kyochan03's Comments

37 Comments, Pages (2) [1] 2 »
cigare | Mar 12, 2021 7:57 AM

monsieurskater | Mar 12, 2013 9:40 AM
I rememeber bits and pieces of Yu Yu Hakusho. I watched it on tv when it was dubbed lol. I don't remember everything though. HunterxHunter, I've heard of before. I dont really remember if I checked it out.

monsieurskater | Feb 10, 2013 11:31 PM
to be honest, i like any genre as long as the anime itself is interesting.

monsieurskater | Feb 4, 2013 9:44 AM
let me know how you like it though! :D
is there anything you'd recommend?

Shanira | Jan 19, 2013 9:25 PM
Hahaha, are you stalking him yet?

I know right! It's like... weirdly awesome.

That's good! I'm bad at piano haha. I just sat around really, in my free time :( gahh, next break should come soon~!

Cellan | Jan 14, 2013 8:53 AM
Ok Ill take you up on that :p

monsieurskater | Jan 9, 2013 9:30 AM
my favorite anime probably has to be Eureka Seven or Xámd: Lost Memories! The storyline is just soooooooo omg. hahaha xD but for real though, those two are my favorite animes (:

Cellan | Jan 6, 2013 4:22 PM
Nice :O

Ive just finished Nobuna Oda its pretty good :3

Miharu-Kun | Jan 6, 2013 6:27 AM
I remember he lost his alchemy in the film :D I just forgot he did in Brotherhood lol

Miharu-Kun | Jan 5, 2013 6:51 AM
lol poor Winry xD

O_O I forgot Ed lost his powers at the end lol

Miharu-Kun | Jan 4, 2013 7:53 AM
Yeah the movie's ending was pretty sad, I wanted them to stay in their own world but It was still a good ending :D

I didn't find the ending of Brotherhood sad at all, I thought it was a happy ending lol :D

monsieurskater | Jan 3, 2013 10:24 AM
Yeah yeah! haha

From Bleach, I'd have to say Yoroichi (wrong spelling) and The Quincy xD haha
FMA I like the younger brother but and the girl mechanic.
And I watched OHSHC a loooooooong time ago so I don't even remember but i liked the twins xD

haha i really don't remember the names of characters of most of the animes I've seen.

Miharu-Kun | Jan 3, 2013 8:10 AM
Me too! except it took me a while to watch the Conqueror of Shamballa movie, I think it was nearly 2 years after finishing the original series lol. I heard bad things about that movie and i didn't feel like watching it but after completing Brotherhood I really became a huge fan of the entire FMA franchise and so I watched the movie, which was awesome! :D

Cellan | Jan 3, 2013 7:26 AM
Oh yea ir watchin Lucky Star its ok I guess I dont see whats all the hype about imo. Bleach on the other hand ofc is awesome! Ima wait till all of them english dub before I marathon it since ive been watching Bleach for 6yrs and in english dub. It would be strange to pick it up in subs lol

Miharu-Kun | Jan 1, 2013 9:52 PM
I also thought Brotherhood was better..much much better :D
In terms of story, art, characters, everything was better! :D

monsieurskater | Dec 31, 2012 9:34 AM
tbh, im not sure. i just liked how he looked so i used him and added effects.

Miharu-Kun | Dec 31, 2012 4:33 AM
I also liked Ling Yao, Greed not so much lol
Which FMA did you like better, the original or Brotherhood? :D

I can only think of two names without looking it up lol

Cellan | Dec 31, 2012 12:58 AM
Yw~ :3

Hmm ive seen SAO, My Little Monster, Magi & bout to watch Oda Nobuna x3

Hbu?? :o

Miharu-Kun | Dec 30, 2012 8:08 AM
Without a doubt Roy Mustang was my favorite, I look up to him lol
Who was your favorite character?

I didn't like Lucky Star at first, I thought the jokes were really boring and the characters were bland, but I eventually started to enjoy it :D

Shanira | Dec 29, 2012 2:04 PM
It's been a long time since I watched it (and I may have even skipped parts of it) so I can't really say :(

Except that both Gon and Killua are both pretty messed up XD I mean, Killua is an assassin, and what Gon did at the end of the Greed Island arc reallllly surprised me.

Well the older version is darker I've heard, maybe that's why you liked it better. I like the 2011 version because it's so fast paced. I've already read the Greed Island arc in the manga, but yeah, I will :)
The Sword Art Online anime was so-so. I liked the light novels way better. Not to mention, the best parts are in the novels that they didn't adapt (like Phantom Bullet) :(

I doubt it >_< Me neither school, stay away! I should have watched more anime over my break D: I was busy for a lot of it, so I only finished Mawaru Penguindrum and Chuunibyou :( Did you do anything exciting over your break?

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