27 May 2015
2 very commonplace yet crappy arguments I've found recently:
#1 'If you didn't like all these shows/found these shows bad, why did you still watch them?'
#2 Calling a show shit because it doesn't suit the part of audience you belong to.
22 May 2015
Liking a show while panning this show at the same time. Contradictory? Actually not.
It's completely fine if one likes a show (subjectively) but finds the show bad (objectively, rationally). And in this case, he needn't be ashamed for his liking this show subjectively.
(Note: This entry is related to Yuri Kuma Arashi because of MAL's enforcement on related anime)
Review voters can be judging your review by either the quality, or the review score & the genre of the anime. The existence of those who only judge reviews by the review score and/or the genre of the anime obviously makes the helpful rate less genuine.
We can not find all suspicious reviews, but we can find some of them as consecutive same votes, esp. downs, often come in batches.
Now assume one has a review entry of an anime which is not in the least popular, and has 30 upvotes and 80 downvotes. Then in 20 minutes, the upvote count suddenly rises to 40, and now he has 40 upvotes and 80 upvotes.
So the question is: Are the 10 new upvotes genuine?
We're going to calculate it.
Assume the null hypothesis H0: the new upvotes are genuine
The alternate hypothesis H1: the new upvotes are not genuine
In the hypothesis H0, since the new upvotes are genuine, we assume the helpful rate is 40/120 = 1/3.
With a helpful rate of 1/3, the probability of 10 or more consecutive upvotes to occur in <=120 votes are (approximately; this formula is only 100% accurate when the number of consecutive votes is larger than 1/2 of the total number of votes. The probability value this formula generates is larger than the actual value anyway, so if it's <0.05 H0 should definitely be rejected):
[(1/3)^10]*110 - [(1/3)^11]*109 = 0.00125 << 0.05
So we can quite safely reject H0 and claim that these upvotes are not genuine.
Another example(the case with my Yuri Kuma Arashi review): Again, an review entry of an anime which is not in the least popular has 17 upvotes and 4 downvotes. Then in 20 minutes the downvote count suddenly rises to 15.
Are the 11 new downvotes genuine?
In the hypothesis H0, we assume the helpful rate is 17/32.
In this case, the probability of 11 or more consecutive downvotes to occur in <=32 votes are:
[(15/32)^11]*21 - [(15/32)^12]*20 = 0.00279 << 0.05
So again, these downvotes are likely not genuine.
Another example: What if in 20 minutes, instead of 11 new downvotes, 11 new UPVOTES are submitted? (Current: 28 upvotes, 4 downvotes)
In this case, in the hypothesis H0, we assume the helpful rate is 28/32 = 7/8
The probability of 11 or more consecutive upvotes to occur in <=32 votes are:
[(7/8)^11]*21 - [(7/8)^12]*20 = 0.806 >> 0.05
So we can't claim that these upvotes are not genuine.
So to summarise it all: (Assume that the votes in question are downvotes)
You have a review on an anime that is in no way popular, and m out of n-x people found it helpful. And then you get x downvotes in just minutes, and now m out of n people found it helpful.
Are the x downvotes genuine?
Let r=(n-m)/n which is the unhelpful rate. (If the votes in question are upvotes, calculate the helpful rate instead)
Calculate the value of:
(r ^ x) * (n-x) - [r ^ (x+1)] * (n-x-1)
If this value is lower than 0.05, then the downvotes are likely not genuine.
When it comes to anime reviewing, overinterpreting is a very common trick if one wants to find pluses on anime he likes. However inevitably, overinterpreting are often driven by one's subjective wish(to support the anime).
An example of overinterpretation going to extremes:
Every problem, scientific or social or whatever, derives from a few very primitive philosophical problems. Thus, if you make an anime which only shows these philosophical problems on the white screen, it can still be called a masterpiece. Right?
Of course not.
The correct way of reviewing an anime is focusing more on 'what the anime directly shows us or obviously implies'. Anything beyond this borderline are personal thoughts instead of what the anime delivers. Your points may make sense, so make them into a doujinshi. Don't call the original work a masterpiece just because of your original research.
And do not assume the plot is reasonable by default.
Still though, by overinterpreting anime plots, one can obtain subtle, hidden points in the plots. So it's not that overinterpreting is of no use, but that it's not the right way to review anime.
