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June 1st, 2011
Habits are strong.
No, really, they are.
I am Russian, I wrote about that much, so it's natural that I have russian language on my keyboard. Another one is usually English. There is always one with latin characters, most use exactly English.
Some time ago I used Japanese instead, as long as it provides latin characters. Then I began to re-study Spanish, so I changed Japanese to Spanish, I needed to wrote words like otoño or más. Because of ñ and ¡ and ¿ and the stress marks all the punctuation marks changed their locations on the keyboard (compared to english).
The worst thing.
there is NO @.
How do I print it? I copy it from somewhere (thank you google, you don't require it for login).
so @ on my keyboard is not shift+2, but ctrl+v and I'm already used to it.
Recently been from my friend's pc on a site which requires @ in a username. she has it shift+2. I press ctrl+v and wonder why @ doesn't appear.
It took me a minute to understand why.
Habits are strong.
Posted by Okita-chan | Jun 1, 2011 7:50 AM | 0 comments
September 4th, 2010
I'm really lasy about this blog. I thought of posting in it as another kind of practicing my english, but my laziness is stronger than my willpower.
I even begin to wonder, how will I deal with my studes the following year, for it will take even more time and effort than it was in the previous. As you may have read in my profile, I'm keen on languages, so studying even the basics of a new one for me is really exciting, even if I have no intent to proceed. English is the one I study in the university (as a future English teacher), but recently... Well, let me count what I already know at some level. Or will know soon.
1) russian. the native one but let's include it.
2) english. god bless the time I didn't know it, because I do not remember that wonderful part of my life.
3) french. studied at school and still remember something.
4) spanish. studied myself in desire to forget english. well. plans failed.
5) japanese... is the one with which I almost achieved the goal about spanish.
6) my own unnamed one. yeah, I'm creating the language right now, it's something between russian, spanish and japanese and not really connected with any of them.
7) be surprised and shocked like me but here goes chinese. yes. yes, yes, yes. I had no intent, for japanese seemed enough for me. But recently, just at the beginning of the new year at the university I, along with the rest of the group, was told that from this year on we're having chinese as one of the subjects. we, the ENGLISH TEACHERS, will have it as an obligatory one, not as an optional.
Good luck to me.
Posted by Okita-chan | Sep 4, 2010 6:41 AM | 0 comments
May 30th, 2010
Oh yes, exams are coming. During session I'm having: English (easiest exam ever), language study (the trick there is to fuck teacher's brain better than she does it with yours) and psycology (which isn't hard either).
What's worse is something before the exams will begin. And that is Russian.
You know, I am russian. You know, I speak this language from the day I was born. But goddamn it! First I find out, that I was speaking it in a totally wrong way, that I'm good only in spelling and that the most obvious stress in the word is completely wrong!!!! OK, I agree that in some cases we should take some care about stressing, but yet!!!! I see the word, in which for my goddamn 19 years I've been putting stress on, for example, third syllable, and the fucking dictionary says that nooo, you must stress second syllable, stressing third is wrong!!!
Then, spelling. Oh yes, I said I'm good in it... Fuck no! That damn plural forms!!! Which ending must the word have? Oh, try to guess!!!! Do we need a hyphen here? No? You really think so???
OK, manage to get through... Speech mistakes? I don't make them... What????
What's good, I have the whole week before the test.
What's bad, I must deal with all my debts before that.
What's making it worse, I have too much.
What's the worst thing in this world....
Why am I writing all this?
Because however much I hate English, I'm already too tired of Russian.
That's all.
Posted by Okita-chan | May 30, 2010 7:01 AM | 0 comments
November 13th, 2009
At first I thought to leave Ishida Akira as the one and only favourite person, but that turned out to be just impossible, because than I remembered about Miyazaki, and Suehiro Maruo (I've bought a book of his short mangas....that's great that he is released in Russia), and now new add - Minekura Kazuya. But anyway, Akira-san is the best.
Posted by Okita-chan | Nov 13, 2009 11:37 PM | 0 comments
Yesterday my world was ruined, partly because of the Animelist -_- because here I've found manga Sex Pistols and the same-called anime.
And they turned out to be that damn YAOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kill me please. Make me forget that -_-
Posted by Okita-chan | Nov 13, 2009 12:42 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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