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Apr 17, 2019 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
What a weird fight. I mean, slipping and almost falling to death...yeah, that's not a cool way to go down.

Looks like the episode detailed Raphtalia's past in details since her parents' death. Felt bad for her and the kids tbh with the way they were treated. It's no wonder Raphtalia hated that fat noble guy. Seeing Keel get treated like dirt by those slave traders wasn't pleasant to watch if you ask me. Oh boy, that cliffhanger.
Apr 17, 2019 7:08 AM

Nov 2018
This will be the most saddest and emotional moment episode in whole S1 aside iin last episode 4 (naofumi activated the curse series)... This is the whole Rapthalia's back story which she leave in peaceful town until the first wave is coming where Rapthalia parent dies on the cliff while she scape by falling to the sea.after that the invasion on the human kingdom that cause of most of the children captured and turn into a slave while she sell to the slave trader that they naofumi and she turn a personal BG (bodyguard) until she returned to the place to rescue Melty and other slave people including Rapthalia friends...

By the way Barney the dinosaur is already release so I want to watch the next episode (next week)
Apr 17, 2019 7:51 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
How did FUB survive being stabbed and falling out of a third floor window like that? Is he a demihuman of some sort too?
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 17, 2019 7:52 AM
Dec 2018
Damm what an episode. My only question is how best girl really dint grow to hate humans? She too pure for that world. If they treat demis this way here and in silvet they do the same to humans i wont be suprise if there a war between this countrys
Apr 17, 2019 7:57 AM
Jan 2016
I said it before but compared to Raphtelia Naofumi comes of across as an emo teenager with his "hatred" than a tragic character
Apr 17, 2019 8:11 AM

Dec 2018
Damn that CGI at the end of the episode was really bad...aside that this was an awesome episode, I really liked this dramatic tone :)
Apr 17, 2019 8:12 AM

Mar 2018
This is the best episode yet, if not one of the best episodes of the year, right up there with episode 11 of The Promised Neverland and Episode 5 of Mob Psycho 100.
Apr 17, 2019 8:22 AM

Jan 2008
The most devastating and terrifying monster, a giant CGI'd t-rex.
Apr 17, 2019 8:22 AM

Sep 2018
wall even though i knew what was coming i still ended up in tears, props to the director of this episode , VA's and music everthing was amazing without a doubt most emotional episode of this season.
well that's just my opinion.....
Apr 17, 2019 8:37 AM

Jan 2018
The only way for demi humans is to grow by leveling up or do they grow by age like normal humans? Because Raphtalia looks way older than her childhood friend.
Other than that, the episode was good with.
I hope the CGI won't be too disappointingnext episode.
Apr 17, 2019 8:39 AM

Mar 2019
I just don't understand how is possible to someone hate this episode (according to poll results)
Apr 17, 2019 8:41 AM
Jan 2019
Poor Raphtalia. I want to give her a hug. It's sweet that demi-humans adore Naofumi. I hope Naofumi will protect every one of them.
Apr 17, 2019 8:47 AM

Oct 2008
bkptools said:
I just don't understand how is possible to someone hate this episode (according to poll results)

Because it's cool to hate anything that's popular (and to continue watching it despite hating it). Every piece of art is subjective and I can very easily write up a scathing review of this episode if I wanted to (contrived, predictable, emotional manipulation, torture porn, edgy, blah, blah, blah), but I'm not going to because I'm a decent human being. The quality of a show is in the interpretation and one man's masterpiece is another man's appalling.

Farabeuf said:
How did FUB survive being stabbed and falling out of a third floor window like that? Is he a demihuman of some sort too?

He was stabbed with the mana sword, not a physical sword.
Apr 17, 2019 8:49 AM

Oct 2017
To think Raphtalia didn't kill him, she sure is pathetic.
Apr 17, 2019 8:49 AM
Mar 2019
decent episode but i am sad they changed so much stuff from the LN
Apr 17, 2019 8:53 AM

Oct 2008
Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the only edgy ones here are the haters who think it's cool to hate on a popular show for the sake of hating it? Masochism is no longer in style, you know?
Apr 17, 2019 8:56 AM
Apr 2014
Oh god why, they entirely change how Raphtalia reacted against the fat nobleman.
Apr 17, 2019 8:56 AM
Dec 2017
Why the hell were there Swedish singing in between 18:00 and like 20:48 in a japanese anime?

