^^woaaaaaa amaaaaaaazing, thanks so much for this!!!....you're my lifesaver :D I feel much better now I'm in term exams period, so annoying :S but you make me and my existence so happy now >w<
Shungiku nakamura-senseiiiii is my god OMG I LOVE HEEEEEER
Omg, yeah it's so RFFSNJKRGBFJSKBFCKLADFVMADBFJRBFJASDBFKASDJNCN XVHA SDFS and I just can't wait for that movie, for the perfectness of cute Yokozawa and even cuter Kirishima and asghjkflsdjfl SORATA-CHAN *U* Kyaaaaa <3 *dies*
I was talking about Sherlock fandom earlier. I know, it's nothing new but I was always curious why it's so popular, specially why Johnlock is popular cuz I mean, John and Sherlock look like normal guys?
but i watched like first few minutes and i died from happiness i think i found something which fits my tastes up to 99% and Johnlock adnsajdnajkndajsnfajk but I'll probably regret shipping it later and I think I have a crush on Sherlock's actor lol it's probably about his hair xd
good for you, to be honest I never finished Sekaiichi cuz I watched few eps and then I forgot to add it on my list and... well, you know. but maybe I'll watch it sometime. And movie seems cute.
is it normal that i want to kill my roommates already
@Saya-chan No, we don't have to wait till spring 2014... We have to wait longer T__T They will air the movie in the theaters so we will have to wait till the dvd/bd realase for raws. And then wait for subs... *sobs* I waited for Evangelion 3 around five months after it aired *sobs harder*
@Alf Oh. Well, Sherlock was okay though I wasn't too much into it. But the guy that played him was really cute xD
So nothing new to fangirl over for me? :c Though before Alf answered, Ashi already found the perfect fandom. The most perfect from them all <3
Sekaiichi is also perfect *U* A lot better than Junjou Romantica and Alf should really watch it. Especially the movie. It will be ASDFGHJKL; CUTE.
@ Ashi: ....yesss :( I didn't remember about this but I realised :( so bad
5 months is too much time >.<*sobs*
I need this movie xD I hope people add the subs quickly :( If not I'll die five months are seriously long >.<
Did you read the novels? <3
@ Alf: I think the same, you should really watch it^^
I'm too far to help you....I want but I can't xD....Ashi helps for me
Dying because of a movie is so not cool xD I want to forget about it now so I won't be waiting for it, lol.
Yeah, I read the novels <3 They were so cute. If not for them I would still be a Yokozawa hater cos I really didn't like how he pinned after Takano-san and got in the way of his relationship with Ritsu :c But now I love him xD I especially loved the parts in which Kirishima photographed Yokozawa in a strange situations and then showed the photos to everyone in the office xD That was so cute XDD
@Ashu: perfect fandom? which one?
I'll try to finish Sekaiichi sometime. ok, hope it's better than JR. but I guess I'd like it better with guys from Jounjou egoist as main pairing...
@Tsukky: waiting for the movie can be a pain ;w; I'm also waiting for K movie and Gintama movie and it's so depressing ;p
when i saw this card yesterday at first I didn't noticed it's a same shirt from card with Kuroko but then this post omg
made my night and this day fuuuuuuuuuck and so many midotaka in last eps omg but end of midotaka next wekk /sob sob
but start of kiyohyuu next week kfwanfjawnfljanwjflankfanwkfnwajkfnawkfmnkfamfkawnaknf sweetness ahead <3
@Alf: Ashu? Okay.
My new fandom is kinda extreme... Ever heard of the gay porn studio called Cockyboys? XD Their guys are perfect and the fanbase is great *U* If you don't belive me then just check this blog http://cockyboysconfessions.tumblr.com/ *U*
Sekaiichi is lots better than JR. It's hard to even compare them xD
Some days I think that SH is better than JR but others I think that JR is better than SH because these two anime are totally awesome >.<
I love her works ^^ they are amazing
I re-read the novels many times, and I become a Kirishima x Yokozawa fan >.< so cute couple
@Alf: MIDOTAKA <3 Totally obsessed with this pairing <3
when I saw this my reaction was something similar >> modern family gif. LOL <<
I saved the imgs :P
kiyohuuu <3 I'm looking foward it
I'm also waiting for K movie >.<
@Ashi: I believe you but I check it, yes you are totally right, kinda extreme like you xD but the blog is nice ^^ I'm a perv....but I know it well xD
We're not on hiatus? xD The last edition was a few good months ago, only us three are somewhat active here and do you plan on doing a LE anytime soon? I just put it so people won't expect anything soon xD Unless you have time to make an edition soon then we can change it back :3
Well, JR had it's great moments too. Like that scene with Usami on the train <3 Though I totally prefer JR manga. Anime was lacking :c And the egoist pairing annoyed the hell of me XD Or rather Nowaki. Cos how anybody could be so annoying and stupid, lol? But terroist is great, pity there isn't more <3
While in Sekaiichi all pairings were cute and all. Even the rape part with Hatori and Chiyaki was okay~
I'm extreme? xD That's so nice of you <3 But if I'm extreme then Saya-chan must be too. After all you said that 'the blog is nice' XD
No, I don't :) I only asked, but now, I see the reason xD
I like this scene too, but I like more than this, when Usami cuts his finger accidentally with coffee glass and he says "Misaki lick it" soooo cute <3 I have to read the manga more, I'm lost :S
I don't like junjou egoist so much, For me,yes, is annoying, Ithink Hiroki is more annoying than Nowaki...
Yess I love terrorist couple, Shinobu is so cute I like when the seme is quite older and the uke is younger<3 It's a pity
Yesss, my favorite couple is Masamune x Ritsu, but, these days I become a fan of Kirishima x Yokozawa couple <3 haahaha what about you?
Yess, totally, always xD I'm extreme sometimes...It's the true xD
Winter is so melancholic ;___; Though whatever. But wait. Isn't it spring now? XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fngvQS_PmQ
Dunno why I'm linking it but it's so great and... Melancholic XD
oh, nice song. I'm planning to go to cinema to watch Desolation of Smaug next week so I'll probably keep listen to it more than once, to make myself ready xD
Isn't it spring where Alf lives? It's like 14°C today here. And there are blooming flowers near my uni. It's springtime, I tell ya.
Hmm, I went to a hobbit marathon on christmas eve and I thought I was ready but I wasn't. The effects were so shitty and Orlando Bloom is so old already that they had to photoshop Legolas so much he looked like he took a lot of plastic surgeries XD Kinda disappointing.
And lol, speaking of sherlock... You probably know that Benedict played in hobbit? Well I didn't at first and I was like "omg I know that voice from somewhere" xD
Why is Alf dying? Something Ashi can help with? I mean, with the dying XD