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LeCrowe's Blog

June 18th, 2015
Anime Relations: Nisekoi
Welcome to Unraveled Reviews! Unraveling the world of anime with written reviews and Top 10 favorites!

Now, every anime season, new anime are produced and aired in Japan. Those anime are then subbed by people in different countries and uploaded on the internet, spreading the joy of anime all over the world. (Now, only if we can get anime to those guys in those third world countries...) Of course, not all anime are the same no matter how you look at it. (SAO and Log Horizon are exceptions.) You either have these legendary anime that takes the anime world by storm and leaves people looking for something to fill the void when it's over (like Steins;Gate, Madoka Magica, and Angel Beats), or you have these terrible anime that you either laugh at for being idiotic or furious at for it's plot, characters, and/or ending (School Days, Mars of Destruction, and MM!). However, the one thing many anime fans look at when choosing an anime (PLEASE NOTE: I said many, not all.) is the opening song. They can range from the generic slice of light opening, an orchestral masterpiece, a metallic opening, or that opening that doesn't mean anything at the beginning of the series but eventually fits it to a T.

Today on Unraveled Reviews, I give my Top 10 Best Anime Openings of 2015 so far! But, before I get to that, I want to make something very clear. These are MY opinions! If you trash this blog entry, I will just simply laugh at your incompetence to read this part of the blog. Thank you!

Number 10...

Number 9...

Number 8...

Number 7...

Number 6...

Number 5...

Number 4...

Now, from this point on, I'll explain the last three opening choices in detail, especially number 1 since people will get mad at me for it if I DON'T explain. Now, on to the rest.

Number 3...

Number 2...

Number 1...

PLEASE NOTE! This is all MY opinions for best openings! No matter what your opinion may be, this is mine! Keep that in mind!

That it! Please stay tuned for my next reviews and such and I'll catch you guys later.

*looks out window* Get off my lawn, fanboys!
Posted by LeCrowe | Jun 18, 2015 2:07 PM | 0 comments
May 7th, 2015
Why me?

For the past few days, that's what I've had ringing in my head as I continue my venture in Wildstar where my old friends from Sakura City rp at. So, basically, ALL of them are admins and seem to be good ones at that. At first, I thought "Hey, maybe since we're all trying to forget the past, we have gotten past all the aggressiveness and drama", but nooooo.

It first started at creating my characters. Since I've been a bit in a block lately, I've been making and retiring characters (due to the club having a 3 character limit) because I can't get what I'm trying to go for. So, then I came up with this idea to reuse my first character I've ever created in rp, Soujiro Yamashita. I created the whole character sheet and put him in with a smile on my face...then it went away as soon as the admins ganged up on me.

They're main problem was the power I put for the guy, which was Hypnosis. I could get why it could result in godmodding, but these people knew how it was used in Sakura City. Hell, I wasn't the only one using the damn power at SC, but they just saying that I couldn't do it.

I would just let it go, but this wasn't the first time they did this, which irritated me to absolutely no ends, so I decided to speak my mind...only to get immediately flamed by EVERYONE! I was called selfish, childish, a terrible rped, a feminist, and one guy said that I think I'm better than everyone else. First off, I don't think I'm better than anyone (except my real life brother of course. XD), I may act a bit childish but not in a bad way, I know my rp skills need work but calling it terrible is uncalled for, and I AM NOT A FEMINIST!! I don't deserve to be called names and flamed like I'm public enemy #1.

Why me?
Posted by LeCrowe | May 7, 2015 9:28 PM | 0 comments
April 16th, 2015
This is my first blog out of many where I like to share the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. There won't be a necessary amount I'll post in a week (heck, I'll probably post more than one a day if I can think of something to say), so be sure to check up on it daily. Thanks.

So, we start from the beginning. That would be the Hang Out Club, my first club on MAL. I had a good time there during Summer '14, but once Fall kicked it, everything went cold with people, so I left. With nowhere else to go, I searched for a club and ended up at Sakura City.

Here is where I rant the most. Alright, so this was my first RP club, so I learned as I went and got better at it in time. However, when I decided to make a villain is when stuff went downhill. So, this is a conflict I had with the creator of Sakura City, which I'm friends with btw, SakuraSweetHeart. I was playing the villain the best I could, but in OCC, I was told to water down my stuff...then, my villain was immediately killed off, along with the whole faction. Now, I get how she would say that it would have changed the setting if I were to start a war with my faction and the Student Council of the School RP, but I still believed that it would have been a great idea to keep it going. So, I stopped and let her destroy a very great idea I had came up with, but someone kept following it, even with the faction dying... LoveandHate.

