June 15th, 2009
Quote Heaven
Well, as you all know, or maybe you don´t...I like collecting quotes and these are the ones I found to my liking so far. Hope you´ll like them as much as I do ;)
P.S.: The database is more or less frequently updated so there is always something new to read =D. (Last update: 7.1. 2011 )
And if you´ll read it all, you´ll get a cookie ;) Up for the challenge ?
Familiarity, the first myth of reality: What you know the best, you observe the least.
Devotion, the second myth of reality: The faithful are most hurt by the objects of their faith.
Conviction, the third myth of reality: Only those who seek the truth can be deceived.
Fellowship, the fourth myth of reality: As the tides of war shift, so do loyalties.
Trust, the fifth myth of reality: Every truth holds the seed of betrayal.
Fear rules those weak enough to accept it.
Strength without determination means nothing. Determination without strength is equally useless .
Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.
"Human tenderness is simply weakness in a pretty package."
Life is a battle, you´ll lose in the end.
The highway of fear is the shortest route to defeat.
Empires rise and fall, but evil is eternal.
"If they move, kill them. In fact, kill one now to make sure the others understand."
Illusion steals reality from the unwise.
Truth shines even in darkness. Those who march on the side of truth walk always in righteous light.
The ingredients for panic include equal parts danger, uncertainty, and helplessness.
The sea of fear has endless depths.
Not all shadows are cast by light-some are cast by darkness.
The harmony of the glorious is a dirge to the wicked.
That which grows without roots cannot be uprooted.
Make people wait for what they want, and you have power over them.
"The curious merely amass knowledge. The ambitious use it."
Only the warrior who can admit mortal weakness will be bolstered by immortal strength.
"In times of war the victors rarely save their best for last."
For those who reach enlightenment, violence is an unnecessary distraction.
A finely crafted blade will never meet as many blows on the battlefield as it did on the anvil.
If you're smaller than the anaconda, it considers you food. If you're larger than the anaconda, it considers you a lot of food.
The secret of destruction is simple: everything burns.
"Sometimes the grave does not wait for death before relishing its feast of flesh and bones."
Where do you run when the earth becomes your enemy?
"Know your foes' strengths as well as their weaknesses."
The dying ask for water because they know it contains life.
An empty canvas holds infinite possibilities.
A wall built from the bodies of the enemy will never lack building material in times of war.
The first step of every exodus is from the blood and the fire onto the trail.
Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight.
"Don't fear the darkness. Fear what it hides."
Not every cage is made of bars.
A true warrior's thoughts are of victory, not death.
"Madness and genius are separated only by degrees of success."
"Great losses often bring only a numb shock. To truly plunge a victim into misery, you must overwhelm him with many small sufferings."
Bravery shines brightest in a pure soul.
"Look beyond, to the vascular awareness that all life is a map to greater knowledge."
Evil often dines alone.
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"
A rested mind is the sharpest weapon.
"Great peril demands formidable weaponry."
Everybody knows that to ward off trouble, you knock on wood. But usually it's better to make a wall out of the wood and let trouble do the knocking.
Even an enemy is a valuable resource.
You are not prey until a predator knows of your existence.
'Training will raise your shield to the blow, but courage fills the gaps the shield leaves open.
"Some say it's better to think before you act. While those people are considering all the options, that's usually when I kill them"
When you have given everything, then you have everything to gain.
A single stone can start an avalanche.
A skilled decoy can throw your enemies off your trail. A master decoy can survive to do it again.
Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
"If you can kill your enemy with the first strike, you save yourself the labour of the second."
Master the sky and you rule everything beneath it.
"Worlds turn in crucial moments of decision. Make your choice."
Charging alone takes uncommon daring or uncommon stupidity. Or both.
"Where metal is tainted and wood is scarce, we are best armed by faith."
"But it doesn't do anything!"
"No—it does nothing."
"Of course you fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire."
There is no wall that can't be improved by making it taller.
"In a world of untruths, the living lie rules."
"When mortals die, they have family, friends, compatriots to mourn them. When the land dies, all else dies with it, and there is no one left to weep."
"The darkness merely hides the light."
"The fatal flaw in every plan is the assumption that you know more than your enemy."
When the air burns, only death breaths deeply.
"Which is worse; nothing to defend, or no one to defend it?"
