He couldn’t help being just a little curious though as to what Marluxia was doing. He wanted to know if he was in danger of more pain. Cringing at the mere thought, he decided it might be better to get out of bed. He sat up, wincing at the pain in his hind, though kept the sheets in a tight embrace around himself. He blinked a few times, quickly getting used to the dim light of the room.
Marluxia, now dressed in shocking pink fishnet stockings, thigh high stilettos, indecently short, ripped shorts and a sleeveless turtleneck was busy digging through his wardrobe. Vexen frowned just a little, but quickly looked away as Marluxia bent over to find something from the bottom shelves, the black shorts tightening boldly over his rear. His eyes met the spot on the floor that was smothered in blood and several other fluids. He grimaced, and cast his eyes down in shame and hurt. That awful taste was even left in his mouth.
He felt soiled. Ruined. Like he was no longer a human being, alien even to himself. There was no connection to him and the body that Marluxia had abused so violently the night before. He was an outcast, unable to ever be identified with what he once had been.
Filthy… Unwanted.
As the realization of what had really happened seemed to sink into Vexen’s mind, he felt more and more distanced from it and everything around him, and at the same time he felt so exposed and vulnerable, as if those sheets tucked around him were transparent. He couldn’t even cry any more.
“Are you going to sit there all day? Get this on.”
Marluxia’s voice pierced his ears like a spear, even if the man’s voice was deep, soft, and unnaturally sweet. He didn’t realize the words were directed at him before he got a silk bathrobe thrown in his lap.
“Did you get any of that? We are having a bath, sleepy. I am not letting you keep me for another minute,” Marluxia said, ignoring Vexen’s confused and disturbed look, and simply hauled him to his feet. Vexen clutched the bathrobe tightly, trying to put it on without exposing himself.
“Lilac suits you,” Marluxia purred. It took a moment for Vexen to realize that his tormentor was referring to the robe. He didn’t reply, simply glared at the floor as he tied the rope. “Now come.”
Vexen wanted to protest, but as Marluxia grabbed his arm and hauled him along he really didn’t have much to say. His mind was still a blur of pain and humiliation, only half aware of what was happening.
“You know I have been up for three hours already. Kids these days,” Marluxia sighed, though offered Vexen his sweetest smile as if he actually considered the man a child, though he was probably older than him. He then pulled Vexen out of the bedroom and through a door across the hallway. It was a rather large bathroom with clean white tiles, a huge spotless mirror over the sink, a small shower with thick glass walls around, a toilet and… Vexen could have bent over and retched had his mind still been functioning properly.
Next to a wall made entirely out of one giant mirror stood a large, round bathtub filled to the brim with what could only be blood. Where all the blood came from he didn’t want to know, but the panic that rose inside him as he heard a faint click was obvious. It was as if he couldn’t feel anything but fear any longer. After securely locking the door, Marluxia pulled off his turtleneck, ceremoniously dropping it on the floor.
“I can assure you Vexen. You will not be needing that robe any more.”
By those words Vexen rather held tighter onto it, taking a step away from Marluxia, and shook his head vigorously. Marluxia merely pouted, sliding the stilettos off rather gracefully, as well as his stockings, and it occurred to Vexen it wasn’t a pair of shorts at all. He had no idea skirts could get that short.
“Vexen, you are absolutely no fun,” Marluxia sighed, leaning over the taller man with one hand supporting him at the tiled wall. With a scowl, Vexen tried ducking away but as he moved, Marluxia caught onto the rope of his robe, which came loose, and as the robe slipped open, Marluxia seized its collar, tugging it down to bare Vexen’s shoulders and back.
“Marluxia! Let go!”
“Is that really all you can say? I love how you pronounce my name though.”
In a blink of an eye Marluxia had Vexen pinned to the wall, and that black leather skirt was the only thing that separated them. Vexen bit down on the insides of his cheeks, a few tears sliding down from his eyes, dripping down from his chin to silently hit Marluxia’s chest. He simply smirked, cupping Vexen’s cheek.
“Don’t be sad, princess. I won’t break you this time.”
Princess? Who was the one wearing a skirt?
“When… Will you ever leave me alone?” Vexen asked weakly, chewing on his tongue not to let any unwanted sounds escape.
