Smartreviews | Jun 19, 2016 2:48 PM
You're probably right. My biggest gripes with big order were (1) characters, and (2) story. Usually those are consistent with the manga. But as many people have point this point to me, you guys may be right. I'll have to check out the manga and compare. Thanks.
Avalynch | Feb 29, 2016 4:16 PM
Great Grimgar review, if you want to see more anime with realistic characters I highly recommend Monster, and Death Note.
La_Matona301 | Jan 10, 2016 2:01 AM
I don't give a fuck, about what people say about my views, that's my opinion, and besides, there is nothing in MAL's rules that the overall score should be the total factor ...pardon my math.
PEACE BTW, make a review first before pissing on others review..Now go get yourself a hot girl to bang with. instead of imagining that you're doing either Kajou or Anna .... AAAAH, HA, HA,HA, HA!!!!! |
RintarouH5 | Oct 12, 2014 12:57 PM
Again, you have to lower your expectations and the facepalms for me were not as frustrating, sometimes its good that something is predictable, at least you know where it is going and anything extra becomes a surprise. It's finely done nonetheless, nothing more than that. I guess the length plays a role too, if a second season were to be released I wouldn't mind finding out what happens next that's for sure.
RintarouH5 | Oct 11, 2014 11:38 PM
The story is good compared to the other anime I have watched, you have to understand that a good anime is very rare, so I try to give it a break... it has to happen. The story is original, even with its flaws, so I like it when a writer tries to make a good story work. The two problems I focused on were the worst of the anime so I AM omitting the positive aspects to the plot, such as they actually managed to make the story interesting and take the concept of titans to a new fresh level at least for the first few episodes. It's also a little like with sword art online, i'm not going to hate it just because of the second season, it still deserved a 7 because of the first season. I have watched anime that seems to have been written be written the week before its release, so I have to decrease my expectations. In short, tricky story..yes, but also original and mature. Its like watching one of those star wars movies where its all a shit-mess but you can still find some good moments/morals among it. I will try to make it clearer by editing my review.