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[Oshi No Ko]
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Jul 24, 2024 7:29 AM
Aug 2022
Abiko-sensei finally starting being co-operative to others. Gao-san & the whole team went wild with the scripts lol 😂. Aqua on the other hand got a problem looks likes He can't perform Emotional Acting. Kana she definitely said too much. Ai's memory still haunts him (PTSD got him this time).
Glad to see Director kanto-kun after so long Time.
& the first thing he says "I'm not his papa you know" lol 😂.
Akane-Chan blushing still wins my Heart❤️. Akane-Chan heard the word Ai from his mouth Now Detective Akane mode activated.
Akane she truly cares & worries about Aqua.

We Still Miss our Ai-san💔😢
Ricky16Jul 24, 2024 9:44 AM
Jul 24, 2024 7:30 AM

Dec 2021
Time for Abiko to open her eyes.

After Yoriko visits Abiko to give her a ticket from Aqua, Abiko attends a performance the next day, using the ticket for scriptwriting references. When news of her attendance spreads, she is treated as a VIP. She then discusses the state of the script and the scriptwriter with Raida. Abiko eventually accepts his proposal for Goa to stay, on the condition that all parties communicate online to ensure clarity. Goa and Abiko collaborate on the script, providing valuable insights to each other on the directions they take.

You KNOW someone is very, VERY desperate when they pull out the good ol' "I'd suck a dick or two" argument. I mean it did work and swayed her ig... lol. Rehearsals begin again, to which leads to the Aqua scene... it's not Arima's fault per se... but you know. Was really nice to see Taishi again. As much as I hate seeing Akane getting closer to Aqua, she was very supportive of him at this time, so I'll accept it. Miss Sherloick over here though. All it took was for her to unlock her sharingan and Aqua to under his breath say Ai, and she connected the dots... lol.

A month left until the play...

Jul 24, 2024 7:32 AM

May 2020
It’s actually baffling how that play, which we barely saw two seconds of in each of the episodes it had screentime, managed to change the views of people… to a vast extent lol. Happened with Aqua last episode, and now even made this uncompromising mangaka into compromising sooo many things lol. We actually do deserve an entire episode over that play after this xD

Jokes aside, not sure how and why this entire drama with script writing took three and a half episodes to get to a conclusion when it was easily the least interesting part of this arc, but yeah, somehow we’ve again started the rehearsals. Also yeah, the usual reminder of how deeply hurt Aqua is with whatever happened with Ai has to be there right? I mean that helps or will help in his acting.. somehow, I mean the perks of ptsd do wonders. Though, this one scene I’ve been waiting for finally made it into the adaptation… Akane FIGURING OUT EVERYTHING. That is as scary and as creepy as it sounds, but yeah, she works on a different wavelength.
Jul 24, 2024 7:44 AM

Jan 2021
Peak Wednesday is back!

Good thing that both Abiko and Goa finally got along quite well and were able to work together effectively, it was heartwarming to see them laughing together. It's obvious that a more direct line of communication has resolved all issues.

Now that the script writing is complete, it is all up to the actors. The actors will bring their full potential to this well-written script. If the stage-play fails, the fault lies with the actors this time.

The method of acting that Kana told Aqua about can be quite unhealthy.
God... the ptsd scene was well done... the animation... they cooked!
Seeing Aqua's reaction and the flood of sad memories returning, hit me hard.

And Akane pieced everything together and figured it out. Understanding Aqua's situation, she quickly embraced him. It was a heartwarming scene with Akane wanting to support Aqua.

This episode goes hard. Thanks for the meal.

Akane long hair suppremacy.
Jul 24, 2024 8:05 AM

Feb 2019
Thank God the Abiko crybaby storyline is FINALLY over. She came to her senses and realised that there will always be changes to the story when switching mediums, especially going from text to a play of all things, and she’s trusting in Goa and the actors. Time to let them shine.

After 3 weeks of her on a rampage it was very nice to see her accepting Goa and encouraging him to play to his creative strengths, collaborating with him on what lines to keep and which would be better conveyed through the actors’ physical body language. With all that out the way we can get to the main attraction, Akane’s masterclass 😭

Hilarious how Kana actually ended up being the cause of Akane and Aqua getting closer with the “imagine if your mom died” bit of advice. Horrible choice of words lmao. You wanted emotion from Aqua, you definitely get it when you bring up Ai. Sucks seeing Aqua, well Goro at least, beat himself up over something he had no control over. Only person to blame is the criminal.

