Ren'Py - Simple Days [v0.19.3 Full] [Mega Lono]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Revision (2 -> 4 stars) as of this writing ( 0.14.0 ) a lot has improved with the game. The quality of content overall has increased by a pretty significant margin, with still scenes increasingly replaced by animated scenes of increasing quality. The sandbox has also improved measurably, There is a lot more sign-posting, hints, and clear indications of when a chain is in-progress or has up coming time-gated conditions. It's clear the dev has reacted to initial feedback and almost all of the confusion that plagued previous versions has been worked out. The story is still nothing to write home about, but each character arc has improved and serves well as set dressing for an erotic game. Overall, this is probably one of the better erotic Ren'Py games out there as far as the content with a good balance of content quality, variety, and ease of access.

    (old review for reference) The sandbox mode is poorly executed. There is no direction beyond vague computer messages that often lead to nothing. it becomes an endless groundhog day loop of searching for whatever scraps of stingy content decides to present itself on that day. Waste of time and HD space in it's current form. This is a shame because scraping the games files reveals some nice scenes, if you ever happen to stumble upon them.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3181265

    I really enjoy this game, honestly I can't wait for the update. Been looking forward to 9.0 for a while!
    - The beginning is rather straight forward no annoying tasks like in other games. 5/5
    - I don't find some of the early characters attractive. However when the MC moves to Mohoro all the baddies come out ;). I am super excited for more late game content. 5/5
    - Writing is really nice and with more support this game has the potential of being one of the best on the site.
    All in all I really do like this game. Beginning is okay, didn't like some of the characters. Late game however is awesome. Really need more content xD
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    I feel like in spite of the flaws of this game I finally have one that hits most of the marks for me:
    1. Polyamory/Polygamy: done almost immediately
    2. Pregnancy options for all girls romanced: oh yes
    3. MC isn’t a total pussy: done as well he owns up to his actions almost all the time
    4. MC living with all his girls: it gets there
    5. Multiple races for girls: super done not that I dislike white girls but I kind of want variety
    6. MC willing to risk his life: done as well for at least one of
    Really the only thing missing for me would be like a villain girl that gets taken down by the MC and kept in his basement to rape/impregnate, but we can’t have it all. Overall the flaws can be ignored because really there isn’t much like it out there and it has gotten better with versions released.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    The english is... bad. Animations are... bad. Some dialogue doesn't even make sense. The entire story is written like the main character is unironically the tip-fedora-nice-guy. Yikes.
    Perhaps the dev should consider writing in their own native language and have someone else translate it? Not to mention the use of ellipsis in literally every line of dialogue. Not worth the space it takes up.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    i love the story in this game .... renders are also something i like ... you Dev.'s make me wish i could do just half what you can ....
    love the girls ... Dora is one of my favs ... and can't say no to Ema ...
    could you loan Ema to me for a weekend .... :love:
    i mean i would give her right back .. maybe
    the updates have never let me down ...
    a fan
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    OK so i wrote a review here for another novel, So i want make an apology to the Dev for doing so and thanks for pointing that error out to me, i actually really like Simple Days, specially since you can make the choice to avoid the hole sandbox thing and just stick to the novel version, which i think is great that the Dev give players that option, artwork is good, story i really like also the multiple endings, Keep up the good work and Good luck with the rest of the development.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game is good, it's just that it lacks in the story line, it's too simple for the story. needs some polishing to the story line ... it's just that I think this game is good, it's just that it lacks in the story line, it's too simple for the story. needs some polishing to the story line ... that's the only drawback. animation is very nice
    Likes: Wal22
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    All Im getting is a sandbox with no scenes and same day on repeat.
    Its a managment game without managment, a sandbox with just empty locations, a porn game without porn.

    Feels like a beta version at best, with even too little content as such.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Started out okay...
    Thought I was in for a simple and straight story about some virgin who discovers the fun in sex and deviancy.

