Chucky | Nov 6, 2023 11:01 AM
Yeah, so Discord died. Perfect timing LOL.
Chucky | Oct 13, 2021 2:58 PM
Hope you like Iruma-kun on your MAL page.
tehehetehe. |
Chucky | Sep 3, 2020 6:47 AM
WHAT YEAR IS IT?? *rough voice and scruffy beard*
yes, nyahahaha glad you rike XD LOL, for some reason I thought you were reading the manga. I was like half asleep when making that comment. So you're watching the original show, that's pretty cool! Some of those old shows do have a charm about them that's lost in modern shows. (maybe because older shows take their time more?) Yeah, I saw Junko Minagawa was in it!!! She's *HAS* been active for a really long time. :thonk: I think her character doesn't speak much though? Seems more like the cool/quiet type. xD I'll try to look up some scenes later when I have time. :joy: |
Chucky | Sep 2, 2020 3:08 PM
Oh wow, prince of tennis. Truly the best battle shounen tennis manga. :joy: How are you enjoying that?
KOL_Tales | Jan 6, 2020 2:52 PM
Chucky | Mar 5, 2019 2:00 PM
MisaoAino | Nov 25, 2018 8:02 PM
Hello Sarukah!! Nice to meet you!
I'd like to invite you to the Immemoriam Library Club ;) At the club, we're currently starting with the 6th Best Boy Competition, in which we choose our favourite male character out of a pool of SUPER NICE boys (previously chosen by us :P) As for other features, you'll also find music, games, recommendations, and a Discord chat! :D If you're interested, I invite you to take a look at the club's main page: Hope to see you around! By the way... apart from Tsubasa, have you seen or read any other CLAMP creation? I loooove CLAMP!! :3 |
Chucky | Nov 13, 2018 2:21 PM
BRUH. BRUUUUH! It's been 10 years to this very day that I wrote my first comment to you!!!! @v@;
It's so very weird to think that so much changed but so much also stayed the same. It's really amazing to think about it. I'm definitely incredibly grateful to have met you. Bwaah, I'm feeling a bit emotional right now. ;A; I really really reaaaally appreciate you for being there bruh. Just having someone to talk to is great. For real. :>>> Also I'm freakin wiggin out, because I started a new game of Symphonia (on my PC) just a few hours ago and one of the first comments we had was about Symphonia and Abyss. NOTHING. HAS. CHANGED. OMG LOL WUT. x'DDDD |
Chucky | Jul 1, 2018 3:14 PM
Oh yeah, this site exists. @_@;
Did you ever manage to finish Violet Evergarden? :0 I don't think you did? I'm on episode 11 currently and the last few eps were really good. I guess this is one of those shows where it ends when it's finally getting really good, sasuga. :pepe_hype_emote_you_knows_it: |
Chucky | May 25, 2018 2:26 PM
Omg, that was amazing. That part where Eizen goes "HUUHH" after Laphicet says kawaii made me lose it. xD And those Pidgey too, haha. xDD
Bwuuh yeah I figured you'd like that. 8D YEEEEET. Aw man, I played some WW Rays yesterday on my mom's iPad. That played so smooth and snappy and looked so nice it made me kinda sad. Those loading screens take like three times as long on my phone. xD Too bad I won't be able to play on it after WW ends. I could always buy a better/new phone or tablet but eeeeehhhhh. My phone still plays it good enough. xD |
Chucky | May 17, 2018 1:36 PM
Bwaaah haha, I was looking for a wallpaper! (I was using the default Windows one for the longest time xD) Rose is so cute. Thanks bruh. ;o;
Chucky | May 15, 2018 2:46 PM
Ah aww it was extended two days? I didn't see that unfortunately. xD But yeaaah I got the 100 diamonds bruh! :0 I'm gonna try a few more times to get Pascal's gMA. Also pretty cool they added all those new events. I'll at least check what they are about. xD
Chucky | May 15, 2018 1:58 PM
OMG, are my eyes deceiving me? Did they extend the Grace's event to the 31st!?!? Well maybe I'll have a chance after all. XD
Edit: ah only the summoning itself it seems? :0 the actual missions are over xD |
Chucky | May 13, 2018 5:38 AM
Hahaha, the pain is real indeed. x'DD Awww yeah, I knew you had trouble with your Meebo gMA, but actually trying it myself made me fully appreciate/understand it. And while it's aggravating, I do like the challenge. (though random chance isn't much of a "challenge" xD) It wouldn't be any fun if they gave you it instantly, I guess.