“When I have you begging for more,” Marluxia murmured, stroking Vexen’s cheek, a sugary smile on his lips. His hand took a hold of Vexen’s hand, and pressed it against the growing bulge in his skirt. A shudder seemed to run through him, but Vexen turned his head away in disgust, wrenching his hand free of Marluxia’s grasp.
“Vexy, don’t be like that! I am sure if you simply tried you would enjoy this, and life would be so much easier for you and so much more enjoyable for me.”
“No! I just want to get away from here and never see you again!”
If nothing else, Marluxia paled a little, letting Vexen’s bathrobe slide out of his hand.
“And I simply want to see that pretty ass of yours pressed against my hips. I suppose we are even,” he said, softly, sugary, stroking Vexen’s flanks now. “And as long as you are still alive, that’s how we will play. In my house we follow my rules.”
Snorting, Vexen tried to wriggle away from Marluxia. The cloud in his head had lifted a little, given the danger of the situation, and allowed him to think and remain calm again. However, Marluxia persistently seized his wrist, and pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, leaving a pink stain of lipstick.
“Look. I like you, Vexen. But I have certain rules I have to follow,” Marluxia hummed, batting heavily made up eyelids. “I don’t have anything against hurting you if that’s what it takes to keep you from getting killed.” He let his hand travel down Vexen’s chest, sighing softly. “I enjoyed last night. I am not letting go of this body simply because its owner is a stubborn idiot.”
Vexen arched a brow, offended, yes, but there was something in Marluxia’s words that seemed odd to him, but then he felt a hand draping around his hips and he hissed softly, forgetting all about it.
“Do you ever get enough?”
“No. I can go on like this forever,” Marluxia laughed, letting go before he twirled around, moving over to the bathtub and leaned rather gracefully on the edge with his hands, that skirt riding up just a little, showing off most of his ass. “Though maybe you would enjoy this if I let you top? No pain at least, and I rather like it both ways.”
Vexen took a shaky breath, tearing his eyes away from Marluxia. He? Never. Never if he would cause that man any pleasure on purpose, besides, no one would get it up under these conditions.
“I can’t.”
Marluxia straightened up, looking back at Vexen with a frown.
“Then you know we are doing this my way,” he said, flicking his hair over his shoulder as he let the skirt pool around his ankles, then sat down on the bathtub edge and gracefully swung his legs over into the tub, slowly submerging himself into the red liquids until it reached his shoulders. Vexen felt a shiver creep down his spine and he took a step back, eyeing his bathrobe on the floor nervously. Quite the amount of blood had flooded over as Marluxia soaked himself, and it had spilled out over the floor, staining the lilac silk.
“Join me,” Marluxia ordered.
Vexen shook his head, a terrified expression on his face. The other simply sighed, holding up one hand red with blood, examining it. “You know, next time I take a bath this might just be your blood,” he murmured, removing a small piece of flesh that had caught underneath one of his nails. Swallowing thickly, Vexen stepped closer. So, follow Marluxia’s orders or be degraded to bath water. If there would even be that much left of him.
“I am doing this to save my own life,” he hissed as he reached the tub, eyeing the thick, red substance with loathing.
“Of course you are,” Marluxia said, waving it off. “Just get in.”
He took a deep breath, carefully stepping into the tub, and tried as best as he could not to brush against Marluxia, and closed his eyes. It felt… odd. The blood was warm, probably kept like that for quite a while not to coagulate before it was bath time. It was thicker than water, and now and then he felt tiny pieces of flesh at the bottom of the tub swirling around his feet and between his toes. It was a bit like… mud? No. It was impossible to describe. As long as he kept his eyes shut it he could stand it.
“It will help your complexion,” Marluxia laughed softly, pulling Vexen to him with one greedy jerk at his waist. Vexen was forced to sit on Marluxia’s lap, and he could feel the now rock hard member pressed against the small of his back. He was going to get raped,again. There was no other possible outcome of this. He felt those long, slender fingers running up and down his sides, as if wanting the blood etched into his skin. He shuddered as a warm tongue made contact with his neck, licking off a few drops of blood. Bloodstained hands travelled up his chest, breaking the surface to trace his collarbone, and left a red trail wherever they touched.