BUUUT, that let us get the “you’re aqua’s girlfriend scene” in which Akane looked so damn cute blushing and getting flustered. As well as the “No matter what happens I’m on your side Aqua kun I’ll bear the painful things with you.” Which is a beautiful contrast to season 1 with Aqua saving Akane from her suicide attempt. Now it’s her turn to pay it back.

Not only is my baby a great and supportive gf, but she’s also the world’s greatest detective. Just the mention of the name “Ai” kicked her brain into overdrive. Can’t wait to see her slowly piece everything together!
Marinate1016Jul 24, 2024 8:45 AM
Jul 24, 2024 8:35 AM

Jul 2017
Out of the four episodes so far this season, this was definitely the standout one, and not entirely forgettable nor boring to watch (besides the last couple minutes of episode 3 only). Sure, the whole scriptwriter-manga author conflict was resolved in a fairly easy and perfect fashion that feels sort of underwhelming with the drama and arguments taken place before but it made obvious sense predictably for it to be resolved with the two of them actually communicating with each other to figure out the script together (especially after Abiko got a sense for what these modern stage plays are about). Still wish the anime still conveyed the beauty of stage plays visually given the opportunities presented with both Aqua and Abiko not knowing about them whatsoever before they saw these, but that looks to be saved for the actual Tokyo Blade play instead when presenting it to us viewers.

Where the episode picks up a little more is with the acting portion that's now having to take place with the script all ready and the newly revised version demanding more expressive and emotional acting for its scenes to pick up nuances that would have been lost with some cut lines. And with Aqua, emotional acting was something he never did as his roles in the past that required him to cry, more just tapping into him having either a straight face, pretending to be happy or a psychopath, which sound easier than just naturally being able to sell himself breaking down and crying in a genuine sense. The whole situation was made worse when Kana brought up an example to help him with this situation and it hit too close to home to trigger his PTSD right there. The way the anime expressed Aqua's trauma visually and accompanied by the sound direction was really good and easily my favorite little parts of the episode, showcasing how there are good memories he is making in his new life that makes him happy but the burden of letting his idol and new mother in Ai be murdered like that and the gruesomeness of the scene at hand with her bloody like that, is still holding him down miserably. In a way, Aqua's past is not willing to let him move on whatsoever and reminds Aqua that the priority right now for his existence is to get revenge on Ai's killer no matter what for the time being.

Was kind of corny seeing Akane go full detective mode to figure out everything but it is on brand given the amount of research she did about Ai in the first place to channel her during the dating show. Aqua's got quite the ways to go to figure out his acting but knowing this anime, he'll be able to solve that issue at some point perfectly and too easily. It's the internal guilt and Akane knowing more about Aqua's hidden past through connecting events and emotions that spices the episode up a bit.
Jul 24, 2024 8:44 AM
Oct 2011
This episode went fucking hard. The Ai murder mystery plot is what gipped hard me in the first season and even tho the rest of the sub-plots so far have been really good, when it does rear its head back up it just feels different and impactful. The first part of the episode was okay-ish, but the second half really killed it for me. Both Auqa and Akane got some great moments. One of the stronger episodes of the series and definitely the best in season 2 so far.
Jul 24, 2024 8:45 AM

Feb 2021
Aqua having PTSD and Akane figuring out his backstory, yeah things are progressing in their relationship, meanwhile Kanna can only watch and Ruby barely shows up, I just wonder how much screen-time she will have this season.
Jul 24, 2024 9:03 AM

Mar 2020
Another okay episode. As much as Abiko-sensei's plotline was interesting, I'm glad we finally got back to the main cast and their rehearsals. Aqua understandably is going to struggle with emotional acting, and an unfortunate mention of family from Kana triggered some PTSD from Ai's death. The murder mystery plotline is something that I wanted to see more of in the beginning of the series, but better late than never I suppose. Akane's sleuthing prowess came into play again, and she hit it right on the money. Aqua and Akane's relationship surely will get stronger after this.
Jul 24, 2024 9:12 AM
Jul 2024
Jul 24, 2024 9:14 AM

Mar 2021
Glad to see Abiko-sensei came to her senses and realised that the script would need changes and that she can't do it on her own. The second part of this episode was simply magnificent.
Jul 24, 2024 9:15 AM

Jul 2017
Thanks to Aqua being given the theater tickets for Abiko to experience theater as it is, it still lands on Producer Raida to convince her that her storyboard will never reach the depth of her work, and that Goa's script will still go ahead, with revisions as and when they will meet halfway to adapt the best out of the mixed-media project. And though the meeting will either showcase a good or bad relationship, in this case, it went quite well between Abiko and Goa to have a script that fits better for all, even towards the Lala Lai actors who must now fill the gaps.

