Hey everyone, this is just a forum to get to know each other. Id appreciated it if everyone participated, but you don't have to.
Basically tell us who you are what your hobbies are, and what kind of anime/manga you want to talk about!
So im Anthony call me tsunami or anything, ive been intrested in anime and manga for a while, i love romance/harem/comedy, but i like all kinds of anime so suggest anything and ill watch it, i won't turn things down. Im a junior in highschool, and i play im on the varsity football and tennis team, and iim on the swimming team. Also iv'e been a musician for years now if you want to talk about any kinds of music, bands, etc. just ask!
Oh shoot well i will just have two introductions. My name is Anthony but you can call me Aku or whatever. I really enjoy watching anime and my favorites are romance/phycological/horror/comedy or you know what i like all of them haha. I am a sophmore in high schoo. My other hobbies are sports and acting. I play Varsity Soccer, Football and Swim. In my acting life i am currently in the play footloose. I read manga but not as much as watch anime and i really love talking to people about anime or anything else so thanks to all of you that joined!l
Names Alex. 19. sophmore in College. Began watching anime when I was a Junior in High School leisurely on and off. Recently got back into it and pretty much playing catch up with alotta stuff. I play League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Diablo 3, and Diablo 2. Feel free to contact me in regards to any anime questions or username for any of the games previously listed. Cheers mates.
Name's Xpwn3ntial, you can call me Pone. Got into the cartoons when I was about 15 and haven't slowed down since. I'm in college working on my degree now. I play a lot of Dawn of War (mostly mods) and Starcraft when I feel like it. I don't really have a preference so long as it's not harem fanservice comedy.
yooooo, nice to meet you guys. My name's Elrond (yes I was named after the Elf King from Lord of the Rings >_>) and I am a sophomore in college. This is my first year watching anime but I know it will be something I do til I die. ;) I will watch any genre and have tons I plan to watch. I pretty much like anything to do with Japan. I play lots of JRPGs including quite a few that have actual Japanese voice options! Most of these games are on the PS3.
Yo, I'm AznLuffy7, but just call me Luffy or something like that. A legit name I go by is Davie. If you couldn't already tell from my username, I'm an avid fan of One Piece. To be honest, I've only been addicted to anime for a bit over a year now. Currently, I'm a senior in high school. :P
Besides watching anime and reading manga, I also like to write and draw. In addition, I do game a little(Pokemon and Tetris XD), but I don't too often. Also, I'm a huge basketball fan! :D I play a lot for fun and follow the NBA frequently.
Hey everyone, I'm Isabella and I'm a junior in highschool. I live on the East coast. I got into anime at age 11 and my favorite genres are action, slice of life, shounen, horror, physcological etc XD Well, I'm a pretty easy going person and I like making friends with fellow anime lovers, so let's chat. ^_^
Hi, im Tito and you can call me that or whatever im a freshman in high school ive been into anime for about two and a half years now i like watching Comedy/ecchi/adventure animes if you want to give me any suggestions ill watch so feel free. and i play xbox so if u want to add me do it
the name is colin or call me DeathWish, either work. i like action , horror , mystery, romance, slice of life anime's i also like to play league of legends.and read some manga. i am currently reading deathnote and pandora hearts. my favorite anime is shakugan no shana.
Hello, I am kellogs, I am a senior in college working on my degree. I was watching anime back in high school but I stopped for a time. Now I am watching it again and playing catch-up too. I like watching all sorts of genres but I like watching mystery, psychological or horror currently.
HiHi!! I have a very obsessive personality so everything I find awesome (like anime) I love it completely! I love a lot of different kinds of anime too ♥
I make cards and claims for a few different card clubs which I think is the funnest thing!!
Other than anime, I love music and have a very strict music taste :D
Come say hi on my profile if you want ;)
I'm not entirely comfortable giving my actual name out yet, so I'd just like to go by my user name or just Smadman. I probably started watching when I was a Sophomore in High School, I'm currently a Sophomore in college. I play League of Legends more consistently than other games, but I also play the occasional Board Game Online. =)
I'm also a music fan, but I haven't picked up my bass in about a year. My genres of interest keep switching, and I'm currently diving head first into the multiple kinds of J music.
