introduced were really great and well executed imo. Shit like Masachika and Alya relationship being closer as ending ceremony got closer, some of Masachika backstory getting revealed, Yuki's slyness and ruthlessness to opposing parties were all enticing, and as the closing act for the season.

If i had to name 4 things that really stuck with me too the end of the show that i enjoyed, i'd probably have to name the Characters, visuals, endings and Yuki.

Character's in this show i thought were well done and fun, honestly the author i thought nailed the formular to making unique personalities and traits for each character thus making them so rememberable.
For the main cast themselves, Masachika's first impression for me seemed generic but quickly turned into respect after it felt like they washed his character out, moments like his initial 1 to 1 confession to wanting to help Alya win student council presidency or the flashback scene of him grabbing her hand for a dance kinda showed to me what highlighted him out more from other male SOL romance protagonists. Dive deeper and you see he's smart, can read a room, break a situation down for negotiations, handle a crowd and shows good situational awareness thus he quickly turns into a respectable character for me.
Alya likewise quickly turned into an enjoyable character from how expressive she could be although being labelled as an "ice queen", she has her goofy moments of romance and awkwardness like any other human, but also has her times of weakness that the show highlights really well as time goes on.

Like i mean, even side characters that got hardly any screen time compared to the main cast e.g., Taniyama, Miyamae, Touya or Sarashina felt some what rememberable because of an exclusive feature that they had, Taniyama being revealed to be a super simp for Masachika and Yuki behind the act of an upstanding student while also being friends with someone that can be argued to be the complete opposite of themselves, Miyamae, who has this gal gyaru type character too her and the added backstory can show how she can be self destructive to herself, and harbouring her own self conflicts a lot.
Idk i really feel like the way this show did it's characters, from the main cast to side characters, was noteworthy and definitely a strong point for this show.

Visuals were amazing for a SOL romance imo. Quality felt consistent and high with the level of details in characters and backgrounds, Animation felt fluid, various character expressions added so much soul to the show, and even the multiple different ending themes that were equally high in visual quality made me wonder what their budget was.
Speaking of ending themes, 100% another point that'll stick with me about this show. I know multiple ED's aren't that crazy, but i feel like because the show was able to keep consistent high quality of so many fronts, the fact they also have the budget and planning for multiple EDs as well, i can't help but be shocked with the overall production quality.

Speaking of ending themes, 100% another point that'll stick with me about this show. I know multiple ED's aren't usually that crazy, but i feel like, because the show was able to keep this consistent quality of so many fronts, the fact they also have the budget and planning for multiple EDs as well can't help but just shock me with the overall production quality.
While were here, the opening likewise was a banger, very catchy, animation was fucking great, all round amazing production quality on the Ops and EDs.

Finally, yeah i originally started the show because of the Yuki propaganda on my feed and sure as hell was it worth stick around. Yuki is probably the funniest and goofiest little gremlin this show could produce as both a pure being of chaos in the shows plot, and having some of the funniest gags and bits possible.
Like the author really cooked so fucking well with her and gave her one of the most compelling personalities in the show that i can't help but thank them for doing the Lord's work with it. I also find it hilarious how the author has to "nerf" her position in the MC love triangle by making her Masachika actual blood related sibling (not like that seems to do much).
So to end it off, "Came for Yuki, stayed for Yuki (and a bit of the plot)."

Story wise it was good. The main plot of each arc was pretty straight forward, very SOL and school drama esc, very basic stuff, i didn't really expect any "Your Lie in April" levels of twist so yeah. It's only when you get deeper into character backstories that link to their beliefs and actions does it start to get interesting, and speaking of that, they also managed to sprinkle in a good amount of foreshadowing and hinting throughout the entire show for various character's dramatic backstories that made me feel contempt but also wanting more in a later season, so props to them.

The Romance was also very good imo, a lot of cheesy but actually quite sweet moments between Masachika and Alya, or even Masachika and other characters. The romance also felt like it was developing throughout the show, the characters get bolder and more familiar with one another which makes it feel like an actual relationship is building up. I really like how bold the characters are as well, maybe i don't step into enough SOL romance shows, but i remember more throughout the show Masachika and Alya making more bolder moves to flirt with one another and it kinda clocked to me how more natural and human it felt then other SOL romances where they sometimes just stumble on the situations they're in or don't follow completely through.

The comedy was fantastic, besides Yuki being the driver of the clown car, i feel like the show was able to do very well in the comedy department in general, like a lot of the humour really reminded me of how "Kaguya-Sama's Love is War" did their humour, not entirely overused bits, a bit brainrotted sometimes but all in all just the right amount of randomness that it felt funny to me anyway.
and oh yeah, the very occasional fanservice as well was a plus as well.