"Any fool who would die for honour is better off dead."
In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too.“
Death stings the victim only once, but those left behind feel the pain of loss with every passing memory.
A single fear unleashes a torrent of nightmares.
Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
A talented apprentice makes all things. The master makes all things possible.
Wind in the trees is soothing, but the same can't be said for trees in the wind.
Don´t let your mind wonder-- it might not come back.
There's no 'I' in 'team,' but there's a 'we' in 'weapon.'
Death is only the beginning of the end.
"Destiny, chance, fate, fortune-they're all just ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures."
Fire never dies alone
Incensed by their opponents' unrelenting taunts, even wise generals were known to rashly lead their troops into battle-often to disastrous defeats.
"The bigger they are, the more fun it is to watch them fall flat on their faces."
It´s easy to be outnumbered when you are a zero.
"Those who fear the darkness have never seen what the light can do."
I order you to volunteer.
Amidst the darkest ashes grow the strongest seeds.
"Knowledge demands sacrifice."
"Of all I that I have lost, I miss my mind the most."
Terror corrupts order and paralyzes instinct.
"Muscle does not make one strong. It only masks the soul's light. True strength lies in purity of purpose."
"Knowledge fills the mind of a fool and opens the mind of the sage."
Falling from heaven is not as painful as surviving the impact.
"In the soil of leadership sprout the seeds of immortality."
"Once cast, a spell can be undone. But once revealed, a secret can never again be kept."
"If yesterday was two days ago tomorrow, will the day after tomorrow be today or yesterday?"
When you've got nothing, you might as well trade it for something else.
Knowledge is power.
You'll never miss what you never had.
Sometimes the smallest nuisance can be the greatest pain.
Killing is easy. Just wrap your hand around the haft, and wrap your enemy around the blade.
"Teach by example. If your students do not survive, they were not worth the lesson."
"How will you fight an enemy that cares nothing for itself?"
"I fear anything with teeth measured in handspans!"
When the mighty sleep, the lowly prowl.
Sometimes you have to search for inspiration, and sometimes it's right there in front of you.
Life is eternal. A lifetime is ephemeral.
Knowledge knows no bounds.
Our noblest thoughts are our very first and our very last.
Water is life. Or perhaps it is just something to wash it down with.
Inner conflict can defeat a soldier more quickly than any army.
It is not the absence of fear that makes a warrior, but its domination.
Hope of deliverance is scorched by the fire of futility.
If you find yourself and a friend being chased by a king cheetah, you have but one chance: Trip your friend.
The best leaders are made by their followers.
Sometimes everyone decides to go for help at the same time.
"Each reality is but the dream of another, and each sleeper a god unknowing."
The touch of death is never gentle.
"If you're gonna lose, at least make sure your oponent doesn't win as much."
"Vengeance is the echo of the victim's own crime."
"A life is measured by the lives it saves."
Fire is always at the top of the food chain, and it has a big appetite.
The cautious are wary of their enemies. The wise are also wary of their friends.
The turning of the tide always begins with one soldier's decision to head back into the fray.
The first blow is the most important. It often negates the need for a second.
The hardest lessons to grasp are the ones you've already learned.
The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
The more unlikely the victory, the more memorable the success.
Spirit is the sword and experience the sharpening stone.
"The finest offering of night is not stealth but daring."
"Grief is as useless as love."
Dwell longest on the thoughts that shine brightest.
The less you have, the harder you fight for it.
"Command is the act of balancing on a vine and convincing others that it is firm ground."
"Can you prepare for the unexpected? No, you cannot. You can prepare only to be surprised."
"I see more than others do because I know where to look."
"So they want to kill my men? Well two can play at that game."
"First blood isn't as important as last blood."
Nature grows solutions to her problems.
It's easy to lose sight of hope until you gaze out from my vantage point.
"We plant the seeds of doubt to harvest the crop of wisdom."
Infantry deployment is the art of putting your troops in the wrong place at the right time.
“Walk the world and you'll find your soul; search your soul and you'll discover the world.”
Nature's strength outlives the strong.
"A sacrifice made in peace is worth a dozen made in panic."
"Bet you can't put it through the eye." "Left or right?"
In secrecy is strength. None can oppose one who cannot be found.
By definition, madness ends in one of two ways: clarity ... or death.
