Watched all the way through? I can't really remember... ^_^; But the newer version of Freaky Friday was on when I got up yesterday morning. (I watch more TV than movies these days. I'm addicted to my DVR.)
i didn't like it, found it abit too long, most of the fights weren't that great, over use of slow-mo, bit much with the sex scenes and didn't think they were that great and found myself looking at the time multiple times just thinking "when is it over" but it did have it's moments
oko za oko, zub za zub - eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth
Best book to movie adaptation I've seen in a while, if not ever. <3 Yeah some parts weren't true to the original but PFFFFT, THEY WERE GOOD SO I DON'T CARE.
There is nothing in this world more ugly than imperfection
The Orphanage
Red Cliff Part II
Supercop (aka Police Story III)
The Duel
Children Of Heaven
The Sky Crawlers
Beast Stalker
Orchestra Seats
Attack The Gas Station
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me
Easing my way into some more Lynch. Although this movie was a total failure, I really like it. Not a scratch on the series which I do remember watching in my early teens, a troubling time as it is without that mindfuckery.