February 2nd, 2011
Snow storm

This is why you invest in a snowmobile.
Posted by thepapercut | Feb 2, 2011 12:31 AM | 0 comments
Private Entry
April 27th, 2009
Final thoughts on Isshoni training
I must say it's just what I thought it would be: Bad. They don't let off the fanservice part, every second you see her breasts and crouch in your face while she's "supposably" training you to get more then your private parts in shape.
The part I'm still confused on is that this show actually has a storyline, I'm not kidding you (srsly a real life chick gets sucked into a TV and decides to work out because shes getting fat and wants to get a part for a anime role.). This is a nothing more then extra fuel on the fanservice flame that will keep it burning for far longer then it should.
The part I'm still confused on is that this show actually has a storyline, I'm not kidding you (srsly a real life chick gets sucked into a TV and decides to work out because shes getting fat and wants to get a part for a anime role.). This is a nothing more then extra fuel on the fanservice flame that will keep it burning for far longer then it should.
Posted by thepapercut | Apr 27, 2009 12:19 AM | 0 comments
December 31st, 2008
Afro samurai summed up in a sentence.
Anime Relations: Afro Samurai
Well I got around to watching afro samurai and one sentence came to mind to sum up the show:
"violence and tits."
And i'm waiting for the second season now.
"violence and tits."
And i'm waiting for the second season now.
Posted by thepapercut | Dec 31, 2008 8:52 PM | 1 comments
December 19th, 2008
You never know what you may find....
Seriously I just went threw my anime/movie cabinet and wedged in the corner was a full sealed copy of Spider-man 3 for the XBox 360....I don't know how long it has been back there or how it got there.
On second note, anyone looking for a copy of spiderman 3 for XB360? Let me know!
On second note, anyone looking for a copy of spiderman 3 for XB360? Let me know!
Posted by thepapercut | Dec 19, 2008 1:25 AM | 1 comments
December 9th, 2008
MPD psycho should really have an anime
I love mpd psycho. The story, characters, setting all of it builds up so nicely that I would love to see this get turned into an anime.
Posted by thepapercut | Dec 9, 2008 3:49 AM | 1 comments