Keyden | Jun 20, 2012 8:29 AM
Majeh-Sama | Jan 10, 2012 1:38 AM
Happy New Years Everyone =) We have a couple of new polls up now which we have the Character and Team of the Month for February 2012 which you can vote for by visiting the following links. Character of the Month Team of the Month Also we started nominations to choose the best Naruto couples for Valentines day. To nominate your favorite couples please visit the following linK: Naruto Couples Nominations NARUTO CLUB STAFF OPENINGS To get this club up and more active again we are looking for members who are interested in helping us with different tasks in the club. If you have lots of spare time, are on MAL almost every day and interested in joining one of the staff openings please feel free to PM one of the admins on which tasks you’re interested in. Here’s some of the staff openings that are available now: Newsletter Team – This is the area we need the most help. Job of being on the newsletter team is to send letters out to the members of the fan club. Were looking for at least 15 members or more to help us out with this task since sending letters to nearly 5000 members takes a long time for only one person alone. Member Card Makers - If you have some graphic experience, we need your help with making Member ID Cards and sending them out to members that request for one. Club Recruiters – Looking for a least a couple of members who are interested to help inviting members to the club that are interested in the Naruto series. Again please PM me or one the other admins if you are interested in one of the positions above. Thanks =) ![]() |
Majeh-Sama | Sep 27, 2011 3:47 AM
![]() Greetings We just started a twitter account for the Naruto Club to send out news and updates as they come along. If you have twitter you can follow us by visting the following link:!/MALNarutoClub _____________________________________________ The voting for the Naruto Character and Team of the month has begun. Voting ends on October 31. To vote please visit the following links: Character of the Month Team of the Month Thanks =) |
Alianna | Jul 19, 2011 1:10 PM
_Kyoko-san_ | Jun 4, 2011 4:26 AM
![]() Please read this carefully ^^ You can now vote for the club's new layout! Voters will get a special card ^^ If you're wondering what the card looks like well that will be a surprise XD So what are you waiting for? Just click on this thread link HERE The thread will be open for 2 weeks Have a good day! ^-^ |
bunnychii | Feb 24, 2011 8:24 PM
(sorry for late reply)
Cool :D May I ask what you are listening to right now? |
FairyDemon | Jan 16, 2011 2:51 PM
![]() Hello Members of LE Paradise~ There have been some major changes to LEP~!! First off, the club is under new management by Shadoe and FairyDemon. We were appointed the position by the club's former manager, Luna-chii who has retired from MAL. Lately, the club has fallen into a state of "deadness" but we hope to revive LE Paradise with your help. Current Events -We are currently hosting a Banner Contest which can be found ~HERE~ -We now have 2 new games up: Three word Story and Guess the Anime with more to come. -We are currently on a staff hunt for more LE makers and active admins to help keep the club functioning, so if you're interested, apply HERE Be sure to check out the new stuff and check back for more updates~! |
Yuki_Yume | Dec 5, 2010 11:09 PM
Mass Message from ![]() hi everyone .. :) i think you receive the news about the club getting active soon .. and because of that .. we need more help from you guys .. :) the member who will gonna help this club will become an officer or admin .. :) so just write in these thread on what you can help .. like -making LE/SE/RE .. -making layout .. -making member cards .. -notifying the members and admins .. -inviting .. -updating the anime & manga relations .. and many more .. :) so please .. sign in this thread .. haha .. xD |
-amu- | Dec 1, 2010 10:10 AM
![]() Hello! Please vote for the anime of the month november and there is a new club pic and layout and a game too so check it out now |
Yoruichi | Nov 30, 2010 7:06 PM
Yoruichi | Nov 22, 2010 4:52 PM