His voice was weak, barely perceptible. How he despised that man for making him shiver in fear.
And delight?
It felt good, simply being touched, but he knew so much more would follow. Pain, hurt… there was nothing good in this, and for each time he found himself enjoying just the tiniest touch he loathed Marluxia even more.
With a yelp he found himself being pushed forwards onto his knees, and he clung to the edge of the tub with shaking hands. His whole body shook with fear, knowing he was completely exposed to Marluxia, although drenched to his shoulders in blood. His long blonde stresses hung heavy with blood on each side of his face, and the smell was everywhere. Certainly this could be nothing but hell.
“P-please, Marluxia. Don’t…”
There was a deep, sugary laugh, and an expert hand slapped his rear rather roughly, having him gasp in pain.
“Common mortals usually enjoy that,” Marluxia sniggered, and stroked Vexen’s ass tenderly, leaving a pale mark in the layer of blood that coated most of their bodies.
“C-common mortals usually end up like dinner in this place,” Vexen spat. He had reached the limit of what he could handle. Of course his mind was screaming at him not to do anything rash, but Marluxia had pushed him to the border of insanity already. In one quick movement he had turned around and aimed a kick at Marluxia’s chest, making blood splatter all around them, painting the walls as Marluxia was pushed back, and he let out a sharp cry as his side hit the rim of the bathtub hard.
Vexen was panting a little, eyes wide at the realization of what he had done. When Marluxia’s mind cleared and he looked up at Vexen again there was no trace of that arrogant smirk that had always adorned his face, nor the usual fake sweetness. He was scowling, and it really was a frightening sight.
“If that leaves a bruise…” Marluxia wheezed, clutching his side. Vexen bit his lip, immediately regretting, but that was far too late now, and he launched himself at the edge of the tub, needing to get out and away from Marluxia now, maybe he would be able to break the door open, he thought, but before he came that far, determined hands grabbed his hips and pulled him back down, blood flowing over to splash against the white tiles of the floor by the force as Vexen was again forced onto Marluxia’s lap. He whimpered quietly, sickened as Marluxia’s member was pressed in between his legs so it was rubbing lightly against his entrance and thighs.
“Marluxia, please, stop this!” he groaned, aghast, scared, panicking as Marluxia shifted, the head of that rock hard manhood pushing against his opening, and he couldn’t move because of the hands on his hips, he could simply whimper, letting out small cries as that far too large arousal penetrated his tightness, filling him with an odd warmth, and blood. Lots of blood. He was in a daze, more or less limp against Marluxia’s chest, panting heavily by the time Marluxia was fully sheathed in him, so painful. It seemed as if the only awareness Vexen had of his own body’s existence was the throbbing, painful connection between them, the rigid column buried so deep inside him. A low, pained groan crawled up his throat as Marluxia moved a little, causing slight stirring.
“You know, had you been a bit nicer I would have been more gentle,” Marluxia murmured, lapping blood off of Vexen’s earlobe. “I even gave you a choice to top! Though I do have to admit I love having you squirming and writhing around me, whether it is in pain or delight.”
Vexen whimpered as merciless teeth nipped and tugged at his earlobe, and finely manicured nails scrabbled over his chest.
“However this time I really want to feel you,” Marluxia whispered, pulling his hips back, making a shallow, sharp thrust back into Vexen, savouring the cry he received. His lips trailed further down, pressing kisses to Vexen’s neck, biting down now and then.
Vexen was tearing up by now, and knowing this was simply the beginning made him wonder if he would even survive this. It was bad enough when Marluxia simply moved a little, but by now he was pushing Vexen against the edge of the bathtub, making him hang over the rim like some dead animal, his arms hanging on the outside of the tub, swaying limply with Marluxia’s movements. He let his eyes slip close, just wanting to disappear from existence as Marluxia’s hips grinded against his rear, again without friction, thanks to all the blood.
When satisfied with their position, Marluxia grabbed Vexen’s hips again, his nails digging into his rear to make him move along with his shallow thrusts, which soon picked up in time with Marluxia’s heaving breath and moans. Vexen was cringing at each time that hardness filled him, becoming more and more nauseated as Marluxia sped up, hissing his name softly, creating bite- and claw marks all over his back, and Vexen couldn’t help wonder if he would have any skin left at all after this.