My name's Austin, (but i guess i could go by Nakunai) and I'm a pretty lax guy. I have a lot of hobbies but ever since getting into anime It's taken a pretty big chunk of my free time. I'm a Steam gamer (Sly guy) and am constantly doing something. I also am very into AMVs, and have about 65-70 stored on my profile. Favorite anime i debatable, but Favorite Manga is by far Love Hina, with Chobits and Ai Kora at a tie for a close second
My name is Jason, you can call me Demonic or Hazard. I'm a senior in Junior school... I recently stumbled apon sekirei 2 or 3 months ago and I guess thats what got me on anime...I guess the way I started watching anime was when I was little watching pokemon and Yu-gi-oh & Dragon Ball.. Which at the time didn't really know they were categorized "anime" I just thought they were cartoons. I'm a playstation 3 gamer, tag: jt_flava. My favorite anime is probably Sekirei S1-S2. I play for the football team & (baseball last year). Made Varsity for baseball and I play minecraft and world of warcraft. I think that sums me up pretty well haha.
i'm not the end all be all anime guru, but i like giving out suggestions to not as known animes.
My favorite anime is Birdy the mighty : Decode, closely followed by Air Gear, with some Oh! edo rocket, and ben-to also being up there.
Other than watch anime i am currently playing CS:GO (counterstrike Global Offensive) on the esea league (the competitive side of CS)
i'm a friendly enough person just shoot me a message i'll get back to you as soon as i can.
If i had to choose some type of show as my favorite i would have to say slice of life. (Guess that's why i liked season 1 of decode over season 2)
hi im Tim i live in maine. my main activity is kayaking, i like working out and gardening and i raise chickens. my favorite anime genres are sol comedy and romance.
Hello, my name is Diana ^_^ Uhh, my age is under 18, mhm...I obviously attend school. I like Animes & Mangas! I like Vocaloids! I like music! I like...Well, there's a lot of things I like ;P
hi everyone, I am a freshman in college, and ive been watching anime ever since i was a kid (DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Zoids. Rurouni Kenshin, basically Toonami) and I got really into it when I was in 7th grade, ever since then I've been watching anime, and reading manga. My other hobbies are gaming, recently got into pc gaming, and I like to play and watch soccer.
Hey my name's Katie~ I'm 18 and a freshman in college. I've been watching anime since I was little - my favorite genres are shoujo, slice of life, psychological, horror and yaoi. ^^ I love cats a lot ♥ and I make cards/claims on MAL as a hobby right now.. xD
Howdy all! I'm Kapodaco, but please just call me Kopo. I'm a freshmen in College and have basically watched anime my entire life, but not to the same degree of passion throughout. I recently became intrigued with anime again after my buddy got me to watch Deadman Wonderland on the revived Toonami block, and ever since then, I've been on an anime viewing spree.
My favorite types of anime would definitely be Romance/Comedies, but Mysteries and Dramas are nice, too. I'm also an aspiring professional critic, so I like to be critical with the anime I watch, both good and bad. I hope to have some decent conversations with ya all.
My name is Mikenzie Noelle, I have been watching anime since I was a little kid and I discovered Gundam Wing on Toonami. I'm 18 years old and currently a senior in high school. I'm friends with a guy in my area who owns an anime store called Anime fix and I have gone to conventions with him to work. My favorite genres of anime are Slice of life, horror, romance, mystery and I like some good ecchi but honestly I'll try any genre. Feel free to message me I'm always looking for new friends. =^.^=
Hi Guys,
Im new and well to tell you about myself. Um, outside of my room i play tennis have played football and basically love playing all other sports but am not on teams for the other ones.
Now for inside my room. Um, i like to play video games like, COD, Halo, GTA, Saints row, Computer games, ect.
And i love to watch animes. To say the truth my favorite animes would have to be the ones that are, harem comedy, or harem action, and ecchi is always nice but dont like too much. uhhh... yeah :P
Hi, i just join this club :D My name is Minekoanime, you can call me Mi(which is actually my nickname at school and home), Mineko, Meow, or whatever. i been watching anime since i was about 7. Currently, i'm in 7th grade ^^ i'm 12(almost 13) anyway beside anime and manga, i love to play games, write stories, and draw. i'm hoping to become a writer, if not a manga artist. i like all kind of anime, mostly i like adventure, action, fantasy, and comedy. i'm would really love to be friends with you all, i always like talking to people ^^
Hey guys my name is Quinton I really don't care what people call me as long as its nothing bad I'm a freshman in high school i got into anime a year ago. My favorite type of anime is harem, romance, fantasy, mystery, and horror. My favorite anime has to be ether sword art online, Seitokai no Ichizon, or H20 footprints in the water. I like to write and hope one day I can write anime.
