sevki's Comments

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cmms | May 7, 2022 2:41 AM
Doğum günün kutlu olsun. :)

greeko17 | Mar 22, 2021 1:46 PM
Yeah, I completely understand haha Working from home is a blessing because it frees you from so many things, but after doing it for a year it just feels...weird. Probably because of not having the option to leave the house whenever I want. And like you I also want to leave here, but mostly because I want to live in a colder (and safer) place haha Hope we both do it! :)

greeko17 | Mar 17, 2021 8:13 PM
Heeey, thank you!! Such a long time! I'm fine, thanks :) And you, how are you doing?

DomoB90 | Dec 14, 2018 12:48 PM
Hey! I’ve been good. Been super busy with the family and the holidays. Mostly wrapping things up at work so I can actually enjoy my time off lol! Glad you like the manga! I can tell you the chapter releases are very sporadic so hopefully by the time you get to vol 11 more will be out! That CGI is what threw me off. I looked up the differences between the anime and manga a while back and I can tell you there have been some key points that were changed when it was adapted to an anime. Overall, I think you’ll like the story and art design much more in the manga.

FMA is one of the few anime that alluded me growing up. I just never took the time to watch it. I was too obsessed with Naruto when FMA came out haha! I know the original anime deviates completely from the manga so I started reading the manga but there was enough action in it to persuade me to hold off and watch the anime instead. I know Brotherhood follows the plot of the manga faithfully so I chose to watch that over the ‘03 version. Everyone says it’s good and I know it is from the sheer amount of cosplayers of FMA I saw back in the day hahaha! I like it and I was just in the mood last night. I actually was looking for Your Name on Netflix because I thought Netflix released it but I guess it’s not in the US version of Netflix yet. And that’s how I ended up watching FMAB. Hopefully I’ll get some time to actually see the whole thing! I go through whole stretches of time without getting a chance to watch anime and then all of a sudden I get plenty of time to just binge. We’ll see how it goes!

DomoB90 | Nov 26, 2018 10:02 AM
Ya, that’s my problem. I grow impatient in between releases haha! I end up buying up to what’s released in English and then reading the newer chapters online through Crunchyroll or elsewhere. See that’s funny, I read DN and then watched it. It varies for me depending on which one I check out first.

Ah!! I completely forgot about that! Well then yes I guess that does make sense why they didn’t kill him off. Like I said, it’s been waaayy too long since I saw the last adventure haha!

If you’re looking for a new manga I highly recommend Berserk. That has grown into my favorite manga of all time. I paused reading it only because I know chapter releases are very far and few between. It takes a year or more just for a new volume to come out. However, you so t be disappointed. The only other time I saw artwork as detailed as Berserk was in the Akira manga but even still Berserk may have an edge on that. If you like medieval fantasy and demon slaying Berserk is a must read.

I lost lots of interest overtime as well. I’ve only been getting back into it over the past year or so. I have another account on here called otakudb but I created this new one to keep track of what I’ve gotten back into. There was a 6 year gap between when I stopped watching anime and getting back into it.

DomoB90 | Nov 25, 2018 10:50 AM
Nice to meet you too!

Glad the review helped you decide! I only watched a few episodes of Ajin after I read the manga which is probably why I couldn’t get into it so much. The art style is so different from the source. That’s fine but it’s just not what I like. If you liked the anime though I’m sure you’ll like the manga. The only issue I have is that it’s forever in between when new chapters are released. For the arc that’s going on right now it feels like a lifetime wait since it’s breakneck action the entire time. Can’t rush quality though. It kind of reminds me of Death Note cuz you’re waiting to see who’s gonna get the upper hand first and the journey to get there is fun.

