May 15th, 2018
Why I took a long break from manga.
Anime Relations: Naruto
A few years back I was into manga like hard core. After literally ending up with a collection bigger than the book store and read a ton online to one day it just happened where I walked into the book store and it had mostly new ones and I was excited but then after reading the descriptions it all sounded the same. I read this crap already. No not the manga it's self but the story. It all started to sound the same. I looked online and there were some that still stood out but not many so I stoped reading manga for the most part.
I hit a wall but I'm gonna try again and hope that mores come out with more unique story's. So I'm gonna give it a shot.
I just put naruto because it was still big then but it seems you can't kill it. Lol
I hit a wall but I'm gonna try again and hope that mores come out with more unique story's. So I'm gonna give it a shot.
I just put naruto because it was still big then but it seems you can't kill it. Lol
Posted by Twitchy-Tail | May 15, 2018 6:38 PM | 0 comments