indigohead | Sep 5, 2016 10:35 AM
Well thanks! Oh I see, are you into movies as well?
indigohead | Sep 5, 2016 9:32 AM
I like how unsettling your profile pic is, where is it from? Also...good taste!
berserker15 | Jun 29, 2015 9:28 PM
Lol, yeah, I agree, dude
I just marathoned the whole Shigurui anime today, I loved every moment of it. It's now my second favorite animanga. |
berserker15 | Jun 29, 2015 7:23 AM
masowyzgon said: That was perfect in every inch. A feast for the senses. I found this very funny, but also true You have good taste in anime, by the way. |
AlpineSuperstar | Jun 18, 2015 8:20 PM
Cool. I have yet to watch Genius Party, but your praise for it certainly makes me more interested in watching it.
I really enjoyed Kemonozume as well, but it's probably my least favorite of Yuasa's major works. I enjoyed the art most of the time, but there were times I was put off by it. Some of the stuff with Ooba's corporation was a little weird, and a lot of the romantic elements felt forced. Other than that, though, it's still really good. I have very few complaints about Ping Pong, though. The art is really good and consistent, and you're definitely right about the psychological portraits! Yuasa always does such a great job with the emotional elements of his series. Yeah, I guess you kind of have to be in the right mood to thoroughly enjoy Mind Game. It has a super positive, conventional message, but it's expressed in a very powerful way. I definitely need to rewatch that one, but it remains one of my favorites by him. Also, glad to hear you're enjoying Shigurui so much! I'll definitely take note of that one. |
AlpineSuperstar | Jun 10, 2015 9:14 PM
Cool, I hadn't heard of either of those shows until you mentioned them, but Shigurui looks interesting for sure. Yeah, Kaiba is my favorite Yuasa series. What have you seen and liked by him so far? And no need to worry, your English is very good (better than a large portion of native speakers actually lol). If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have thought anything of it.
AlpineSuperstar | Jun 8, 2015 11:12 AM
Wow, I think that's the highest compatibility I've ever had too. Definitely check out Kaiba and any of Massaki Yuasa's other series you haven't seen. He's the best. Other than that, you've seen most of my favorites. Anything you're looking to start soon? Looking at your list reminded me how much I need to watch Texhnolyze.