    Got really out of hand as well as boring really fast after the "main girls" got introduced.
    There seems to be a lot of different branches though I didn't bother playing more than once, though I branched out as broad as I could.

    It starts out as a regular VN, then and now the dev inputs patreon messages about results of polls about certain characters and their role in the game.

    Gotta say, did not care for that at all, dev should stick with the story they've planned out and be maybe be open for small suggestionsonly imo.
    When it concerns whole stories and paths for characters and whether or not they'll even stay in the game it destroys the flow of an already struggling plot.

    After the initial VN with some degrees of grind and A LOT of dead horse beatings to find scenes the dev decides to do a 180° flip and have the player decide if they want a godawful, clunky, poorly designed open world with so many empty locations with repeat scenes and dialogue and not even repeating sex scenes since apparently MC is a freaking monk now with only one freaking sex scene every weekend... And he has a fucking harem!

    But anyway... Open world or same boring grindy VN.
    Dev claims VN version has less choices and scenes and seeing I gave up the open world version after one in-game week it might be so, but it is not worth it imo with how poor the UI and structure of the map is...

    Writing, grammar and syntax are all over the place but can be "fun" if you imagine the thickest accent (free choice which) when reading.

    Story and setting is not all that original either and gets very boring fast.

    Renders started out as many other first time devs do but gets slightly improved later on, much later mind you, and at the cost of every single other thing about the game... Not the worst though but needs a bit of polish and imo deserves a better made VN than this one.

    What characters?? Amirite? *cough* anyway...
    MC is standard virgin closet asshole that comes out real fast if the player so wants or takes it more slow or whatever. (As I said I only played through one time and I've no idea if the branching is signifcant or if it only appears to be so)
    Women in the game are two legs walking around with no personality except for some cliché characterizations that have almost come to be expected from mediocre games like this.
    As mentioned, writing does no favors to anyone in this game and it stays less than mediocre all the way to the end.

    My advice to new players?
    Rip the CGs if you want to see what you're dealing with.

    As I said though, it started out okay and it could probably be a 3/5 if Dev only stayed on the path of a nice VN instead of trying to make the game more interesting with grind and open world.

    I'll say this too. Currently game rating is on 3½/5 stars at the time of this review; It is barely a 2/5 imho.

    Game is probably too big at this point to start over but I'd recommend to the dev if they read this to get rid of the open world version after the location change fast before that part becomes too big to regret later.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Before I started, I made all the possible choices in the novel (version of the novel = 0.6.0).

    I particularly liked the novel, it has potential, but nowhere is it perfect, it has bugs, examples of bugs: The "Mute All" button of the sound options does not work correctly, sometimes the "buga" interface and the mouse stops interact with the game interface, apart from some unfinished details such as the header ... It bothered me sometimes, most moral choices are irrelevant, because regardless of what you choose, neither the line of dialogue will be changed, the animations and graphics are not the best in the world, but they are also not entirely bad.

    Below will be my score from 0 to 10 for each category, where 10 is the highest score:

    Protagonist: 9;
    History: 8.5;
    Plot: 8.5;
    Character development: 7;
    Animations: 8;

    Verdict: Even if I liked it, I must be realistic, the novel has some problems, but it has potential, I will follow the next updates.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    (Review as of version 0.5.0) - - A surprisingly fun game with a very good concept and progression. It's a bit rough around the edges, given that the dev doesn't speak English as a first language. Looking forward on how the game evolves from here.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is not bad, if your looking to suspend your disbelief and the thought of potentially impregnating a character within the first 2 minutes of a game is your thing then boom you're onto a winner. If your looking for a deep story with tension and build up meh.. maybe not.

    Some of the renders are a little grainy, but that doesn't bother me it might to you and the animations look a little janky.

    There is quite a few choices which is nice and not just yes or no answers too. Already a selection of girls who want to get in your pants within 2 mintues of meeting you. I don't think English is the creators first langauge lines like " will make sex with me" i couldn't help reading with a Russian accent in my head.

