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May 22nd, 2015
Anime Relations: Sakura Trick
27 May 2015
2 very commonplace yet crappy arguments I've found recently:
#1 'If you didn't like all these shows/found these shows bad, why did you still watch them?'
#2 Calling a show shit because it doesn't suit the part of audience you belong to.

22 May 2015
Liking a show while panning this show at the same time. Contradictory? Actually not.
It's completely fine if one likes a show (subjectively) but finds the show bad (objectively, rationally). And in this case, he needn't be ashamed for his liking this show subjectively.
Posted by w7n | May 22, 2015 5:42 AM | 0 comments
April 22nd, 2015
Anime Relations: Yuri Kuma Arashi
(Note: This entry is related to Yuri Kuma Arashi because of MAL's enforcement on related anime)

Review voters can be judging your review by either the quality, or the review score & the genre of the anime. The existence of those who only judge reviews by the review score and/or the genre of the anime obviously makes the helpful rate less genuine.
We can not find all suspicious reviews, but we can find some of them as consecutive same votes, esp. downs, often come in batches.

Now assume one has a review entry of an anime which is not in the least popular, and has 30 upvotes and 80 downvotes. Then in 20 minutes, the upvote count suddenly rises to 40, and now he has 40 upvotes and 80 upvotes.
So the question is: Are the 10 new upvotes genuine?
We're going to calculate it.
Assume the null hypothesis H0: the new upvotes are genuine
The alternate hypothesis H1: the new upvotes are not genuine
In the hypothesis H0, since the new upvotes are genuine, we assume the helpful rate is 40/120 = 1/3.
With a helpful rate of 1/3, the probability of 10 or more consecutive upvotes to occur in <=120 votes are (approximately; this formula is only 100% accurate when the number of consecutive votes is larger than 1/2 of the total number of votes. The probability value this formula generates is larger than the actual value anyway, so if it's <0.05 H0 should definitely be rejected):
[(1/3)^10]*110 - [(1/3)^11]*109 = 0.00125 << 0.05
So we can quite safely reject H0 and claim that these upvotes are not genuine.

Another example(the case with my Yuri Kuma Arashi review): Again, an review entry of an anime which is not in the least popular has 17 upvotes and 4 downvotes. Then in 20 minutes the downvote count suddenly rises to 15.
Are the 11 new downvotes genuine?
In the hypothesis H0, we assume the helpful rate is 17/32.
In this case, the probability of 11 or more consecutive downvotes to occur in <=32 votes are:
[(15/32)^11]*21 - [(15/32)^12]*20 = 0.00279 << 0.05
So again, these downvotes are likely not genuine.

Another example: What if in 20 minutes, instead of 11 new downvotes, 11 new UPVOTES are submitted? (Current: 28 upvotes, 4 downvotes)
In this case, in the hypothesis H0, we assume the helpful rate is 28/32 = 7/8
The probability of 11 or more consecutive upvotes to occur in <=32 votes are:
[(7/8)^11]*21 - [(7/8)^12]*20 = 0.806 >> 0.05
So we can't claim that these upvotes are not genuine.

So to summarise it all: (Assume that the votes in question are downvotes)
You have a review on an anime that is in no way popular, and m out of n-x people found it helpful. And then you get x downvotes in just minutes, and now m out of n people found it helpful.
Are the x downvotes genuine?
Let r=(n-m)/n which is the unhelpful rate. (If the votes in question are upvotes, calculate the helpful rate instead)
Calculate the value of:
(r ^ x) * (n-x) - [r ^ (x+1)] * (n-x-1)
If this value is lower than 0.05, then the downvotes are likely not genuine.
Posted by w7n | Apr 22, 2015 10:01 PM | 0 comments
January 7th, 2015
Anime Relations: Kuttsukiboshi, Sakura Trick
When it comes to anime reviewing, overinterpreting is a very common trick if one wants to find pluses on anime he likes. However inevitably, overinterpreting are often driven by one's subjective wish(to support the anime).
An example of overinterpretation going to extremes:
Every problem, scientific or social or whatever, derives from a few very primitive philosophical problems. Thus, if you make an anime which only shows these philosophical problems on the white screen, it can still be called a masterpiece. Right?
Of course not.
The correct way of reviewing an anime is focusing more on 'what the anime directly shows us or obviously implies'. Anything beyond this borderline are personal thoughts instead of what the anime delivers. Your points may make sense, so make them into a doujinshi. Don't call the original work a masterpiece just because of your original research.
And do not assume the plot is reasonable by default.

Still though, by overinterpreting anime plots, one can obtain subtle, hidden points in the plots. So it's not that overinterpreting is of no use, but that it's not the right way to review anime.

Some examples of overinterpretations:

#1: Kuttsukiboshi

#2: Sakura Trick

My own overinterpretation on one part of the Sakura Trick anime plot:
Posted by w7n | Jan 7, 2015 6:20 AM | 0 comments
September 4th, 2014
As the title says.
This section only reviews COMPLETED anime.

Note: The romanization methods I choose are:
ハ(as particle)=Wa
を,へ(as particle)=Wo, he
ゲー=Gee or Gei

Spoiler alert...

Posted by w7n | Sep 4, 2014 11:24 AM | 0 comments
August 30th, 2014

The space in the About Me section is insufficient, so I decide to have it hosted here.
Mostly in Chinese but with English summaries.
I'll probably try to have everything translated into English later.

It's titled Anime Reviews, but actually it hosts reviews of anime, visual novels, and manga.

For initial clarifications, please check the 'Dropped & Unfinished' section.

Part 2: Finished 16--

Posted by w7n | Aug 30, 2014 7:05 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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