A sharp sob escaped him together with several other pained sounds. This was worse than last time, as it never seemed to stop, and silent tears dripped down his cheeks, blending with the blood on the floor and all that existed was the blinding pain in his rear, especially when their hips made contact, wet skin slapping against wet skin, faster and faster, rocking Vexen back and forth with the motion as his hips was showed back and forth to meet each thrust, making it even more painful. His stomach lurched as one of Marluxia’s hands forced its way around his thigh, groping and rubbing at his crotch.
His whole body shook, and with one heavy convulsion from Vexen they could both hear the sound of last night’s supper splattering against the white tiles of the floor.
Vexen had quite the nice view of how his supper’s encore blended with the blood that kept flowing over from the tub as their movements made the red fluids surge around them. He heaved for air, close to vomiting again, the taste of it so strong in his mouth, but at least it got rid of Marluxia’s bitter taste, which he was forever thankful of.
He could feel Marluxia’s thrusts growing even more violent. He was clearly not happy for the reaction to his touch. Vexen groaned loudly, feeling strong teeth digging into his shoulder, ripping and tearing at the flesh, perhaps to disguise Marluxia’s own pleasured moans, not really wanting to show exactly how much he was enjoying it.
By now the pain was making Vexen more or less numb. He could still feel Marluxia’s movement, but the pain was easing now. Or was he starting to get used to this? The hurt and strain was replaced by something different, and odd. Marluxia, sliding in and out of him… That blood made it so easy and… painless? He was still making strained grimaces, panting, groaning, but why really? Hadn’t it been for those bites half tearing the flesh from his bones this would have been close to the border of good.
He mentally slapped himself for ever thinking such a thing, and right then Marluxia plunged deep into him, hitting that sweet spot deep inside of him dead on, making him scream in surprise more than anything, white lights exploding in front of his vision. He was in a sort of daze, no longer knowing the difference between what to like and not. He could only pray that his cries wouldn’t give him away, or Marluxia would probably make sure this was hurting. He could barely see, and still he felt Marluxia leaking inside of him, the hot, wet liquids seeming to seep everywhere with the thrusts, and he cringed, retching again as he forgot everything about liking, knowing what was coming now. Marluxia’s harsh, warm breath was tickling against his neck, delicate fingers now kneading his rear, squeezing firmly as Marluxia’s teeth dug into his shoulder, tearing up skin as he jammed himself deep into Vexen, crying out into the bite accompanied by Vexen’s pained yell, and then everything went silent but for their harsh panting, and soon the surging blood slowly stilled around them.
“Wonderful,” Marluxia murmured at last, stroking Vexen’s hair, and grinned as he looked in the mirror and saw how dirty they had become. There was barely even one part of them not stained in blood by now. Vexen had a tired expression, his hair ruffled, and he hang limply there Marluxia had left him.
“Cheer up Vexy, you can get clean now,” Marluxia purred, kissing his cheek before stepping out of the tub. The blood had cooled down by now, and was already coagulating. It clung to his skin and made it looked like he was wearing a very, very tight outfit made of some weird, red plastic-like fabric.
For every step he took there was left a footprint on the floor, and anything he touched was stained as well. He walked over to the shower, and opened the glass door before he leaned in, turning it on. Thank gods, ordinary water, Vexen thought, even if he was barely able to register what was happening. Now that they were done, the aching in his hind was slowly returning, as was his loathing for everything, especially Marluxia.
“Get up. Or do you want Saïx to find you like that?”
Vexen looked up with empty eyes, looking more or less hopeless. No. He didn’t want anyone to see him like this, and so he slowly got out of the tub, dripping blood everywhere and shaking in strain. He cringed at Marluxia’s touch. However, his protests were ignored, and he was shoved into the tight shower before Marluxia followed in and closed the door behind them.
Every alarm in his head was going off by now, seeing how they were now crammed together in a space so small it was impossible not to touch the other, warm water showering down over them, washing the blood away.