So, I've had many problems with LH, and I've forgiven him more times than I should, but this guy likes playing the villain to the very end. (I kinda even think that he plays the villain OCC.) So, the guy has gotten pissed of at this guy named ZestyLime, Sakura's Ex, for a bunch of reasons. This has led the admins of the club, including me, to contemplate on removing him from the admins. (To be honest, how the fuck did he even become admin?) So, we said that if he did one more thing wrong, we'd remove him. So, we fast-forward to after my villains dying and he wants to continue with the 'Anti-Student Council' thing when we said that it'd self-destruct the club. In a single hour, he went into a thread and told the characters that the SC is corrupted and shit.

So, we remove him from the admins, but idiot wants to ask why. After we explain it, he rants...then leaves. After that, everything went smoothly...until a person named Tamoball showed up. Talk about a person who is in despair 24/7 and likes to play the 'pity me' card. So, I personally thought that person was a nice person...until everything started happening.

So, this person, like many people on MAL, liked to think of himself as a female. Personally, I have no problem with it, but if you accidentally call him a guy, he will go berserk and turn everyone against you in a bloody heartbeat...which is what happened to get me eventually kicked from being an admin. Yeah...what a bitch.

So, I decided to leave once I saw that Sakura City was becoming dead, which led to the creation of my own rp, Ace High Academy. At first, no one came...but, after I got a friend from Namine's Cafe to help with decorating it, people started flooding in. Currently, I have 39 members, with my favorites being Sleevr, ShitakeMushroom, SodawithYoda, and RazorDestiny. I've also joined a few other clubs with my former friends from Sakura City and, of course, Tamoball. I've came to forgive Tamoball, but I still feel a bit of irritation from her.
Posted by LeCrowe | Apr 16, 2015 10:07 AM | 0 comments
September 19th, 2014
Corpse Party Fanfic ft. HOC Members
By AniDre/Dreofanime
Chapter 5.5

Serenity wakes up in a dark room. It smelled of rotten corpses and old machinery oil. The floor felt like it hasn't been cleaned in years and she feels something pinching her in the side, probably a toenail clipping. All of a sudden, a light turns on above her and she finds herself chained to what looks like a generator. She has no strength, so she doesn't even try to pull herself free. He mouth is taped, so all you hear from her is the noises that escape all clutered up in the duct tape. She looks around and sees no one...except Sachiko smiling at her from her right.

Sachiko- Oh my. You look quite destrut. What oh so could be the reason you're terrified of me? Is it my face? I look like just a normal elementary student...except for my lust to kill people *Giggles* But, besides that, I'm just a normal girl.

Serenity- hmmhhmhhmhmhm! HMMMMMMM!

Sachiko- So, you're probably wondering...why are you hear and why haven't I killed you yet? Well, I need you to lure your friends here. You see, I can't have grown-ups roaming around my wonderful school with nothing to kill them. Since those brats before made those ghosts I had move on, I've had no luck getting rid of people these days. I just sit here, walk around, maybe slice a few people up, and for the most part just watch people die because of hunger, possession, suicide, and the normal ones who go psycho. But, that's all boring to me now...I want something new, something that I've never a game.

Serenity- Hmm?

Sachiko- Yes, a game. I just love playing games...especially with my mom...but, since I have new people to play with me, I wanna have some fun. Here's how the game works...I have you here, chained up to the power sorce. The only way everyone will meet up again and get out is by unchaining you and getting out of here. But, there are ways you all can lose. For instance, if...maybe...there was a time limit?

Serenity- *Eyes widden* HMM?

Sachiko- *Giggle* You didn't think this game would be just a game of cat and mouse did you? No, silly, it's a game of death. Now, back to what I was saying, also it's very impolite to interupt someone, there will be a time limit. If you manage to kill me before time runs out, you all win and can return home...however, if time runs out, then everyone goes "Bye bye", poof, invisible, all lost in space forever. So...any questions?

Serenity- Hmhmhmhmhmhhmmmmmhmnhmhm!

Sachiko- Good, let the games begin, shall we? *Snaps fingers*

In the distance, the sound of a clock is heard. It seemed more deeper than a normal chime...more like a creepy one. In that, Sachiko disappears and Serenity is by herself again. <--- The bell.

