MarQ | Nov 17, 2024 2:46 PM
Aryaragi | Apr 29, 2022 11:44 PM
I had a 2 week bender where I played for almost 10 hours daily lmao. What was your favourite boss fight?
Aryaragi | Apr 29, 2022 11:26 PM
So... did you play Elden Ring?
Leilana | Aug 20, 2021 9:55 AM
Oh that's great then! I'm glad you found something else. Hopefully you are enjoying it
Sounds good~ It is pretty expensive afterall. Ah yes, I am also excited for Muramasa. I'm disappointed it won't be on Steam though.. |
Insertanamehere | Aug 16, 2021 12:50 PM
Oh yeah I'm definitely enjoying it in some sense too lol, the morbid curiousity did keep me going at first though.
And yeah it actually slaps pretty hard in terms of showing how terrible their relationship is despite the fetishizing stuff too lol, no idea how it could go from here really. |
Insertanamehere | Aug 15, 2021 4:39 PM
It's like a car crash, you can't look away from it some of the fetish stuff was real weird tho
I need to see how it ends at this point lol |
Leilana | Jun 17, 2021 1:32 AM
Oh that sounds really annoying.. I can see why you'd want something else then. You can't keep waiting forever on something like that. I also need to find a full-time job, but I don't even know what I want to do. Ah, you've been working from home then. Sounds like you don't have a lot of opportunities that are closer by your place.
That's understandable. Best to get around to it whenever you feel like it ^^ |
Aryaragi | Jun 3, 2021 11:23 PM
Yo. So after buying rise, I also bought mhw. I kinda like mhw much more. I'm getting rekt by the pink rathian tho.
Leilana | May 23, 2021 1:29 AM
And is that something you can't get more hours with?
It will be nice to finally feel excited about something, so hopefully we get some news soon since summer is almost here. It was quite the experience tbh. I think it's one of the more realistic VNs out there cause it shows common struggles/questions that people have and it made me think a lot. The music in that VN is really phenomenal and there's some really memorable characters. Even the MC is pretty cool. The bad ending is definitely up there with most depressing things I have read and I still think about it. The true ending was pretty good and for the overall experience, I was satisfied with it. I definitely recommend it. Ahh well at least they tried their best at the end of the day, but yeah I would not be happy with myself if I had to rush something. |
Aryaragi | May 17, 2021 3:26 PM
Yoooooooooo! I got MHR. This is my first monster hunter game. What should I be doing (I started off with the 1 start quest). Also I have nobody to play the coop missions with ... wanna do them together?
Leilana | Apr 28, 2021 10:26 AM
Oh I see, what kind of job is it if you don't mind me asking? Hopefully you're able to find something new soon! Yeahh I'm guessing we won't get another anime either :/ ahah true. I usually just wait for their official announcements instead of checking progress updates cause I can't usually tell how much progress has been made. It's definitely been a long wait... let's see if it'll be worth it lol. I have a feeling it could be my first 10/10 visual novel.
I don't hear a whole lot about it, but tell me what you think of it since you're likely to finish it before I ever get around to it. I just finished with MUSICUS! Common route is kind of long though, but it just depends how far you got into it. Yeah I'm going to forget everything that has happened by the time it comes out lol. Sounds pretty rough tbh... |
Leilana | Apr 8, 2021 10:58 AM
I'm surprised you still responded back even after so long haha.
That's great to hear. I can't remember, but are you in work/school? I'm doing fine for most part, albeit a bit stressed. It's difficult to find people that actually appreciate the anime, even more because the anime only covers a small portion of the VN. Yeah same here. I've been checking for announcements of it every now and then. Summer would be such a good time to release it. It gives me time to catch up some on other stuff, but that will definitely be my first priority when it does come out. Glad to see you're looking forward to it as well since that'll give me someone to discuss it with. Musicus! is releasing later today too I think and I've been really wanting to play that as well, but I'm still in the middle of a couple other VNs lol. Ah well that's a shame you didn't enjoy it that much, but hopefully you got something good out of it. Oh I think Marco and the Galaxy Dragon is supposed to be good. The art is really nice for that one. And yes the art is probably what I love most about the Flower series. That makes sense then. That happens a lot with me and putting anime on hold. Well, hopefully one day you'll go back to it. Ooo true true, well maybe it's worth trying one day if you're interested in it. Interesting thoughts :0 Too bad we have to wait until June for the actual "final episode." |
Aryaragi | Mar 29, 2021 11:28 PM
How's monster hunter rise
Aryaragi | Mar 23, 2021 12:51 PM
Damn son. You're considering marriage [internal screaming]. Who all got together from hummingbird?