“See? That’s cosy, isn’t it?” Marluxia murmured, pinning Vexen to the wall simply by leaning against him a little, smiling up at him with that sugary sweet look. “Though I doubt Zexion will be too happy to see you threw up,” he noted, sniggering softly. “He takes care of all the cleaning.”
Vexen just turned his head to the side, not wanting to hear any more. It had been a living hell ever since he came to this mansion. He wanted to go home, where he was safe from psychopaths like these. He blinked however, looking back again as he felt a heavy weight against himself. Marluxia was resting his cheek on Vexen’s chest, eyes half closed and hands draped around his waist.
It appeared as though Marluxia got tired every now and then as well.
Vexen had to admit; the man was very appealing, when he was not talking, looking at him, laughing, dressing in those horrid clothes, or making any of those foul smiles. Like this he was almost sweet.
Vexen drew a slow, deep breath, resting his head back against the shower wall, and let the water pour down in his face. He couldn’t be gay, right? It was Marluxia pushing this all on him, making him hurt and confused. Forcing him… Marluxia was but a sick, mindless rapist and murderer. Why was he having these thoughts? He loathed it, the end. He would not end up like some brainwashed sex slave for that arrogant bastard.
“Vexen. Wash my hair,” Marluxia murmured, nudging a bottle of shampoo into the other’s hand. Vexen rolled his eyes, sighing. Of course it couldn’t last for long. Well it wasn’t as if he had a choice. He popped the lid open, hesitating just a little before he began dealing the contents out in Marluxia’s hair, receiving a soft purr. He couldn’t help wondering what Marluxia had done to get his hair so pink.
Vexen made a face, and let his fingers slide through the soft, fluffy mess of hair. For looking so rumpled up he was surprised not to find a single knot in it. Then again, Marluxia was the sort of person who seemed able to spend hours and hours arranging each strand of hair in perfect order. He let out another sigh, accompanied by a rather pleased sound from Marluxia.
“Now to find you some clothes!”
Vexen clutched the towel he had been given a bit tighter, watching Marluxia’s beaming smile with worry. He knew what that man’s wardrobe consisted of.
“I can’t just have my own clothes? You know those I came here with?”
“Absolutely not,” Marluxia said, grinning widely as he dug through his wardrobe. “I will find something here suiting you, I am sure. Even though you are taller than me, I should have…”
Vexen had a very bad feeling about this, and remained at a safe distance, watching different tops, shirts and dresses get thrown aside.
“I refuse to wear a skirt, just so you know,” he said, his tone sharp.
“Tch, you wear whatever I think will suit you,” Marluxia huffed, and smirked as he found what he was looking for. “Here, try these on,” he ordered, handing the other a pile of clothes. Vexen arched a brow, mildly surprised at finding a large silk shirt and a pair of wide black pants. Wide enough to look like a skirt.
Wonderful. He looked at Marluxia with a displeased expression, though said nothing.
“Put it on,” Marluxia instructed, having already finished dressing again by the time it took Vexen to look at the clothes. “Zexion wants us down in the basement. If we are late we will miss all the fun.”
“Fun?” Vexen repeated, dreading what might be on Marluxia’s mind. Axel and Kairi were still alive, right? He couldn’t care less what happened to the two, but he really had seen enough nasty things to last for a lifetime.
“Yes. Fun. You’d better get used to it as well, unless you want to end up like your friends.”
“What do you mean…?”
There was a long moment of silence. Marluxia shifted a little, adjusting his skirt. Vexen couldn’t help wondering why Marluxia had chosen a short, white dress with an apron that made it look more or less like a nurse outfit. The man held no shame.
Vexen crossed his arms, awaiting the reply. Marluxia gazed into his eyes, for the first time ever looking apologetic.
“You see. There is a rule in this house that no one is ever to leave. I can’t leave either. None of us can, and unless you actually do something worthwhile to us you have to die.”
Vexen blanched, taking a step back. He was stuck in here forever with these people?
“Who has decided that? No one has the right to keep anyone in this hellhole!”
“Actually, we say so. This is how we keep our secret so no one can round us up,” Marluxia said, grabbing Vexen’s shoulders, his face contorted in some uncharacteristic seriousness. “Either you help us, or we get rid of you.”