Serenity- *In her mind* me.

To be continued...
Posted by LeCrowe | Sep 19, 2014 9:47 PM | 0 comments
September 18th, 2014
Corpse Party Fanfic ft. HOC Members
By AniDre/Dreofanime
Chapter 5- Only a matter of time

Isaac, Andre, and Andrea sit inside the second school building. Everyone explains their

experiences and who they met.

Isaac- Oh. So that's why we keep getting separated. Also, the time keeps changing?

Andre- Yeah. I noticed when the last shift happened. It was 10:59 pm when the shift

happened. After it, it was 2:00 am. Though, I wouldn't have known this if Mexi-

Andrea- The guy who died?

Andre- Exactly. He pointed out that the time changes when we shift across closed spaces,

meaning that each closed space has it's own desinated time zone. Proven by the spaces Isaac

came from, compared to me and Andrea's destinction, we can conclude that when another shift

happens, we can be moved either forwards or backwards in time, depending where we end up. I

also have a theory...maybe because of certain rooms being locked and some hallways being

accessible in some spaces and not in others, i.e the infirmary being closed in my space and

not in Andrea's, we can't be in two places at the same time. If that wasn't true, I'm

pretty sure there would be dobblegangers, or parodoxes for you who watched Steins;Gate.

Isaac- Hmm. Pretty good explaination. But, with all that, do you have a solution so that we

can find everyone and get back home?

Andre- Ye- No, not a sngle idea.

Isaac- Well, good job, Sherlock Holmes. You explained the situation in the most complex way

possible, but your ability to take action with that information is mediocre. *Claps* Well


Andre- You have any ideas?

Isaac- Not really. I say we torch the place with my li- *Feels around for lighter* Dammit,

I must have dropped it.

Andre- Well, good job. You plan fell threw the cracks too. Now we're both idiots.

Andrea- Umm...

Andre and Isaac- *To Andrea* What?

Andrea- I...have an idea.

Andre- Really? what is it?

Isaac- Oh. Dis gon be gud.

Andrea- Well, what if we use this info and share with the others. Then, when we shift

again, and once we tell everyone, we try to find where the closed spaces contradict


Isaac and Andre- Huh?

Andrea- We find a room or hallway which is always available, no matter the space. Then when

another shift happens, everything crashes together and everyone is in the same space.

Isaac- That sounds-

Andre- Wait. In some cases, when we shift, we also change places.

Isaac- Oh yeah. Like how Dave was with us in a hallway up stairs in the first building and

then after the earthquake, he was with Andrea.

Andre- Exactly. What are the chances that we will end up in the same closed spaces?

Andrea- Well, we gotta try. Plus, it's not like you two have any ideas.

Isaac- True.

Andre- Given.

Andrea- So, lets survey this space, regroup before the next shift, share what is open and

what is closed, shift at 3:00 am to another space, tell anyone that's there the plan,

survey that space, and once we regroup in a future space, let's see where there is an


Andre- Another problem. What if we don't end up in the same space again?

Andrea- Easy. There are maps everywhere in the school, I think it was to direct newcommers

when the school was still running. We'll mark the areas where the accessible hallway or

room is on the main hallway. Though, I don't believe that the main hallway is the

accessible place we need t use, I think that using it to find the right place is our best


Andre- Wow!

Isaac- That makes sense.

Andrea- I try. Anyway, let's go survey the school.

Isaac and Andre- Right.

- Corpse Party Fanfic -

Sirani- So, how do we go about killing Sachiko? She's a ghost.

Otaku- In real life, yes. She is a ghost. However, since the rules differate here and the

fact that ghosts seem 100% Real, also the fact that I touched one and felt a cold body,

they're basically dead corpses walking around.

Aviid- which makes it a Corpse Party! OMG! It makes sense.

Otaku- Uh...anyway, now that that's proven, we can say that Sachiko is also a walking

corpse. With that in mind, we can kill her, but in a normal means.

Sirani- Normal means?

Otaku- Yeah. We can't pysically hurt her...yet.

Sirani- You're pertiquing my interest. Go on...

Otaku- Me and Aviid aren't quite sure yet, but we believe that Sachiko is wirelessly

connected to the school somehow, however simply burning it down will not help our

case...since we would be burnt alive. We have to find some kind of power sorce inside the

school walls...and I already know where they could be. Right below us in the basement.

Sirani- Oh, that makes sense.

Otaku-'s only accessable in certain closed spaces. Though, I know where it is.