Wow that guy you mentioned with the 27 multis and still getting nothing. Rest in pepperoni, sweet prince. x'D Yeaah, I'll save up for the Asbel/Cheria event next then. :0 I'll be sure to level up too so I can get diamonds easier. Also saving up diamonds for whenever they re-do a Zestiria event for Rose. Definitely gonna pimp her up too. :0000000 xDD Oh god, my sides. (when they found out the class rep "Hinako" was "Hina") It's like she's the only character who can actually think. xDD It'll be interesting to see if their romance goes anywhere, perhaps he will find out it's her in the very last episode. xD |
Chucky | May 12, 2018 4:18 PM
Hnnnng, I just did another 10x pull on the Graces banner! And I got... ONE 4 star Pascal weapon. (the rest was 3 star) It took me like the entire day to get enough diamonds for that again. >~<;;; I looked at the breakdown and it says it's only 1.1% chance to get Pascal's gMA. So that's 11% chance of it being in a 10x pull. And I did eight of them so far. I'm just really unlucky aren't I? xD The other gMA's are just 0.9% so that's not really that much lower. Why oh why did I get Cheria's so much. x'D I also used two more tickets and I only got a 3 star for Hubert and another 4 star for Pascal. xD I don't think I'll do the whole 200 diamonds thing tomorrow as I am *done* with it. xDD I WILL OBTAIN YOU SOME DAY PASCAL GMA!! D|||||
Chucky | May 11, 2018 6:02 AM
I did another 10x pull on Pascal's event banner. And this is what I got. Nice five star weapon for Hubert, but I didn't get her gMA. :0 Man I really want to get her gMA before the event ends, I'll probably be able to do two or maybe three more pulls. Getting all those diamonds takes so long though, ugh. Wish me luck! :0
Bruh, I watched Tada-kun and really liked it! 8D Only thing I didn't really like was Miyano Mamoru's voice. Maybe I'm just tired of the typical clown-type characters he plays or just the way he talks or something. xD But yeah, it was really nice and cute and quirky! I'm gonna watch another ep right now haha. |
Chucky | May 9, 2018 1:26 PM
Haha, yeah I always have a soft spot for Key works. xD I filled in their survey! Of course I rated planetarian as high as I could. :0 xD Their new game looks good too! All the things I've seen/read about it look interesting at least. If it gets an English release it's highly likely I'll get it. :00
AAAAA I have a few days off work due to ascension day and me taking Friday off. WHAT TO DO WITH ALL THIS FREE TIME. (probably play Rays, sleep, do some hobby stuff xD) |
Chucky | May 7, 2018 11:26 PM
Haha, aww yeah that PV is slightly disappointing. At least it was fun looking forward to it. xD Wow, I've never seen that white haired girl either... She's apparently from a remake of a sequel to Phantasia so no wonder. Haha, also I never noticed until now that Jade has Pacman on his belt. @_@;;
Nice, you got Laphicet's gMA! (again? xD) Also wut, you got that five star move for Eizen TWICE!?!? xDD Oooh and I didn't really know how those anima colors/themes whatever worked haha. So it just doubles any character of the same type? :0 |
Chucky | May 6, 2018 11:27 PM
Aaah wow, that makes way more sense in the latter half! Thanks, bruh. |D Yeah I was pretty sure up until 9. Haha, I wanted to change that awkward "Okay!?" at 16 too, but I forgot that. xD Haha, I think google translate has trouble when they're just making noises. Which makes sense. Yeah, I had the most trouble with 11 too. :0 And that very last sentence. But what you said definitely makes the most sense. xD
I'll try to make something of it and update the images. ||DDD |
Chucky | May 6, 2018 3:25 PM
Oh haha, actually I did know about that tower but I hadn't really investigated it. Hmm so it's basically for leveling one character? I'll give it a try soon though. :0 I really need more of dem diamonds to get Pascal's gMA. :0000
Yay! I'm glad you found that fun. It was fun for me too. xD Sure go ahead. It could be gleamed up some more. XD |