ReaperXIII | May 19, 2021 7:03 PM
Police academy? pls don't arrest meh!! Kyaaa!
I am still doing same job before Covid I had 12 interns to teach, but that is on hold till everything goes back to normal. I can't travel much for now, but most of my work can be done a laptop or desktop we are just not taking in any clients for the time being since most of our work is usually done in person to properly show how everything will be done and properly sit down and explain our contracts since we have to translate it's not something we can just translate and throw the paper at them. Even If you can't do art for the moment doesn't mean you can't set up an online studio that you can do on your free time draw paint or anything else you want to do including taking commission for book covers art or requests of all kinds. Don't stop making your art eventually you will make something and someone might notice. there is always a chance as long as you put it out there! You dare touch mah cookies?? *steals more cookies* |
ReaperXIII | May 8, 2021 1:25 PM
Your alive!!! I just come on every few days to update manga and anime. everything is a good as it can be with Covid still having most of the country on lockdown.
I mostly work at home atm till flying becomes a regular thing again. Life is absolutely normal which is good I can't complain. How is life? Are you well? How many of my cookies have you stolen? You know your going get 100 question for disappearing yea? |
Diangelo18 | May 8, 2021 9:56 AM
big love yw.
Diangelo18 | May 8, 2021 5:24 AM
ReaperXIII | Oct 31, 2017 5:05 PM
Nerve problems are usually permanent in a lot of cases unless they are phycological then facing or getting rid of the cause is to face the problem. hope you get better soon!! for translating I suggest buying a grammar dictionary to use as reading material. just use it to read and get used to proper grammar and if possible apply what you learn in your translations. in the long run, it will help with translation as even big companies make games with bad grammar. music -------- <------2 cellos i like a lot of their music im into a lot of weird stuff anime/EDM/rock/instrumental and so on. |
ReaperXIII | Oct 28, 2017 8:40 AM
sadly im not a huge latino music fan my parent and some of my friends like Spanish music. i don't really listen to anything.
Day of the dead is celebrated in Mexico which is from 31st till nov 2nd, here in US they only celebrate the 31st. factory work is killer my brother did it for a year would send me pictures of his swollen hands he worked in a meat packing factory. |
ReaperXIII | Oct 24, 2017 9:52 PM
ReaperXIII | Aug 13, 2017 5:10 PM
so we gave you Hispanic fever. and not your country loves our music XD
Latin music is normal thing in my parents house or just around Florida which is filled with Hispanic ppl from various countries. i heard that song for weeks and weeks ppl love that song. i can't wait to see your new artwork! if it not good im going to punish you! ^_^ with lots and lots of pokes fufufufu! |
ReaperXIII | Jul 27, 2017 8:19 PM
To tell you the truth. you type of art would have been very popular in my home town in the 80s. many of the art works that won prizes back then are still in this place in Miami they have lot of it still. sometimes there some ppl who like stuff like that still.
I get what you saying about ppl saying things like that about your art, most of them can't even pick up a pencil and draw 2d Nes mario and they want to criticize your art. lmao is that the only art style you like? you can make animation even tho those i saw are short idk if you can make something more sophisticated maybe you can make a cartoon if you like that or more complicated animation. you don't have to join a company you can do it on youtube for practice maybe it gets popular. or you can be a character designer for games or cartoon/anime there are so many art related careers idk where to start, but if you hate your job the best advice i can give you is to seek out opportunities for a career you can say you like or it's fun. i know with a bit of practice you can make it. XD how many ppl can say they drew or did what you do? DO ET DO ET DO ET *POKE POKE POKE* |
ReaperXIII | Jul 25, 2017 10:52 PM
Your art work isn't bad, but not my taste.