Heck, you should know where it the janitor's room.

Sirani- Oh yeah, that's right. This school is huge with even a swimming pool. Why wouldn't

it have a basement.

Otaku- Also, another thing...there is a great possibility that Sachiko, or the guy that

worked for her in the game, may be guarding it, so we have to draw her/him out first.

Sirani- ...and how are we gonna proceed on doing that?

Aviid- Easy...we'll cause harm to the school.

Sirani- Huh?

Otaku- We'll go in each classroom, take out all the chairs, desks, etc. and break it all or

torch it *Grabs lighter* With this lighter, which belongs to Isaac. I believe he dropped

this. Anyhow, you're thoughts?

Sirani- Seems fool proof. If everything get's broken, it's basically harming the school

itself. As soon as we clear a room or so, either one of those two will show up, then

someone can get down to the basement and shut the power down.

Otaku- Exactly. However, again, it ain't accessible in this space, so when you meet someone

in the next space, tell them the plan.

Sirani- Of course.

Otaku- But, for right now, let's move to a room where we can sit and wait for the shift.

Aviid- Agreed.

- Corpse Party Fanfic -

Lrae slowly backs away from the corpse of Matt, shaking and holding herself as she sits

against a wall. Tears started forming in her eyes and she felt like throwing up.

Justin- Lrae!

Justin walks up to Lrae from down the hallway, but Lrae was still too shocked and

frightened to notice Just or even move an inch. Justin bends down besides Lrae, places a

hand on her shoulder, and tries to calm her down.

Justin- Lrae...come on. Speak to me. Why are you so scared?

Lrae slowly raises her hand and points to Matt's corpse.

Lrae- M-Matt

Justin- Huh? That's not Matt.

Lrae- What...

Justin- Matt's hair is black, that corpse's hair is brown. Plus, his face is slightly

different. It's not Matt.

Lrae- Oh. *Relieved, but still frightened* I don't wanna take this anymore! The lone fact

that someone could die is making my head hurt. Why can't I die already?!


Lrae looks to the other side of her to see Subzero sitting beside her.

Subzero- I mean...just look at me. I commited suicide from not having any food. I basically

ate my leg off and lost too much blood to survive, however, I still here, having to look at

these corpses and worring about my friends who are still out there. Just keep

least you can get out of here still. I lost my chance...don't lose yours.

Lrae turns her head to the ground and sulk in silence for 30 seconds. When she raised her

head again, she looked at Sub with bloodshot eyes.

Lrae- I'll...try. But...can you give me a second to do something?

Justin and Sub- Of course.

Lrae gets up and walks to a corner at the end of the hallway. Then, she places on hand on

the crease in the wall, lowers her head, and throws up then and there. After finishing and

cleaning her mouth off, she turns back to the two guys.

Lrae- Ok. Let's go.

To be continued...
Posted by LeCrowe | Sep 18, 2014 6:14 PM | 0 comments
September 17th, 2014
Corpse Party Fanfic ft. HOC Members
By AniDre/dreofanime
Chapter 4- This dark, twisted school (Death Toll)

(Author note- Death Toll means that there will be death in this chapter...but who will it be? Hahahaha!)

Andre leans Serenity up against a wall and runs to the voice he heard. He ran down some stairs and found Lrae, staring at a corpse on the ground. As soon as she sees Andre, she runs over and buries her face in his shirt.

Lrae- I don't wanna see that! I don't! I don't! I don't!

Andre- Lrae, calm down. Everything will be fine. Come with me to the room upstairs. I've found Serenity and some guy named Mexi. Come on. *Pulls her along*

Lrae keeps silent the entire way back. Andre leads her upstairs to the room where Mexi and Serenity...once were.

Andre- No...NOOOOOOOOOOOO! WTF?! Where did those two go? There was no earthquake and it's only 10:09!

Lrae- You don't think he kidnapped her, did you?

Andre- Not sure. But, we better find her before the earthquake. If it happens, she's done for...especially knocked out.

Lrae- Then, let's go.

Andre- Right.

Andre runs out of the room and into the hallway, but when he looked back to see if Lrae was following him, he saw her with a big grin on her face and her eyes wide open. Almost like...she's possessed.

Lrae- You'll never find her. She's too far gone.

Andre- Lrae?

