November 17th, 2010
Custom Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime-Themed Tokens!
Anime Relations: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan, Kidou Butouden G Gundam, Hajime no Ippo, The Big O, Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar, Mazinger Z, Rosario to Vampire, Kamen no Maid Guy, Tentai Senshi Sunred

For a few months now, I've been making Yu-Gi-Oh tokens by cutting out the pictures on the cards and replacing them with my own drawings of random anime characters / mecha that I like.
Tokens will be listed by month in descending order and in the order that they were made within those months. A few will be approximate dates of completion.
**Note: I do not trace any of my drawings. I do look at images sometimes, but they are all drawn freehand.

I'm posting this a bit late, but on Memorial Day weekend (5/27 through 5/29), I went to Animazement 2011, the annual anime convention held in Raleigh, NC. While there, I attended a panel by Koichi Tsunoda, the animation director for Mazinger Z, and he signed the "Bro-fist" Mazinger!

If you follow this blog at all (or care at all), then I'll be posting the re-made versions before I start on the ones below.

-Kenshiro (Hokuto no Ken) - Coming Soon!
-Konata Izumi (Lucky Star) - Coming Soon!
-Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z) - Coming Soon!
-Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) - Coming Soon!
-Lelouch vi Britannia/Zero (Code Geass) - Under Consideration
-Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) - Under Consideration
-Nozomu Itoshiki (Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei) - Under Consideration
-Vash the Stampede (Trigun) - Under Consideration
-Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga (Azumanga Daioh) - Under Consideration
-"..." (Yu Yu Hakusho) - Under Consideration
-"..." (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) - Under Consideration

February 2011
Tokens 2010
Posted by Geolga9 | Nov 17, 2010 7:03 AM | 1 comments