Here's the lyrics i heard in the song as well as a translation for you non swedish weebs

Original lyrics
‘’En annan tid, då allt fanns kvar inuti mitt bröst, det är allt som jag. Sitt fjälla fall *Character talking over the song* en polare, under din vrå och jag kan höra hur syrsan spelar. *Character talking over the song* ett annat liv, en bortglömd stad som ingen minns utom jag. *Character talking over the song* i varje träd finns sången kvar och jag kan känna hur skogen gråter.’’

My translation of the lyrics
‘’Another time, when everything were in my breast, that’s all I am. It’s scaling fall *character talking over the song* a buddy, under your corner and i can hear how the mantis plays. *Character talking over the song* another life, a forgotten city that no one remembers except me. *Character talking over the song* in every tree, the song still exist and i can feel how the forest is crying.’’
DarVoxApr 17, 2019 9:48 AM
Apr 17, 2019 9:00 AM

Nov 2016
Dang, this episode felt cheap as fuck. Misery porn at it's finest along with a SAO tier villain. I like this series, I really do, but this was rather meh.

Having that said, I'm only human and despite my gripes with this episode, I eventually still felt sorry for Raph.

Ah and to see that guy getting stomped by the T-rex made also up for a lot xD

I also can't say it often enough, but the ending song is so great.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 17, 2019 9:00 AM

Mar 2014
After all that crying it was a relief when the ugly bastard got crushed by a T-rex

Also lots of little details make more sense about Raphtalia now from the early episodes. Like how amazed she was at the little flags in her kid's meals
Apr 17, 2019 9:10 AM

Mar 2017
OOOOOW! My fucking heart! That was so hard to watch. Raphtalia should be so proud of herself because she didn't let her past defeat her and she's saved so many people, including Naofumi.

That part at the end there: "Nothing can stop me!".... except that massive monster u just summond...
Apr 17, 2019 9:14 AM
Aug 2017
DarVox said:
Why the hell were there Swedish singing in between 18:00 and like 20:48 in a japanese anime?

At first I didn't notice, but then as time went by I was like, *Is that a Swedish word I just heard?*.
Very bizarre indeed. Why would they even have a random Swedish song in an Isekai set in a medieval parallel world? Maybe because it sounds... foreign? I have no idea. I want to find the lyrics though, because it sounded like a lovesong or something (from the words I could hear, since it wasn't that easy to hear). Well, well, at least Sweden is getting some recognition from Japan, that is always cool.

(If someone finds the song, I would be happy if you shared it, because I want to to hear how well/badly it fits with the moment in the anime).
Apr 17, 2019 9:22 AM
Mar 2019
Satisfying to see the fatty get crushed by the horrible cgi'd rex.

Loved the episode , although I'm really curious to see how much they'll actually adapt into season 1 of this anime. Hope they keep up the good work!
Apr 17, 2019 9:37 AM

May 2018
everyone (bar filo) in our party is out for revenge now
Apr 17, 2019 9:47 AM
Dec 2017
MrMickeei said:
DarVox said:
Why the hell were there Swedish singing in between 18:00 and like 20:48 in a japanese anime?

At first I didn't notice, but then as time went by I was like, *Is that a Swedish word I just heard?*.
Very bizarre indeed. Why would they even have a random Swedish song in an Isekai set in a medieval parallel world? Maybe because it sounds... foreign? I have no idea. I want to find the lyrics though, because it sounded like a lovesong or something (from the words I could hear, since it wasn't that easy to hear). Well, well, at least Sweden is getting some recognition from Japan, that is always cool.

(If someone finds the song, I would be happy if you shared it, because I want to to hear how well/badly it fits with the moment in the anime).

Here's the lyrics that i heard from the episode

Original lyrics
‘’En annan tid, då allt fanns kvar inuti mitt bröst, det är allt som jag. Sitt fjälla fall *Character talking over the song* en polare, under din vrå och jag kan höra hur syrsan spelar. *Character talking over the song* ett annat liv, en bortglömd stad som ingen minns utom jag. *Character talking over the song* i varje träd finns sången kvar och jag kan känna hur skogen gråter.’’