I like fantasy art the most like elf dragons magic or stuff like humanoid animal like ware wolf and tiger men or anime like art, but i think most ppl like that. XD i never like stop motion or realistic art. i don't know the word for it im not artist. or at least my art work never left my folder i drew a lot of anime character as a kid/teen i reach 16-17 and that stopped because of many reasons. i like stuff like this. or if you look at my profile you can see some gundam or game characters i like. man i sound mean T_T don't kill meh... *hides under the bed* *shiver* |
ReaperXIII | Jul 24, 2017 2:55 PM
I was always good at learning things like dancing or martial arts. it's not hard to copy some one who playing the piano what i find hard is reading the notes i'm taking some classes for that, but i don't get it all that much.
my finger cramp a lot too from long playing T_T ouchies! you should find a job that is enough to pay for things that need to be taken care of and leave enough to pursue you hobbies. this way sooner or later your hobby might just turn into work that you love and get paid for. if it's art that you like then make space in your house, garage, room to realize your hobby. I was building model gundam when i was a teen and i remember having to get part time job because those model were expensive, and my uncle said to me you take your hobbies too seriously and it waste of money. i told him that it because it a hobby that i should take it take seriously. he had nothing to say to that. anyways some of the most famous ppl including artist all started with hobbies. even tho building gundam was expensive few years later i was tired of having my dusty gundams and i sold them on ebay i even got more money for them than when i bought them since fully build gundams go for higher price which i had no idea there was a market for built gundams. so yea that was long winded of me XD fund your hobbies you might even make it a career from that. *POKE POKE POKE* *RUNS AWAY* |
ReaperXIII | Jul 13, 2017 10:57 PM
Ive been royally busy these last 2 months. along with work ive been trying some new hobbies with a friend. ive always wanted to learn to play the piano or violin, but my parents were too poor to afford such luxuries so im learning the piano, but i don't know how to read music so the teacher is teaching me that too. my friend on the other hand is learning the cello and my other friend the violin. we decided to just learn and play for fun. originally when i was a kid i wanted to learn martial arts, but i was poor i did learn boxing from my dad tho later when i was 16 i met a friend he needed a sparring partner and started teaching me judo and tai kwon do i learn it pretty well and mix that with my boxing.
i picked the piano because i like how nice it sounds even if you mess up it won't murder the ear the violin sounds like the devil wailing on your ear when you don't know how to play it. i decided to save my ears. XD If your traveling it's better to make plans on where you want to go or what you want to ride or where you want to eat ect. idk about other ppl, but i get impatient when a group im traveling with starts to discuss what they want to do or start to wonder around with out a clear direction. it makes the trip less enjoyable and you get to see or enjoy less things wasting time. im just use to traveling i guess so im probably more efficient when it comes to this so it's a habit. i use to go with friend or family to certain places and they would end up stopping, wondering, arguing about where to go or just being lost. which to me is a shame since that is like 3-4 hour lost which could be enjoyed if the trip was planned. I will poke you cus im ticklish too and no one around me is ticklish i need some justice. XD *POKES POKES POKES* |
ReaperXIII | Jul 4, 2017 9:13 PM
*POKES* i was celebrating 4th of july with couple friends and shooting fireworks then we ran out started playing pool at my friends house then i went home to watch anime for a bit. |
ReaperXIII | Nov 12, 2016 1:09 PM
Hello!!!!!! came to poke you! *pokes* *runs away* KYAAAAAA
ReaperXIII | Sep 30, 2016 6:43 PM
that's mean im not jaded T_T
*eats ice cream* for anime movies <--- pretty nice movie <---- also pretty nice the only romantic movie i liked is called lucky one. usually don't watch them, but if someone says it good i won't say otherwise till i watch it myself. if i don't like it ill stop it take if out and return it/walk out of that theater watch another movie. |
ReaperXIII | Sep 28, 2016 9:06 PM
You can say im somewhat of a boss closer to teacher tho, i still travel, but i am usually traveling with a bunch of interns.