Some examples of overinterpretations:
#1: Kuttsukiboshi
Some time ago I found a few comments on Yamibo(www.yamibo.com) which gave me some good laughs. e.g.: 'Even after Aaya literally rapes Kiiko, Kiiko still loves Aaya. This proves how strong the bond between them is, and that is true love.'
Unfortunately this statement is flawed, as it is based on the premise 'the reason for Kiiko to still love Aaya is sound'. But does this premise hold? If you were Kiiko, would you ever think of staying with a girl who would activate Maniac Mode at any time, for all your life?
In fact the very reason why Kuttsukiboshi is bad is that it fails to show us what true love really is.
The reason why Kiiko and Aaya can fall in love with each other is implied, and that's acceptable, but such cause is not enough to form a strong bond.
And then comes incest. And even after that, raping.
Putting aside how ridiculous the incest event is, let's focus on the raping. The fact that Aaya does not even care about Kiiko's agony stands. Do you call this true love? Do you call pushing your own demands to this extent true love?
And we can safely say Kiiko is an airhead to still accept Aaya after the raping.
#2: Sakura Trick
Again some posts from Yamibo: 'Sakura Trick depicts exactly what Otomekokoro(girl's mind) is like: Innocent and pure.'
Well, Sakura Trick does depict these traits. But only by a tiny portion of it, while the show spends more time on flirting and, of course, kissing.
If we remove all those flirting and kissing scenes between Haruka and Yuu... Does the relationship between Haruka and Yuu differ a lot from that of usual good friends? Not much. The show focuses little on their emotions and feelings toward each other.
The events that can form a major plotline(between Haruka and Yuu): Yuu has always been Haruka's best friend and Haruka doesn't want this relationship to go any weaker, and they settle on kissing. Mitsuki interrupts and quits, and then they realize they're in love. ... That's it. The rest of the events between them are SoL+flirting+kissing.
Flirting and kissing is fine. Depicting them for 12 episodes and making them the focus of the anime is not. This is the major failure of Sakura Trick.
You can't come to the conclusion 'Sakura Trick depicts exactly what Otomekokoro is like' while the show doesn't even focus on it.
My own overinterpretation on one part of the Sakura Trick anime plot:
(Note that since it should be classified as overinterpretation, it doesn't change the fact that ST is bad plot-wise)
Had Mitsuki really been jealous of Haruka&Yuu's relationship, Ep08-B of the anime would have gone the opposite direction. So why did Mitsuki forbid the MC pair from kissing?
Let's take a look at the attitude of Japanese society towards schoolgirl lesbians, the gayngsts and the view 'if they don't gradually turn into straight people, they're immature'.
Mitsuki, as a senior&older sister, thought she should fulfill the role she played, and hence wanted to make Yuu 'act normally' i.e. act in a way that society wants her to act.
That is, even when Mitsuki isn't straight herself.
If one interprets it in this way, he could consider this part a middle finger to the society's attitude towards schoolgirl lesbians.
As the title says.
This section only reviews COMPLETED anime.
Note: The romanization methods I choose are:
ハ(as particle)=Wa
を,へ(as particle)=Wo, he
ゲー=Gee or Gei
Spoiler alert...
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: 4.5/10<?> "Mediocre"
(Categorization: Fantasy genre. Shoujo Ai is more or less unrequited)
Currently, this is the first time I watch this anime. My opinions may change after rewatching.
This is how it goes: It starts like a random moe ecchi story, then begins to have everything connected by Ep11, and then piss loads of viewers off with the ending.
This is a huge spoiler of the storyline:
Hadzuki loves her sister Hatsumi, initially without knowing the fact that she is one who steps into different world lines with the same appearance, and always disappears at the age of 16. Although what Hatsumi/Eve does in the world lines are mostly that of good behaviour, she doesn't seem to care much about any individual world line and the people there. In the end Hatsumi chooses an absurd way to make up for her disappearance in the Hadzuki world line: by erasing Hadzuki's memories of Hatsumi, and creating a figure of Hatsumi as Hadzuki's future baby.
Now, there are 2 things I find really out of place in this anime:
1: The moe & H parts, especially in earlier parts. Too much of it! The story could have explained everything better had the story pace been better.
