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chicalternita's Blog

November 13th, 2010
So it may not seem like it, bu i've really cut down on my anime watching and manga reading due to a little thing called NaNoWriMo aka national novel writing month. It pains me, since I really want to know whats going on with some of the completed series i'm trying to watch, but i will persevere! So fare I am at just about 29,000 words, so a little more than half way there. I will have to finish early, then work on my bridge project for school. So hopefully by december my schedule of anime watching will be back on track.

Anyone else doing NaNo or a bridge project?
Posted by chicalternita | Nov 13, 2010 10:47 AM | 0 comments
October 19th, 2010
To use a TV Tropes word, I am a big fan of shipping. All types of shipping. Unresolved sexual tension is my friend. I am a romantic at heart and welcome couples of all shapes an sizes. As long as they're moderately pretty. I dont like ugly manga characters.

Was just rereading FMA and made me think of that.
Posted by chicalternita | Oct 19, 2010 6:09 PM | 0 comments
October 11th, 2010
This is everyone's favorite argument. I like to consider myself a rarity, though most likely i'm just the only one with this view point who chooses to open their mouth. So here it goes...


Well mostly. See for anime's like OHSHC and Oofuri, I really prefer the dubs. Ouran because of the voice actors, and Oofuri because its a lot easier to understand baseball in your own language. I also prefer the dub for Baccano!and d Gray Man

However on the other side I much prefer the sub of Soul Eater. See, I started out with the subs, and decided to try the dubs and while I love all the ovice actors individually, some of the choices are wrong and the timing is bad and... it just doesn't work. I also like the sub of many other shows (House of Five Leaves, Nabari no Ou) better.

I think what tends to happen is if I start with one or the other, that's the one I prefer because I'm used to it. The opposite has to be far more awesome in order for me to like it. However there's always exceptions.

I actually started out with the sub of Baccano! and the dub of Nabari no Ou. However, after trying out the others i switched immediately, just because of a style thing.

Just wanted to put that out there
Posted by chicalternita | Oct 11, 2010 6:06 PM | 2 comments
September 25th, 2010
Anime Relations: X, Skip Beat!
Have you ever read/watched something that was okay, but then started to go downhill at break neck speed? Or watched something you thought would be good and are just waiting for the suck to stop? That's how I feel about X. Mind you I am watching the dubs. Which suck slightly more than the story. But i wasted the space on my iPod and kinda just want to it to get better while I wait for funimation to start dubbing skip beat! so they put the episodes on you tube so i can watch them on the go. okay.
Posted by chicalternita | Sep 25, 2010 8:57 PM | 0 comments
September 16th, 2010
There is nothing wrong with loving shojo manga. Some people need romantic tension in their lives in order to survive. And sure, the drawings tend not to be the greatest, but at least they aren't covered in blood. I don't think anyone should pigeonhole themselves into a particular genre of anything. You must think...

Only I love sadistic psychopathic killers... and bunnies

Only I can have happy jazz solos, screamo, latin rock and lady gaga on my iPod

and therefore

Only I can love Monster, Death Note, and Skip beat! or Fruits basket. Or hana kimi. I mean come on people! Embrace the love! Read a shojo manga! (or shounen if you lean towards the other side) today!
Posted by chicalternita | Sep 16, 2010 7:39 PM | 0 comments
September 3rd, 2010
Anime Relations: Bakuman.
Okay so i am taking a small (2 hour) break from my summer spanish assignment. Its due in 9 days, but I should really get it done this weekend so that I wont have any extra work the weekend of my tournament.

It's just i'm super excited about this new bakuman chapter... *screams*. no spoilers okay, but chapter 99 is a must read.
Posted by chicalternita | Sep 3, 2010 2:13 PM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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