teodorsmith | Nov 1, 2020 11:36 AM
Thanks for the info I didn't know it packed action I thought it was more peaceful one hence it is slice of life,I will start watching it next week as long as time allows it.
Have a nice day! |
teodorsmith | Oct 6, 2020 10:29 AM
Hello there, I see you have very similar taste like me and was intrigued by your Pandora Hearts review, so I'm gonna ask you about Natsume Yuujinchou
- How it was compared to Mushishi, and overall was it enjoyable? (Does it have some eps which feel too slow-paced) Have a nice day! |
BitterLemon | May 4, 2019 12:57 PM
Haha no problem I've been pretty busy too. Thanks for accepting!
BitterLemon | Feb 23, 2019 12:16 AM
I saw the gintama gif and immediately had to send a friend request ^^;
kunoichi_hime | Dec 18, 2016 4:06 PM
Again, you're welcome! ^_^
Okita is also my favorite, and Harada is my second favorite, tee-hee~ A lot of people don't like the way Okita's being mean to the main character, but I don't know. I think they just fail to see his character development towards himself and towards the girl. Different people, different opinions I guess. Anyway, thanks for dropping by again! :) |
kunoichi_hime | Dec 8, 2016 5:13 PM
Hello! Thanks for taking time to message me, and you're very much welcome. It's really humbling that I could help a lot of players like you, knowing that my blog is just a teeny-tiny thing on the internet, also because it's usually me looking for help on my video games lol.
You can post a comment on each of my blog posts, though. There's a comment section at the bottom of each post, and you can also E-mail me via the bottom of each page :) Though, I do apologize since my blog is so outdated. It makes me feel guilty just looking at it and seeing that the last post I did was more than a year ago. I'd blame my lazy self, but I really have no motivation to post anything. "oTL I don't think I could fulfill updating about Hakuoki on the PS3 and iPhone/Android (even though I did finish them). I feel like I've outgrown the game, having played it many times over. (Also, I can't think of anything besides FFXV right now, rofl). Don't get me wrong though, I still do LOVE the franchise (my husband teases me endlessly), and I'm still hoping that I can get to play an English version of Hakuoki SSL. :D Anyhoo, have you played Harada's route yet? I found his route to be the sweetest. Tee-hee~ |
PaleMint | Oct 23, 2016 9:10 PM
Haha I'm having a hard time keeping up with all of the shows I want to watch, I just started college so I've been kind of busy. I'm still wrapping up some of last season's shows. ^^;
I've also been re-reading Billy Bat, I was reading it over a year ago but it went on like a super long hiatus and I kind of stopped. It just recently finished publishing though so I'm re-reading the whole thing from the beginning. I would read so much more manga if more of them were actually finished. OTL |
PaleMint | Oct 14, 2016 5:06 PM
Same, I was so obsessed with Natsume Yuujinchou when I watched it like, 5 years ago, I'm so excited for another season! And I loved Uchouten Kazoku too so I hope the second season is as good as the first was. I was also blown away by the animation in Yuri on Ice, it's super super impressive. Also looking forward to seeing more of 3-gatsu no Lion, the first episode was pretty intriguing.
I still haven't watched more than the first episode of 91 Days, I've actually been holding off because I want to watch the whole thing all at once lol. I loved the first ep though. I think my favorite from last season that I've seen ended up being Mob Psycho 100. Oh and have you seen Kimi no Na wa? It's been blowing up in Japan, apparently it's the highest earning non-ghibli anime movie ever. I'm not really a huge fan of Makoto Shinkai but I thought it was really good, definitely his best work yet. I'll probably see it in theatre when it comes over to America in 2017. ^^ |
PaleMint | Oct 10, 2016 4:04 PM
Hahaha it's okay, time flies doesn't it?
I think I might have kind of changed my mind about what I said last time, I feel like more good shows have come out since my last comment. In my opinion 2015 wasn't a great year for anime, but 2016 has been a lot better so far, so my faith in new anime has sort of been restored lol. But anyway, what have you been watching since we last talked? Any new favorites or anything? |
Mein-Haru-chan | Aug 1, 2016 5:17 PM
I completely forgot that MAL was a social website. (That's what I get for always using the app. >~>)
Anyways, hi, and, uh, I hope you're having an awesome life and whatnot. *thumbs up* Enjoy your animus and mangoes. |
wotaken | Jul 4, 2016 6:26 PM
thanks for accepting me! ahhh i love this gintama gif on your profile!
