March 16th, 2013
Kyoto Animation Making New anime?
Anime Relations: Chihayafuru, Kyoto Animation: Suiei-hen
Waiting this one, eagerly!
AnimeNewsNetwork Article
I'm really hoping this would be KyoAni's next anime :D
It look, Really Goood.. !
Animation, characters, the idea..
I've actually started liking "sports" animes. Or maybe not. ^^'
Well, I really like Chihayafuru.
Karuta is... a sport in a way right? Ö--ö
Well, enough of the bibble-babble.
Has anyone heard of anything about KyoAni's new Anime? :D
- lockongirl
Posted by CyberStat | Mar 16, 2013 3:56 PM | 0 comments