"Words are a waste of time. Destruction is a language everyone understands."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of death but once."
The land will never betray those who gave their lives for it.
We respect all lifeforms, but this one we respect from a distance.
"It startles me how alive one feels on the edge of death."
Hope is the one crop that can grow in any climate.
I fear to keep an open mind, for there are those who would use it as a door to my soul.
"A mind in agony is a sparrow without wings."
"To hide the truth is more than folly -it is fatal."
"Memory is a burden that wears at the soul as weather wears at stone."
"Precision is frequently more valuable than force."
"Like an avalanche. With teeth. That will chase you. Uphill.“
Only in mirrors do heroes find their equal.
"We define the boundaries of reality; they don't define us."
Some smiles show cheer; some merely show teeth.
A fool knows no fear. A hero shows no fear.
"Union may be strength, but it is mere blind brute strength unless wisely directed."
The earth's memory is long, its retribution brief.
Which hurts more: a sword in the gut or a dagger in the back?
There are medicines for all afflictions but idleness.
Its respiration is your expiration.
“Such a small thing, a drop of water . . . And yet enough of them together can flood a field, cleanse a mire, or choke a forest.”
To prevent, one must first predict.
"Enemies can be your weapons or your shields. Simply show them which they are."
"Never underestimate the ability of natural forces to adapt to unnatural influences."
The war cry is not simply a shout but a sacrament.
Even the trivial can inspire.
Those who will not follow are doomed to lead.
None can find what hasn't been lost.
"There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another.
"All things must eat, after all. Even the air can hunger."
Everybody but me—CHARGE!
Victory favors neither the righteous nor the wicked. It favors the prepared.
"Believe in the ideal, not the idol."
What goes up, must come down.
Truth tempers fanaticism.
"A stick is your friend. A pointed stick is your good friend. An army of pointed sticks is your best friend."
When the meek charge into battle, courage becomes infectious.
"It is in our nature to recognize beauty, but to repeat it-ah, that is another feat altogether."
There is much talk about the art of creation. What about the art of destruction?
"Pain is a crude way to enforce obedience, but it is cheap and plentiful."
"The treasure in my mind is greater than any worldly glory."
"Since I cannot stop death, I choose to stop life."
"It is nature that gives us our boundaries and nature that enforces them."
No spot in nature is truly barren.
A fruit must rot before its seed can sprout.
"Flame grows gentle with but a little distance."
“Everything in this world comes with a price and that which doesn´t, costs even more.”
Bind the mind rather than the wrist, and you stop the intent to harm before it starts.
Doing something at the last minute isn't so bad when you can make that minute last.
"What separates junk from treasure is imagination."
Words - so innocent and powerless are they, as standing in a dictionary; how potent for good and evil they become to one who knows how to combine them!"
Sometimes the greatest strength is the strength of conviction.
The problem with mercenaries is that if you can buy their loyalty, others can too.
"Fire cleanses as well as destroys; that is the nature of change."
Too many choices will always distract a greedy person.
The wise pay as much attention to what they throw away as to what they keep.
The end of one life is merely the beginning of thousands more.
"The only true immortality is in dying for a cause."
Brute force wins the battles. Conviction wins the wars.
Love is like a rhino, short-sighted and hasty; if it cannot find a way, it will make a way.
"Power often costs too high of a price."
The upside to not thinking about the consequences is that you'll always surprise those who do.
"If you don't hit your adversaries while they're down, they might get up again."
Wealth means power; the power to subdue, to crush, to exploit, the power to enslave, to outrage, to degrade."
"Even the threat of power has power."
"Remove their power, and their will to fight will follow."
A lie is like a bumerang, always returns; be careful how you catch it.
Enlightenment comes most swiftly at life's end.
"Amazing thing, gravity. It seems to work every time."
Rising waters, sinking hope.
"Do you want to be alive or whole?"
"I hope to have such a death—lying in triumph upon the broken bodies of those who slew me."
All must fall, and those who stand highest fall hardest.
"People love to follow fools; they don't feel so alone then."
"Limitless power is glorious until you gain limitless understanding."
"Be as fast as lightning, and you will be just as deadly."
That which lasts longest serves best.
"All animals-even humans-can be herded. The trick is to make them think they choose their own destination."