    Overall not too bad, not very deep and I will probably will have about 6 little Dave's by the end of the game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    MEGALONO ( name of the dev ) means in greek GROW UP.
    The start was really nice with many nice situations.
    The story with Emma was a typical NETORI situation. More of this.
    I hope the dev continues to GROW UP. :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    very good game, I like the idea of getting pregnant. I really like the possibilities of the story and the choice. I would introduce corruption in my mother. And the possibility of a harem
    Otherwise, I will continue to look forward to the sequel and other ideas.
    so let's surprise you
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.4.0]

    Art's alright but has issues. Lighting, composition, graininess, and a failed understanding of how the human neck works.

    Writing is bad. Scenario is trite, narrative is disjointed and has no stakes or weight to it, fluency is poor Babelfish levels of low and characterization is just a rapidfire sequence of HERE IS THE NAME OF THIS SET OF TITS AND NOW YOU BANG HER.

    Porn was pretty dull.

    TLDR: Wasn't for me.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Professor Black

    Review as of 0.4.0

    I'm giving this a 3 in technicality but personally i'd give it a four.
    I'll start with the pros'. The idea of it is great! love the characters and the story is entertaining if you manage to not exclude characters. something about this game is just very charming.

    Now the cons. render needs work. I'm talking about flat lighting (headlight lighting from daz) and some graininess in some renders, English needs an overhaul, reading takes some effort to understand but not a deal breaker. characters background story might turn off some if not alot of people as they come off all slutty and whorish. Personally i don't like rape of any kind, there is one here(MC does the raping). And a hint of sandbox at the end of the update. At the moment it isnt too crazy but yeah, I dislike sandbox.

    Play it , its GOOD if you can get over the grammar issues and the not so good renders.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    So I'm givin this game the full 5 stars, why ? Am I blind or what you thinkin ? I might be a bit "blind" for the small grammar mistakes (highly overated on this site as an argument in reviews imo anway) and the bit grainy renders, and the somewhat 'simple' story (Hey, the Dev DID warn you beforehand, just look at the title of the game !!!) but my hearing definitely works very fine, and that's exactly were this Devs scores : the lewd sounds that go with the also very good animations are just awesome !!!
    I could easily fap 'blind' on only the sounds in this game, dude soooooooooooo good :love: Oh yeah, I also find the simple story amusing, he he, had a lot of fun playing this game :D
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The models seem good, but the bad English translation and the simple-mindedness of the MC leave me feeling like I'm wasting my time when I play it. The experiments with animation techniques seem interesting if a little unnatural. I may revisit this at some point in the future. If I liked this game more, I'd offer to edit the English text, but it just seems too pointless to me so far.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This may be the worst game that I've ever played on this site.
    It has good ratings, so I though why not give it a try and see what it's like, that was a stupid idea. The badly translated writing, the awful none story, the empty boring characters and situations, all make this absolutely dreadful. If you're considering giving this a try, please don't, it's really bad.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game hits my fetish buttons. Lots and lots of impregnation (both consensually and sneakily), harem aspects, a branching story where many choices at least somewhat matter, and so far no incest (which is a huge turn-off for me and a black mark on a lot of games I would otherwise like).

    The English grammar could could be better, although the 'engrish' feels like it fits with some characters (such as Anna, who, in my imagination, is FOB).

    There are a lot of renders in this game for such a small file size, but they are in low resolution and many/most of them look like they should have been left to run at least 2/4x longer. Not a deal breaker for me, but they do look grainy.

    I'm very worried that this game might never get finished, though, because by the end of content (as of this writing) there are at least 4 characters that may or may not be pregnant and may or may not have certain kinds of relationships with the MC based on choices that were made. That is a huge number of branches and TONS of work for the dev.

    Overall, though, I think it is great and I'm giving it 5 stars because I really want to see more of it.