April 25th, 2023
Here it goes
Anime Relations: Naruto, Naruto: Shippuuden
Ten years later....
lol, looking back to my list, because I'm thinking to continue Naruto..
but there's so many other entertainment nowadays..
And I had left out my genshin for sometime
lol, looking back to my list, because I'm thinking to continue Naruto..
but there's so many other entertainment nowadays..
And I had left out my genshin for sometime
Posted by kazue | Apr 25, 2023 7:52 PM | 0 comments
March 2nd, 2013
Mission Possible : Clearing Up my Unseen Anime Collection
oh yeah, I'm looking back to my old collection rather than watching these season anime.. I got so many that I haven't watch yet because I have not much interest on them or something or other but I had them due to "they're available,I had to have them"
21 February 2013
I just finishing off Darker than Black. So sad to see it end. I know, I know this is the high rating anime and I just watched it this year?! yeah, I kind of had too many anime last time and I would like to keep up with my manga and fanfiction reading as well. (and I wasted my time more on fanfiction)
Wah, can't wait to watch the next season (even with all the comments where the second one was disappointing compared to the first one as everybody already had high expectation) .. However, due my bad internet, gonna watched the already donwloaded one first.
25 February 2013
I finished Reideen at last! Last time I stopped around ep 9. The last few episodes i watched them on the bus on the way back from my parents' home ( as I couldn't have the internet on the bus ) Reideen one of those I see as 'the bad guy' had to be there just for the sake of protogonist to have somebody to fight with. I totally love the mecha (or biogically big thing that can be riding) design. That always the big plus.
after finishing off the Reideen, i'm looking for maybe other producer of the same anime and i found two mentioned in MAL.
one is so childish equivalent to bad power rangers series (as mentioned by one of the reviewer) and the other was aired before I was borned. Nah, don't think I'm gonna watch them (or even can found the anime)..
So Reideen will be one of those I'll deleted after I watched it if it was on my hard disc, but as it's already burned on cd.. it will be on 'never to watch again list'
3 March 2013
hell yeah, finsihing off Kiba today. One of those anime I picked just because i want to increase my collection but don't know what it is about. I watched Kiba while doing other things. and guess what? I don't think I missed a thing even if I'm not in front of the pc to watch it. haha, the plot development kinda slow and it always daily talk in interaction in the episodes. Don't think I missed the revealing 'surprise' moment.
The only think is, there was suddenly a new character during the last ten episodes (which is not a good flow) that I totaly gushing over. However, i's actually Noa, the already existing character having some personal conflict (that changed his wardrobe and hairdo), and Noa actually, I can't stand him.
I would love to have the figurine of the spirits especially Amil Goul and Sachira
21 February 2013
I just finishing off Darker than Black. So sad to see it end. I know, I know this is the high rating anime and I just watched it this year?! yeah, I kind of had too many anime last time and I would like to keep up with my manga and fanfiction reading as well. (and I wasted my time more on fanfiction)
Wah, can't wait to watch the next season (even with all the comments where the second one was disappointing compared to the first one as everybody already had high expectation) .. However, due my bad internet, gonna watched the already donwloaded one first.
25 February 2013
I finished Reideen at last! Last time I stopped around ep 9. The last few episodes i watched them on the bus on the way back from my parents' home ( as I couldn't have the internet on the bus ) Reideen one of those I see as 'the bad guy' had to be there just for the sake of protogonist to have somebody to fight with. I totally love the mecha (or biogically big thing that can be riding) design. That always the big plus.
after finishing off the Reideen, i'm looking for maybe other producer of the same anime and i found two mentioned in MAL.
one is so childish equivalent to bad power rangers series (as mentioned by one of the reviewer) and the other was aired before I was borned. Nah, don't think I'm gonna watch them (or even can found the anime)..