Aryaragi | Mar 23, 2021 6:17 AM
I'm going for the DS3 platinum too because I genuinely loved the game. The only achievements I'm a little sceptic about is gathering all the rings,. It just feels like something I'll have to grind out.
I um... really liked Sekiro, but I think it falls short in the diversity of playstyle that DS/BB offer where you can try some really whack builds and pull off cool stuff. The combat though makes my heart pump, and I appreciate it when a game can do that. Genichiro and Isshin have become muscle memory for me at this point. I still struggle with demon of hatred. BB > DS3 > Sekiro > DS remastered > DS > DS2. DS world design is still peak tho. I wish I was there to have fun with you and marQ. But I've really gotten back to video games because of quarantine xD If it wasn't for 2020 i still wouldn't have had played any of these games. Btw, what's monster hunter world like? I've been meaning to try that. Also yes! I remember Kelsey! I can't believe you guys actually met through hummingbird and now live with each other. That's wild. Even I've been dating a girl for 3 years now, and I live with her too. |
Leilana | Mar 22, 2021 11:40 PM
Oh hello, I'm surprised to see a comment from you on my profile :o I like the profile picture by the way. I actually thought about messaging you a few times on Discord, but figured you wouldn't even remember who I am.
Yes I was expecting Rewrite+ to get delayed so I can't even be that sad about it honestly. I have other stuff to catch up on anyway so it doesn't bother me that much. It's nice to get a reply regardless, even if it's over a year. Most people wouldn't bother with that. I hope you've been well since we last spoke ^^ Not sure if you have any interest in White Album 2, but the translation for that may be finished by summer (hopefully). It'd be a miracle for us to even get it this year at all, but yes I agree. I can't believe you got through it despite not liking it. It's quite the long VN so that must have been a bit painful to force yourself through it. Have you played anything since finishing Dies Irae? And ooo I see. Haven't played two of the ones you mentioned, but there's some good choices there. You should try out the Flowers series whenever you get the time because it has yuri/mystery elements to it. There's still one more part that isn't translated and it'll probably be a couple years until it does get translated. Also just out of curiosity, how come you dropped Grisaia? Well after hearing that you really like slice of life, Bokuten would probably not be for you. I ended up writing a review on it, but anyway it's a depressing journey from start-finish. It definitely has to be one of the most depressing VNs I've played. I guess you could consider it an utsuge. I can handle these type of games though and usually enjoy them quite a bit even if they are depressing to the core. I did not feel the same for some time after completing it though. However, as messed up as this sounds, it was a very good experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. What do you think of WEP btw? |
Aryaragi | Mar 22, 2021 6:49 PM
I've been meaning to talk about soulsborne with someone for so long. The one friend that I know who is into it likes dark souls 2. I fucking quit ds 2 after I finished the first dlc (flume knight one) (played the dlc before taking on the final boss in the main game). The whole horde-mentality with the enemies just felt like a push over way too many times. Bloodborne is definitely my favourite. Being the first game that I played by fromsoft, it kinda also has a soft spot in my books.ive played it like 5 times by now. I also have a level 528 character on that. It's also my first playstation platinum. :D Dark souls coop sounds like a loooot of fun. Also I totally agree with everything you said about the ringed city dlc. Weapon-wise, I think bloodborne is way more interesting but dark souls 3 had cool weapon arts too. My girlfriend was personally invested in my fight with midir. I must have died atleast 10 times to his stupid laser spam assrape 9000. What the fuck was that health pool man.I also think gael had such a compelling lore. People normally view ashes of ariandel as a standalone but when paired with ringed city it's such a fantastic arc. Also, have you played sekiro? |
InspectorLunge | Mar 22, 2021 6:42 PM
Ringed City wasn't that great; It was more of an abusive relationship..
Midir and Gael wasted at least 10 hours of my life and I uninstalled the game at least thrice... I had to re-spec from a Strenght-scaling build to a Sorcerer build just so I could use Pestilent Mist/Mercury to take down Midir but even that took three hours at least. |
Aryaragi | Mar 22, 2021 5:23 PM
No I stopped early into the first game. It's just that after a full day of work I really didn't enjoy solving puzzles. I craved something more high octane.
I have though, since the last time we spoke properly, finished the entire soulsborne series. I played bloodborne in October and ds 1, 2, 3 over the course of 4 months. It's too early for me to comment on breath of the wild but I'm enjoying whatever I've played. The synergy between the physics and chemistry mechanics is amazing and I've never seen anything like it. Im okay with the switch because I'm mostly going to be using for first party Nintendo and indie games. For everything else, I'm sticking with my PS4 for atleast till ps5 is more freely available. I do want to play demon souls though. Congrats on the girlfriend. I've been trying to get my girlfriend into games. I've had some of the most fun nights just playing overcooked with her. Btw you could add me on switch/psn |