Lrae- But, what if he makes it? THERES NO WAY HE CAN! But he has plenty of- NO WAY POSSIBLE! HAHAHAHAHA! *Faints*

Andre- Lrae! *Catches her* Dammit, she was possessed. This isn't good, but I can't worry about it. Gotta find Serenity. *Puts Lrae on his back*

Andre starts walking down the stairs and into the long hallway. He looks up in the distance and sees another corpse. He closes his eyes and moves around it. Another after another, he walks by them. He makes it to the crossing to the second building when Lrae wakes up.

Lrae- Wha...what happened?

Andre- You were possessed, but it seems you're fine now.

Lrae- Oh. Hey, can I maybe stay on your back for a while?

Andre- Of course.

Lrae- Thank you. *Goes back to sleep*

Andre walks into the second building and sees Mexi on the ground without an arm.

Andre- Mexi! What happened to you...and where's Serenity?

Mexi- Some her...and ran back to the first building.

Andre- I just came from there too. Dammit. Anyway, what about you?

Mexi- I'm done for, but it was nice knowing you guys. Only if it was for a few minutes and we barely talked, it was a nice change from being alone. Thanks for everything...and good bye. *Slowly dies*


Lrae- *Gets off of Andre's back* Andre, calm down.

Andre- Calm down? That guy killed Mexi and stole Serenity. I think I am the right level of pissed off. Let's go and try to find Serenity before-

Then, the earthquake happens. After a minute of the grond shaking it stops and Andre stands up off the ground. Beside him was not Lrae anymore, but was Andrea.

Andre- Andrea!

Andrea- Huh? ANDRE! *Hugs Andre* I'm glad to see you.

Andre- Shit.

Andrea- What? What's the matter?

Andre- The's not 11:00's 2:00 AM!

Andrea- Yeah, the earthquakes happen each hour. It happened at 12:00, so- WAIT, WHAT?! 2?!

Andre- We don't only change closed spaces, we change time zones too!

Andrea- Well, that's pretty sketchy.

Andre- Nevermind that. Now I'll never get Serenity back.

Andrea- Serenity? What happened?

Andre- Well...

- 1 minute later -

Andrea- He just died before your eyes like that?

Andre- was horrific. But, to makes matters worse, we're not in the closed space where Sera is anymore...but which one is this...and who's here with us?

Isaac- Me.

Andre and Andrea look outside across the bridge to the first building to see Isaac standing in the doorway.

Andre and Andrea- ISAAC!

Isaac- I'm here, bitches!

- Corpse Party Fanfic -

Sirani- Andrea...ANDREA!! Where did she go?

Otaku- The closed spaces...

Sirani looks over to see Otaku leaning on a wall.

Sirani- That's right. She must have drifted into another closed space... I hope she's alright...

Aviid- She probably is.

Sirani looks on the other side of her to see Aviid leaning on the same wall.

Sirani- I don't want probably. I want assurance if she's alright. I don't like the fact that my big sister is out there by herself...or worse, with Sachiko.

Otaku- By the way, why do this school still exist?


Otaku- Correct, Siri. Why would this school be still here and why would Sachiko be still alive? Well, from the few days I was here, I managed to find notes that prove the game, anime, and whatever other medium wrong.

Sirani- What does it say?

Otaku- Ok, so in the game, the group helped Sachiko move on and they all escaped. However, these notes say otherwise. It states that most of them hanged themselves and that the only people who made it out was...Saiko and the MC.

Sirani- Saiko? But, that's impossible. She was the first to go.

Otaku- Nope. The first to go was the MC's sister from the closeline in the hall. Saiko tried to save her best friend, but she was killed by Sachiko. The group tried to save Sachiko and get her to move on, but she simply refused and tried to kill everyone, hence controling them and forcing them to hang themselves.

Aviid- Wow!

Sirani- So...what do you suppose we do?

Otaku- Simple...kill Sachiko.

Sirani- WHAT?

Otaku- In a note from the MC's sister, she stated that one of the books from the the person who came up with the ritual said that killing Sachiko will not only destroy the closed spaces, but will also save everyone who died here and people in the real world will remember them again.

Sirani remains quiet, Otaku's words lingering in his mind.

Sirani- If that's what I have to do to save my sister...I'll do it!

- Corpse Party Fanfic -

Lrae looks around and sees no one. She was all alone in a hallway. She was basically scared shitless. She looked around and saw a familiar corpse. She crawled over and looked into it's dead was Matt.


To be continued...
Posted by LeCrowe | Sep 17, 2014 7:56 PM | 0 comments
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