Ok, that is all...lol!!!
*~*Shadow Princess*~*
Okie dokie folks! I've been playing around with the list background stuff and have made an animated background (which I didn't know you could add animated backgrounds on here until now while playing around) and it is now up for your viewing pleasure. =^_^= It's nothing too fancy, but I think it looks pretty cool, so have a look see. ^_~ Also, I have finally updated my Live Action Drama stuff, so I have completed two more episodes from "Devil Beside You" and I'm in the process of finishing a third one. Yeah, it's been a while since I've watched that, so I figured it was time to do some catching up..lol. Whelp, suppose that is all for now. This is my first blog and I wasn't sure what to put, so I figured I'd just tell you what the updates were for me. SO, with that said....maybe I'll post another blog sometime, until then...BUH BYE! =^_^=