Everything is going fine, except for Aqua who hasn't had enough experience acting, much less the emotional aspect which he just isn't built for. On the other end, Kana has everything that Aqua had, and her support to him is basically on a partner level than Akane, though his spirit lingers of the panic attack and feeling of hatred that he could not save Ai. Akane carrying him to Gotanda's place to rest, which this is not the first time that Aqua has relapsed to PTSD for as long as he could remember. And with the name mention of Ai, Akane goes into deep thinking that she had found out a secret that no one knows, other than Gotanda who witnessed the entire post-murder incidient.

It's subtle, but Ai has a lot of connections than one might think.
Jul 24, 2024 9:16 AM
Dec 2021
the last half of the episode is sooooo good and akane finding out at the same time as gotanda is presented soooo well. and also there’s a funny name on his desktop ;)
jabot925Jul 24, 2024 9:21 AM
Jul 24, 2024 9:19 AM

May 2019
I'm glad that Abiko came to her senses and worked with GOA to come up with a script that they all agreed on although that has led to the actors being more responsible to show emotion to get the scenes across to the audience. This in turn has led to Aqua having to show more emotion but that led to some horrible memories from S1 and it looks like Akane has figured something out with her hearing him say Ai.

I'm not sure if this will lead them to have a closer relationship since I can see Aqua not wanting her to get involved but at the same time I think she really cares for him.
Jul 24, 2024 9:28 AM
Jul 2023
I think everyone who watched season 1 episode 1 still traumatized to this day. I sure do.
Jul 24, 2024 9:41 AM

Jul 2012
That was a pretty emotional episode, bringing back that trauma and scene.

I think I have in mind what Akane will do with those stars in her eyes. That ending shot, though. I wonder what Gotanda's looking at and thinking about.
Jul 24, 2024 9:48 AM

Jan 2023
that PTSD scene was very good.
also Gotanda seems to have some interesting folders.
Jul 24, 2024 9:51 AM

Jun 2014
Actors really do have to sometimes tap into a dark part of themselves to bring out their best performances. Maybe that’s why so many of them are so messed up mentally. Doing that for a living surely will take its toll, as we saw in today’s episode with Aqua. Kana’s advice hit a little too close to home for sure.

In lighter news, it’s great that Abiko and GOA were able to compromise and reach a mutual agreement on the script. Looks like they had a fun time cutting out a lot of stuff lol. Looking forward to seeing the final product.

Also, if acting never worked out for Akane she would have made a hell of a detective 💀
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 24, 2024 9:59 AM
Mar 2023
what made this episode amazing for me is the sudden realisation and insane detective work Akane did to figure out Aqua's situation.
With Aqua going through deep shit and her finding out will hopefully mean that he gets closer to Ai's murderer with the help of Akane and they build an even closer relationship where they are more than just showing their relationship for the fun of it.
Also the cliffhanger with the old guy (forgot his name) with the files of 'Aqua' and 'Hoshina'
Jul 24, 2024 10:07 AM
Apr 2018
Great Episode.

Akibo sensei finally sees GOA sans play and she really liked it which i am happy to see. Producer negoatiated well with her putting it out all on the table with seriousness (though his dialogue of sucking and old mans d*ck cracked me up but was a good touch). Akibo Sensei Finally agrees to do the play with the laid down rules. The collab with her and Goa san was a delight to watch both of them combining together so well and just going ham on the script like a perfect duo and they managed to do it in one night as well! But they kinda made the script a little too over the top that the entire responsibility fall on the actors and their skills. Akane and Kana are excited after seeing it and so are the other lalalai actors.

Aqua on the other hand had some trouble with the role since as kana pointed out hes not the one to display emotions and hence needs more work to do which was a little harsh but much needed truth. Aqua also understands this and turns to kana for advice which she was happy to do so. But unfortunately it all goes down since even though the method which kana suggests is a well constructed one to instigate despair emotions as an actor its not suitable for everyone and especially to someone like aqua with his past. Kana then mentions the counter part method as well to give happy emotions which did uplift aquas emotions, it was nice to see him remembering the past moments which he found joy in and making him smile genuinely which is rare.