Hi I'm Kaizoku Mugiwara or you can call me Jessiechan.
As I'm sure you can guess, One Piece is my favorite series ever. I know it seems like sucha noob choice, but I have been reading it since it was first published by viz in shonen jump 2003..so yeah, 10 years. Anyway I love anime and manga and don't think that that is going to change. I know some things about anime and manga.
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My name is TechDragon and i been watching Anime....oh btw everyone calls me Tech.. I usually watch Genre's from Romance&Comedy to random Genre's i try to keep some order in my list... Also i am a big Music Fan. i like to listen to several bands.
Hey guys, my name is Joseph and I obviously like anime. I've also read some manga(not much), but mainly play Jrpgs and VNs. I also do some swimming and was in a band...I think that's about it.
Greets! My name is Chad. You can call me that or Gumplug. I'm a Helpdesk technician in the real world. Helping people makes me happy. Although most of the people I work with are derp tards. Getting that one person who is honestly satisfied by my help makes all the bad apples worth chewing through.
I've been in the anime world for ~4 - 5 years. I honestly can't remember. It was a downhill slope as soon as I got involved. Can't stop, won't stop kinda deals. Manga's much the same. I read way more than I should. Aside from work and anime I'm a hobby photographer. I have a link to my website in my profile. Stop by and browse if you feel interested. Eventually I want to go to a Con and stalk the Cosplayers with my camera. I just haven't worked up the gumption to do it.
This is way longer than I thought it was going to be, unfortunately I have to go to a meeting here at work so I'll cut this short.
hello and call me RyokoAyekaLover or just Ryoko
i've been watching anime on TV since i was like 5 but it really picked up 4 and a half years ago when i started watching online.i watch about every genre but my favorites are comedy and action/shounen.i also play a good amount video games but mainly fighters and jrpg's but i do play some others as well.
Hey all, the name I go by on the internet is Jason (honestly... don't even ask how people started calling me that) but my real name is Dimas. You could also call me Kazuki or whatever else you'd like.
Well, I'm a freshman in highschool, and I'm homeschooled. I'm more of a gamer than an anime watcher, but I tend to favor anime-styled JRPGs over other games. I also play fighting games and FPS, and all on the PS3.
Aside from that, my favorite type of anime is comedy, but I pretty much watch anything as long as it interests me.
Well, shoot, this is my first time doing an introduction, so if it sounds really bad, bear with me >_<
My name is a secret, but I do like being called Fuyu~ My main hobbies are... hmm, I don't really know. Of course, I love watching anime and reading manga, but in my outside life, I like drawing, running, or just playing basketball with my sister (actually she forces me too play basketball with her)
My favorite type of anime is action, and also some fantasy in it. I'm not a big fan of high school anime (what genre is that called?) but I've seen some really good ones of those.
Anyways, I hope to have a good time here, and it's nice to meet everyone!
^ ^
Hey everyone! My names Yannichi. c: I'm really bad at introductions, but i'll try my best. I've been watching anime for nine years. My hobbies include a whole bunch of artistic junk like drawing, painting and any DIY project I can get my hands on. I like to read, write, and watch anime of course. :P I'm 19, and will soon be attending beauty school!
My favorite anime is Soul Eater, Durarara!!, Deadman Wonderland, Ao no Exorcist, Sukitte Ii na yo, and Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun. But that is bound to change soon enough.
Anyway, I don't really know what else to say. So i'll just end it here. It's nice meeting everyone!