"Only those with the strength to seize their destiny deserve to have one."
"Destruction is the work of an afternoon. Creation is the work of a lifetime."
"I have seen the true path. I will not warm myself by the fire-I will become the flame."
Experience is a good teacher, not a kind one.
Close your ears to the voice of greed, and you can turn a gift for one into a gift for many.
Death is a moth that dances toward our inner flame. The brightest fire can singe its wings.
"When the very tides turn against you, it's time to consider retirement."
"I dreamt of it once. Now I fear it dreams of me."
When he's holding the hammers, everything looks like a nail.
Whether inspired by fear or by honor, all loyalty lends might.
One footstep among many is silent. One footstep alone is deafening.
A step in one direction is two steps away from another.
Mastery is achieved when "telling time" becomes "telling time what to do."
Law smothers anarchy.
Whether mechanical or biological, life finds a way to propagate itself.
"Your headstone is the last page in the book of your life."
"Only in our vulnerability is there true power, and that power is life itself."
"An axe may break upon a ribbon if the ribbon's will is the stronger."
The more the scarier.
Dreams' riches are easily spent.
There's a chance to win every battle.
"I wrecked your metal guy, boss. But look! I made you an ashtray."
Be logical in all things. Do not allow instinct or passion to cloud your mind.
"Hup, two, three, four, Dunno how to count no more."
"Wherever water is lacking, all things suffer."
"Fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong men."
The best ideas often come from the worst minds.
"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave."
There's no escaping an enemy that lives inside your head.
The tide of battle favors those who can swim.
In times when freedom seems lost, great souls arise to reclaim it.
"Thoughts are commodities. Someone will pay a good price for them. Even ones as simplistic as yours . . ."
If you hear it coming, you're not its prey.
"We use only what we need - but in times of strife, our need becomes great."
Even war can be civil.
"You know that secret? The one that wakes you up at night in a cold sweat? The one you think no one else in the world knows? Well, guess what."
"The memory of your existence will fade like the final stars of morning."
To renew the land, plow the land. To destroy the land, do nothing.
"There is no tactic I enjoy more than ambushing the ambushers."
Keep watch only for the giants and you'll be eaten by the ants.
Put a spear in a peasant's hands, and you have an expendable troop. Put a purpose in his heart, and you win a warrior.
"The question isn't whether I can read minds. It's whether I have yet to find a mind worth reading."
Options will cost you, but a lack of options will cost you even more.
It's dangerous indeed to be lost in someone else's thoughts.
"A good guard is always alert. A great guard is also loyal."
The true treasure no thief can touch.
The mind sings, though at times it sings a dirge.
"The wisdom is just as much a weapon as a sword or spear. We just need to learn how to wield it."
"Prophecy is whatever one makes of it, but destiny cannot be changed."
"Even the bravest of warriors yet knows the dark clutch of fright upon his stalwart heart."
"The beauty of mental attacks is that your victims never remember them."
Which is more unsettling: the roar of battle or the silence that follows?
"In the arms of tragedy, there is little comfort in being right."
Be worthy of a single blessing, and many more will follow.
"Peace must prevail, even if the wicked must die."
"He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared."
"Trickery can't defeat raw power."
In ashes are the gems of history.
"Illusion is a crutch for those with no grounding in reality."
"The world, I've come to realize, is a blank canvas on which to paint."
"Focus an enemy's mind on what's already gone, and it's easier to take away even more."
"For those of courage, even the sky holds no limit."
Who is truer: you who are, or you who are to be?
Before wars or weapons, there was anger.
Before tyrants or torturers, there was evil.
Before religion or civilization, there was order.
Before labs or lectures, there was insight.
Before predators or prey, there was life.
"Controlling time ensures you need never look impulsive again."
Dream of nothing and wake to a dream come true.
Those who expect betrayal at every turn are seldom disappointed.
Little things like morals shouldn't hinder one's ambition.
The key to winning any fight is simply staying alive.
"Pain teaches lessons no scholar can."
The strongest walls are made not of stone or steel but of the focused strength of warriors.
The surprise of a battle cry can be as deadly as a blade.
"Politics is a game-move a stone here, move a stone there-except sometimes the stones bleed."
"Peace will come, but whether born of harmony or entropy I cannot say."