The unique premise of the show, Alya occasionally flirting or expressing herself in Russian, i also thought was unique and catchy enough on a first read. Imo early on the show uses this hook a lot and to good effect and it didn't feel overused at all, mid way through i want to say it kinda sizzled down a bit, but in return i felt like we had Masachika and Alya being actually more direct to each other now about their feelings instead of shying away from them which is good character development that i could accept.

All in all, i'd give it an 8/10. Roshidere was a genuinely enjoyable and nice watch for a romance and comedy, and if you want a tad bit of SOL and school drama sprinkled in, it has it. There were also a ton of memorable moments and things about this show that i already mentioned before, but yeah, the production quality of this show amazed the shit out of me and i can't wait for what they've got for season 2.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 7/10
Characters / development: 8/10
Visuals / Animation: 8/10
SFX / OST: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

Posted by Code0018 | Sep 21, 2024 1:25 AM | 0 comments
September 19th, 2024
Yeah about the finale i expected from this show, just this unserious, insane brain rot plot ending that felt like they finally cut the brakes and took all the stops out and full sent every asset they had, before a pretty decent send off for the show.

Not gonna lie they fucking got me good with the beginning, the cliff-hanger from last episode that made me semi-invested to see if they'll just suddenly steer the reins into psychological for no good reason besides shits and giggles, turned to a 10 second throw away finale bit and best thing is they address how it led to nothing as well. I honestly found that shit so stupidly shocking it turned funny for me and i couldn't help but laugh a little.

The Deer Den and assassin showdown skit was aight, i didn't fully grasp what was really going on at the same time i don't think i've really ever in my watch time of this show.

The boxing scene i won't lie, was pretty good lol. I didn't get the reference to the mascot Nokotan was facing, but man, the beginning with the over the top introductions, to the professional Deer commentator(?), to Nokotan getting the living shit beat out of her after her hype up, before cheating and bribing her opponent to still lose, to finally taking out all the stops and bombing the venue only to STILL fucking loose before unanimously deciding that both teams win (which the judges accepted), was truly the wackiest shit i don't think anyone could of cooked up.

Overall i thought the show was good. It most definitely had it's moments, i'd say the first couple episodes were it's strong suit and you could definitely feel things start to sizzle or drop a bit as the show went on, but i mean for a show centred mostly around comedy and humour i personally felt they did a good job at still allowing me to turn off 90% of my brain but still provide me good entertainment i don't have to think to hard to find funny.

The overall humour was honestly ok imo, i mean again, being centred entirely around slap stick humour, comedy and skits can only get funny so many times and have so many jokes in it before it feels repetitive, so i feel like if you come in with your expectations relatively low, the mindset knowing that not all of the humour is gonna land for you and how the show is probably gonna be more enjoyable with 70% of your brain turned off while watching it, it turn out to be an alright experience.
The brain rot of the show imo was also great, like maybe i'm just cooked, but the show does a pretty good job at random shock value funny moments.

The initial marketing as well was golden, my entire feed being filled up with Koshitan's dance and the first 5 seconds of the opening on loop has definietly been a favourite moment for me. The show also bringing us one of the most catchy, brainrotted introductory songs i could think off, full of random references like darksouls was so peak. But nah actually, the opening has still been stuck in my head for literal weeks now.

All in all i'd give it like a 7/10, i actually think the show can be good if you again, don't take it seriously, or think too hard about it or take it at face value. The show knows what it wants to be, and can do a good job at being this unserious random yet semi coherent at times mess that you can get some cheap laughs from.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 7/10
Characters / development: 7/10
Visuals / Animation: 6/10
SFX / OST: 7/10
Overall: 7/10

Would I recommend this show? If you have 4 hr. 36 min. to kill or need something like a palette cleanser, some quick funny brain rotted comedy humour, something that you don't wanna think too seriously about or be too invested into or simply don't care what you get, I'd recommend this show.
If however you're looking for something too be invested in, or expecting a more coherent and semi serious plot i wouldn't recommend this just from how i could see the later episodes being a turn off from how it doesn't really follow a set plot.
Posted by Code0018 | Sep 19, 2024 12:37 AM | 0 comments
August 7th, 2024
Anime Relations: Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
Very beautiful finale for the show although not entirely what i expected. Cut connecting the camera to the submarine and just opening up this entire new world up to the girls through all of the memories in the camera was interesting and as a viewer felt quite bittersweet. Seeing the past and the people that lived normally and peacefully in their own little words, much like ours, to then flick to the progressive recordings of war starting, then back to people unbeknownst what's to come, then back to the war and the machines and killing felt really deep and grim. But understandably for the girls that were born into war, they thought it was interesting seeing the old world and maybe the lead up to the war, as a viewer, born to late to explore a post apocalyptic earth with your bff, but born just in time to still have to pay taxes and maybe experience the start of one lol.