“Help you with what, why are you doing this?” Vexen growled, trying to pry the other off to no avail. Marluxia simply snorted, that smirk back on his face.
“Lets just say someone pays us quite open-handedly for the videos in the surveillance cameras,” he said, cupping Vexen’s chin. “Why do you think we live so comfortably at any rate? You will like it here, I am sure,” he murmured, stroking Vexen’s cheek with his thumb. “Money… Me… what more is there to ask for?”
“Quite a lot,” Vexen hissed, batting the hand away. He tried dodging Marluxia but was held back by the collar of his bathrobe.
“Get those clothes on and join me downstairs now. Unless you have a strong wish to die.”
Dying might actually have been better than to spend another minute in the same room as Marluxia, but the look he was given gave no further room for negotiations. He huffed, tugging himself out of Marluxia’s grip and walked around him, making sure Marluxia was looking in a different direction before he changed into his borrowed clothes. They fitted quite well, even if he was both taller and thinner than Marluxia.
“Looking good,” Marluxia purred, immediately winding an arm around Vexen’s thin waist as he was done. “You should wear silk more often,” he said, even growling a little as he trailed a hand up Vexen’s chest.
Down in the basement, two figures were growing steadily more impatient.
The underground was perhaps twice the size of the whole mansion. It smelled of rot and decay; not a pleasant place to wait. How anyone could manage to stay down there for more than five minutes at a time was a mystery in itself. However, at this moment the smell of fear was far stronger than anything.
In a large room made of roughly carved stone stood two high metal chairs with the back turned to one another, occupied by Kairi and Axel. Both were blindfolded and tied securely to their seats. Both sat there in silence, scared to say anything seeing their captors were right by, watching them from where they leaned against some counters that aligned one of the walls.
“If I have to wait one more minute I am starting without them,” Saïx growled out of the corner of his mouth. Zexion tilted his head to the side, eyeing their two captives.
“Marluxia told us to wait,” he stated.
“But I haven’t eaten all day,” Saïx mumbled, flexing his fingers convulsively, his nails already having left red welts inside his palms. “Surely they don’t need them both for the initiation?”
“Be patient. Marluxia is probably stuck on what outfit to wear. Some times I wonder why he is allowed to stay here,” Zexion said, shaking his head in disbelief. “We are the ones who do the hard work.”
“Excuse me? You call sodomising the dead hard work?” Saïx barked, humoured. “We all enjoy our jobs. At least Marluxia is a bit more picky about what he sleeps with.”
“Shut up. You will never understand anyway. Let me do my things, and you can do yours, and both will be happy.”
“Happy? You?”
Saïx snorted, abandoning the other to stand in front of Kairi and seized her chin. The girl winced, and tried to wriggle away but was blatantly ignored. “I bet Marluxia wouldn’t mind. You know what he thinks of females.”
Zexion shrugged, leaning back with a bored expression.
“G-get away from her! I swear you are going to pay for what you have done!”
Saïx’ lips twisted into a lopsided smile, and he moved over to Axel and fisted one of his hands up in the man’s spiky red hair.
“I suggest you keep your mouth shut,” he warned, tugging harshly before returning to Kairi, jerking the blindfold away from her eyes. She blanched as she glanced around on her surroundings, and whimpered softly.
“What are you going to-?”
She yelped as Saïx retrieved the butcher knife from his belt, but breathed out in relief as he simply cut the ropes holding her down. “What…?”
Saïx seized her wrist, and yanked her up from the chair, then brought her hand to his mouth, tearing off two fingers with his teeth, resulting in Kairi’s scream piercing the silence of the basement. She tried to jerk her hand back, but Saïx had already spat out her fingers, and now sank his teeth into her wrist, the bones creaking in warning as he tugged firmly, his sharp teeth already having blood splattering everywhere, Kairi crying and screaming, doing her best to get away but to no avail.
Her hand was reduced to one bloody chunk of flesh and bones by the short time it took Saïx to move and shove her forcefully down in the stone floor before straddling her waist. He sunk his teeth into her arm next, ripping up muscles which he swallowed the most of, and did a good job ignoring the girl’s screams and pleas, stripping her upper arm completely of flesh before biting down on her jaw line, tearing most of her cheek off. Kairi was struggling like mad, though now unable to move her arm, unable to think due to the pain coursing through her body, unable to hear anything but her own agonized screams as her flesh was torn from her body.