But again the ptsd still takes over cause its obvious aqua still has deep resentment, regret and emotional setback with AI's death and makes him almost pass out. Felt really bad for both Aqua and Kana as well since it wasnt her fault but she might think so.
Akane is sent to look after him since shes his girlfriend and she did a great job. She takes him to Gotanda san since aqua doesnt want to trouble Ruby or Miyako. Gotanda takes them in and is surprised to see Aqua dating akane cause he thought he was dating someone else (For context in the manga he thinks Aqua is dating Kana). Then since akane is close to aqua as his gf gotanda reveals some details of aquas past to her. Detective Akane gets activated and not surprised with the info from 1st Season and the info she got now she manages to figure out AI and Aquas relationship. (idk i still get the bit of creepy vibes when she goes in to that mode with all the darkness in her eyes just have a bad feeling).
Aqua wakes up finally and Akane is all emotional for him and comforts him well saying she will support and share his burden which was really nice to see. But idk where aqua is going to go with all this now with another person knowing his secret apart from gotanda.
Also that last scene with gotanda and the folders with the names thats such a tease ngl
Jul 24, 2024 10:08 AM
Mar 2015
the play goes on but our boi still has to deal with Ai's murder which prevents him from feeling emotions
Jul 24, 2024 10:13 AM
May 2023
Can't believe Kana just said thattt😭😭😭
Jul 24, 2024 10:13 AM

Sep 2007
dannng...the folders on his computer are making me super curious.....I mean...unless the Aqua folder is just things that Aqua did on his computer or for him (cuz I mean Aqua worked under the guy for awhile if I recall correctly)

Gotta wonder what else could be in that folder.....and notice that the other folder is labeled "Hoshino" rather than "Ruby" so it's gotta be a folder about mommy Ai rather than the other kid.... matter how I look at it, seems sus....
Jul 24, 2024 10:17 AM
Nov 2012
Reply to Softhenic03
It’s actually baffling how that play, which we barely saw two seconds of in each of the episodes it had screentime, managed to change the views of people… to a vast extent lol. Happened with Aqua last episode, and now even made this uncompromising mangaka into compromising sooo many things lol. We actually do deserve an entire episode over that play after this xD

Jokes aside, not sure how and why this entire drama with script writing took three and a half episodes to get to a conclusion when it was easily the least interesting part of this arc, but yeah, somehow we’ve again started the rehearsals. Also yeah, the usual reminder of how deeply hurt Aqua is with whatever happened with Ai has to be there right? I mean that helps or will help in his acting.. somehow, I mean the perks of ptsd do wonders. Though, this one scene I’ve been waiting for finally made it into the adaptation… Akane FIGURING OUT EVERYTHING. That is as scary and as creepy as it sounds, but yeah, she works on a different wavelength.
Softhenic03 said:
Jokes aside, not sure how and why this entire drama with script writing took three and a half episodes to get to a conclusion when it was easily the least interesting part of this arc, but yeah, somehow we’ve again started the rehearsals. Also yeah, the usual reminder of how deeply hurt Aqua is with whatever happened with Ai has to be there right? I mean that helps or will help in his acting.. somehow, I mean the perks of ptsd do wonders. Though, this one scene I’ve been waiting for finally made it into the adaptation… Akane FIGURING OUT EVERYTHING. That is as scary and as creepy as it sounds, but yeah, she works on a different wavelength.

Setup payoff. We cannot reach today’s conclusion and payoff without all this setup.

Akane wouldn’t solve the Hoshino mystery if Aqua didn’t trigger PTSD

Aqua wouldn’t trigger PTSD if he didn’t try emotional acting

He wouldn’t need to try emotional acting (that’s what he hate, he prefer using his environment) if the script writer didn’t decide to rely entirely on the actors and cut the lore dumping parts. He can’t escape it this time

Goa wouldn’t rely on the actors if he didn’t reach an agreement with the original author

He wouldn’t reach an agreement without the intervention from Aqua (nudge toward Raida, nudge toward Abiko + a time place occasion for both of them to meet)

Now you need three episodes to explain, how Aqua orchestrated all of that and why, why there is a conflict between author and script writer to begin with, the personality of Abiko, the reason why Aqua doesn’t reach to Abiko directly but goes for her mentor instead, etc. Those three episodes are PACKED with elements that are needed to understand this 4th one.