Chito chasing after Yuuri after she got eaten was also a pretty good scene, all the flashbacks did a good job at reinforcing their relationship and the realization of what the other meant to them was heart touching and felt like nice character development.

The reveal of the creature that ate Yuuri, that was also substantially the same species as "Cut" was not what i was anticipating, nor how i thought that scene would play out. I mean overall, i think they were suppose to resemble the earth being able to evolve and slowly heal itself from man kind's clutches from how they explained their functionality, just them being able to unwind into mushrooms shocked me, also how intelligent they were, also still have questions to how the previous civilization and worshiped them as deities, and the final scene of them flying off into the sunset really confused me.
I honestly just thought they were gonna be some form of byproduct new life-form that mutated from like left over radiation or just from the war, and kinda have that "life always finds a way" or "war can also give birth to new life" meaning to it, but either way, i think i understood the gist of them.

Overall 9/10 this anime hit a vibe and mix of genres that i have never known existed, could exist and something i'd love so much. To cut it short, never have i ever thought i'd enjoy watching 2 girls exploring a post apocalyptic dystopian metropolis straight chilling, creating their own fun, living the life and occasionally talk about deep philosophical meanings until i watched this show. They blended this mix of genres that made it work good, the aesthetic, theme and premises for this show had me hooked from the start and imo were utilised well with the overall plot of the show to cover the philosophical / hopeful aspects of it, over time it honestly felt like a gift that kept on giving and i was all for it.

Story overall was quite good, i think the episodic approach was the right move as it was able to show a lot more off about the world which seemed to be one of it's main focuses. Chito's and Yuuri's stories i also thought were simple yet enjoyable, they wanted to survive and reach the top floor. What made it enjoyable was the shows ability to balance humour, suspense and exploration, most of the time the girls are having a lay back day of driving around to find supplies and joke around but could likewise quickly find themselves traversing unstable terrain hundreds of meters above ground or fighting off the elements with no shelter in sight, honestly it kept me on my toes with how it would shift between the two.
The themes in the story i think were a very core aspect of the show, each episode had a theme or philosophical question that would be asked or shown and the show would explain said theme through the characters or environment. Honestly i felt all of them were presented well and explained in a fit enough fashion to understand where the writer was coming from, and also like a nice touch back down to reality to think of the smaller things in life.

Chito and Yuuri were by far the best mc's i could ask for in a show like this, both had unique personalities, interests and even quarrels that made this show so much more enjoyable to watch and more much more alive despite the setting. Although this show isn't arguably character focused, side characters that would cameo for singular episodes still felt rememberable. Mostly due to how side characters in this show are utilised to represent a theme or philosophical view, they're personalities and individual characters felt fleshed out enough that they still felt like a character with emotions and goals. I think Ishii's character is best suited to show this, her ep and theme i think resonated with me the most.

Visually the show felt like a masterpiece with the design in my eyes, again, i cannot stress how much i loved the design and concept of the cities setting, the colour palate, the background, the architecture and ideas to not just the buildings, but the technology. So many narrative tools used as well like the abandoned military equipment and forgotten robots in aquariums and trains that paint a picture without even talking. I could probably rant on more about why i think this show's world is so incredibly visually beautiful, but i'll just end it by saying i'm thankful the creators were able to balance the main plot and exploring the world.
So admittedly things such as art style for characters felt quite simple and didn't have too much detail, but i think that can have it's own charm on the show since it can make character expression quite funny. CGI at times was a bit rough especially when it was on Chito and Yuuri on their vehicle, those were the times it was the most noticeable.

OST and SFX i genuinely also believe is another staple for this show, the ambience was always on point imo and help separate the cute and carefree moments to the build-up suspension moments. Things such as wind, moving mental or debris were used incredibly well to hammer in that feeling of solitude in the massive cities for certain scenes, likewise the OST helped the more cheerful scenes more heart-warming and hopeful. I think the Rain episode is the easiest example to give, the utilisation of the sound of raindrops to resemble music transitioning to the outro song is another moment i won't forget.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 8/10
Characters / development: 8/10
Visuals / Animation: 8/10
SFX / OST: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

Posted by Code0018 | Aug 7, 2024 12:56 AM | 0 comments
July 25th, 2024
Pretty nice episode to end the anime on. Video society, even with the last minute issues, push out their biggest project yet and go all the way to Comet A and rack in a fortune while showing their talents further out into the public, and at the 3 give their project a watch before calling it a day and go again. Feels poetic and quite a simple ending, but for the style and themes this show was portraying, i'd say i'm the conclusion was big and satisficing enough for me.