I just finished up tri yesterday and boy was it a trip. It dragged a bit in the middle there but it was nice going back seeing those characters again. I just had to remind myself on what in the world happened in Adventure 01 and 02 since it’s near 16 years ago that I saw it lol! I almost wish they kept Tai dead at the end because that would’ve shaped a great story for future installments but I can see why they took the easy way out. :P

Dashiawia | Jun 21, 2015 5:28 AM

Cnon | Apr 21, 2015 11:57 AM
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greeko17 | Mar 29, 2015 10:18 PM
I take what I said. Tokyo Ghoul is NOT good. The story is interesting, there are lots of things to cover, but the anime is just a mess in the end. The manga must be a lot better, I think I'll give it a try.

greeko17 | Mar 29, 2015 7:05 PM
Wow, really? o.O It's weird that the pace is that fast. I mean, they could take as long as they wanted, and people would watch it hahah Guess I should watch it soon!

hahahah I see your point. I haven't read the manga yet, but I see a lot of people complaining about the art. And I also agree that the story is not anything genius, but there's something thrilling about it...I feel uneasy when I'm watching it, like anyone could die at any time, that kind of feeling that Game Of Thrones gives sometimes (not that I'm comparing them!).

Hm, that sounds interesting. I might take at look at Vertigo then!

I know right! Claymore is so good that I don't want it to end, maybe that's why I read so slowly hahah

greeko17 | Mar 23, 2015 8:53 PM
I know what you mean! Today was the first day my internship, so I can say goodbye to my hours of free time everyday :( (although I'm pretty happy because of it ahaha)

I'm definitely watching DRRR as soon as I can! It's definitely one the anime that I was expecting the most. The first season was awesome! What are your thoughts on this second season?

Right now I am watching Tokyo Ghoul and it's been pretty good so far, you should check it out (if you like the genre) :)

I noticed you dropped Shingeki no Kyojin :O Why is that? It's hard for me not to put it on my top five recently haha

Hmmm, I don't really read american comics. There are some series that I like, like Hellblazer, but I never start reading them. I must say that this "different universes" thing strongly discourages me :(

As for manga, I haven't been reading much also (aside from Claymore, because well, I read pretty slow haha). But I plan on reading Btoom!. I watched and really liked the story (I can't get tired of the survival genre haha).

greeko17 | Mar 16, 2015 5:37 PM
Thanks, man! :D
So, how have you been? Watching/reading anything good lately?

Vikopaulum | Mar 8, 2015 9:14 AM
Actually both. Been caught up in my Master's, and having a lot of issues with my ex-girlfriend. Not a great situation, but all is well now.
What about yourself? Any news on your side?

Damn! I totally forgot Drrr!! got a second season! I usually do this first episode marathon with a few friends, but this season it was canceled due to illness from a couple of them, so I wasn't really up to date on it all! Better start watching that soon, haha :P

Kiseijuu I was watching as well, but like with Log Horizon I fell very very far behind in my absence ^^" Got so much to catch up on now.

Hmm, the name doesn't really ring a bell, but I'll be sure to check that out. Could use a show that's a little deeper than most of the anime out there nowadays :p

Vikopaulum | Mar 7, 2015 10:37 AM
Hey man! Sorry for the late reply (like a month late...). I haven't been online much these days. I'm doing quite alright, actually. Took me a bit to get back into it, with all the stress and such going on lately, but it's all good! How are you doing? Any shows you're following at this point that are worthwhile?
Now that was a great video! Really brought back the excitement I felt during that whole arc!

Terrestrious | Feb 9, 2015 10:08 AM
Interesting. The main reason I prefer Baccano! to Durarara is the characters. They're just a lot more, I guess, fun for me. Durarara's character writing is more mature & the characters themselves usually has more layers to Baccano! which normally I prefer but the Baccano! characters are just so much fun in my opinion that it doesn't even matter. Isaac & Miria are enough to make me prefer Baccano!, throw in Ladd, Claire, Jacuzzi, Nice, etc. & I'm in love. Personally, the only characters in Durarara!! I love as much as Baccano! are Izaya, Shizuo & Celty (though I like several others). & the two of those I love best, Izaya & Shizuo, I feel are more in line with Baccano! characters than Durarara!!, if that makes sense. Admittedly, there are dull characters in Durarara!! & the Dallas plot line was really dull but the stuff on the Flying Pussyfoot made up for it with me. Oh & the episode on the ship was boring but yeah. There are plenty of other things that make me prefer it over but I guess I'll just leave it it's more fun to watch for me.