2: The ending--the sole reason why I have this show's score drop from 6.5 to 4.5. I just gushed loads of blood when I knew the reincarnation thing. It is rather understandable that Hatsumi/Eve doesn't care much about any specific world line. But what is this compensation for Hadzuki, after all she has done just to find Hatsumi as she loves her?
And plus there COULD be a better and also reasonable ending! If Hatsumi can change the timeline and create a figure of herself as Hadzuki's future baby(who I guess won't disappear at the age of 16), this means she can just replace the Hatsumi(Eve) with a figure Hatsumi! Even a plain happy ending is better than a nonsensical bittersweet ending.
Well, if Hadzuki's future baby will disappear at the age of 16, it means the ending is even more screwed. And it still means Eve has the power to replace herself with a figure Hatsumi. After all she has the power to prevent the Hatsumi from disappearing for one night, so why not longer?
An implied question:
Eve has left scars on the hearts of those who consider her too important to lose, so how many people have been hurt during the process?
My answer is: Probably not many, considering only 3 has come to pursue Eve.
Now the pluses of the anime:
1: Besides the ending, the overall settings of the anime is good and link fine.
2: Hadzuki's feelings for Hatsumi is shown well.
3: Before the ending, the overall sad(a bit) environment of the anime is handled well.
So there are not much left to say about this anime. The fact is I'm so furious about the ending that I'm currently desperately thinking about another bittersweet ending which makes more sense. However due to the inevitable existance of the happy ending, a bittersweet ending which makes sense is hard to find... Unless, the ending is about Eve completely ignoring Hadzuki, and this ending is still screwed.
More data:
Subjective rating: 5/10
Freud rating: 8/10
Impression curve: 6-5-4---6--7.5-5
Most Favourite Character: Azuma Hadzuki
Least Favourite Character: Eve/Azuma Hatsumi(mostly because of the ending though), another candidate is Lilith for her bitchiness.
Best Ep: Ep12 MINUS the last few minutes
Worst part: The ending.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 5.5/10 "Fair"
(Categorization: Magical girl genre but not the typical type. 'Overtoned yuri' included.)
To put it in one sentence: This is a show which wants to deliver something deep but ends up having a plot which is way more shallow than we have expected.
So now, I will point out the key points the anime tries to deliver: Mami Arc: None other than 'being a magical girl means facing death'. This is cruel, but it's the truth and is as plain as it looks.
The only reason why people find Ep03 so astonishing is that what they've watched are anime like Sailor Moon when in the earlier episodes you can be as stupid as you want and still win battles just because you have a +100% evasion talisman and some one-hit-kill weapon.
Sayaka & Kyouko Arc: 3 major points.
The first is the 'truth' of a Puella Magi--the soul of a magical girl is ensealed in a ring(soul gem). This is what makes Sayaka think that magical girls are zombies.
...But something's wrong here. What is a zombie? If your body is controlled by your soul, you're not a zombie. Only when your body is controlled by the Lich King can you be called a zombie. It's really strange that instead of seriously talking about the burdens a magical girl bears, the topic begins with the 'where your soul is' issue.
The second point is the question 'exactly who should you make a wish/fight for'. This is a good question, but there's something wrong with the plot trying to answer it. See, Sayaka hesitates confessing to some boy (only because she thinks she's a zombie) and hence the NTR. Whose fault is it? (Kyubey: 'Boku no sei?') It's Sayaka's own problem.
And speaking of which, it's precisely the 'Zombie' question that leads Sayaka into her degeneration. If Sayaka just goes out with Kyousuke and there is no NTR stuff, then the 'whom to wish/fight for' question just disappears.
The third point: 'A magical girl will eventually become a witch'. This is part of the 'settings' of the anime and is not allusive in real life. In real life, do most humans degenerate just because they've seen a lot of negative events in this world? No. Do most humans whose jobs are to protect their people eventually degenerate? No. But in the anime, a magical girl is doomed to degenerate and it's just a matter of time.
One of the good points in this part is the gender stereotype issue which finally destroys Sayaka as a magical girl. But well, it's not enough.