My translation of the lyrics
‘’Another time, when everything were in my breast, that’s all I am. It’s scaling fall *character talking over the song* a buddy, under your corner and i can hear how the mantis plays. *Character talking over the song* another life, a forgotten city that no one remembers except me. *Character talking over the song* in every tree, the song still exist and i can feel how the forest is crying.’’
Apr 17, 2019 9:48 AM

Jun 2017
extremely disappointed about the fat guy.
The manga version was 1000% better...
(FYI: In the manga raphtalia immediatelly stabs him in the shoulder, then they have the talk and ultimately raphtalia stabs him with the magic sword, actively pushing him out the window with naofumi rescuing her from falling)
The rest of the episode was great
Apr 17, 2019 9:52 AM
Feb 2019
Loved the episode. I like how they showed Raphtalia's backstory (you can really understand why she hated that noble guy). A real step up in quality from the previous episodes and I can see Shield hero being an 8.4-8.6 if they keep it up.
Apr 17, 2019 9:52 AM
Jul 2018
Aww raph :( this eps perhaps was the one i liked the most so far
Apr 17, 2019 9:55 AM
Feb 2019
Katojana said:
extremely disappointed about the fat guy.
The manga version was 1000% better...
(FYI: In the manga raphtalia immediatelly stabs him in the shoulder, then they have the talk and ultimately raphtalia stabs him with the magic sword, actively pushing him out the window with naofumi rescuing her from falling)
The rest of the episode was great
Imagine if we got that in the anime tho
Apr 17, 2019 9:59 AM

Jan 2019
Episode was pretty good in general, Raphtalia's past is a very painful one.
Only negative thing would be that cgi dino by the end, but I've seen worst cgi in the past, so I can forget that.
Apr 17, 2019 10:01 AM

Dec 2014
well raphtalia past and all..never hough will see a T rex like this
Apr 17, 2019 10:04 AM

Jan 2011
Manly tears were cried...

My favourite character list is full, but I'm strongly tempted to swap out a waifu for Raphtalia after this episode. It's not just being smacked by the feels train at full speed, it's also what's revealed about her character and abilities with the flashback to her childhood: a cheerful, brave, and charismatic child, broken by imprisonment, torture, and slavery, taken in and healed by the shield hero.

And as much as she has been healed by the shield hero, he has also been healed by her. Naofumi isn't often honest about his feelings, but he was in this episode. I'm looking forward to the further development of his relationship with Raphtalia.

Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Apr 17, 2019 10:06 AM

Aug 2015
So many changes. It's expected but I didn't expect they'd waste a whole episode on Raph finding her friends. Next episode should be good.
So many boobs in fairy tail, it's crazy.
Apr 17, 2019 10:09 AM

Aug 2013
Felt bad for Raphtalia in this episode, the way she was treated in her past.

Apr 17, 2019 10:09 AM

Oct 2018
I don't know how, but this anime still keeps getting better and better each episode, even after 15 ones
Apr 17, 2019 10:16 AM

Sep 2018
That was an emotional ride especially when Raphtalia found out that Rifana couldn't make it. The episode did a good job establishing what kind of person she was prior to the waves and how she got to where she is now.

The one negative was the obvious CG in the CG dinosaur. It definitely looks intimidating, but the CG just clashes with the artstyle.
Apr 17, 2019 10:23 AM

Jul 2016
I feel so bad for Raphtalia..
On the other hand, BYE UGLY BASTARD!11
Apr 17, 2019 10:24 AM

Apr 2007
Fantastic episode. Raphtalia is a true gem and anyone who aims to take away her smile must be purged.
Apr 17, 2019 10:26 AM

Dec 2016
This might be the worst episode in this show yet. Nearly every aspect of the writing is contrived, cliched, or pandering; it's unmitigated schlock at this point. I can't even be bothered to list out all the cringe-inducing plot points, it's basically everything in the entire episode.

papsoshea said:
Me when watching Raphtalia's backstory and the segment when she went to save her fellow furries. The real revenge porn is only reserved for the almighty Naofumi-sama! Let's make Raphtalia the pure furry loli goddess waifu that she is, and let's also give Raphtalia her friends dream of wanting to marry the Shield Hero! One-dimensional villain trips, falls out of a castle, survives, and summons a CGI T-rex (a Dinosaur in a medieval isekai setting) who stomps him. Big scary Dinosaur, whatever will our Shield Hero do? Weak ass cliffhanger.

