I know Lelouch had a lot of incredible strategies and genius moments in the 2 code geass seasons and he definately was already the smartest character (of what i watched atleast) but i think the strategy he used against shanma (hope i got the name right) was his best one
The fact that he was able to work his way around that ability tho he always forgot his progress was amazing... all he needed was to know she had a geass and then every time he got closer and closer and the bluffs were on another level
He combined his genius with the level of control fyodor from bungou stray dogs had
No matter the ability or the enemy there is no way to defeat lelouch at this point
RanDart said: The way they explained it was total bullshit and didn't make any sense.
They should have taken more time
The way it worked was that Lelouch edged closer and closer to the answer with each redo
The first step was to assure she had a geass . His bluff (calling special operation) made it so he could realize she has a geass...from this point each time he got sent back it was easy for him to figure it out due to the fact that his plan was perfectly guessed to a more ridiculous extent everytime
For example in the first case he had 22 options for the geass . Then with each retry he had less options until he got to 1 option
After figuring the geass for the most part he used geass on t of the guards . 2 were meant to call his 2nd bluff after he said he has the same ability... then when they jumped him she reacted saying they should NOT kill him . This gave him the answer...he gave the signal to the other 3 guards that he used geass on and they captured her
He realized she couldn't turn back for more than 9 hours and then waited 10 hours to bomb everything so if she turns time back she would always be asleep unable to change anything
They should have taken more time but the strategy was brilliant