"The path of least resistance will seldom lead you beyond your doorstep."
Funny how money and war travel so well together.
Success is largely a matter of knowing which lever to pull.
Light creates shadow; light destroys shadow. Such is the transience of darkness.
The wise, the righteous, the mighty-the merchant feeds them all.
Never underestimate the power of the soul unleashed.
From each seed, a world. From each world, a thousand seeds.
Enlightenment is the mundane seen from the vantage point of the divine.
Nature's most raw beauty is the circle: perfect in its continuance, with no break between death and life.
Those who don't learn from their deaths are destined to repeat them.
Some find inspiration in their swords. Others find it in their leaders.
The balance of nature dictates that one day humans will be stepped on by bugs.
The ceiling and the floor fell in love, but only the wall knew.
"Forget that which was never known."
"Release that which was never caged."
"Awaken that which was never asleep."
"Melt that which was never frozen."
"Cure that which was never ill."
Your ignorance is my bliss.
The truth will outshine all lies.
"Nature? Fire? Bah! Both are chaotic and difficult to control. Ice is structured, latticed, light as a feather, massive as a glacier. In ice, there is power!"
"Stepping through time is like riding a camel. It may get you where you want to go, but the ride is rarely pleasant."
Sailors fear the deep-sea serpent; others thank the gods it has no legs.
"The best way to teach is by example."
Death just encourages life the more.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow."
"In the game of conquest, who cares about the pawns if the king yet reigns?"
"On my death, I give you this treasure: the knowledge that life is hard, yet too soon past."
"The best things in life are free. Money, for instance."
"True power is controlling not only the hearts of your subjects, but their minds as well."
Whoever survives the first blow lives to land the second.
"History is a potent weapon."
"There is no true equity of power. There is only more or less."
Bend as the wave breaks or it will break you as well.
"The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists until the moment you don't."
Left to itself, nature overflows any container, overthrows any restriction, and overreaches any boundary.
Fighting for the right reason is itself a source of strength.
"Nothing endures but change."
A single germ can kill more soldiers than ten thousand blades.
When you have given everything, then you are capable of anything.
A grave is the safest place to store ill-gotten treasures.
"A good deal of tyranny goes by the name of protection."
"We will give you the peace you seek, though you may not yet know you seek it."
Energy is never lost, only transformed.
Every horizon hides a new possibility.
"Every forest is carpeted with the corpses of a thousand trees."
"It's easy for the innocent to speak of justice. They seldom feel its terrible power."
Those who follow nature's path eventually walk in a circle.
"Your arrogance is my best weapon."
"How tragic that greed eclipses beauty."
Not all victories require defeat.
Every story, even a faerie tale, comes to an end.
Every disaster holds mystery, for lack of a sane witness.
Show weakness to hide your strength.
"Wisdom is not the counting of all the drops in a waterfall. Wisdom is learning why the water seeks the earth."
"Whether or not you will bow to me is not open to debate. The question is, will I ever let you rise?"
"In the thick of battle, you must keep your wits about you. Yelling a lot helps, too."
Every scar is a lesson, every battle a test of what you have learned.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."
Those who forget their past are doomed to be eaten by it.
When a battlefield falls silent, it's rarely due to a cease-fire.
"Life can never be too good."
"One timely cry of warning can save nine of surprise."
Unanswered prayers are themselves answers.
"There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream."
“This world is a dream. We cling to our toys like children, but sooner or later we must learn to live without them.”
"The only perfect world is an empty world, with no one to sin or wage war."
"Passions can't be shackled by laws or mastered with logic. The choice is freedom or death."
"It offers you what you want, not what you need."
"Death is no excuse for disobedience."
"I'm up here. You're down there. Now who's the lower life form?"
Sometimes the weight of the world on your shoulders is a literal one.
Friends teach what you want to know. Enemies teach what you need to know.
"Above them all is Truth, and Truth must be set free. If the wings of Truth are clipped, the voices will fall silent."
Don´t mourn for me, this is my destiny.
"Resources are limited. Innovations are not."
"Death is such an exquisite sensation."
"All my life I've fought these monsters. Today I finish that fight."
When the sky's rain has turned to fire, what will put it out?
"The construction of a defence is not accomplished by adding bricks."
Though those who study are as many as the hairs on an ox, those who succeed are as rare as unicorns' horns.