My favorite character with YYH's a little strange. It's Hiei for every arc except Chapter Black, where it's Kurama. So I don't know if I go with the guy who's my favorite there or the one who's my favorite during my favorite part. I lean towards Hiei though. Funny enough though, Kurapika is my favorite from Hunter x Hunter. So my favorite in HxH is the Kurama counterpart. Your favorite is the Hiei counterpart yet Hiei's my favorite in YYH & yours is Kurama. Noticed the same thing with MrAM.

& yeah, I always wish we got some resolution on the Hiei/Yukina thing. It's a bit of a shame Togashi ended YYH, & with another tournament arc (which by the way, the anime made a lot better [you don't even get Yomi vs. Yusuke in the manga, you get like two pages of it starting then the manga timeskips & you just read how the bout ends (though the manga had several small side stories that were left out of the anime)]) but considering how often he goes on hiatus, I'm glad he started Hunter x Hunter as early as he did, lol. I do like the last episode of the anime though.

Yeah, stuff like that's always cool. Little odd in Durarara!! with how you'd constantly see Baccano! playing in the background but still. Yeah, it really sucks that Togashi's health problems or Dragon Quest if you believe that theory. I was expecting at least one more chapter, since I read he normally goes on hiatus on the 10's (so like, if we got a chapter 11, we should've been safe until 20). Really sucks because the Dark Continent Arc has the strongest start of any HxH arc in my opinion. Hopefully he gets better & returns to work before the years done, I don't want to wait two years.

Terrestrious | Feb 1, 2015 3:25 PM
I read all of 20th Century Boys in a span of two or three days so I didn't have that issue but I can definitely understand how annoying it could be reading that series as it was coming out. It's the main reason I haven't read Billy Bat despite it sounding really interesting. I don't want to have to wait & potentially forget something important that happened months ago. Going to read through all of that when it's finished though. Actually, I didn't mention it but I got the Perfect Edition first two volumes, which are the omnibus's. They look awesome & hold 16 chapters. Hopefully I can get my hands on the rest.

Ah, that's fair on Tegami Bachi. I remember thinking during one of the earlier episodes that this reminds me of the stuff you'd see on like 4Kids but without the terrible censoring & voice acting, lol. It does get shades darker as the series develops & I really enjoy the mystery surrounding Gauche but I think the anime is hindered by the manga. Whether it be fillers in the first season or the anime original ending (I haven't read the manga but based on the comments in the forums the series really did start going downhill once it began deviating). Still enjoyed it but I wouldn't recommend picking it back up.

If you pick up Shinsekai Yori let me know what you think. Hopefully you like it. I still have several episodes left but I've been really liking the more recent episodes.

& DRRRx2 's been pretty good so far. I didn't really care for the first episode but each episode since has been getting better & better. The most recent episode has really got me hyped. Yodogiri's first mention, Aoba planning to take on Izaya, Mikado showing a different side of himself (one that isn't bland) & of course, Izaya's going to be jumping in the fray it seems. Izaya's my favorite so I'm really excited about that one. Hope Shizuo does more too. Truth be told though, I'm more of a Baccano! man myself, hope more of that gets adapted one day. I've had my eye on Parasyte for awhile. Probably would've checked it out if I had a laptop when it started airing. Think I'll watch it once it finishes airing.

Yu Yu Hakusho is great, one of my favorite battle shonens, easily. Chapter Black in particular is amazing & Sensui is one of the best villains out there. It's also interesting to see all the elements later included & elaborated on in HxH? I've been reading the manga though & to be honest, it isn't as good as a remember. Least with the Dark Tournament arc. Favorite arc & character?

Level E is great, once of the smartest written comedies out there. A lot of the humor comes from the twists or trolls in the story & all of them are clever & hilarious. I think I only saw like two of them coming. The series also features a revolving door cast, which helps add variety to the story though admittedly, I like the original characters better than the cast of most other episodes. You'll also notice elements he reused but elaborated in Hunter x Hunter in Level E too. Oh, & you may have already known this but Baka, the main character, appeared in the Heaven's Arena arc during the Hisoka/Gon fight. Let me know your thoughts when you get around to watching it.