i plan on majoring in psychology and theology in college because i have a strong connection with helping people and religion (despite my atheism). i do not know what skills i have, but i have a real hunger to serve others. i love being able to make connections with people, hear their stories, and participate in making their lives better in anyway. Having received a jesuit education, the hallmark "committed to doing justice" really resonates with me. this year alone, i have accumulated more than 200 hrs of service, whether it be serving the homeless meals, helping the paralyzed clean their rooms, listening to stories from former homeless men as they turn their lives around, while playing a game of apples to apples, making meals for the elderly, or delivering groceries and supplies to disabled and poor people on welfare. i find that service allows me to fill the voids of my despair as i am trapped in a cycle of disappointment from the everyday misadventures of the reality of existence. being a humanist and a member of the socialist party, i often get discriminated against for my beliefs or lack of beliefs in issues such as gay marriage and god. i live for connections though, there is no greater feeling in the world to be able to create a relationship with some random person based solely on the fact that someone truly cares for someone else. i have met many great people across the U.S. and the D.R. by traveling with different human rights groups, allowing me to generate my own happiness by feeling as though i mattered in someone else's existence. i have learned much about others in ways so unbelievable and indescribable that silence is often the best way to experience the situation.i also love radiohead they got me through everything, and liverpool.
i have rededicated my life to something greater than myself after i attempted suicide 2 years ago. since then, i had to recreate myself, i lost my relationship with god, family, and friends. during my revival, i vowed to never let anyone go through the hell i went through alone, so i continue to strive for the best that i can offer. each day i try my best and accept my failures and shortcomings as part of the definition of who i am. since my attempted suicide and my now 4th year of depression, i have saved the lifes of 4 of my classmates who wanted to kill themselves, and i have become the definition of "a man for and with others"
i hate this world too, thats why i strive to change it. my rampant depression keeps me thinking negatively most of the time that i am free, like the summer,(and right now) to the point where i am consumed by hate. i dont think people think along the same lines as i do, some might to a degree, but i have never found anyone that thinks/agrees with everything i say/do. this helps breed my desire for service to an extent. my desire to change the world must start by changing myself. i remain open and willing to everyone i meet, and i attempt to not only better myself, but those around me. in truth, the world make me sad. all the hate and rape and loss of innocence tears my heart from my body, yet it fuels my lust for change. for love. love ought to show itself more in action that in words, and i hope to become the embodiment of that idea.
i think that it is the way we were raised, we were fed on white lies. we are told about all the things that we should accomplish, striving to be the best in all areas. life becomes a competition, best glorified by children. they will band together around a certain leader, and exhibit the same ideology as those they look up to. we mustn't strive for the individual, but the collective whole. we shouldnt care about who is the smartest or the prettiest or the fastest, but we should celebrate in what happens when a group can come together and produce works or arts.
too many expectations are required from us at a young age, which, in turn, becomes our philosophy. we desire the best, and can only have the best. those who fail to meet those expectations are frowned upon and looked down upon. no one ever centers a story on the man who came in 5th place. i place the blame on our media, for they corrupt our parents, who throw us into the world prematurely. i almost took my life because i failed all of my parents expectations, which i bore as my own since i did not know what i wanted in life, i was a slave to their desire for me to have the best. i attended an all male, private, expensive school, and i was required to preform certain tasks and act certain ways. it was only until i tried to kill myself that i changed. and i believe for the better.
love...people call for it, but its expression alienates you. you're sexual preference becomes a human rights issue, our desire for love causes distrust.
This is my first introduction, so it may be horrible or not. My name is Kat (short for Katherine) but you can call me Future or Link.I'm 14 years old and a freshman in High School.
I am fairly new to the world of anime. My first anime series that I watched was Tales of Symphonia OVA series, but at the time I didn't know it was anime. The series that got me into anime was Pandora Hearts.
My favorite anime series are Ghost in the Shell S.A.C, Pandora Hearts, Hellsing, Blood+, and Naruto. I generally like watching Shounen, Mecha, and supernatural anime.
I also like playing video games. I mostly play RPGs and JRPGs.
Well Hi all my name is OumaShuKun :)
Ouma or Shu is fine. I'm new to this club but not MAL.
I've watched anime back in my elementary days on Toonami, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, G Gundam etc. But ever since this summer I've fallen back in love with anime. Started with Rosario+Vampire and never stopped since!
I love the Psychological Thriller Romance genre at the moment :3
A little bit about me, Junior in high school, I do some sports.
I love to chat about anime so anyone can drop a comment on my profile and we can chat about anime :D
Hey everyone. You can call me yami for short. I'll pretty much watch anime of any genre. I'm from New Jersey. I love bowling. Currently, I am a freshman in college, majoring in chemical engineering. My favorite type of music is heavy metal. I only REALLY got addicted to anime a little over a year ago so I'm a little behind everyone else, but I'm slowly catching up.