"I do not teach. I simply reveal."
"The potential for change lies in all things. Know a thing's nature, know its possibilities, and know it anew."
"Some say you cannot hit what you cannot see. I prefer that you hit what I want you to see."
"My sorrow: to dream of simple times, and wake in mine... ."
"The spirit of the devout is easily crushed by the loss of hope."
A drop of humanity for a sea of power.
A single lie unleashes a tide of disbelief.
"I don't like to think of myself as a pirate. I'm more like a stimulator of the local economy."
"We are never without guidance, if we but seek it."
The road to truth has many branches, and so must the cane with which I walk it."
"Fair fight? I'll take survival over chivalry any day!"
Lead, follow, or run like crazy.
"There is no shame in solitude. The lone Knight may succeed where a hundred founder."
The golden rule of revenge: Do unto others what they tried to do unto you.
"I don't want what I don't have. I want more of what I do have."
The heart's courage is the soul's guardian.
"I rely not so much on the wisdom of age as on the overconfidence of youth."
The lion's only loyalty is to its hunger.
On the day of victory no ine is tired.
"It's free to do whatever it wants. I've merely told it what that is."
"I don't need to have the perfect plan. My foe just has to have an imperfect one."
"Why fight the body when you can dominate the mind that rules it?"
Power begets power.
True enlightenment comes not with a new thought, but with understanding of all the old ones.
What the vigor of life builds up, agony tears down again.
Sometimes you go to hell, and sometimes hell comes to you.
Those who lead others to wisdom become the wisest themselves.
"Creation is a paradox. It hatches from its opposite."
"Your tenacity is admirable. And futile."
"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."
"There is no calamity greater than lavish desires/ There is no greater guilt than discentiment/ And there is no greater disaster than greed."
The shadow of the candle looms tall even as its light grows dim.
"Your strategy is marvelous. I've just made a few minor adjustments."
"Life is a circle. Death is a vicious circle."
Zombies don't kill. They recruit.
If the whole world burns, I'll never grow cold.
"The fondest memories burn brightest. As they're lost forever, the flames grow hotter still."
In war, as in society, position is everything.
"Once you create perfection, what else is there to make?"
"The best armor is to keep out of range."
What´s better ? To do the right things or to do things right ?
There is no such thing as honourable death. It´s just running away with a fancy excuse.
It´s only after we´ve lost everything that we´re free to do anything.
"It´s interesting how you can make things infinitely wrong yet only once truly right"
Deep in nature's core lies a potential unsullied by greed or civilization.
"The tiniest ripple tells a story ten fathoms deep."
"Trap-making is an art. The trap is a corporeal riddle, a battle of wits between its creator and whatever it lures inside."
I need not pretty things, unless they are pretty useful.
War favors the informed.
When you get into the swamp, the swamp gets into you.
The key did not work on a single lock, yet it opened many doors.
"It is nature that gives us our boundaries and nature that enforces them."
"By tradition we don´t speak two days after a battle. If our actions don´t speak for themselves what else is there to say ?"
"We always look upon our first creations as masterpieces, no matter how awful they are.
"In darkness is kindled the fiercest hope."
He who goes unpunished never learns.
Sometimes it's ostentatious to go unseen.
In the aftermath of war, when the slaying is long done, the greatest miseries come home to roost.
The bigger they are, the harder they avoid work.
"The best experiments are those whose successes replicate themselves."
"The secret to invention is to see something in your mind, then find where it hides in the world."
Flame chooses its own course.
"Brute force can sometimes kick down a locked door, but knowledge is a skeleton key."
"I am confined by sleep and defined by nightmare."
Life's balance is as a star: on one point is Law, and Law must be upheld. If the knots of order are loosened, chaos will spill through. Next to Law is Duty, and Duty must be obeyed. If the frame of Duty is broken, none shall weave life's fabric. Opposite Law is Grace, and Grace must be preserved. If the strands of Grace are unraveled, its design will be lost, and the people with it. Next to Grace is Reason, and Reason must be retained. If the web of Reason comes unwoven, madness will escape. Above them all is Truth, and Truth must be set free. If the wings of Truth are clipped, the voices will fall silent . . .
Posted by N41X | Jun 15, 2009 7:41 AM | 0 comments