The absolute pinnacle of this episode was when Raphtalia found the bones of the cat loli and the camera slowly pans down to the bandage still on her skeleton-fingers. I mean... come on. Do I need to say anything else? lol
Apr 17, 2019 10:31 AM
Mar 2019
Any other swedes noticed they started singing in swedish at 18:02 - 20:49? I can translate from swedish to english for those that doesn't understand swedish.

En annan tid,
då allt fanns kvar.
Din frivolt tröst,
Det är allt som var.
Sitter jag fast,
Emellan vinder.

18:27-18:35 (Can't hear because naofumi is too loud)

Under din (???).
Och jag kan höra,
Hur syrsan spelar.
Natten (???),

18:49-19:05 (Keel too loud & Singer too quiet.)

Ett annat liv,
en bortglömd stad.
Som ingen minns,
förutom jag.
Helt utan våld,
Står (???).
Under natt och tak.
I varje träd,
är sången kvar.
Och jag kan känna,
hur skogen gråta.

(Rapthalia and Rifana talking. A few lines cannot be heard.)

En hand grep tag i min,
och där var du.
Nära (???) min (kropp?).

20:42-20:50 (Couldn't understand the last line.)

Another time,
when everything remained.
Your frivolous comfort,
it was all that was.
Am I stuck,
between the winds.

18:27-18:35 (Can't hear because naofumi is too loud)

Under your (???).
And I can hear,
the crickets playing.
The night (???).

18:49-19:05 (Keel too loud & Singer too quiet.)

Another life,
a forgotten city.
As nobody remembers,
except for me.
Completely without violence,
Stands (???).
Under night and roof.
In every tree,
the song remains.
And I can feel,
how the forest cry.

(Rapthalia and Rifana talking. A few lines cannot be heard.)

One hand grabbed mine,
and there you were.
Near (???) my (body?)

20:42-20:50 (Couldn't understand the last line.)

I'm pretty sure the song is about Raphtalia's life before, and after the wave arrived and destroyed her village, and up until Naofumi bought her off the slave trader. Beautiful song in my opinion.
Apr 17, 2019 10:41 AM
Dec 2018
I bet if keel (dog boy) was a girl all this lowly crits would be yelling "harem" all over this discussion by now as if harem anime is a bad thing.
Apr 17, 2019 10:44 AM

Dec 2016
Aniteku said:
I bet if keel (dog boy) was a girl all this lowly crits would be yelling "harem" all over this discussion by now as if harem anime is a bad thing.

I mean it could still be a harem. Keep an open mind.
Apr 17, 2019 10:51 AM

Sep 2018
Aniteku said:
I bet if keel (dog boy) was a girl all this lowly crits would be yelling "harem" all over this discussion by now as if harem anime is a bad thing.

They've been crying harem just because a male character has multiple members of the opposite sex in his party while ignoring the fact that harem anime involves female characters vying for the male MC's romantic affection.
Apr 17, 2019 10:51 AM

May 2016
Apparently they made some large changes with the material in this episode...

Probably to make Raphtalia just even more perfect (stupid) waifu-bait material. And that was fucking retarded. I'm starting to really hate this show. "Oh no I killed the person who tortured and killed my entire village, how will I ever live with myself?" Really? And the MC asking for forgiveness from Ralph because "it's the right thing to do" and seemingly taking the teacher/mentor role despite not understanding any of what she or the others went through or having really any actual grasp of the situation, that's insulting... (and done presumably for the sake of wanking off about how "cool" the MC is and his "handle" of the situation to the audience, like with most of these shitty, cheaply written isekai stories). And he really showed a lot of emotion for his close friend while she was in complete distress and confronting her past abuser/torturer... I don't know. I feel like most people in his position would have been uhhhh, upset or maybe angry? At that guy? Maybe. Instead of being otherwise entirely passive... And there's just way too many "evil for the sake of being evil" characters to justify, like that fat old guy just now (who apparently was completely different in the LN and set up at least with some power/high level) who lacked any discernable motive like every other antagonist thus far in this show.

Everything about this show's writing makes me want to hit my head against a wall. This episode had no weight to it, because none of these characters have been introduced or talked about before (or even hinted at) and I don't even like the main cast anymore - the MC's whole edgy, teenage-angsty schtick got old 8+ episodes ago and is now just cringey--he's entirely 1-note and entirely cliché now, the two lolis have the EXACT same personality (a completely forgettable one at that. Their appeal is that they're cute lolis. That's it.) and I've already spoken on Ralph - she's arguably the most basic one, being the epitome of effortless, lifeless waifu bait and completely unbelievable as any sort of actual person. There's no effort passed that of face value with anything in this show.