Homura Arc: The relationship between Homura and Madoka is not really 'what the anime tries to deliver' so we'll forget about it for now. The final thing the anime tries to deliver is about 'destroying a world with chains'... but by simply one wish?! That's ... too cheap. (What Homura has been doing is protecting Madoka from the fate of becoming a magical girl, so although it eventually leads to the ending, what Homura hopes to achieve is not directly related to the ending.) Good point, bad plot in this case.
Now another point: Most of the more unique points the anime delivers are NOT ALLUSIVE in real life. Instead, only when based on the Puella Magi Theory can these points make a lot of sense.
One huge problem with anime trying to deliver some deep things is that some of them are like: First construct some theory which is unrealistic and impractical, and then kill a character and make other characters cry and Bingo, success. Other examples include the disease Misuzu in AIR caught, and the disease Fuuko in CLANNAD caught.
So on with the plot.
Ep03 has 'set up a good start', but the building up gets slow from Ep04 and it almost makes me drop it. Fortunately it gets better later, but since the points it delivers are too shallow it still lulls me to sleep.
Plus (in Ep01--Ep09's world line) Madoka has been such a crybaby and this really annoys me. The relationship between Kyouko and Sayaka is done quite well.
The final part is better. Putting 'what the anime tries to deliver' aside, the relationship between Homura and Madoka is done well.
So to sum it up: We can't call this anime 'bad', but this anime is more shallow than it seems and the only reason why people call it a masterpiece is that there are a great bunch of similar anime which are even more shallow out there. It's subversive and depressive, but that's pretty much it; moreover, the show seems to try to deliver something deep (instead of focusing more on character development) and fails, so thumbs down for this.
More data:
Subjective rating: 2.5/10
Freud rating: 0/10
Best Ep: Ep03/Ep11
Impression curve:2-6.5--1.5---2.5
The space in the About Me section is insufficient, so I decide to have it hosted here.
Mostly in Chinese but with English summaries.
I'll probably try to have everything translated into English later.
It's titled Anime Reviews, but actually it hosts reviews of anime, visual novels, and manga.
For initial clarifications, please check the 'Dropped & Unfinished' section.
Part 2: Finished 16--
Love Live!: S1=6/10 "Good"
-:点名批评两处:其一是Eri会长,这根本不是正确塑造傲娇的方法,而且会长对μ's直截了当的贬低显得无理。其二为Ep12,Honoka对于Kotori退出的表现很突兀且不成熟:实质上Honoka受的打击不会足以让其放弃,而且本来人数也多,不是像K-ON一样只有5个人,你这就解散?致郁的正确塑造方法是Ep03;而相似情节的致郁的正确塑造方法见Steins;Gate的Ep23。不是结局前致郁就一定是神作,另一失败例是YuruYuri S1。
(Subjective:6.5/10 Freud:5.5/10 Impression curve: Generally smooth)
Quick summary in English: Compared to K-ON, this story puts more emphasis on the group and activities, instead of baka moe tea time. The characters' characteristics are overall done well.
附注:本人在B站看的时候TamaNagi厨的弹幕太多,尤其是Ep18的弹幕实在令人无语。还有神烦“朋友卡=补刀”论者啊!搞得像是不能做恋人就必须朋友都不能做?(Ep22, Yaya和Hikari段落等) 结果最终,在我没对Tamao产生反感的前提下,我却对Ep26最后那句话感到了喜大普奔。
(Subjective: 6/10 Freud: 8/10 Impression curve: 3--5--6--6)
MFC: Hanazono Shizuma(Sort of guilty pleasure to some extent, but, although neither the most well-behaved not the most good-looking one, she is the most lovable one imo)
LFC: Kenjou Kaname
MFP: Shizuma x> Nagisa
Quick summary in English: Sort of melodrama-like, and the storytelling pace obviously needs improvements, but overall a fine one among Yuri anime. The story in the end comes up with a mediocre answer to the question 'what kind of relationship is more than friendship', although the question itself is rather unique among yuri anime.
Fu~Fu(Manga): 2.5/10 "Terribly flawed"
+: 实在太甜了……
-: 理性考虑,难道整天放闪光弹就算恋情?而此漫画对于“恋的过程”的描写也是非常之浅和不实际。
(Subjective: 8.5/10 Freud: 8.5/10 Impression curve: 9--8.5)
Quick summary in English: Yuri bakappuru moeblob wittle little to no focus on emotions. What the characters are doing from time to time is 'talking about' how they like each other.
Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito: 4.5/10<?> "Mediocre"
(A full English review is on the anime page.)
+: 设定以及设定的链接塑造较好,Hadzuki对Hatsumi的思念以及总体的一些忧伤氛围,还有Gargantua线的塑造都不错。
-: 卖萌部分比较多,假如稍微去掉一些开头的卖萌,那么此剧情本可以更好解释一些坑的。而此剧最大失败在于令人大吐血的结局!Hadzuki与Hatsumi作为姐妹的感情深厚,结果Hatsumi(实则作为神Eve的身份)给Hadzuki的补偿是让自己的形体转生为Hadzuki的女儿?!而且根据Ep13剧情,其实Eve完全可以试图让Hatsumi就呆在新世界线中永远不消失,何必“煞费苦心”来选择这种转世?不合理的虐结局不会让人称赞其为神作,只会让人对剧作者骂娘。
(Subjective: 6.5/10 Freud: 4/10 Impression curve: 3-7---5.5-----6.5)
MFP: Nanako x Yukari
Quick summary in English: Idol work which is not 'idealized' can still be unique. This anime is more close to a slice of life, and is rather heartwarming. A plus is the relationship between Nanako and Yukari which borders on Shoujo Ai. The downside with the anime is that it still can't avoid several problems normal slice of life anime usually have.
Hanayamata: 3.5/10 "Flawed"
+: Yosakoi部分美感好。
-: 分条列举:
>“人生相谈”段落太多而且还经常是配着蛋疼假声配音,尤其Tami。“喜欢一件事物”或者是“做一件事情很高兴”不是嘴上说出来的!另外Ootsubo Yuka您还是配Kyouko去吧。
(Subjective: 3.5/10 Freud: 6/10 Impression curve: 9-7--4---3.5)
Quick summary in English: The 'Jinsei soudan' moments(talking about 'how they love their activities') and the serious drama that comes out of nowhere greatly ruined this show. The pacing in the earlier episodes are too slow, while throughout the anime many parts are cliched.
Sono Hanabira ni Kuchidzuke wo: Anata to Koibito Tsunagi(VN): 3/10 "Flawed"
+: 至少还稍微有点plot twist……
-: 前期结合太快对于这种游戏也算是可以理解,但是重点在于:主角组结合的原因是什么?或者更细节说,Mai对Reo的感情。稍微给点帮助不能谈上能结合的原因,所以说终归还是归到了“Mai认为Reo可爱”上面。而这点不仅是主角组结合的原因,也是Mai喜欢Reo的主要原因。剧情总体养分低。
(Subjective: 4/10 Freud Objective: 10/10 Freud Subjective: 6/10 Impression curve: 4--4)
Quick summary in English: Love development completes in a shrink? The reason why Mai loves Reo is just that she thinks Reo is cute? Nah.
Nettai Shoujo(Manga, collection of 8 shorts): 2/10 "Terribly flawed"
这个作者(Yoshitomi Akihito)真心不适合写这种剧情……
+: 没有太多。
-: 日常向的欢乐点不太多,而正统向的思想太浅,基本不离"We're girls, we can't be together!"这个模式,再者正统百合不应该执着于“身体特征”,那种塑造只适合于Shimaism(同居姐妹)那样的搞笑漫画。
(Subjective: 3.5/10 Freud: 9/10 Impression curve: 4--3.5)
Quick summary in English: The author fails big time at creating some serious yuri story. Most shorts intended to be serious are like: 'I like you.' 'But we're girls, we can't be together!' And their relationship still develops anyway.
Honey Crush(Manga): 6/10 "Good"
+: 重点是诸角色的情感及感情描写。
-: 几个小毛病:前段剧情稍微偏向卖萌,character development慢;另外,结局这个“当人物无怨无悔时则将分离”这个模式稍嫌老套。不过总体瑕不掩瑜。
(Subjective: 7/10 Freud: 3/10 Impression curve: 4.5--5.5--7)
Quick summary in English: A little bit cliched and moefied, but overall the depiction of the development of the characters' feelings toward each other is what makes this piece stand out.
