January 30th, 2024
[script] bookmarklet to make the complete quote for a post
This is a script to make the complete quote for a post. The quote generated by the script includes everything; text, image, video, and so on. Select any part of the text of a post with a mouse, call the bookmarklet, and the quote is stored in the clipboard. It's for "classic view mode" only. (sorry, I don't use the new mode.)
the codes
This compact codes provide complete compatibility with MAL's BBCode.
If you find the confirmation alert annoying, use the following script.
To make a bookmarklet:
To use the bookmarklet:
the codes
This compact codes provide complete compatibility with MAL's BBCode.
javascript:s=document.getSelection();s=s.anchorNode;do{s=s.parentElement;}while(s.getAttribute("class")!="message-wrapper");m=s.getElementsByClassName("body clearfix")[0].getAttribute("id").replace("message","");u=s.getElementsByClassName("ga-click")[0].getAttribute("href").replace("/profile/","");q="[quote="+u+" message="+m+"]";s.getElementsByClassName("js-message-inspect")[0].click();setTimeout(f, 2000);setTimeout(g, 3000);function f(){b=document.getElementsByClassName("showtext")[0].value;document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{keyCode:27}));navigator.clipboard.writeText(q+b+"[/quote]");}function g(){alert("Quote text has been stored in the clipboard.n"+q+" ...");}void(0);
If you find the confirmation alert annoying, use the following script.
javascript:s=document.getSelection();s=s.anchorNode;do{s=s.parentElement;}while(s.getAttribute("class")!="message-wrapper");m=s.getElementsByClassName("body clearfix")[0].getAttribute("id").replace("message","");u=s.getElementsByClassName("ga-click")[0].getAttribute("href").replace("/profile/","");q="[quote="+u+" message="+m+"]";s.getElementsByClassName("js-message-inspect")[0].click();setTimeout(f, 2000);function f(){b=document.getElementsByClassName("showtext")[0].value;document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{keyCode:27}));navigator.clipboard.writeText(q+b+"[/quote]");}void(0);
To make a bookmarklet:
- Make a URL shortcut (to any web site) on your desktop.
- Edit the property of the URL shortcut; Namely, paste the bookmarklet script to the URL text box.
- Display browser's favorites bar (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B).
- Drop the URL shortcut (bookmarklet) to your browser's favorites bar.
To use the bookmarklet:
- Select any part of the text of a post with a mouse, call the bookmarklet in your browser's favorites bar, and the quote is stored in the clipboard.
- No browser extensions or external programs required.
- If MAL changes the description of the HTML, the bookmarklet becomes obsolete/useless.
- Probably, this post would be read by only script enthusiasts. and some of you find the script is not technical but reasonable.
Posted by kuroneko99 | Jan 30, 2024 4:53 PM | 0 comments
January 20th, 2024
[script] bookmarklet to add go-to-newest-post buttons on your forum posts history page
Anime Relations: Shinseiki Evangelion
- the codes
The following bookmarklet adds "go to newest post" button as "»" after each topic title on your forum posts history page. If you have unread posts, you can go to the head of the unread queue by pressing the button.
javascript:var t,i,n,a;t=document.getElementsByClassName("forum_boardrow1");for(i=0;i<t.length;i+=2){a=t[i].getElementsByTagName("a")[1];n=document.createElement("a");n.href=a.href+"&goto=newpost";n.text="»";n.style.cssText="font-weight:bold;color:#000000;background-color:#C85050;";a.after(n);}void(0);
- "go to newest post" function
You can see "»" sign in front of a topic title on a topic list sometimes. This is the anchor/button to take you to the oldest unread post for you. (As the tooltip says when you place mouse cursor over the "»", somehow MAL call it "go to newest post" function.)
- your forum posts history page
By clicking "Forum Posts (count)" button on the left pane of your profile page, you can display "your forum posts history". It seems MAL hasn't added "go to newest post" function in the page. So, you have to search the last comment that you've read manually.
To make a bookmarklet:
- Make a URL shortcut (to any web site) on your desktop.
- Edit the property of the URL shortcut; Namely, paste the bookmarklet script to the URL text box.
- Display browser's favorites bar (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B).
