jy96's Comments

349 Comments, Pages (18) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
prettynpink194 | Jan 12, 2009 6:03 PM

Shuidee | Dec 23, 2008 11:49 AM
hey =D

LinsletWalker | Dec 22, 2008 5:48 AM

fur1n | Dec 18, 2008 10:12 PM
so.,i guess that you like starbucks huh?
but my point is..
what a kawaii pic you have!
oh.,yea.,i like amu too..
but i haven't add her as my favorite characters..

Tsundere | Aug 8, 2008 7:01 AM
happy belated birthday!

Mikaaa | Aug 7, 2008 7:18 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! <33 Have fun all right? :D

Lyfa | Aug 7, 2008 5:19 AM
~.~.~.Happy Birthday.~.~.~

_HikaruXKaoru_ | Jul 22, 2008 8:59 AM
its ok lolz

yea i did have fun and nope just going to sleep away camp for a week

sakR9 | Jul 21, 2008 6:43 AM
Lol... 'excuse me are you 20?' made me laugh!

Good you didn't gamble and waste your money!! =)

I bet it was hot! It's suuuuccch a desert. I bet it's kinda like here... same temperatures >< In other words WAY too hot T__T

I'm just about to move, and I'm going to England in a few days for a holiday =) What's happenin now you're back home?

Takukari | Jul 20, 2008 9:05 PM
Yeah, I hung out with my cousins. ^w^ Mostly with Casey (that's a 20 year old boy btw lol). He's one of the only cousins that I like. And I actually miss him now that it's over. ;___;

And thanks! ^.^ Nah, it's just an OC, so it's basically just a random drawing. :/
Aw, why'd she quit? >_<

Hmm...probably The Host. :3 But I'll hafta wait and see, since the 4th book in the Twilight series (my second fave) is coming out in 12 days. ^o^

It's alright. And I couldn't forget about you. Xp Really? Vegas? How was it? And nope, I didn't take any other trips this summer. I never really go many places during summer. :x

LucySky | Jul 20, 2008 8:31 PM
Junai Tokkou Taichou is really good, yeah~ its pretty funny and cute^^ I recommend it for a nice shoujo read.
Vegas?!! Lucky you~that must have been fun^^ I went to camp for 4 days at the begging of summer but we aren't going away anywhere this year ;(. Mostly because my brother's working all summer cause he starts University in the fall. And our puppy doesn't like to be left alone~ she gets sad ;(. But the good thing is that next year me and my friends are going to Europe!!! I'm super excited even though its far away ;D

sakR9 | Jul 16, 2008 1:40 AM
Wow, you're in LV?? =) Hope you have fun, don't gamble~

I love your profile picture...

Don't forget me~

koko-senpai | Jul 3, 2008 2:15 PM
WE CAM BE FRIND"S ^______________________~

prettynpink194 | Jun 19, 2008 11:06 PM
lmao yup i like it when he has the girl's uniform own he looks so kawaii and when he uses his alice

well not most of them some of them, the ones u see now i did make most of them cuz i changed my profile a bit

yup and Kukai is so sweet
yea i watch animes with subtitles
let's see i am watching Ouran High School Host Club, its a really good shoujo anime, Nabari no Ou and Soul Eater, both really good action animes
and for mangas i am reading Lovely Complex

Chika_Ai | Jun 19, 2008 2:51 PM
its okey ^^
yup it is XD today's teh 3rd day since school died XD i bombed some of my tests tho T.T but o well XD im so excited for vacations XD
what about u? is school over yet??

Purin | Jun 19, 2008 1:35 AM
Mine starts next week. e___e; I don't wanna go to school! I hate it! I HATE IT! DX

Yep, I totally had fun! :3 The cake was delicious! Muffins ftw~ <3

But then my holidays will start again on October till next year. I can't wait! >w<

LucySky | Jun 18, 2008 10:20 PM
For VK I'm on chapter 40 I think. My favorite character is Zero by far..no contest. I ]b]love Zero.
I can't remember if there's more violence than Death Note in Kai. There probably is although I don't remember much at all. Its pretty creepy though in parts actually now that I think back. If you get scared easily then don't watch it ;p..that is my warning to you.
I've only seen a few episodes of Kure-nai but I like it so far. Its really cute ^-^
Other manga I read are: Beauty Pop, Lovely Complex, Itazura na Kiss, B.O.D.Y, Koukou Debut, Junai Tokkou Taichou and Special A. All of them are fairly light hearted shoujo mangas ;p

Takukari | Jun 18, 2008 7:13 PM
Well, it's the way they dress (them: Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, etc. Me: PacSun, Anchor Blue, occasionally Hot Topic), the way they act, their interests, their way of living, and all that stuff. Different in every way, basically...

We stay in condos right across the street from this really pretty beach (even tho I hate beaches) and we go there everyday. We also go to the pool, sit out by the picnic tables, chat with each other, play games, play manhunt every night, and other stuff. ^-^ It would probably be more fun if they were actually fun to be around..lol. I hang out with the adults all the time and watch them drink alcohol all night. Not fun. >.>

Hm...It's alright I suppose. Lol I don't really like planes in the first place, so I'm not one to judge. Oh, do you have a sibling? :3

Yeah, it's fun, but it's really hard! >.< Lol.

The Host is about aliens called Sould invading Earth by taking over the humans' bodies. This Soul named Wanderer gets inserted into a human girl named Melanie's body. When an insertion takes place, the human is supposed to go away completely, but Melanie lived on inside the body, and was able to communicate with Wanderer thru her thoughts. The rest is all about their journey together. I can't tell you very much at all, otherwise I'll be spoiling some major things. >w<
Besides The Host, I'd recommend The Twilight series -consisting of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn, and Midnight Sun-, The Shadow Thieves, and The Uglies series -consisting of The Uglies, The Pretties, and The Specials-. There're also these 4 books that I still love, no matter how old I get. Lol. They're Where the Red Fern Grows, Old Yeller, Shiloh, and Black Beauty. ^-^

↑ Wow, monsterously long comment, sorry. ^.^;;;

_HikaruXKaoru_ | Jun 18, 2008 2:22 PM
woot yay u!!1 i rele luv L and u dnt kno this character yet but i also luv Near!!!

awww tht stinks ur still in school bt at least u will b out soon!!! ummmm cuz we were at this place where they own a trailor by the beach and u hav to b sixteen to use the computers at the club house so yea sukish lolz! still had loads of fun swimming tho lolz!!!

LinsletWalker | Jun 18, 2008 4:49 AM
so it is on MAL and maybe you shoudlwath my fav anime under my pic, the is the second seson ^^

so i want to have holidays >.<
and i think its nothing interssting going on... how about you ^^

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