PaleMint | Jan 1, 2016 9:04 PM
Oh yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to season 2 of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime as well. I haven't really looked at the upcoming Spring season yet, but now that you mention it I'll definitely have to check out Boku no Hero Academia when it airs since I've heard such good things about the manga. And I am so behind on Drrr too, the new seasons are coming out so fast I can't keep up lol.
What did you think of the anime from this past year? I think we got some pretty good ones, but on average I feel like the past few years have been kind of lacking. There seem to be a lot more shows that were created just to sell blu-rays, and less originality. But then again maybe I'm just becoming jaded. I did really enjoy OPM, Ore Monogatari, Hibike Euphonium, Shirobako, and several more. It just seems like there are less outstanding shows coming out compared to, say, 2010. I don't know, have you noticed anything like that? |
PaleMint | Dec 30, 2015 10:39 AM
Yeah, I really enjoyed the OPM anime, I'm sure it will get a second season. I'm not usually that into action but some of the action scenes were really captivating when animated haha.
I read the original Black Jack, I know there are a lot of spinoffs and stuff but I haven't checked out any of those besides the Young Black Jack anime. The original manga is basically a series of short stories centering around the main character (sort of like Mushishi?), and they're all super duper good. :') This winter I'm most looking forward to Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, and Ajin, since they seem pretty interesting from their descriptions. How about you? Happy new year by the way! ^^ |
PaleMint | Nov 30, 2015 8:05 PM
(it's fine, lol)
I'm so loving the opm anime, I always look forward to watching the new episode. I'm sad that it's ending soon but hopefully it gets another season. What do you think of it? I've kind of been neglecting Concrete Revolutio so I haven't seen a whole lot of it, but I like it so far. It feels like it has a lot of thought put into it, especially design-wise. Yeah, school has kept me busy lately so I'm pretty behind on my watching too. ^^: I actually got around to reading Black Jack though and I thought it was amazing. I got kind of addicted haha. The new anime spinoff is pretty good too but it's very overdramatic so it can be hard to take it seriously. I'm still enjoying it though. I hope you had a good thanksgiving and everything! |
PaleMint | Oct 7, 2015 2:35 PM
I don't know everything that I'll be watching yet, but I agree Noragami Aragoto has started out great, and One Punch Man looks like it'll be amazing. I'm kind of curious about Concrete Revolutio; the first episode was a little convoluted but I really like how stylized it is so I think I'll keep watching it. I'll definitely give Sakurako-san and Subete ga F ni Naru a shot too when I get the chance, they seem pretty interesting. I want to check out Young Black Jack as well but I feel like I should read Tezuka's original manga first.
I never really got into K project and I got a little tired of Haikyuu toward the end of the first season, so I probably won't be following those. I want to watch Owarimonogatari but I'm, like, two seasons behind on the Monogatari franchise, so it might be a while. ^^; And I'll also probably end up getting sidetracked by another series and end up neglecting to keep up with a lot of these, haha... |
PaleMint | Oct 3, 2015 9:46 PM
Alright, I may not get to it immediately but I'll definitely pick it up again sometime! I feel like I have a lot of things that I need to get around to watching. I'm excited to see some of the new fall releases, a few of them look pretty interesting. I'm so glad one-punch man is getting an anime, haha.
PaleMint | Sep 28, 2015 8:50 PM
Yeah I liked Akagami no Shirayuki-hime too. I was so relieved that the romance actually went somewhere, I was afraid that it might leave it unresolved. I heard that it got green-lit for a second season, so I hope that's true. ^^
I also noticed that you finished Arslan Senki, what did you think of it? I sort of dropped it early on because I wasn't really feeling it, but would you say it gets pretty good? I know it's the same novelist who did Legend of the Galactic Heroes so that makes me want to give it another chance. |
PaleMint | Sep 24, 2015 10:28 AM
I loved it too! I feel like there aren't a lot of anime that are actually about people in relationships, so it's nice to see one where they got together so early. The comedy made me laugh out loud a lot as well. I can't wait until it comes out on blu ray, haha. What did you love about it?
PaleMint | May 26, 2015 6:34 AM
Yeah, I hope you like it as much as I do lol. ^^
PaleMint | May 17, 2015 11:37 AM
Katanagatari was awesome! And the ending was so sad. >< It was an amazing show, I loved how unconventional it was. I want to buy it on blu ray someday when I can afford it haha.
And I would TOTALLY recommend 20th Century Boys. Before I started it I was skeptical as to whether or not it could really measure up to Monster, but it is definitely on the same level. You won't regret reading it! ^^ |