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Kurki's Blog

October 30th, 2008
Anime Relations: One Piece
Well, what to say? For the fall break I flew over from dear old Sweden to visit a friend in Shanghai, China. I havn't seen her since summer, so we had some things to catch up on. It's nice to see her again, since we have been friends since almost the first day in school.
Well, right now I', having some spare time since she is in school, and well.. I'm not. So I got to borrow the computer to chat and vistit pages like MAL.
I really miss all my friends back in Sweden, and (since it's such a big leap in the time between Sweden and China, we are not online at the same time. Anyway, one good thing about China is all the fake markets. You can get anything here, and really; it's CHEAP!
All those small statues of anime characters, at home they cost around 100 swedish kronor (about 15 USD), but here they cost 20-25 kronor (Figure out the difference yourself! XD)
I could almost make a living on this! :3
Also... The Pocky. At home it's exensive, expensive for some crackers dipped i chocolate. But here... OMG... I will bring alot of this stuff home! Dang, it's cheap! 8'3
Another thing I miss is anime. I have some One Piece-episodes on my iPod, but I want to see all the new episodes. There's alot of series I'm no longer UTD in, all because of this trip! XD
Well, well... You know what the say: Equal trade. Because, if this, and the jetlag is everything negative, tyhne damn this trip is worth it!
Posted by Kurki | Oct 30, 2008 12:48 AM | 1 comments
October 13th, 2008
Anime Relations: Bleach
Not much to say but the fact that I'm finally Up To Date with Bleach. It took quite some time, but now!¤

Also, the fillers have ended so next week there will be a new episode of the Hueco Mundo Arc :3
Posted by Kurki | Oct 13, 2008 4:02 PM | 0 comments
September 19th, 2008
Oiii~ Some good news and some less great... I finished Galaxy Angel in two days after having it on "On-hold" for some months, and after that I started watching "Karas", which turned out to be really great! :D Nue is pretty awesome~~ You ought to give it the three hours it needs (6x30 minutes) and watch it. :3 And after I finish of Karas me and my sister will go on with finishing FMA. It's her first time and my second and we have twelve episodes to go.

But, well, tomorrow ain't going to be as good... We will get visited by one kid I really hate, if it's okey to say that you hate one of your sisters friends... DD:
And, well, her sisters are coming along, and the oldest of them is a girl I went to kindrgarden togetehr with, but we broke the contact many years ago since we really didn't share any intrests... And now I have to spend all of tomorrows evening with them (I don't even have to say that I originaly planed on spending all of my evening/night with my computer and anime).

So, to sum this up. Today, animemarathon.
Tomorrow, DDDD:
Posted by Kurki | Sep 19, 2008 11:34 AM | 0 comments
September 2nd, 2008
Anime Relations: Last Exile, Black Lagoon
Well, I was sick yesterday and felt a bit bad in the mornig so I d´sayed home from school today... And after have slept a few (14) hours I feel a little better and continued watching Last Exile and finished that. After that I went on with Black Lagoon and plan to finish that one to, in a short while~
I also spent some time in the forums, and just some minutes ago I passed 100 posts~
May be I should claim something soon XD

Oh, and like a week ago, I passed 1000 episodes, and now I have seen 1,077 (So hard was that X'D).

See you all~
Posted by Kurki | Sep 2, 2008 8:04 AM | 0 comments
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