Apparently these are just about all rooted in deviations from the source and part of me thinks some of it might be down to them trying to appeal to the west with these tropes (at least the "killing you (mr mass child torturer and murderer) will make me as bad as you (even in self defense)" moral turd and the huge change/simplification of Ralphtalia's character for sad otaku appeal) what with this having been made with the west as a targeted demographic due to Crunchyroll's heavy involvement/backing.
ZaugrApr 17, 2019 11:17 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 17, 2019 10:53 AM
Oct 2018
Felt kind of weird watching the scene where Raphtalia confronts Rifana's corpse and noticing the song is in Swedish
Apr 17, 2019 10:56 AM
Jul 2018
Raphtalia's backstory was heartbreaking. :( She truly suffered.

I'm glad that scumbag's life came to a crushing end.
Apr 17, 2019 10:58 AM

Aug 2014
Cerms said:
Any other swedes noticed they started singing in swedish at 18:02 - 20:49? I can translate from swedish to english for those that doesn't understand swedish.

I'm pretty sure the song is about Raphtalia's life before, and after the wave arrived and destroyed her village, and up until Naofumi bought her off the slave trader. Beautiful song in my opinion.

Haha no i heard it also, Wondering what the swedish came from until I understand it was in the song it came from. Needed to replay it a couple of time. First i tought that Japanese had become so easy to understand my brain translated it on the spoot. Haha
Apr 17, 2019 11:04 AM

Aug 2008
This episode was atrocious. At first I was about to mention how God damn awful and cliche all the bullshit with Raccon Girl and Fat Bad Guy was but awful CG dinosaur sealed the deal, I'm not going to bother. Like manga, this anime started strong but is getting worse and worse as time goes. Anime is just even shittier though.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Apr 17, 2019 11:04 AM

May 2016
One of the best episodes till now, I even teared up a bit when I saw Riffana's remains so sad.. RIP.

and the fact that Raphtalia went through all that, I'm feeling rage towards this stupid country and its king. 5/5
Apr 17, 2019 11:04 AM
Nov 2018
Zaugr said:
Apparently they made some large changes with the material in this episode...

Probably to make Raphtalia just even more perfect (stupid) waifu-bait material. And that was fucking retarded. I'm starting to really hate this show. "Oh no I killed the person who tortured and killed my entire village, how will I ever live with myself?" Really? And the MC asking for forgiveness from Ralph because "it's the right thing to do" and seemingly taking the teacher/mentor role despite not understanding any of what she or the others went through or having really any actual grasp of the situation, that's insulting (done presumably for the sake of wanking off about how "cool" the MC is and his "handle" of the situation to the audience, like with most shitty, cheap Isekai stories). And he really showed a lot of emotion for his close friend while she was in complete distress and confronting her past abuser/torturer... I don't know. I feel like most people in his position would have been uhhhh, upset or maybe angry? At that guy? Maybe. Instead of being otherwise entirely passive... And there's just way too many "evil for the sake of being evil" characters to justify, like that fat old guy just now (who apparently was completely different in the LN and set up at least with some power/high level) who lacked any discernable motive like every other antagonist thus far in this show.

Everything about this show's writing makes me want to hit my head against a wall. I don't even like the main cast anymore, the MC's whole edgy, teenage-angsty schtick got old 5+ episodes ago and is now just cringey, he's entirely 1-note and entirely cliché now, the two lolis have the EXACT same personality (a completely forgettable one at that. They're appeal is that they're cute lolis. That's it.) and I've already spoken on Ralph - she's arguably the most basic one, being the epitome of effortless, lifeless waifu bait and completely unbelievable as any sort of actual person. There's no effort passed that of face value with anything in this show.

Apparently these are just about all routed in deviations from the source and part of me thinks some of it might be down to them trying to appeal to the west with these tropes (at least the "killing you (mr mass child torturer and murderer) will make me as bad as you (even in self defense)" moral turd and the huge change/simplification of Ralphtalia's character for sad otaku appeal) what with this having been made with the west as a targeted demographic due to Crunchyroll's heavy involvement/backing.

I hate the whole "If I kill you I'd be as bad as you" shit, but I guess here it makes sense since Raphtalia has never killed a person.
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