it started almost 3 years now basically i take them where we need to go and show them how it's done. how to talk, translate when to pause, how to fill out documents, make sure that their translating is up to standard and not just guessing or filling out things by guessing. <---- baby sitting basically. when we are free i show them around the city since most of the time it's places they have never been to, so basically they get tour guide. i had to do this by myself when i started i had no 1 teach me, but now with all the safety issues specially with men and women at their age the company has seen to it that they travel in pairs of 3-4. i mess around i am not strict at all the only thing i don't let them do is go out drinking never a good idea if we where all men it would be fine, but ive seen how women get easily taken and that's a no no for me. i have 3 women as interns and 2 men and if they go into a bar there is no way to keep them all out of trouble. reality is if they did go out drinking i can't stop them since they are adults, but if something happens i make sure they are held responsible for their action. they usually still have high school mentality since they are early 20s still. <------make me sound old T_T I meant Julia Stiles she pretty, but i just like her smile she not really my type tho If i have to pick my type it would need to look like Jessica Alba<---- her smile her skin her eyes are beautiful <---- she just needs a bigger butt. i can work with small chest, but the butt...... I don't want to be a boss when it comes to work *shivers* responsibility is bleh. i work to fund my hobbies which include traveling, gaming, drinking wine, music, buying lot of technology, clothes i like to be well dressed shoes are included in that word. i like wearing my suits when i go into a meeting and im wearing an awesome suit. not only does it give me confidence it also make ppl notice me in a good way some even ask me where i buy suits and women always compliment my looks too it feels good. <-----bragging to you hehee. i buy my suits from a friend ive known for almost 15 years he is a professional tailor he started making clothes while we were in high school and he made my first tux when we went to prom with our dates ect. i had to save some money prom is expensive we put all our money together to buy the material to make the tux came out cheap, but making the tux took a lot of measuring and needle some hurt. T_T Transmission Bowden Shift Control Cable <---- is that what your factory makes? |
ReaperXIII | Sep 26, 2016 1:13 AM
-your diploma is like a horror movie that never ends when it should.
-ive personally never touched a factory, but backstabbing co workers are normal in all environments death to them. usually if a co worker is trying to pull moves on me ill make sure to remember the first time it happens cus im getting him back 10 times over. sweet cold plate of revenge. i have my own iron clad rule CYA COVER YOUR ASSS no one going to do it for you, keep your paper work in check and when shit gets real have all your thing done and ready. -Americans rarely name their cars anymore most of them have no time for it. every one driving fast or walking like they need to pee. if i had to name my car of course a girl name so it would be Julia. <------likes that actress smile - masters degree are worth it long term i suggest you start look for a studio to do some actual work not just school even if you have to go as an intern. it's time to build you up a resume with actual experience early so when you go for an interview you look like a transformer XD you will kill it at interviews. they might even drop kick your bf be like YOUR NOT WORTHY as they hand you a pay check. XD it's good that your mom has a job. my mom was out of a job for 3 years applied to heaven and hell and was rejected eternal life for her. yay! she has one now it's been a year and half since. if americans were paid monthly they would die. - I usually exercise 45min 4-5 times a week (sometimes 2-3 shhhh!) im not all muscle nor am i fat im fairly skinny i have gained reasonable amount of weight caused by aging in my early 20s i was about 54-57kg that like 120lb now im about 68-69 kg about 154lb. still skinny just have actual meat now not a twig. i run, jump rope, push ups, pull ups, sit ups and from time to time i do light weights. i hate big bulky useless muscle. i just like my stomach to look like chocolate bar well not that much just enough that lines exist. who ever doesn't hire you just tell me ill use a German car to run them over making him feel the kgs. XD why German? cus those are my favorite cars BMW Porsche and Audi. so nice and they go fast so they won't even see it coming hehehe! |
ReaperXIII | Sep 26, 2016 12:39 AM
for some reason the button message wasn't showing up, it was blank with some error thing. i see it now. will be reading it now.
ReaperXIII | Sep 24, 2016 4:41 PM
you exist!!!
im fine. love is non existent. love is like the wind you try to grab it, but just slips away. *steal bunny* *leave you with carrots* how are you? |
ReaperXIII | Sep 18, 2016 3:19 PM
*does CPR* Live LIVE!!!!