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Light Novel 'Kyoukai no Kanata' to be Animated

Apr 3, 2013 3:30 AM

Sep 2012
According to the official website of light novel "Kyoukai no Kanata" (Beyond the Boundary), which is published by KA Esma Bunko, the light novel publishing arm of Kyoto Animation, the studio is making an anime based on the light novel. No more details are available yet. So far, including the volume to be released next week, there are two volumes of the light novel.

Last year, Kyoto Animation made a CM to promote the light novel:

Catchphrases in the video:
"A person like you who looks so well in glasses must not die."
"Do I look like a normal human?"

From the blurb of the novel:
The story is about a high school student named Akihito Kanbara who was born between human and Youmu. One day he meets a young girl named Mirai Kuriyama on the roof top of the school as she seemed to be about to jump from there. Mirai is unique among members of the spirit world in having a "blood" ability and she has been fighting all by herself. Akihito sees a lot in common about himself in her, and he decides to help her. However, around them unsettling events start to develop...

Source: Official website of the light novel

Kyoukai no Kanata on MAL

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Please move discussion of this series to the most recent news thread.
myanimelistllcAug 31, 2016 5:14 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
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Apr 3, 2013 3:33 AM

Oct 2009
Interesting, definitely will look upon it!
Apr 3, 2013 3:39 AM

Jun 2012
Hooo? An anime that KyoAni doesn't seem like they're just phoning in?

Skipped Tamako but Hyouka was interesting enough. Will definitely check this out
Apr 3, 2013 3:40 AM

Jul 2010
YEZ!.Finally KyoAni, finally! :D.Watched this CM so many times in 2012.
Apr 3, 2013 3:41 AM

Aug 2012
Wow, It looks cool.
XushuApr 3, 2013 4:04 AM
Apr 3, 2013 3:42 AM

Nov 2007
This was only a matter of time because it will be getting a 2nd light novel just like Chu2koi did and they were both "honourable" mentions in the novel category of the KyoAni awards.

Looking forward to it... based on how Chu2koi was presented :)

symbv, how are the male KyoAni fans reacting in Japan? I recall some of them were not happy at KyoAni for releasing that "swimming" CM.

EDIT: Someone has already made a queued DB entry for Kyoukai no Kanata.
EjcApr 3, 2013 3:58 AM
The News Club: Quality News/Discussion (anime, CDs, manga, novels, games, seiyuu), & sales data (daily, weekly, mid-year, yearly).
Apr 3, 2013 3:43 AM

Apr 2009
Can't wait for some delusional people to think that the Swimming CM might get expanded into a proper series because of this.
Apr 3, 2013 3:44 AM

Mar 2011
Although I already knew that the LN and CM will probably get anime adaptation, but just want to say
Good move from KyoAni :)
The synopsis looks interesting and somehow different from typical anime that they have done
Will definitely watch
Apr 3, 2013 3:46 AM

Sep 2012
Looks cool.
Apr 3, 2013 3:50 AM
Sep 2012
I have absolutely no idea what is this. Just like Mondaiji and OreShura, a LN that publishes limited copies, that turn into mainstream after anime airs, might be the fate of this series if it does well. I'll keep my eye on it.
Apr 3, 2013 3:51 AM
Mar 2011
Awesome. I watched the CM last month and I was impressed. Definitely keeping an eye on this one.
Apr 3, 2013 3:52 AM

Apr 2009

Higher quality version of the CM.
Apr 3, 2013 3:54 AM

Aug 2008
Sounds generic, girl with glasses is ugly and seems like they can't get away from Kon art style but who knows, maybe checking the first episode won't hurt. I would be nice to see some action series from KyoAni since slice of life and comedy is not their strong point anymore.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Apr 3, 2013 3:54 AM
Feb 2012
Not only was today's One Piece chapter glorious, but I also got this freaking awesome news delivered. Day=made. <3
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Apr 3, 2013 3:55 AM

Jan 2012
I will watch this one for the fanservice
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Please leave replies on my profile page, as I am unlikely to see them otherwise. Thanks.
Apr 3, 2013 3:55 AM

Sep 2011
Well the animation is godlike like always, can't wait!
Apr 3, 2013 3:57 AM

Mar 2011
Antanaru said:
Sounds generic, girl with glasses is ugly and seems like they can't get away from Kon art style but who knows, maybe checking the first episode won't hurt. I would be nice to see some action series from KyoAni since slice of life and comedy is not their strong point anymore.

slice of life is definitely the strong point of KyoAni....
But yeah, it would be nice to see some action series from them
Apr 3, 2013 3:57 AM

Apr 2009
KyoAni doing something different than usual? This might actually be worth a shot.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Apr 3, 2013 3:59 AM

Dec 2009
KyoAni doing something that isn't moe or SoL?
Am I dreaming?
Apr 3, 2013 4:03 AM

Nov 2012
Huzzah ......tamako was just too much
Apr 3, 2013 4:06 AM

Jul 2009
Oh I liked the animation, the girl with long black hair looks like Mio (K-on) and Tamako lol
I will give it a try once is airing :)
Apr 3, 2013 4:06 AM

Mar 2013
KyoAni is seeing the light.
Apr 3, 2013 4:11 AM

Aug 2011
Hoped for this to happen since the original CM, will watch for sure.
Apr 3, 2013 4:18 AM

May 2012
Hipster glasses
Sword in hand, a warrior clutches stone to breast. In sword etched he his fading memories In stone, his tempered skill By sword attested, by stone revealed. Their tale can now be told
Apr 3, 2013 4:19 AM

Jun 2012
okay, DEFINITELY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS! that red glasses girl is awesome!
I don't know anything, I just know what I know
Apr 3, 2013 4:19 AM