- Drop the URL shortcut (bookmarklet) to your browser's favorites bar.
To use the bookmarklet:
- Open your forum posts history page and just press the bookmarklet button in your browser's favorites bar.
- No browser extensions or external programs required.
- Don't worry. By refreshing the page, you can shake off the effect.
- If MAL changes the description of the HTML, the bookmarklet becomes obsolete/useless.
Posted by kuroneko99 | Jan 20, 2024 1:58 AM | 0 comments
January 16th, 2024
[script] bookmarklet to enlarge favorites pictures on a profile page
Anime Relations: Shinseiki Evangelion
The following is the script to enlarge image size of favorites pictures on profile pages of others:
javascript:var t,i,j;t=document.getElementsByClassName("user-profile-about js-truncate-outer");if(t[0]!=null)t[0].style.display="none";t=document.getElementsByClassName("user-statistics mb24");if(t[0]!=null)t[0].style.display="none";t=document.getElementsByClassName("btn-detail-add-picture nolink")[0];if(t!=null)t.outerHTML="<img class='lazyloaded'>";for(j=0;j<4;j++){t=document.getElementsByClassName("fav-slide-block mb12")[j].getElementsByTagName("img");if(t!=null)for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){t[i].addEventListener("mouseover",function(e){document.getElementsByClassName("lazyloaded")[0].src=e.target.src;})}}void(0);
To make a bookmarklet:
- Make a URL shortcut (to any web site) on your desktop.
- Edit the property of the URL shortcut; Namely, paste the bookmarklet script to the URL text box.
- Display browser's favorites bar (by pressing Ctrl+Shift+B).
- Drop the URL shortcut (bookmarklet) to your browser's favorites bar.
To use the bookmarklet:
- Open anyone's profile page in MAL and just press the bookmarklet button in your browser's favorites bar.
- Place the mouse cursor over to the favorites image that you want to enlarge.
- Avoid the mouse cursor to hover over the tooltips (I mean "the letters that appear over the image").
- No browser extensions or external programs required.
- Unlike CSS, you can apply the effect on anyone's profile.
- Don't worry. By refreshing the page, you can shake off the effect.
- If MAL changes the description of the HTML, the bookmarklet becomes obsolete/useless.
Posted by kuroneko99 | Jan 16, 2024 3:50 PM | 1 comments
Private Entry
January 10th, 2021
Tips: How to make forum text larger on Chrome or Edge with a bookmarklet
Here is a bookmarklet script to change forum text size:
To make a bookmarklet:
To use the bookmarklet:
javascript:var t,i;t=document.getElementsByClassName("topic-poll")[0];if(typeof(t)!=='undefined')t.style.display="none";t=document.getElementsByClassName("mal-alert danger")[0];if(typeof(t)!=='undefined')t.style.display="none";t=document.getElementsByTagName('td');for(i=0;i<t.length;i++){t[i].style.fontSize='20px';t[i].style.lineHeight='150%';t[i].style.fontFamily='Calibri';}void(0);
To make a bookmarklet:
- Make a URL shortcut (to any web site) on your desktop.
- Edit the property of the URL shortcut;
Namely, paste the bookmaklet script to the URL text box.
- Display browser's favourites bar (by pressing ctrl+shift+B).
- Drag the URL shortcut (bookmarklet) to your browser's favourites bar.
To use the bookmarklet:
- Open a forum page in MAL and just press the bookmarklet button in your browser's favourites bar.
- No browser extensions or external programs required.
- Don't worry. By refreshing the page, you can shake off the effect.
Posted by kuroneko99 | Jan 10, 2021 4:10 PM | 1 comments
July 30th, 2020
Tips: How to hide Hide Ads button with AdBlock Plus
- Install AdBlock Plus extension to Edge (or Chrome).
- Open main menu. (Press Alt+F)
- Click "Extensions".
- Click "Details".
- Click "Extension options".
- Click "Advanced".
- Paste myanimelist.net###header-menu > .header-menu-login > .btn-mal-service in "My filter list" text box and press "add".
- That's all.
Posted by kuroneko99 | Jul 30, 2020 11:36 PM | 0 comments