Try to make an abridged version if you want, I don’t think you can make it much shorter than it already is. What are you going to cut? I can only see one useless scene, the one where Ruby appears. Do we really need to cut the only Ruby appearance this season so far? If you can squeeze it in two episodes instead of three, you’re a god.
sharydowJul 24, 2024 10:23 AM
Jul 24, 2024 10:19 AM
Jul 2023
what an unexpected turn it was.
Jul 24, 2024 10:19 AM
Jan 2024
kana trying to flex, accidentally triggers aqua's PTSD

sixtiesJul 24, 2024 10:38 AM
Jul 24, 2024 10:21 AM
Jul 2024
this episode got me having the feels :sob:
Jul 24, 2024 10:22 AM
Aug 2017
Advances the plot in a satisfying way
Jul 24, 2024 10:24 AM
Mar 2024
"that scene" scared the fuck out of me. if akane said what is she thinking, is aqua be a "better person"? (i never like the direction in the manga right now)
Jul 24, 2024 10:30 AM
Jul 2020
When i thought this would be another not so serious episode. PTSD sure is scary.
Jul 24, 2024 10:30 AM

Dec 2018
Beautiful episode, it kind of struck a personal chord with me, I'm glad Akane figured it out. Very humanizing episode full of feelings. I have PTSD from the Army and while it isn't the same as his, I could definitely feel it. Poor kid, at such a young age I think they did a good job at conveying the mental anguish that comes with that.
StateofOhayoJul 24, 2024 10:35 AM
Jul 24, 2024 10:35 AM

Nov 2023
I think it's pretty safe to say this is the best episode of season 2 and 3rd best of the whole series. At least for now...
My list of the top 5 Oshi no Ko episodes has been updated to:

  1. Episode 1: Mother and Children
  2. Episode 6: Egosurfing
  3. Episode 15: Emotional Acting
  4. Episode 11: Idol
  5. Episode 4: Actors
Jul 24, 2024 10:52 AM

Sep 2014
Now this is the Oshi no Ko we are all here for.

"What would you do if you mom died?" Yes tell us Aqua. What would you do?

Something I have always wondered about is if his original parents are still alive. Idk but I think I would want to know in this scenario.

Does Ruby showing up on a youtube thumbnail count as screentime? Because if yes, thats Ruby appearing in half the episodes! (Totally not depressing)
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 24, 2024 10:59 AM
May 2022
Hello PTSD, my old friend...
Jul 24, 2024 10:59 AM
Apr 2022
That PTSD scene got everyone including Aqua off-guard, I believe everyone who watched episode 1 ending still has the PTSD of Ai's death.

Arima Kana trying to help Aqua in emotional acting back-fired as she reminded him about Ai's death.

Oh Man this scene where his spirit speaking to him brought me chills.

Akane connecting all the dots was something from the word "Ai".
Jul 24, 2024 11:00 AM

Jul 2020
At the end of the day, we all love watching trash.

High School DxD Hero Episode 8.
Jul 24, 2024 11:12 AM
Jun 2015
Such a powerfull episode, a rolercoaster of emotions.
THat moment when Aqua's former selv turned up in the background, and he had a flashback of Ai's corpse, i felt my heart sink.
Jul 24, 2024 11:17 AM

Oct 2020
PTSD? More like Probably Trampling Shady Dudes
Jul 24, 2024 11:18 AM

Dec 2023
I am absolutely loving this plot progression. I knew the episode shift was coming when the brought up using emotions, but that went from 0 to 100 in like 2 seconds!

Love the way they handled this last half. Akane figured it out so quick that it would make Sherlock Holmes impressed.

Best episode so far.
Jul 24, 2024 11:26 AM

Feb 2020
I can't even imagine how many photos of Ai Hoshino there must be in that folder
Jul 24, 2024 11:27 AM

Jan 2024
Man that was rough for Aqua.
Surves as a good reminder how much Aqua suffered, and how much he pent up and carried on for 14 years.
As Ruby said after Ai's death he completely changed rather scarred. Unlike her he can't move on and that's why never able to express himself and never experienced joy.

Aqua himself pushed Raida & Kichijouji to force Abiko to compromise. Good for GOA he got his justice.

Aqua always relied on his intellect and experience to act never showed emotions that's maybe the reason he didn't cracked as high as an actor.
Kana didn't know anything about Ai and his mother so she suggested her method. She can't be blamed but that unknowingly triggered bad memories for Aqua.