Honestly a really creative anime that i'd give a 8/10. I felt it did a good job at portraying animation production and it's Otaku Culture in a easy to understand and digest manner that also made it interesting and enjoyable to watch. The pacing i thought was a bit weird at times, usually when the main cast start their project and about mid way through it, seeing all the ideas being generated and thrown around is imo usually the most entertaining parts, seeing them work can be interesting as you get to see through them how animation can be done, but the ends where they finally push the final product out, i feel usually ties things up in quite a rush.

The main cast also felt surprisingly fleshed out with their own personalities and characters. They felt unique with their character traits, appearances and personalities, and it felt incredibly apparent at times but the show did a very good job of also fitting in there backstories that linked to their habits.

Animation honestly is hard to judge for me. I wanna argue that it's a weird mix of quality over quantity and vise verse, for example the overall visuals/color palette for characters and landscapes can be quite average, however it can make up for that with the sheer depth of details in namely the landscapes and backgrounds.

However for situations like when we pear into Asakusa creative mind and see all the crazy ideas she has, the animation can further skyrocket with the overall depth to details in almost every object and the animation movement is crazy, so much can be moving at once on screen yet still has a pretty lacklustre color palette, but i think here it can add to the charm of it, because all of them are Asakusa rough sketches which usually focus on the details before color first.

If there are two thing's i'm going to remember this anime for, it's probably going to be probably animation and definitely OST. This show imo has a really really unique ost, so much so that i actually struggle trying to pin what genre of music it is, either way it's amazing and i feel like really amps this feeling of casualness and randomness.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 7/10
Characters / development: 7/10
Visuals / Animation: 8/10
SFX / OST: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Posted by Code0018 | Jul 25, 2024 11:55 PM | 0 comments
June 30th, 2024
What a beautiful way to end the season, Kazuma buys saves Princess Lalatina by paying off the huge debt her family accumulated with the adventure money they accumulated and the rights to his inventions, before making kinda heroic exit with the bride and rest of the crew with the local adventures covering for them which was sweet. Also kinda nice Kazuma got to keep his 2 billion funds, if i didn't consider this a mainly character focused season, i'd consider it economic / cash money boom season for the gang.

Yeah i'll give it to them, off course in the most tear jerking moment off Darkness's final words to her father, combined with the myriad of previous emotional moments, Aqua comes in to sprinkle her magic and saves the day while also ruining the moment. I'm happy Darkness's father gets to live, but holy shit did Aqua's God healing taser make me scream with laughter while holding back a few tears lmao, I also think that scene had the best scream from Darkness's VA yet.

Props to Kazuma for princess carrying Darkness, from all the comments of how jacked she was i have nothing but respect for my man. I also like how they just decided to disclose what happened between the two of them when Kazuma first broke into Darkness's room, thought they'd keep that one a personal memory, and holy SHIT was Megumin not happy Darkness's was gonna steal her mans.

Also gigachad Vanir, i honestly don't remember his presences in previous seasons being so apparent, but this season it feels like he's shown up when it's mattered most and basically handed out the solution.
It's hard to see with his very jokey/untrustworthy personality and being an ex-demon lord, but dude is straight up a solid businessman and helping guy. Whether his intentions are truly all good, we'd have to see in future season, but even watching the ending it looked to me like less of him helping a comrade out to amass more power, but more like helping a rescuing a friend.

Overall i thought s3 was an 8/10, felt like there was a lot more shift to characters and although it didn't have the usual omega death threat or a Demon Lord focus, it was honestly fine for me. The focus on Darkness this season i thought was paced well and gave her much needed development since for two season it was kinda getting tiring seeing her only as a masochist with her bits and not much else.
I also thought they showed off a lot more of Kazuma's character as well behind the funny jokey personality, the length's he'd go for his friends and a little more of his vulnerable "human" side at times.
They still cooked really well with the humour and dialogue, the funny moments felt like they hit just as much as they did those many years ago and made me remember what i loved so much from this series and main cast.

edit: Overall ranking

Story: 8/10
Characters / development: 8/10
Visuals / Animation: 7/10
SFX / OST: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

Posted by Code0018 | Jun 30, 2024 10:45 PM | 0 comments
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