As soon as her arms were but splintered bones, Saïx shifted, now descending upon her right flank, tearing her clothes and skin open all the way up to her chest, breaking her ribs away so he could access her inner organs, his face diving down into the open body to find what he wanted the most. Liver and heart, and whatever flesh he could find left on her scrawny body was all devoured, and soon the only sound echoing through the basement was Axel’s voice hopelessly calling for Kairi, but the girl was now reduced to a bloody pool of bones, some flesh, bits of skin, and her clothes.
Just then the door swung open.
There stood Marluxia, elegant as always in the short, short nurse suit, his hair put up with several roses fastened in it like a sort of bun. That was probably what had taken such time. Tailing behind him was Vexen, who made a grimace as he noticed Kairi’s remnants, obviously not pleased being pulled along down there.
“You started without us?” Marluxia asked, pouting as he stepped over the bloody heap that had once been a person.
“Saïx was hungry,” Zexion shrugged. “You care too much about your appearance at any rate.”
Marluxia huffed; just a little stuck up, and hoisted himself up to sit on a counter. “I wanted to match the occasion?”
Everyone seemed to raise a brow at that.
“Hey, you are not here to discuss how good I look!” Marluxia reminded them, crossing his arms. “We are here to dispose of this game’s last player.”
“By the looks of it we win again,” Saïx noted, picking some flesh out from between his teeth.
“And did you ever lose?” Vexen asked, unable not to smirk just the slightest. Marluxia did his best not to look too pleased with Vexen’s reaction, but it did look like Vexen had found some interest in their little game, if only to keep himself alive.
“Shall we get this started then?” he asked, voice sickeningly sweet. “Vexen, you need to show us you are fit for this by disposing of Axel.”
Vexen paled, glancing over at the redhead who sat limp in the chair, bound and blindfolded. Disposing of…? Killing?
“You will find any tools you can possibly need in the drawers. Be creative.”
Vexen bit down on the insides of his cheek. The worst thing was perhaps not just killing, but how to do it.
He had quite a bit of experience with dissection, seeing he used to work as a scientist. But… Well, if it kept him from getting killed then he supposed he would simply have to give it a try, no matter how wrong it felt. Swallowing thickly he went over to the counters and began searching through the drawers for any familiar instruments.
Scissors, needles, tongs, callipers, a small axe, several pliers, a wrench, chisels of different sizes, screwdrivers, a rather large file, quite a few hammers… Vexen moved a hacksaw aside, missing his favoured tool through any surgery. He pulled open a second drawer, pushing away some spools of thread and various other tools, retrieving his prize with triumph. A scalpel. That was all he needed.
“I am sorry Axel,” he said, asking himself if he actually meant it as he moved to his side, wondering where to start. He didn’t really able to know where to begin under these conditions, and glanced back at Marluxia, who had grabbed a file, and he was now working on his nails.
“Marluxia, there is no table or anything down here? It would be far more practical.”
Marluxia nodded to Saïx, who rolled his eyes and dragged Zexion out of the room, soon returning with a rickety table. It took all four of them to keep Axel still and pin him down once he had been set loose from the chair, but soon they managed to tie him to the table, writhing and cussing, trying to get loose.
“I really hope this will be worth it,” Zexion muttered, leaning onto the table with a bored expression. Vexen shot him a sharp glance, twirling the scalpel between his fingers.
“Just watch,” he huffed, folding back his sleeves before pulling Axel’s t-shirt up, letting it rest right over his head.
“Hnf, I don’t get a pillow, grandpa?” Axel snorted, glaring up at Vexen. “You were on their side all along, weren’t you?”
Vexen’s eyes narrowed just a little, and he took a sick pleasure in seeing Axel’s stuck up expression change to one of fear as he pressed the cold metal against his bare side, and the cry of pain as he made the first cut.
“You know, it looks like I will have to find a less witty driver,” he said, snarling softly as he pulled the knife down, deepening the wound. He had studied anatomy, done the exact same before, only with the patients drugged down. He knew where he could cut without damaging any organs and kill. However was that really what he wanted? Axel would die; there was no question about that. The pain would kill him eventually, but here he had a chance to cross all the lines that had ever held him back.
