skybreak's Comments

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Diangelo18 | Apr 27, 2020 1:42 PM

kayla_eklund | Jan 18, 2017 6:15 PM
Happy birthday!

Himelily8 | Aug 10, 2011 1:23 PM
Really? :D I loved that anime, so cute and funny!! Yeah I know what ya mean, I somewhat liked that anime, but after watching half of the first season I just got kinda bored with it.

Well, not exactly hahaha I've been actually been really into watching Korean Drama's and Japanese Dramas. I just finished the Drama adaption of Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge and omg love love loved it! I might start watching the OHSHC drama. But sadly I haven't found any good new anime/manga.

chinlamp | Aug 6, 2011 4:56 AM
I know. I miss being able to read books and not analyse them, but 2 years of deconstructing everything (novel & poetry in English, film in Media Studies) and I can hardly enjoy anything anymore.

I don't think it will last that long for me, but I know that it can. Which is why I want it gone so badly, my body aches from coughing so much as it is, and my voice has actually changed from how raw my throat has become. I don't think I could take another 7 weeks.

Thanks for the soup though.

chinlamp | Aug 5, 2011 9:22 PM
Ah, procrastination. My one true talent. Seriously, if I was a pony, whatever symbolises procrastination would be my cutie mark.

I wish they didn't too. They made us ruin perfectly good classics like Pride & Prejudice, the Great Gatsby and a Midsummer Night's Dream. Now, granted, that last one is perfect for doing that because it's Shakespeare and all of his stuff seems like it was made to be analysed, but I wish they didn't have to make us do it for 24 months.

Me? I've been sick as a dog for the last 3 weeks. Not only are the animals that live here stronger and more deadly, so are our diseases. This one can apparently stay with you for 10 weeks, but I'm hoping I kick it before then.

Have fun with the paper, and remember, when it's done, you can wind down with ponies.

chinlamp | Aug 2, 2011 5:06 PM
It is.

I can't either. I love how the ED just about exploded an hour ago when they posted two screenshots from episode 6. Twilight seems to have moved her streak to the left side of her horn for some reason though...

It makes me feel like a brony. Screw being five, I wasn't allowed to drink when I was that age XD

chinlamp | Aug 1, 2011 4:54 AM
...I jelly that you have friends as awesome as Pinkie Pie and the chicken. Well, mostly just the Pinkie Pie one.

Unfortunately for me, it seems that myself and my 4 friends are the only bronies in the entire city we live in. Or at least, the only ones that use the internet (can't find any others in our area on ponychan, /co/, ED, or even flankbook).

And I am looking forward to Season 2 so much. Just hoping it doesn't completely derail my fanfic outline.

Himelily8 | Jul 21, 2011 8:45 AM
Hahahaha yep!! But you weren't too too too late :P That's good, ugh wow an english project that is noooooooooooo fun at all! haha

I'm really great, my vacation has been like super boring not much excitement going on =_______= I just can't believe how fast it went by in like a month i'll be starting school again!! So crazy but yea it's been okay i've been doing nothing but laying around the house watching tv and playing with my puppies hahaha.

So have you been watching/reading any new anime/manga? :)

Himelily8 | Jun 22, 2011 12:41 PM
OMG haha i can't believe how late I am hahaha it's been since Christmas since we last talked!!! Woah, yea I'm majorly sorry DX but how is ur summer going? :)

kayla_eklund | Feb 17, 2011 3:24 PM
it's ok. my reply is pretty late too. not a lot of time to watch anime or read manga atm, so i dont get on here much for now except when i update. i just recently moved and am trying to get things straightened out with that, and trying to find a job. it's chaos atm, but hoping everything will work out.

chinlamp | Feb 13, 2011 7:21 PM
Lol, I haven't watched anything for a few days, I really should, but I've been playing Final Fantasy 1, hanging out with friends and looking for a job. Although, here in Brisbane, there is a Ghibli film celebration on right now, every Friday I'll be going to see two Ghibli movies on the big screen for the next month:

Yay XD

I do need to stop watching new series and get round to finishing stuff I have on hold, but most of it is crap. :(

xEPICFAILx | Feb 11, 2011 12:13 AM
im sick too,
coughing all the time,
runny nose
always tired

got cold


chinlamp | Feb 6, 2011 2:00 PM
Busy. Not only am I now trying to find a job, but I realised just the other day that time has somehow past me and I only have 2 months to finish my cosplay of Dr. Insano for the con here in April. I'm also trying to get in better shape.

It is fortunate however, that I have plenty of time to watch anime, I've finished One Piece 8 movies, 3 One Piece specials, Sailor Moon, Full Metal Panic, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu x2, Desert Punk and almost finished Sailor Moon R all in the last 2 weeks.

VintorezNL | Feb 6, 2011 6:50 AM
Damn that sucks! i feel sorry for you :(

well i also have school and work....but less than you i think xD. but everything goes just fine here. Not awesome but life goes on.... sometimes i just want to die for a couple of days xD

kayla_eklund | Jan 20, 2011 4:38 PM
that depends on what epsiode ur on? lol. the first few episodes are kinda boring. i didnt start to get into until until about the 5th or6th episode. i have the manga to claymore and i lov eit. are the manga and anime similar?

chinlamp | Jan 20, 2011 3:32 PM
Ouch, sick during mids. Not good. Cos you've got to catch up with school work and study for the test, not fun.

VintorezNL | Jan 20, 2011 2:03 PM
Damn that sucks being sick on your birthday. You are totally right about life thats boring. And also exams $uck xD. damn many things just SUCK


kayla_eklund | Jan 19, 2011 3:11 PM
definitely reccomend clannad, and panty and stocking, depending on how old you are. lol. yeahh oakwood is a really small town about an hr away from lima. its very hard to find people here that like anime also. what is some of ur fave anime?

chinlamp | Jan 19, 2011 2:25 PM
You're welcome.

Not really, trying to find a job and figure out what to do with my life, the usual stuff you go through at 19 really. You?

VintorezNL | Jan 19, 2011 10:02 AM
Noo nothing really interesting xD i am a boring person

But yeah it would have been pretty funny when i suddenly said HEEY ELLE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! while it wasnt your birthday after all.


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