Sep 2012
bippo said:
I have absolutely no idea what is this. Just like Mondaiji and OreShura, a LN that publishes limited copies, that turn into mainstream after anime airs, might be the fate of this series if it does well. I'll keep my eye on it.
LN published by KA Esma BUnko is usually quite obscure, not least because it is sold in very few places - I suspect most of the sales go through KyoAni's own store. In this aspect it is not like Mondaiji or OreShura, which at least are much better known than this one even before they got anime adaptation.
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Apr 3, 2013 4:20 AM

Apr 2009
Oh, a meganekko. Might actually watch, if for nothing else

KyoAni, where's my swimming anime?
Apr 3, 2013 4:21 AM

Jun 2008
So there's hope for the swimming CM after all? >8D
Anyway, I'm glad for this one. I thought it was planned already and was disappointed when I found out it wasn't~
Apr 3, 2013 4:22 AM

Apr 2011
Seems interesting enough. Will watch.
Apr 3, 2013 4:22 AM

Aug 2009
mitch3315 said:
Hoped for this to happen since the original CM, will watch for sure.

The wait for the BDs will kill me.
Apr 3, 2013 4:33 AM

Jan 2012
I can't wait to watch it!!
anime and manga rule the world!
Apr 3, 2013 5:04 AM

Feb 2009
Can you rewrite the first sentence of the news post? It just feels off to read but I don't know how to explain it well. There's something incorrect in the structure and the way some statements refer to the subject of whole sentence. It probably doesn't matter I guess but I just felt that it needs to be corrected.

Also, it would probably be good to highlight "catchphrase" and "synopsis of the novel" for the post and remove the "said:". Something like:

Catchphrase of the video:
"A person like you who looks so well in glasses must not die."
"Do I look like a normal human?"

Synopsis of the novel:
"The story is about a high school student...etc"

Just my 2 cents.

Otherwise, looking forward to it. I like what I see in the video.
Apr 3, 2013 5:12 AM

Sep 2012
belatkuro said:
Can you rewrite the first sentence of the news post? It just feels off to read but I don't know how to explain it well. There's something incorrect in the structure and the way some statements refer to the subject of whole sentence. It probably doesn't matter I guess but I just felt that it needs to be corrected.
Grammatically I do not see issue, but I can see the structure may look a bit confusing so I added a few words to make the sentence clearer.

belatkuro said:
Also, it would probably be good to highlight "catchphrase" and "synopsis of the novel" for the post and remove the "said:". Something like:
Catchphrase of the video:
"A person like you who looks so well in glasses must not die."
"Do I look like a normal human?"
Synopsis of the novel:
"The story is about a high school student...etc"
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Apr 3, 2013 5:14 AM

Apr 2012
:O Saw the video last year and was really intrigued by it but got disappointed that it wasn't an anime.

Now I'm all hyped up for it! :D
Haven't watched Tamako Market yet but Hyouka was just wonderful.

Excited! :D

My forum picture is awesome. #sorrynotsorry (tumblr)

Apr 3, 2013 5:22 AM

Feb 2012
Finally, this looks like it'll show us how Kyoani does a good job with animating action scenes.
Apr 3, 2013 5:27 AM

Aug 2008
omg, finally a real supernatural anime by kyoani!
but that long hair girl ressemble to much to Mio...

the CM looks epic.
Apr 3, 2013 5:28 AM

Dec 2012
Woop woop.
Apr 3, 2013 5:34 AM

Nov 2012
Never a big fan of KyoAni , but this something I'm quite pump for!!!!!
Apr 3, 2013 5:42 AM

Jan 2008
Now I can stop telling people my sig is from a commercial that isn't getting a anime.
Apr 3, 2013 5:42 AM

Mar 2010
Amarrez said:
Can't wait for some delusional people to think that the Swimming CM might get expanded into a proper series because of this.
you can fight it all you want, but our swimming overlords are coming, it's only a matter of time
Apr 3, 2013 5:43 AM

Dec 2011
No question about it - I'm giving this one a shot.
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Apr 3, 2013 5:49 AM

Feb 2013
look intresting,, a new anime from kyoto animation..
Apr 3, 2013 5:52 AM
Sep 2012
Its not long since I´ve seen the CM and I thought it would defifinitely do as a Anime so I´m pretty happy now.
Apr 3, 2013 5:54 AM

Sep 2011
Amarrez said:
Can't wait for some delusional people to think that the Swimming CM might get expanded into a proper series because of this.

Already started.

Vylash said:
you can fight it all you want, but our swimming overlords are coming, it's only a matter of time

No one's fighting it really, it's just that the probability of it becoming an anime is next to zero. this anime is based off of a light novel, not a "CM".
Apr 3, 2013 5:55 AM

Sep 2010
This looks awesome.....
Apr 3, 2013 5:56 AM

Jul 2012
I watched this CM not too long ago and thought, "God damn it KyoAni, you're making something boring and unoriginal like Tamako Market but not something interesting like this..!?"

Looks like I'm wrong.

Either way, I'm glad it's this and not swimming anime. Actually, I'd prefer a season two of Tamako (which probably will never happen) over swimming anime.
Apr 3, 2013 5:56 AM

Apr 2010
Eh, doesn't really look too interesting. I'd rather have a Chuunibyou 2.

Apr 3, 2013 5:58 AM

Nov 2011
Finally we can call this an anime during the 8 times a day that people ask what that video is in the "what's that anime?" thread.
Apr 3, 2013 6:03 AM

May 2010
Wow, KyoAni is making anime without K-On! moe girls clones?! I won't believe it until I see it :O Well, I'm in anyway, everything by KyoAni is worth checking out <3
Apr 3, 2013 6:04 AM

Feb 2012
Awesome, I've been waiting for it.
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