Celestial Method(Sora no Method): 3.5/10 "Flawed"
+: 作画不错……另外Noel的萌属性也算一点。里面有些角色还是能起到一些诠释友情的作用。
-: 主要问题列举如下:
(Subjective: 3/10 Freud: 5/10 Impression curve: 7-5-3---3)
MFC: Komiya Nonoka and/or Noel Most Moe Character: Noel
LFC: Mizusaka Yuzuki
Quick summary in English: A nice little theme about friendship screwed up terribly, into a melodramatic and cliched script. (Even Noel's cuteness can't save the day.) What kind of friendship can't even stand the test of some small issues?
Yurikuma Arashi: 7/10 "Great"
(A full English review is on the YKA page of MAL)
+: 各种具有现实意义的影射,可让人深思。
-: 有些影射的构造不算太好;相对于剧情中的影射,剧中角色个性塑造欠佳(只为了推动剧情而塑造),而主角Kureha的声优演出也欠佳。还有,这作品乃是一个典型的叙事手法降低观众满意度的案例。用这种鬼扯叙事手法就能避免剧情漏洞,因为“这剧情就根本不该谈逻辑!难道不是么?”对于这种评论咱懒得多解释,所以干脆就让销量说话了。
(Subjective: 6.5/10 Freud: 7/10 Impression curve: 3-6--6.5)
Best Ep: Ep04
MFC: ---
LFC: ---
Quick summary in English: Still a great job on criticizing several matters about yuri. But, this is a prime example of the narrative lowering the enjoyment value. This show's sales figures serve it right, as it doesn't even TRY to sell well. Period.
Kannadzuki no Miko: 4.5/10 "Mediocre"
(A full English review is on the KnM page of MAL)
+: 说实在的,本剧唯一的亮点就是结局。
-: Mecha部分之不当之处等问题且不谈,本剧最大的失败在于:其意图塑造“真爱能够克服一切”,但是为何真爱却不能直接促成Himeko的性格发生改变???Chikane和Souma只知保护Himeko,却不知让Himeko学会自强乃是要道。
(Subjective: 4/10 Freud: 5/10 Impression curve: 4----3-1--4)
Best Ep: Ep11
MFC: ---
LFC: Kurusagawa Himeko
MFP: ---
Quick summary in English: The biggest failure: How can you say 'love conquers everything' when love can't even make character development happen when it's already required? Frankly, the only thing about this anime that is worth watching is the ending.
Hell Girl(Jigoku Shoujo): S1&S2=5/10 "Fair"
+: 设定挺好,具体下分的故事中部分Ep的质量还不错。
-: 有几个Ep堪称无厘头,而且重复性也成为问题。
本动漫的设定牵扯到好些人性问题,诸如是否值得以极端方式来报仇(现实影射)。但是,这里面有好些Ep都有些扯远了,诸如著名的S2 Ep20“百合真爱”话(这剧本是毛啊……)
Some episodes which are not about Hell Girl and her companions, and are worth mentioning are listed below:
S1 Ep04: 3.5/10 我非狗粉/黑,但是此种决策对于决策者显得可能有点不值得,而且这个Ep也不能显出什么特别的社会问题/人性问题。是谓filler ep, 虽说严格意义上还有诸如Ep20这样的更适合称作filler ep的ep。
S1 Ep18: 3/10 于是又是狗。理性出发:这回决策者的决策,一是更加不理性,二是理由不如Ep04充分(更加不值得)。完美体现了少女漫特有的糟粕内容。Hajime: *facepalm* 不过感性出发,这话也算是挺伤感的……
S1 Ep23: 8/10 有一个不足之处是这个应该算是设定漏洞引起的悲剧……
S2 Ep16: 7.5/10 这话后段感情描写挺好,让观众能更加有同感。
S2 Ep20: WTF/10(aka 1/10) 这话是毛线啊……前面的扯淡就不提了,最后那段Mari您不能好好活着然后两人都进入极乐净土,而非得连数十年都等不了直接自爆?此等百合真爱,在下是输了wwwww
(Subjective: 6/10 Freud: 2/10 Impression curve: 7--6.5---6)
Best Ep: S2 Ep16
MFC: ---
LFC: Too many!
Quick summary in English: Good settings, and many stories reflect problems in reality, but certain silly episodes along with the episodic nature of the show can screw your brain and indulge you to sleep occasionally.