Vexen wasn’t aware of how cruel his own expression appeared, but the three others were more than satisfied as he cut deeper into Axel’s skin, new screams echoing through the basement. By the time Vexen retrieved the scalpel, Axel’s eyes were full of tears, his throat sore from crying. His chest was heaving violently and blood was pooling beneath him from the circle-shaped cut that reached all around his stomach.
“Y-you… sick… monster,” Axel huffed, squirming in pain and drawing sharp breaths, close to hyperventilating.
“Oh am I?”
Vexen was glaring daggers by now, and he quickly made his decision as to what to do. He eased his nails in under the skin and slowly peeled it off from Axel’s stomach, hoping the screams wouldn’t make him go deaf. Soon he was standing with the large piece of skin in his hand, letting it drip blood on the floor. Axel was reduced to one writhing mass of pain, most of his inner organs now bared to the open air, and all he could do was to whimper and produce small incoherent cries now and then. With a wicked grin Vexen moved, slapping that piece of skin over Axel’s face.
“Sister, I need a spool of thread and a needle.”
There was a huff from Marluxia, somewhere between being offended and lightly amused, but he did hand Vexen what he needed, looking both curious and entertained. Axel tried shaking the piece of skin off, wailing and trashing, but the blood had pretty much made it plaster itself to his face. Vexen was quick to hold Axel’s face in place, ignoring the yelps of pain as he quickly sewed the skin in place, until it was impossible for air to reach through. Axel was now panicking, fighting with all his might against the binds, throwing his head from side to side, desperate to get free, and then he went completely still.
Vexen could only stare at his own doing, feeling oddly disconnected with everything around him.
He had choked a man to death using his own skin.
He had killed a person without hesitation. Murdered in a most cruel way, and parts… no, most of him had enjoyed it. Why? How had he ever been able to land himself in this situation?
He couldn’t remember anything of what happened next. Everything was simply a blur of red and black. He could vaguely recall Marluxia shaking his hand, in congratulations perhaps, but he didn’t quite come to until a few hours later, slowly realizing the four of them were all gathered in the study.
He shifted a little there he sat leaned against Marluxia’s legs, sighing heavily. He was sitting on the floor, leaned against Marluxia who was sitting in the window post, listening to Zexion playing the piano and trying to teach Saïx a thing or two.
“Vexen, is there anything bothering you?” Marluxia asked, apparently annoyed by the sighs, and threaded his fingers through golden locks.
“If there is anything bothering me?” Vexen snorted, fidgeting with the superfluous fabric of his pants. “I have been forced into murder. I have been abused and lost my whole life in a few days… yes there is something bothering me.”
Marluxia stroked his cheek, willing him to stand, and then sit next to him in the window post. “Vexen, we are a family here,” Marluxia said in a matter-of-factly tone. “We would not be here if we didn’t enjoy what we are doing, and you have the potential to enjoy it. So try.”
Vexen looked down at his hands, not sure if he liked being this close to Marluxia.
Marluxia had been much nicer ever since he had proven his worth to the ‘family’, as they were now equals, but he could never forgive him. He still wanted to scream as those slender arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him close. It still burned when those hands touched his skin.
“Just give us a chance,” Marluxia whispered, his lips brushing against Vexen’s ear.
Marluxia cupped Vexen’s cheek, turning his head to face him, then placed one hand on Vexen’s hip.
“Try and enjoy,” Marluxia murmured, leaning in closer and brushing his lips against the other’s. Vexen wanted to pull away at first, but then considered Marluxia’s words. If he wanted to survive here he should at least give it a chance. Well, not a chance really. Just accept it. From now on, this would be life. Whether he liked it or not was not in question.
The kiss was short, tasting sweet, like strawberries. Vexen had almost expected something along the lines of mouth rape, but it had actually been… nice. He licked his lips as Marluxia pulled away, his face stoic.
“So… what now?”
There was a smirk on Marluxia’s lips and he turned to the window. “Now we wait for the next car to arrive,” he murmured and turned to face the window, his eyes following two white dots out in the rain that might just happen to be the headlights of a car.