Aqua trying to remember good memories of him being with Akane,Kana and specially seeing Ruby smiling. That was enough to make him smile, first time ever he was so happy.

Must Protecc smile.

But that also last straw for his PTSD to completely kick in. The regret of not saving Ai and that experience which still haunts him forcing him to not be happy.
Even in that situation his siscon behaviour unchanged though. He refused to let Ruby see him in this condition, fearing that will make her suffer to.

Akane bringing Aqua to his "Papa". Gonda is such a good guy good to see him back he maybe is the one who can help Aqua back up. No one understands him better.
Aqua crying the name of Ai in his sleep as her death and that scene of not able save her is on his nightmare. Nah this way too sad... My man needs retribution.

Akane also figuring everything out as expected someone as smart as her. She hugging him & saying
"No matter what happens I am by your side, Aqua"
It was oh so sweet. I have no hope in any romantic relationship for Aqua. But maybe it will happen Kana,Akane even Ruby I don't care as long as it happens

This was an epic episode. Animation was peak. Visuals screen transitions everything was on point. This season is getting better and better every week.

Emotional Acting: by God Aqua's VA did that. It was some performance.
WaterMageJul 24, 2024 11:42 AM
Jul 24, 2024 11:29 AM
Sep 2021
this is true oshi no ko . i love it
Jul 24, 2024 11:51 AM
Apr 2023
I didn't feel anything after Ai die in episode 1, but damn I'm sobbing constantly this episode.

Oshi no Ko really knows how to give goosebumps as well (before those sobs)
Jul 24, 2024 11:59 AM
Jul 2015
Me at the start of this episode: Oh good, glad they sorted that thing with the writers in a sensible manner. This should be fun!!

Me the second Kana said the thing: Pain™
Jul 24, 2024 12:03 PM

Nov 2013
Crazy episode. Akane figured out everything. Aqua whispering "Ai" should leave no room for doubt in her speculations.
About Aqua's performance. It's insane, but is Aqua going to relive Ai's death on stage, and then immerse himself in a fictitious world where she comes back to life? Is Aqua going to inflict damage to own mental health for the sake of "unbelievably realistic" perfect performance??? I suspect that's where the show is going.
Jul 24, 2024 12:07 PM
Nov 2019
This is the moment I've been waiting for. Aqua's PTSD makes this arc my favorite in the series.
Jul 24, 2024 12:23 PM

Jan 2018
Finally, OP and ED lyrics.

I'll just repeat what everyone already said, Abiko-sensei finally came to her senses after watching a play by GOA. I like how Raida pretty much said what I previously said in previous episode discussions. There will always be cuts and changes with different mediums. And just because someone is skilled at one medium doesn't mean they'll automatically be good in another. Glad she finally learned the obvious. Her working with GOA to revise the script was just the cherry on top. I'm glad GOA got the justice he deserved. All that being said, these episodes have also changed my mind about adaptations a bit even though these are things that I should've already known. I think I'll be less harsh about adaptation differences from now on. But that doesn't mean bad cuts and changes don't exist. I'll still call them if I can spot them.

The real best part of this episode was the latter part. Was not expecting it at all. Kana unintentionally triggered Aqua's PTSD when she was just trying to help him... Yikes. And also I suppose Kana never really knew that Ai was his mom? I forgot that part from Season 1.

And then is Akane's scene. The way she figured out Aqua's deeper connection with Ai was just awesome. Are we sure she shouldn't be a detective instead of an actress? Great Detective Akane has a nice ring to it. Can't wait for progress between her and Aqua. He's the one who did the most to save her back in Season 1 after all. Which reminds me that it's a good thing that Aqua actually cherishes his time with the cast of the reality TV show. Didn't know he was the kind of guy to have good memories at this point. And with the PTSD scene, I guess he's starting to become his own person rather than simply being a reincarnation of the doctor. But the doctor won't let him become that. Not yet anyway.

The next episode can't come soon enough.
0451Jul 24, 2024 12:27 PM
Jul 24, 2024 12:26 PM
Apr 2020
holy fucking shit this was the strongest episode I've ever felt
Jul 24, 2024 12:35 PM
Apr 2024
Jul 24, 2024 12:38 PM

Oct 2014
If I can express what i felt this EP in some simple words it’d:
“Same day delivery.”

Every contemplation I had on the course of this single EP was fulfilled within.
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