snoopygirl's Comments

25 Comments, Pages (2) [1] 2 »
infactuation21 | Nov 7, 2012 6:47 AM

urvamp | Nov 10, 2009 3:36 PM
hey i like your pro, im joel and who are you?

oOoOoOo | May 16, 2009 11:29 AM
Yaaa? That sounds fun! I like quirky little things like that, so I'm adding it to my "must watch" list. ^_^ And the blog you linked me to was a good find, as well, thanks! I read along with it for some series I was watching, and it had some helpful reviews.

I've added "Hikaru no Go" as well. I tried to learn Go as a kid, but failed miserably because I was impatient, haha. I guess you're my dealer for obscure board game anime, hmm? ^_^

oOoOoOo | May 6, 2009 6:03 AM
Yaya! ^_^ Hmm, on an anime note, I noticed you were watching "Shion no Ou". I was wondering about it, but the synopsis is pretty... vague... o_O Hehe. What do you think of it?

arimakenshin | May 5, 2009 6:40 PM
Hey, I just wanted to post a little something since we share quite a few anime series ratings. Nice profile design by the way. Vector art; 'tis quite impressive.

oOoOoOo | Apr 28, 2009 3:02 PM
Your post in "Open Minds" really spoke to me. ^_^ I think we have the same problems! So I replied there! And... and here. >_>

Bere | Mar 1, 2009 2:28 AM
Yay, me likes this onee-san's taste ! :0 Mmm, let's see, I'm slender, I have long (well longish atm, I didn't like them getting messy) hair, am I allowed to write here ? :0 Oh, that was about anime, mkay. :P Also, yayoi. :0 Meh, big boobs in anime, having 'a life of their own' and all, can be irritating, can't they ? What about real life then ?

Oooh, this comment is so silly. Doesn't sound like me at all...
Maybe I can be like this at times.

induce | Feb 28, 2009 8:43 PM
Hey! I came across one of your posts in the OM club and I ended up on your profile. I'm a sucker for lurking and reading on other people's profiles.

I noticed you work on an advertising agency. I actually begin my first job next week, at an advertising agency! \o7 :D For how long have you been working there? I remember when I first heard the term AD and I was like... 'fuck is that'? ^_^;; I'm being assigned the role of WP - web producer.

How has your weekend been so far?

Darkline | Jan 25, 2009 12:17 PM
Salut snoopygirl
Comment vas-tu?
Merci d'avoir donner un vote pour ma candidature.

kuroshiroi | Jan 2, 2009 9:59 AM
Thank you, I hope you have a great year as well.

I also hope you have some time to update your lists/profile/sig/whatever.

Tchyo | Dec 2, 2008 11:26 AM
Attention, les 10 sont très coup de coeur et on n'a pas l'air d'accord sur la tranche de vie. Mais si tu aimes ce qui est un peu expérimental, il y a effectivement de quoi faire. Rien que sur le haut de la liste, je peux te sortir au hasard Tekkon Kinkreet (Amer Béton chez nous), Mind Game, la paire Mizu no Kotoba/Eve no Jikan (ce dernier est diffusé gratuitement sur le web il me semble) ou encore Kaiba. Ils offrent tous une approche assez différente de la question, ça pourrait toujours me donner un point de départ pour t'aiguiller sur autre chose en fonction de ce que tu en penses.

Hésite pas à me dire ce que tu as pensé de ce que tu pourrais ressortir de mon foutoir en tout cas.

kuroshiroi | Nov 29, 2008 1:31 PM
Nope, no such luck :|

I already switched to another host so it doesn't really matter any more.

I'm glad yours did though :)

kuroshiroi | Nov 22, 2008 7:30 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

kuroshiroi | Nov 21, 2008 10:09 AM
You probably noticed already (unless you're legally blind :) that all of your monsterup images are gone. I had some wallpapers there too. Do you know what happened?

On the other hand, maybe it's just me.

Kotori | Nov 8, 2008 3:01 PM
There will be a Mac version soon. If you wanna get notified you'll have to stay in the club since I will send a mass message about it when it's ready.

Bakabwoy | Oct 17, 2008 6:11 AM
Tnx for wishing me a Happy B-day >.<
I been gone for a while for a bunch of reasons, I left a note for everyone at Opend Minds ^.^

Plate | Oct 15, 2008 5:04 PM
I'd actually been meaning to read that but it slipped my mind. Thaaaaanks.

Animegal9215 | Oct 14, 2008 8:56 PM
Hi there! I just wanted to say thank you for the tips for the folio. I had an interview (with another school) and I showed them some of my works. I also got into the school! I just wanted to say thank you again for all the help you gave me!

LensFlaredAway | Oct 7, 2008 9:49 PM
It's a fun little test. Especially fun if you find out you have the same political leanings as an insane man. XD

Thanks for stopping by.

kuroshiroi | Sep 23, 2008 2:35 PM
Can I ask your advice on something? Do you think my list backgrounds would benefit from a dark purple background, a similar color as Kagami's hair outline? I feel that the light blue just isn't working as well as it could.

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