So Reideen will be one of those I'll deleted after I watched it if it was on my hard disc, but as it's already burned on cd.. it will be on 'never to watch again list'
3 March 2013
hell yeah, finsihing off Kiba today. One of those anime I picked just because i want to increase my collection but don't know what it is about. I watched Kiba while doing other things. and guess what? I don't think I missed a thing even if I'm not in front of the pc to watch it. haha, the plot development kinda slow and it always daily talk in interaction in the episodes. Don't think I missed the revealing 'surprise' moment.
The only think is, there was suddenly a new character during the last ten episodes (which is not a good flow) that I totaly gushing over. However, i's actually Noa, the already existing character having some personal conflict (that changed his wardrobe and hairdo), and Noa actually, I can't stand him.
I would love to have the figurine of the spirits especially Amil Goul and Sachira
Posted by kazue | Mar 2, 2013 11:07 PM | 0 comments
March 30th, 2009
ai to yakubou wa gakuen de~school of love and desires
this is a rambling.. will contain spoilers without SPOILERS ALERT mentioning ahead.Excuse all the bad grammars, weak sentence structures and misuse of words ( =_= : isn't that meaning none of the following passage can be understand , rite? ; =3= :uhuh..shu..shut up!)
ah! I just excited after reading this yaoi manga and thinking the same thing around, hence this rambling --> to free up my mind space =)
I mistook this manga with some other manga (mizu something2 , I can't remember the title) because they have same background story ' in year sometin' somethin', sex sells,bla..bla..bla.. hence special school that teach sex practice' but this manga like a yaoi version of that manga. the difference is that manga cater to ecchi and harem lovers. It centered a round this new teacher ( a man) being exposed to this kind of environment. So alot of harassing coming up ^-^ and other school life related issues. But this manga, of course cater to yaoi lovers and chapters dediated to different pairings and their development.But really, both are different and really2 adorable =)
I think I've already found this manga before but can't get through the first chapter because I can't seem to pass the 'PEDO ALERT' PEDO ALERT' in my mind. (sorry director asagi x ion) but this time I braved it thru and found some lurving (heheh). but this pairing is the least in my fav. but it's getting better as Ion become more mature and beautiful and working as his lover's secretary.
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/asagixions.jpg" border="0"> --> <img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/asagixion.jpg" border="0">
but the above matter is not the most important. this is actually ---> I looove this pairing. Nakahara x Kai (kyaaaa!!!!)
They have the most interesting development (of course there's this school doctor x president of student council pairing that have the most heavy issue in this series and get many chapters in their relationship development but still I love Nakahara x Kai more .::squee:: ) Nakahara was the firsties from AV department. He came to the school because his lover sold him to the school. And Kai who was a third year and a top student from host department called the 'Emperor' have the face and voice almost similar to Nakahara's previous lover. Their story continue three years later where Kai come back as a teacher to pursue Nakahara that become a teach in abnormal department specialised in 'rope technique'. heheh..this is the the thing that make me squeeing ( i don't know why!!!) the host teacher coupla with the rope technique teacher.::insert perverted smirk here::. there's a lot of development in this couple (hey, Kai cuts his hair..so thats a lot of development rite) and interesting combine class..
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kairing_ed1.jpg" border="0"> >> <img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kairing_ed2.jpg" border="0">
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kai_ed1.jpg" border="0"><img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kaishot_ed1.jpg" border="0">
but..bUT..BUT.. if we're talking about my fav characters..They are ROKUHARA GII and YORU!!!
Rokuhara is the top student in the abnormal department called the 'professor'. I love his assemble the most (muahahaha) and his relationship story is hilarious even I don't love the pairing in overall. sorry,katayama.<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/katayama_ed1.jpg" border="0">. He loves fooling around and as the top student he can choose one other student for exclusive used called 'tribute'.
