Quantized | Dec 25, 2024 5:01 AM
TheBigGuy | Aug 5, 2024 2:23 PM
Happy Birthday!
OtakuNekoXD | Aug 5, 2024 12:39 PM
Happy birthday
Yukanx | Aug 5, 2024 1:58 AM
ReturnbyNathan | Aug 4, 2024 9:04 PM
Happy Birthday |
xDemi | Apr 19, 2024 4:07 PM
i am older and wiser now.
xDemi | Apr 16, 2024 11:21 AM
ShinKozato | Aug 16, 2023 6:37 AM
> School Days
To be fair, I was super satisfied with the ED :D Haven't met another trash character yet lol > Visual novel I bought Summer Pockets just because it's from Key (I really like the art style and OST) > Clannad Unfortunately I COULDN'T cry but it worked with the VN— I don't know... It has more impact or something like that (and I DID get goosebumps because of the OST— playing at the perfect moment) Believe me... Your heart is gonna get broken Come to think of it.. I cleared more routes than I thought but officially bought it on Steam so it's at zero. I cleared (recommended route order): Minase & Tomoyo (OH MY GOD THE FEELS— I CRIED. Tomoyo's). In my opinion I really liked how they executed the feelings/thoughts in the VN I did manage to finish a few VNs (some take me 1-2 years because I'm playing something else or I'm just taking my time with them xD). Mostly otoges and I FINALLY completed a horror VN and it took me exactly 2 years (I'm tracking my VN) I've got so MANY on my plan to play list TT Just checked my VNDB list and I have around 850 lel (not a typo xD that's how I usually "talk") I'm sure there will come a time you're getting around it! Like you can play for 1-2h at most and bit by bit, not all at once ^ Sorry! I didn't mean to that this section would be this long ;; > Catching up Yes a fellow novel enjoyer! I'm barely meeting some other people who even KNOW what Light/Visual novels are so it's nice to have someone to talk to about it! > Long comments Alrighty! I thought you weren't interested in what I was saying xD > Discord Oki! I'll add you there (it's one of my main contacting apps so I'm always available for a chat) | Edit: Sent you a request! Well now you've heard from me~ :> Have a nice day and talk to you soon! |
TheBigGuy | Aug 15, 2023 3:09 PM
That's great.
ShinKozato | Aug 12, 2023 11:57 PM
Totally! Makoto (School Days) became one of my top most hated anime protagonist xD
I haven't played the visual novel (don't want to because the file size is too huge. Around 50 GB or so and I'd go mad once again lol) Speaking of VNs I see Clannad is in your top ten I'm SO looking forward to complete the VN -> I played the 1st route and to be honest The anime, unfortunately, didn't make me cry at all, but the VN did (probably because VNs are way more detailed when it comes to voicing the thoughts and they really hit you with their OST: playing a certain OST at a specific scene to get emotional) It'll take a LONG time to play through this game because there's so many routes! I also need to play other VNs: currently playing Hello! Lady from Akatsuki Works (I waited SO long for its translation) But from Key (developer from Clannad) I have: Summer Pockets (one of their newer games), Little Busters, Rewrite (heard this VN is really good) I'm sorry for the long text :< Have a nice day~ (coming off as random but happy belated birthday since your bday hasn't been that long~) |
ShinKozato | Aug 11, 2023 9:38 AM
Thanks for the friend request! School days– this anime made me go mad xD
Kiaraaaaaa_ | Aug 10, 2023 8:41 AM
TheBigGuy | Aug 10, 2023 3:20 AM
You're welcome, Supreme Weeb. :)
How was the cake? |
Ashhk | Aug 10, 2023 2:42 AM
Thanks, you too!
TheBigGuy | Aug 5, 2023 2:47 PM
Kiaraaaaaa_ | Aug 5, 2023 11:33 AM
Its Okay 😭
Ashhk | Aug 5, 2023 11:17 AM
Yes, no problem!
OtakuNekoXD | Aug 5, 2023 11:13 AM
Happy birthday
HillofSword | Aug 5, 2023 10:02 AM
Kiaraaaaaa_ | Aug 5, 2023 8:52 AM
Happy birthday!!!