I've experienced all of Togashi's work on some level, I think Yu Yu Hakusho is my second favorite though nostalgia definitely plays a big role in that. I'm hoping all of Wicked Cupid finds its way online someday because that's his only work I haven't seen all of.

Terrestrious | Jan 22, 2015 7:30 PM
Oh, it's not just your manga list. Can't believe I didn't check the anime list too. I have no idea how to do any of that stuff either which isn't a big problem. The standard list works fine.

& that's probably the best bet, I've posted in a lot of chapter discussions for HxH (very few in the anime boards, when I was caught up guys like MrAM or Cresherhsm [think I spelled it right] usually said my thoughts except much better than I ever could [or noticed things I didn't]). Actually currently reading through the Greed Island Arc for HxH.

Haven't read Pluto yet but I've been meaning too for awhile. One of my friends even likes it better than 20th Century Boys. Urasawa's probably my favorite mangaka out there (though it's close with Togashi) so I plan to eventually go through all his works, even the slice of life comedy about a girl & judo. Happy, I think it's called? Also can't wait for him to finish Billy Bat, since I'm not reading any of that until it's completed.

What's your favorite of his works, Monster? It's definitely my favorite, even bought the first two volumes the other day, along with the first volume of Master Keaton which he also worked on.

It's been awhile since I saw anything truly amazing, I guess the first cour of Mushishi Zoku Shou (I really need to get around to watching the final cour) would be the last amazing thing I saw. That or LotGH: Overture to a New War (I really need to get around to watching the OVA). Of the stuff I'm watching now, my favorites are probably Kaiji, Shinsekai Yori or Tegami Bachi. Though I see you dropped Tegami Bachi. What was your issue with it? Since you've already seen Kaiji, I'll just talk about the middleman.

Shinsekai Yori, which I'm only a little over halfway through, has been really fascinating so far. The show has some of the best world-building I've seen in an anime & it's no small part because they dedicate enormous amount of time to it. I believe so far, there are a total of two & a half episodes where it's just one character explaining the world's history to our protagonist, Saki (though, others can be involved & they aren't just listening too, they react & interact too). The episodes are of course split up & sync well within the narrative. One of them was evenly heavily rooted in the emotional conflict at the time & those episodes are my favorites of the series so far. On paper, it sounds like something I might've hated but it's the best quality of the show. The characters on the other hand, are more of mix-bag. At the very least, the ones the series chooses to focus on, namely Saki & Satoru are great but the supporting cast isn't very interesting or compelling. Though that said, MAL lists several characters as main who personally seem more of a supporting role for me or a device. The animation is usually pretty good though it's had a bad episode or two & the OST is pretty solid. Also, I'm not sure if this means much but it kinds feels like a sci-fi series wearing the skin of a fantasy series. Also, if you've heard of the show, you've probably heard the controversy surrounding it & homosexuality. There's like, a ten second clip of two guys kissing (& like twenty of yuri [though, more motorboating than anything) & that's it. There were people hating on the show entirely for the former, which is kinda silly if you ask me since it was both foreshadowed & minimal. It's been practically non-existent since then though.

What about you?

Terrestrious | Jan 21, 2015 9:16 PM
Yo! So saw your friend request, will probably accept it but I like to talk to people before accepting them. So what's going on?

Also, your manga list is awesome. Little strange how PtW is D. Gray-man instead of FMA but the set-up is pretty awesome.

Manjuu | Jan 18, 2015 4:11 PM
Slice of Life Club
Best Female Character of 2014 Nominations

Nominate Your favorite female character of 2014


Vikopaulum | Dec 18, 2014 9:14 AM
Thanks! First few went well, the rest is after the Christmas break.

I still find Kuroko no Basuke quite interesting, even though it's the typical overexagerated stuff all over again. I think it's still better than the average show they keep putting out lately.

Another filler arc in Naruto? Even though the manga has ended and thus all sourcematerial is readily available? That's so cheap...

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