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/gieyed.jpg" border="0">
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/giiasemble_ed2.jpg" border="0">>><img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/giiasemble_ed1.jpg" border="0">
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/devilgii.jpg" border="0">
And YORU ..ah well, yoru haven't got a chapter dedicated to him (so far). He appeared twice as supporting role. I just love how indefference he is and his narcoleptic 'tude
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/yoru3.jpg" border="0">
ah! I just excited after reading this yaoi manga and thinking the same thing around, hence this rambling --> to free up my mind space =)
I mistook this manga with some other manga (mizu something2 , I can't remember the title) because they have same background story ' in year sometin' somethin', sex sells,bla..bla..bla.. hence special school that teach sex practice' but this manga like a yaoi version of that manga. the difference is that manga cater to ecchi and harem lovers. It centered a round this new teacher ( a man) being exposed to this kind of environment. So alot of harassing coming up ^-^ and other school life related issues. But this manga, of course cater to yaoi lovers and chapters dediated to different pairings and their development.But really, both are different and really2 adorable =)
I think I've already found this manga before but can't get through the first chapter because I can't seem to pass the 'PEDO ALERT' PEDO ALERT' in my mind. (sorry director asagi x ion) but this time I braved it thru and found some lurving (heheh). but this pairing is the least in my fav. but it's getting better as Ion become more mature and beautiful and working as his lover's secretary.
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/asagixions.jpg" border="0"> --> <img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/asagixion.jpg" border="0">
much2 better ne after several years. Ion is mor beautiful plus the pedo alert limit in my mind silence up
but the above matter is not the most important. this is actually ---> I looove this pairing. Nakahara x Kai (kyaaaa!!!!)
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/nakaharaxkai.jpg" border="0">
They have the most interesting development (of course there's this school doctor x president of student council pairing that have the most heavy issue in this series and get many chapters in their relationship development but still I love Nakahara x Kai more .::squee:: ) Nakahara was the firsties from AV department. He came to the school because his lover sold him to the school. And Kai who was a third year and a top student from host department called the 'Emperor' have the face and voice almost similar to Nakahara's previous lover. Their story continue three years later where Kai come back as a teacher to pursue Nakahara that become a teach in abnormal department specialised in 'rope technique'. heheh..this is the the thing that make me squeeing ( i don't know why!!!) the host teacher coupla with the rope technique teacher.::insert perverted smirk here::. there's a lot of development in this couple (hey, Kai cuts his hair..so thats a lot of development rite) and interesting combine class..
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kairing_ed1.jpg" border="0"> >> <img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kairing_ed2.jpg" border="0">
the earings that indicate him as emperor
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kai_ed1.jpg" border="0"><img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/kaishot_ed1.jpg" border="0">
Kai before and after..
but..bUT..BUT.. if we're talking about my fav characters..They are ROKUHARA GII and YORU!!!
Rokuhara is the top student in the abnormal department called the 'professor'. I love his assemble the most (muahahaha) and his relationship story is hilarious even I don't love the pairing in overall. sorry,katayama.<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/katayama_ed1.jpg" border="0">. He loves fooling around and as the top student he can choose one other student for exclusive used called 'tribute'.
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/gieyed.jpg" border="0">
He is blind in one eye. So he has that kind of hairstyle.Don't you think it adds more his charisma?
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/giiasemble_ed2.jpg" border="0">>><img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/giiasemble_ed1.jpg" border="0">
haha!I love the add ons in his uniform..anyone doubt which department he's from?
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/devilgii.jpg" border="0">
he's such a devil, ain't he?
And YORU ..ah well, yoru haven't got a chapter dedicated to him (so far). He appeared twice as supporting role. I just love how indefference he is and his narcoleptic 'tude
<img src="http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd289/kazue_rhion/rambling%201/yoru3.jpg" border="0">
gosh! don't you just love he's different attitude when wearing glasses and not? ^-^. Yoru is from AV department under special team call Team Absolutes.. what is it? it's special students that can withstand 12 straight hours sex training.. tehehe... don't you think he's better for catering uke type patron?..haha..but you can see a lil action from Yoru (but it's just a few though x( )..
Posted by kazue | Mar 30, 2009 5:45 AM | 0 comments